Isham Gwin and Mary Canterbury from
Crowson's Cove on the waters of Walden's
Creek, Sevier Co., TN, |
THE "NEW" PART (since 26 Feb 2005):01--Disclaimer and Request
HOW THE PAGE APPEARED Before 26 Feb 2005 07--Old Family Outline starting with Richard Gwin and Sarah Chesley and including the only known son, Isham Gwin and Ms. "Cleveland" |
11--Old Family Outline continues (see no. 07 above) with Isham's (then)-only-known son, John Gwin and Jane Walker, and their nine known children. 12--Some Interesting Search Results on Google 13--Church Minutes a--from the Forks of the Little Pigeon Bapt. Ch., Sevierville, TN;14--Commission Book of Gov. John Sevier, 2 Apr 1796 - 16 Jun 1801 15--More about several neighbors of Isham Gwin in Crowson's Cove, Sevier Co., TN a----Henry Haggard16--DAR section on Early Baptist Churches of Blount Co. (and Sevier Co.) 17--Partial Listing of East Tennessee Militia List, Cherokee Removal 18--Gwin Cemetery, Dubois Co., IN |
This collection is a compilation of information I have received from many sources. After just a few years of genealogizing, I've only recently begun to *PROVE* any of it myself, and I finally feel I'm beginning to get the hang of it! This particular page has much information that I have cleaned up, having documented quite a bit. My goal is to eventually have it right. But there are still many gaps and much possibility for error. I still have no idea how correct some of this information is. There are probably some of you who may be sad or even angry when you read parts of this, because you know that a particular segment is wrong. But I present it here in good faith, so if you have information that substantiates, corroborates, conflicts with, expands, disproves, corrects, or complements any of this information, please share it with me, and I will gladly include your family line, add your comment, correct the error, and/or present your claim! Please e.mail me at I use an iMac, so I will probably be able to receive info sent as attachments. Thank you for visiting my site! John McDonald
1. In 1999 I became interested in my Gwin genealogy and collection I had inherited from my father's brother, Uncle James Gwin, who listed our farthest-back person in the Gwin line as a Richard Gwin who married Sarah Chesley, both of Jamestown, VA. Uncle James listed as his source The Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy, Vol. I, p. 706. | ||
2. Uncle James further listed Sarah and Richard's son as
Isham Gwin who married
a "Miss Cleveland". (I was somewhat surprised
that the Compendium's source did not know John's
mother's first name. I would later learn that she also
did not even recall correctly her last name!) In
fact, we now know (thanks to Cousin Jim Wall's discovery
of their marriage license) that Isham had married Mary
Canterbury in Montgomery Co., VA, on 30 Aug 1787. |
3. Uncle James listed Isham's son as John Gwin who married Jane Walker in Blount Co., TN, on 8 Apr 1812. I'd later find out that all nine of John's and Jane's known children had been born in and around Dallas Co., AL. | ||
4. I finally found a copy of the complete set of this Compendium (mentioned in step one above). It became obvious to me that the Compendium's source for all the information on this Gwin line was a Champe McCulloch, husband of John and Jane Gwin's granddaughter, Emma Basset. Emma's mother and John's and Jane's daughter, Sarah Gwin Basset, lived with Emma and Champe for many years, and this seemed to me to give great credence to the Compendium's information. | ||
5. John Gwin, my ggg-grandfather, told census takers in 1850, 1860, and 1870, that he himself was born in 1792 (his gravestone also lists his year of birth as 1792) in Tennessee. Yet some researchers listed him as having been born "in the Carolinas". When I learned that Tennessee did not become a state until 1796, having been part of North Carolina prior to that, it suddenly made sense to me that both were right. | ||
6. And so I set off for east Tennessee in the summer of 2003 to see what I could find that would confirm Isham's existence as John's dad. I started with John's and Jane's marriage license and certificate in the Blount Co. Courthouse at Maryville. It was right there, and I held it in my hands and had a copy made of it. This proved that they had indeed been married in this county on that date. It also showed that the person who performed the marriage was a Joseph Walker--brother of the bride and Justice of the Peace! (This raised a question which may be answered in no. 15 below.) Further search that day turned up Jane's father, Thomas Walker, as living in Tuckaleechee Cove, Blount Co. | ||
7. After two more days of searching, I came upon a publication by George and Juanita Fox which led me to a copy of the 1807 deed of an Isham Gwin to 249 acres "in Crowson's Cove on the waters of Walden's Creek" in Sevier Co., TN, which deed's microfilm was located at the Cox Museum and Archives in Greeneville ( Assuming this to be the same Isham Gwin mentioned in The Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy and therefore my gggg-grandpa, I returned home and began to expand my research on Isham. | ||
8. Collecting the deeds to as many residents of 1807 Crowson's Cove as I could find, with the help of Cousin Barb Ward and the abovementioned George Fox, I mapped out the plats of many of those neighbors' farms, thereby showing who lived next-door to whom. Two of these neighbors were a David Denton and a Kinsey Veatch. | ||
9. Some of that research in church records confirmed that Isham Gwin and Kinsey Veatch of Crowson's Cove were very active in starting and serving as elders and preachers in the Wear's Cove--aka Crowson's Cove--Baptist Church and that Isham had been called to preach in a daughter church in Tuckaleechee Cove, Blount Co., some three miles west of and just across the county line from Crowson's Cove. Then Isham and Kinsey disappeared from church records just before 1820. | ||
10. In July 2004, I went back to Sevier County and confirmed the location of Crowson's Cove with the help of Sam Maner and his staff at the Sevier County Genealogy Library in Sevierville. My plat maps lined up almost exactly with the topo map of Wears Cove, formerly Crowson's Cove. I stood on what, some 200 years before, had been Isham's land, and again returned home to post my findings online. | ||
11. That's when Jim Wall read my posts and contacted me concerning his family of Crawford, Harrison, and Orange counties, Indiana. He descends from an Isham Gwin and his daughter, Elizabeth Gwin, the latter of whom had married a David Denton, and their earliest children had been "born in Tennessee". | ||
12. Jim Wall has sent me copies of scores of documents he has come across in his research, including Isham's marriage license and will, almost all of which are posted either on this page or elsewhere in this site. Some of his research shows that his ancestor, Isham Gwin, and a neighbor, Kinsey Veatch, had helped start some Baptist churches in southern Indiana just before 1820. The Dentons were there, too. | ||
13. Isham's will provides a list of his children, but my John Gwin is missing from it. Nevertheless, there is a seven-year gap between Isham's 2nd child, Elizabeth (b. 1788 and who married David Denton) and his "third", Virginia Jane, (b. 1795). That told me that my John Gwin, b. 1792, who claimed to be the son of Isham, could easily fit between Elizabeth and Virginia Jane. | ||
14. Furthermore, there was one more person who turned out to be a brother of John: William Gwin, and another, Chesley R. Gwin, who perhaps was also. Both of these are in Dallas Co., AL, at the same time John was. So it could be that all three of these--William, John, and C. R.--fit into the above-mentioned seven-year period. | ||
15. Church records in Tennessee showed that Isham may have had a temper, he once confessing to having struck a man in anger. We do know that he was a preacher and church planter, so it would stand to reason that he would want to preside at his own children's weddings. But John and Jane were married, not in a church, but by a secular Justice of the Peace, who--perhaps as if to add insult to injury--was a brother of the bride! Then, when Isham, his ministry partner Kinsey Veatch, and his son-in-law David Denton and their families moved to Indiana a few short years later, John and Jane, William and Susanah, and Chesley and his wife all moved the other direction, to Alabama. Were these moves deliberate attempts to get as far from each other as possible? Was Isham holding a grudge in his anger against his son for not allowing him to preside at their wedding? One document that seemed to support such a theory is the list of children of Isham and Mary that ended up on this webpage; when I first encountered this list, it completely omitted John, William, and Chesley! And yet there is a seven-year gap in the listed children's birth dates where John's and William's dates of birth seem to fit perfectly. | ||
16. Aha. Now the real reason for their separation
may have surfaced. Cousin Jim Wall has sent me a copy of a section of a
history book of some of the citizens of Keokuk
Co., IA, one of whom was William W. Gwin, a grandson of
Isham and Mary. In it the author says of this William's
grandfather, Isham, that though he owned slaves himself,
he came to hate slavery, eventually freeing his slaves and
moving to Indiana, a free state, where he would no longer
be around this institution of slavery. We know that
most of his family moved to Indiana with him, including
the new families of all his married daughters, but that
sons William and John (and maybe Chesley and Isham II)
instead moved their families south to Alabama where they
would be allowed to continue holding slaves, as we indeed
know at least John and one of John's sons did.
Slavery was a hot, divisive issue, and it appears that
this was most likely the very reason for the parting of
the ways of Isham's family. 17. Perhaps the most compelling data to me is the fact that this same history book states that Isham had TEN children--not just the seven who appear in his will. |
18. In summary, we know that in 1807 an Isham Gwin did live in what was then called Crowson's Cove and today is called the Wear Valley, Sevier Co., TN. We know he had a large family and was active in Baptist churches there. We know he and many of his family moved to Crawford, Harrison, and Orange counties, Indiana, sometime before 1820, and that the abovementioned book says the reason was to escape from the presence of the hated institution of slavery. We know the names of most of Isham's children and grandchildren from church minutes in Tennessee and Indiana, Isham's will, and the probate documents that accompanied his will--and that the book states that Isham had TEN children. And we know that the man who would become my ggg-grandfather, John Gwin, who later would tell his children and grandchildren that his father's name was Isham, married Jane Walker in Tuckaleechee Cove, Blount Co., TN, about 5-8 miles west of where this Isham Gwin's land was and where Isham had preached before he left for Indiana. |
22.00--Isham Gwin, b. ca. 1770 in VA; d. Dec 1830 in Orange Co., IN; bd. Orange Co., IN; m. 30 Aug 1787 near Blacksburg, Montgomery Co., VA, [marriage data from Jim Wall's find of the marriage certificate--see yellow box immediately below] to Mary Canterbury (b. ca. 1770 [age 80 in 1850 census] in VA, d/o Samuel Canterbury; d. after 1850 census in Orange Co., IN; bd. in Orange Co.); at least 11 ch.:--John M. Gwin
Date: September 11, 2010 To: Subject: Marriage of Isham Guinn and Mary Canterberry Virginia
Marriages, 1785-1940
Groom's Name
Isham Guinn
Groom's Birth Date Groom's Birthplace Groom's Age Bride's Name Mary Canterberry Bride's Birth Date Bride's Birthplace Bride's Age Marriage Date 30 Aug 1787 Marriage Place Montgomery Co., VA Groom's Father's Name Groom's Mother's Name |
Bride's Father's
Name Samuel Canterberry
Bride's Mother's Name Groom's Race Groom's Marital Status Groom's Previous Wife's Name Bride's Race Bride's Marital Status Bride's Previous Husband's Name Indexing Project (Batch) Number M86878-8 System Origin Virginia-EASy Source Film Number 32633 Reference Number P 19 |
Date: Sun Dec 11, 2005 01:18:36 PM US/Mountain
16 TO 26; AND 1 45 & UPWARDS; FEMALES: 1 UNDER 10; 3 10 &
23.01 P O L L Y G W I N AND T H O M A S W A L K E R, J R. 23.01 P O L L Y G W I N AND T H O M A S W A L K E R, J R. |
23.01--Polly Gwin,
b. ca. 1787; d.
before 1855; bd. unk.; m. Thomas
Walker, Jr., in Blount
Co., TN; [Please click her link to see the page
we've built for Polly's and Thomas' descendants.]
[JMG Note: Children's
names are from Isham's will. Also, this Thomas Walker,
Jr. is the brother of my ggg-grandma Jane Walker Gwin.
These five sons and four daughters, then, are
double-first cousins to the children of John Gwin and
Jane Walker, 23.04 below.]
NOTE: In a wonderful, major discovery
on 22 Dec 2005, I stumbled across my double fifth
cousin, Michael Shelby Walker, who
descends through Isham Gwin Walker, 24.01 below,
and who corrected me in that this Isham Gwin
Walker's father is Thomas Walker, Jr., not Joseph (as I had originally
misstated above!) Michael has confirmed his
lineage through participating in the Walker
Family DNA Project.]
Gwin Walker,
24.02--Elizabeth Walker, b. 24.03--James Walker, b. 24.04--Thomas Walker (III), b. 24.05--Mary Walker, b. 24.06--Anderson Walker, b. 24.07--Mahala Walker, b. 24.08--Manerva Walker, b. 24.09--Houston Walker, b.
Gwin, b. 1788 (ca. 1787) in
[Sevier Co.] TN--age 63 in 1850 census of Orange Co.,
IN; d. 1858 Orange Co, IN; bd. unk.; m. David
Denton (b. 1778 in Hampshire
Co., VA--now WV--age 72 in 1850 census of Orange Co.,
IN; d. 1860);24.01--Allen Denton, b. 1804; m1. Hannah Anderson; m2. 25 Nov 1845 to Clara Foster |
23.03 W I L L I A M G W I N AND S U S A N A H B E A R D |
23.03--William Gwin,
b. unk., but prob. around
1790; d. 1833 in AL; m. bef. 26 Jun 1813 (probably in
Blount Co. or Sevier Co., TN), to Susanah Beard; 11
children (in 1830 census of Dallas Co., AL) and either one
more or else we've found the #4.08 son--we're not sure); [Please click his link to see the page
we've built for William's and Susanah's descendants.]
listed the sons below in red,
since their offspring will have kept the Gwin
surname and thus be easier to find in census
24.01--(son) Gwin, b. betw. 1810 and 1815--age 15-20
24.02--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1815 and 1820--age 10-15 24.03--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1815 and 1820--age 10-15 24.04--(son) Gwin, b. betw. 1820 and 1825--age 5-10 24.05--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1820 and 1825--age 5-10 24.06--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1820 and 1825--age 5-10 24.07--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1820 and 1825--age 5-10 24.08--(son) Gwin, b. betw. 1825 and 1830--age 0-5 24.09--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1825 and 1830--age 0-5 24.10--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1825 and 1830--age 0-5 24.11--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1825 and 1830--age 0-5 24.12--Thomas F. Gwin, b. 1831 in Dallas Co., AL; m. Mrs. Nancy (Holman) Green [Note that Thomas F. could also be the #24.08 son, especially if his biographer erred in his research of Thomas' birth year.] |
23.04 J O H N G W I N AND J A N E W A L K E R |
23.04--John Gwin, b. Nov 1792 in (then) Crowson's Cove, Greene Co., NC, (now) Wears Valley, Sevier Co., TN; d. 7 Mar 1877 in Wilsonville, Shelby Co., AL; bd. Gwin family plot, Wilsonville Cem.; m. 8 April 1812 in Blount Co., TN, by Justice of the Peace Joseph Walker (brother of the bride) to Jane Walker (b. 1794 in Blount Co., TN; d/o Thomas Walker and Elizabeth Magill); 24.01--Mary Gwin m1. Drury
H. Roark
Abel Turner;
24.02--Thomas Gwin--b. ca. 1814-1816; data unk. 24.03--Isom Gwin m. Mary Burdine Wilson; MBWG m2. John Steadman 24.04--William Gwin m. RoseAnne "Roe" Carlisle Jones Wilson 24.05--Sarah Gwin m. Louis Basset 24.06--Ann Gwin m. Joseph Lavalette Basset 24.07--Martha J. Gwin m. Jesse Comelander 24.08--Chesley R. Gwin m1. Frances E. Bell; m2. Paralee Blevins 24.09--Louisa A. Gwin m1. Mr. Gaviness; m2. Wm. J. McKnight.
23.05--Virginia Jane Gwin,
b. 1795; d. bef. 1880 in
Crawford Co., IN; bd. bef. 1880 in Walton Cem., Washington
Co., IN; m1. (in Sevier Co., TN?) to Joseph
Tipton (b. ca. 1795 in Baltimore
Co., MD; d. bef. 1828 in Bartholomew Co., IN; s/o Joshua
Tipton and Janet Shields); m2. 22 Dec 1827 in Orange Co.,
IN, to Benjamin Weathers (b.
ca. 1788 in TN; d. 14 Sep 1881 in Crawford Co., IN; bd.
Walton Cem., Washington Co., IN; m1. Ms.
Bullington); 3 ch., 8 total [Please click her link to see the page
we've built for Virginia's descendants.]
23.06--Isham Gwin II,
b. 1797; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m1. 20 Oct 1819 in
Crawford Co., IN, to Mary Likens
(b. est. 1800; d. unk.; bd. unk.); unk. ch.; m2. 1 Mar
1824--likely in Orange Co., IN--to Betsy Snowden
(b. unk.; d. unk.; bd.
unk.); unk. ch. [Please click his link to see the page
we've built for Isham II's descendants.]
23.07--Chesley? Gwin,
b. 1799? [JMG
Note: We have reason to believe that there may
indeed have been a child of Isham and Mary named
Chesley, named for Isham's mother's maiden name. When
he was born or where he would have appeared in the
birth order is beyond speculation at this point. One
theory states that the Chesley R. Gwinn who
married Levinia Clay could be this child of Isham and
Mary. But the estimated DOB for that Chesley is 1780,
some seven years before Polly--Isham's and Mary's
thought-to-be oldest--was born!]
23.08 R I C H A R D G W I N AND N A N C Y W A T K I N S |
23.08--Richard W. Gwin, b. ca. 1804 (age 76 in 1880 census) in (what was almost certainly Crowson's Cove, Sevier Co., NOT Lincoln Co.) TN; m. 10 or 12 Apr 1824 in Harrison Co., IN, to Nancy Watkins (b. ca. 1807--age 73 in 1880 census--in KY; both parents b. in MD); lvg. in Independence, Montgomery Co., KS, in 1880 census (age 76); [Please click his link to see the pages
we've built for Richards' and Nancy's descendants.]
23.09--Nancy Gwin,
b. 1805; m. Squire
Houston; [Please click her link to see the pages
we've built for Nancy's and Squire's descendants.]
Note: Three of Isham's and Mary's
daughters--Nancy, Sarah, and Mahala--married three
Houston brothers--Squire, William M., and John B.,
23.10--Sarah Gwin,
b. 1806; m. William
M. Houston [Please click her link to see the pages
we've built for Sarah's and William's descendants.]
Note: Three of Isham's and Mary's
daughters--Nancy, Sarah, and Mahala--married three
Houston brothers--Squire, William M., and John B.,
Gwin, b. 1807, m.
Elijah Wright [Please click her link to see the page
we've built for Minerva's and Elijah's descendants.]
Gwin, b. ca. 1808 in TN; m. John B. Houston [Please click her link to see the page
we've built for Mahala's and John's descendants.]
Note: Three of Isham's and Mary's
daughters--Nancy, Sarah, and this Mahala--married
three Houston brothers--Squire, William M., and this
John B., respectively.]
1850 Census of Orange County, Indiana
Res #
Fam #First Name Last Name Age Occupation Prop.
ValuePOB Other John Gwin's Comments 35-35 David DENTON 72 Farmer 50 VA
I believe this is the same David Denton who bought land in Crowson's Cove (Sevier Co., TN) from Susanna Richardson in 1807 and who allegedly married Isham Gwin's daughter Elizabeth and moved to Indiana. If this is true, then he is John Gwin's--the John Gwin of Cahaba who is buried in Wilsonville, AL--brother-in-law.
Elizabeth DENTON 63
I believe this is Isham Gwin's daughter Elizabeth, sister of John Gwin who married Jane Walker in the Wear Valley and moved to Alabama. If I'm right, then she is my ggg-grandaunt. 36-36 Thomas DENTON 30 Farmer 200 IN Can Not
Read Or
WriteI believe this is the seventh-born son of David and Elizabeth for four reasons: living next door, same surname, approximate right age, and a son, Isom, who has the same given name as his grandfather--if I'm correct. Also if I'm right, then he is my first cousin four times removed
Fanny M. DENTON 30
unk. CNROW
Rebecca DENTON 9
I believe these five children are my second cousins thrice removed and that this one was named for his grandpa (and my own gggg-grandpa) Isham Gwin.
Cynthia DENTON 3
Liza Ann DENTON 2/12
33-33 Manervy RIGHT 39
600 TN
I believe this is Minerva "Manervy" Gwin: widow of Mr. Wright, tenth-born child of Isham and Mary Canterbury Gwin, sister of Elizabeth Gwin who married David Denton (res. 35 above, this census), and sister of John Gwin who moved to Alabama and is my ggg-grandpa; she has invited her mother, Mary, to move in with them to spend Mary's last years (see scenario below). In 2001, Ms. Doris Gyarmati posted on the Childers Family Forum that Manerva's husband's name is Elijah (see note immedieately below).
Ruth RIGHT 21
In 2001, Ms. Doris Gyarmati posted the following on the Childers Family Forum: I am researching the Wright family in southern Indiana, and they married into the Childers family. The following is what I have:
Elijah Wright and Manvera Gwin had two children who married into the James Childers and Sela (unknown) family:
Ruth Wright married Young Childers abt. 1852.
Isom Wright married Milly Childers abt. 1854. Located in southern Indiana.
Susan RIGHT 19
Benjamin RIGHT 14
Leander RIGHT 10
See 1880 Census immediately following.
Elijah RIGHT 5
See 1880 Census immediately following.
Mary GWYN 80
VA yes This is most likely Mary Canterbury Gwin, widow of Isham, living with her daughter Minerva, the widow Wright.
Fam. |
to HOH |
1880 |
Status |
unk. | Leander H. | Wright | 40 | 1840 | IN | Blacksmith | self | Unionville, Orange, Indiana | M | W | KY? | VA??? | I'd say the odds that these two
are the brothers listed in the 1850 census above are
very high. What makes it somewhat unbelievable, however, is that Leander could say their mother, Manerva Gwin, was born in VA and that Elijah could say IN, when--if she was born in 1809 (as she claims in 1850)--it's all but a given that she was born in Crowson's Cove, Sevier Co., TN! |
Ellen | Wright | 40 | 1840 | IN | Keeping House | wife | Unionville, Orange, Indiana | M | W | IN | IN | ||
Benajmin F. | Wright | 18 | 1862 | IN | . | son | Unionville, Orange, Indiana | S | W | IN | IN | ||
Mary E. | Wright | 15 | 1865 | IN | . | daughter | Unionville, Orange, Indiana | S | W | IN | IN | ||
Charlie L. | Wright | 10 | 1870 | IN | . | son | Unionville, Orange, Indiana | S | W | IN | IN | ||
Major C. | Wright | 9 | 1871 | IN | . | son | Unionville, Orange, Indiana | S | W | IN | IN | ||
Amey E. | Wright | 7 | 1873 | IN | . | daughter | Unionville, Orange, Indiana | S | W | IN | IN | ||
Lizzie A. | Wright | 4 | 1876 | IN | . | daughter | Unionville, Orange, Indiana | S | W | IN | IN | ||
Sarah A. | Wright | 3 | 1877 | IN | . | daughter | Unionville, Orange, Indiana | S | W | IN | IN | Sarah A. is likely named for her aunt (see next chart). |
Fam. |
to HOH |
1880 |
Status |
unk. | Elijah R. | Wright | 34 | 1846 | IN | Minister | self | Unionville, Orange, Indiana | M | W | IN | IN??? | I'd say the odds that these two
are the brothers listed in the 1850 census above are
very high. What makes it somewhat unbelievable, however, is that Leander could say their mother, Manerva Gwin, was born in VA and that Elijah could say IN, when--if she was born in 1809 (as she claims in 1850)--it's all but a given that she was born in Crowson's Cove, Sevier Co., TN! |
Sarah A. | Wright | 31 | 1849 | IN | Keeping House | wife | Unionville, Orange, Indiana | M | W | IN | IN | Sarah A. is likely the namesake for her niece (see above chart). | |
Hamilton L. | Wright | 12 | 1868 | IN | Works On Farm | son | Unionville, Orange, Indiana | S | W | IN | IN | ||
Fidellas E. | Wright | 10 | 1870 | IN | . | son | Unionville, Orange, Indiana | S | W | IN | IN | ||
Laura J. | Wright | 8 | 1872 | IN | . | daughter | Unionville, Orange, Indiana | S | W | IN | IN | ||
William P. | Wright | 5 | 1875 | IN | . | son | Unionville, Orange, Indiana | S | W | IN | IN | ||
Volney O. | Wright | 3/12 | 1880 | IN | . | son | Unionville, Orange, Indiana | S | W | IN | IN |
John, I am providing you a transcription of the will of Isom Gwin and the settlement of his estate about 25 years later, after the death of his wife. Two of my ancestors collected shares of the estate for money due their wives: David Denton, who married Elizabeth Gwin; and Benjamin Weathers, who married second Mrs. Jane Gwin Tipton.
One of the heirs was named Childers--that is interesting to me, because in Virginia one of the Gwins who was probably married to a relation of George Holmes Gwin married a Childress. In Martin County, Indiana, Isum Gwin married a Chattin--I believe that Gwins and Chattins married in Virginia.It appears that there were 9 heirs. There were only two sons listed I. [Isom] and Richard W. Gwin; there was not William Gwin shown. Unfortunately, the daughters' names are not clearly stated. I. Gwin was Isom Gwin [Junior]-- I think he may have left Indiana for Illinois. I found Richard W. Gwin living in Iowa and Kansas later on.
Best wishes,
July 4, 1988Below is typed the will and probate record of Isom Gwin my Fourth Great Grandfather, who apparently died about the end of December, 1830, in Orange County, Indiana.James T. Wall, 2511 N. Stuart St., Arlington, Virginia 22207 Telephone (703) 524-2198
* * * * * * * * * * * *
[Page] 57LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF ISOM GWIN Orange Probate Court, January Term for 1831:
Benjamin Ratcliff produced in open Court the last will and testament of Isom Gwin of which probate was made by the Reuben Whitt(en) one of the subscribing witnesses, ordered that the said will be recorded and that Benjamin Ratcliffe one of the executors named therein file bond in the Clerks office with a penalty of one thousand Dollars with Samuel Stallcup as his security and that he otherwise qualify to as as executor according to law.
In the name of God Amen, I Isom Gwinn of the County of Orange and State of Indiana, being sick and weak in body but of sound mind and disposing memory {for which I thank God} and calling to mind the uncertainty of human life, and being desirous to dispose of all such worldly estate as it has pleased God to blefs me with I give and bequeath the same in manner following that is to say
1st I give to my wife Mary Gwin all my estate both real and personal for and during the term of her natural life, except such as heretofore been provided for our maintenance and support
2ndly After the death of my wife Mary Gwin I give all my estate both real and personal except such as heretofore being provided for our support and [ma] aintenance to my children equally to be divided among them and t[o be en]joyed by them forever[Page 58]and lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my friends Benjamin Ratcliff and Elijah R. Wright executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all other former wills or testaments by me heretofore made in witness whereof I have heretofore set my hand and affix my seal this 26th of October in the year of our Lord 1830Isom Gwin
Signed sealed published and diclared
as and for the last will and testament
of Isom Gwin in the presence of usReubin Whitten
Obadiah Crandall
Concerning the preceding, in the margin opposite Obadiah Crandall's signature is written "Isom Gwin"s Will"State of Indiana } PctPersonally came before me Reubin Whitten one of the subscribing witnesses to the within will of Isom Gwin who being by me duly sworn deposeth and saith that the said Testator signed and executed this will in deponent's presence without persuasion or coercion and in his proper state of mind.
Orange County }In witness whereof I, James Collins, Jr., Clerk of the County of Orange aforesaid, have hereunto attached my hand this 6th day of Jany. 1831.
Jas. Collins Jr. Clk* * * * * * * * * * * PROBATE COURT RECORD
John Gwin's Transcription
of Photocopies of Original Record
Photocopies Provided by Cousin Mike Walker
John M. Gwin Original Comments:
More John M. Gwin Comments:
Sam'l McIntosh administrator de bonus now with the will of Isom Gwin dec. annexed comes now and on his motion It is ordered that he do first pay $3.35 subsequent costs accrued herein which he now here accordingly does -- and it is further ordered that he do pay out said surplus of $1343.00 as follows to wit:
The record of Isham's will begins about two-thirds of the way down page 457 of the record book. I have used black text to indicate text that was written on the date the will was recorded. I used red to show addenda to the record by the clerk and others on later dates.
To heirs of Elijah Wright dec. to wit:
Elijah Wright is the husband of Manerva Gwin, youngest of Isham's and Mary's children. Evidently both Elijah and Manerva are deceased, having left these six surviving children to inherit her share. Assuming this amount ($149.22) to be a "full share", and assuming that each of Isham's children would receive one full share, I will list in this column in this green the names of these children and their spouses.
01. Elijah Wright is the husband of 23.11--Minerva Gwin.
Ruth A Childers -- $24.87)
Isham's granddaughter, Ruth Wright. d/o Elijah and Minerva Gwin Wright, married a Mr. Childers.
Isom Wright 24.87)
Evidently Manerva liked her father well enough to name a son after him!
Mary Stocup 24.87)
This is the phoneticized "Stalcup", Isham's granddaughter Mary Wright's married name. She may have married a Samuel Stalcup, Samuel being named as security for the executorship of Reuben Whitten.
Benjn Wright 24.87)
Leander Wright 24.87)
Elijah R. Wright 24.87) 149.22
This 149.22 is the total of the six partial shares (@ 24.87) and not a separate full share.
To the heirs of Polly Walker, dec, to wit:
Thomas Walker is the husband of Polly Gwin, oldest of Isham's and Mary's daughters. Evidently both Thomas and Polly are deceased, having left these children to inherit her share. 02. 23.01--Polly Gwin is the wife of Thomas Walker.
Isom WrightWalker$16.58
15May1855Red Elizabeth Wright this sum Richard Radcliff $16.58
Forty-two days after the will was recorded, the clerk wrote what is shown here in non-bold red, Richard Radcliff (the only one left of Isham's originally named administrators) actually signing his own name (shown here in red boldface) to show he'd received Elizabeth's share.
7 July 1855 Rc'd of admr. by J. Payne two hundred and ninety seven dollars}
and ninety seven cents: to pay out in this distribution) A.M. Black, Ck.}
(Capt. Gwin, dec.)
This receipt is written--perpendicular to the other lines in the left margin of the book--by the clerk, A. M. Black. The third line of his note indicates that Isham Gwin was a captain, perhaps in a militia.
end of page 457
Tuesday 3rd April AD 1855
page no. 458
James Walker 16.58
Thomas Walker 16.58
Mary Walker 16.58
Anderson Walker 16.58
Mahala Walker Rd this sum Richard Radcliff 16.58
The clerk wrote what is shown here in non-bold red, Richard Radcliff actually signing his own name (shown here in red boldface) to show he'd received Mahala Walker's share.
Manerva Walker 16.58
Huston Walker 16.58
David Denton
$149.22 2/9
[James T. Wall Note: My ggg-grandfather, who m. Elizabeth Gwin, d/o Isom and Mary Canterbury Gwin.] 03. David Denton is the husband of 23.02--Elizabeth Gwin.
Benj Weathers
$149.22 2/9
[James T. Wall Note: My ggg-grandfather, who m2. Virginia Jane Gwin Tipton, d/o Isom and Mary Canterbury Gwin.] 04. Ben Weathers is the husband of 23.05--Virginia Jane Gwin.
I. Gwin
$149.22 2/9
05. 23.06--Isom Gwin, Jr., m2. Betsy Snowden, m1. Mary Likens.
J. B. Huston & wife
$149.22 2/9
06. This is now known to be a THIRD Houston brother, John B., who has then married still another Gwin sister, 23.12--Mahala Gwin, since she, too, has received a full share!
Squire Huston & wife
$149.22 2/9
07. Squire Houston is the husband of 23.09--Nancy Gwin. There's no indication here that he collected Nancy's share.
1857Richard Gwin Red. of clk. my share, RWGwin
$149.22 2/9
08. 23.08--Richard Walton Gwin married Nancy Elizabeth Watkins. In 1857, Richard was living in Washington Co., IA, some 350 miles away from where his mother died and her will was probated.
10June1856Re'd ofWilliam Huston AM Black clk this sum William Huston
$149.22 2/9
09. William Houston is the husband of 23.10--Sarah Gwin. He rode some 80-100 miles to get there.
and file the receipts of said distributees for said amounts. upon which it is ordered that he be discharged herefrom. 8 May 1855. Rec of admr. by hand of J. Payne the sum of $116.06 in full of the above shares of Isom WrightWalker, James Walker, Thomas Walker, Mary Walker, Anderson Walker, Manerva Walker & Huston Walker and [illegible word] for filed--
Attest AMBlack
Evidently these three sons "left the fold" early and collected their inheritances at their departures: 23.03--William Gwin, 23.04--John Gwin, and 23.07--Isham Gwin 2. They do not appear in Isham's will, though there are sufficient gaps between the dates of birth of the other nine that allow for these three to have been born in them.
* * * * * * * * * * * *[Page] 460Wednesday 4th April 1855 Samuel McIntosh administrator de bonus n[o]n [of the, words written and lined through] with the will of Isom Gwin dec: annexed, comes now & files receipts showing he has made full payment to the said heirs of Elijah Wright who have a guardian in this court, and Isom G. Wright, Charles m. [or N?] St[a]lcup and George [?] Childers, and the receipts of Benjamin Weathers for David Denton & wife Isom Gwin, J B Huston & wife Squire Huston & wife & for the share of said Benjamin Weathers.
Ordered that all matters and things not otherwise disposed of be and he same are continued until the next term of this court, and there being no further business before this court It is ordered that the same be adjourned until the next [term] --4 April 1855
![]() |
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![]() |
Silver Composition: Believed to be Sterling ---- Maker: D.B.H. & Co. ---- Age: 1800-1849
Can you tell why I bought this early rat-tail type serving spoon on eBay? (Look at the three items in red.) It was sold to me from Zionsville, Indiana, in September 2005. The seller believes that it "is sterling or coin silver though it is not marked as to silver content. It is marked on the back side 'D.B.H. & Co'. On the front it is engraved 'Mary Gwin' in an early ornate style. Spoon is about 9" long and is in excellent condition with no real problems. There are fine lines from use, especially in the bowl as would be expected."What do you think the odds are that this is a spoon that once belonged to my gggg-grandmother, Mary Canterbury Gwin?
The Gwin families allegedly came from Wales, where the name means "white". I still believe all spellings of Gwin to be related, including Gwinn, Gwinne, Guin, Guinn, Guinne, Guyn, Guynn, Guynne, Gwyn, Gwynn, and Gwynne. I've been told the first known Gwins in America settled on the east coast in the 1740's in Virginia and migrated into Kentucky, New York, Indiana, the Carolinas, Georgia, Tennessee, and Alabama.
1.--Richard Gwin; allegedly lived near Jamestown, Virginia, said to be of Scotch Irish descent; m. Sarah Chesley; one known son: Isham/Isom.
Uncle James said he got this information from the "Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy, Vol. I, p. 706", so I included it. Finally, in Sep 2002, I discovered the complete seven-volume set of ACAG in my local library and read the entire entry myself. Now I can see the source of the article's information as none other than Richard's g-granddaughter, Sarah Gwin (John's and Jane's daughter, Louis Basset's wife and widow, Emma Basset McCulloch's mother, and mother-in-law to Emma's husband Champe Carter McCulloch--former CSA major, mayor of Waco, TX, and passionate family historian who submitted the article). This information is now much more credible to me, then, since John Gwin himself was still alive for a full ten years after his granddaughter Emma married Champe. I imagine that the wealthy Champe and Emma wrote letters to John (who, though illiterate, was always around family who COULD read and write), probably even occasionally traveling by railroad to visit him and other relatives in Cahaba, Oakleyville, and/or Wilsonville. If any reader has other documentation, please notify me--I'd love to hear from you!
I saw for the first time Richard and Sarah in an LDS IGI microfiche file at our local Family History Center. I wasn't sure how to read the documentation or even if there was any; nevertheless, three new possibly-documented pieces of data were added for me that day: 1. Richard was--again, all allegedly--born ca. 1748 in Jamestown, James City Co., VA;YET NOWHERE--not in Virginia, North Carolina, nor Tennessee, and under none of the different spellings of Gwin, could I see any indication that this couple had any children. They must have moved somewhere else--but where?
2. Sarah Chesley was born there ca. 1755; and
3. they were married there ca. 1773.
In July 2003 I traveled to eastern Tennessee and found a deed that confirmed that an Isham Gwin lived in Sevier County where he owned 249 acres in Crowson's Cove on Walden's Creek (near today's Dollywood!). As this is just the next hollow over from the one where Jane Walker's family lived, this gives me great encouragement that this Isham is indeed the father of our John Gwin who married this Jane Walker.
2.--Isham Gwin (no dates listed) m. a Ms. Cleveland; from other sources, we've heard that Isham (some spell it Isom--pronounced EYE-sum) was allegedly a South Carolina planter; some puzzle pieces seem to be coming together that may indicate at this time (Jan 2002) that Isham had at least two more sons in addition to John, below: William Gwin and perhaps a Chesley R. Gwin;
In July 2003 I traveled to east Tennessee to find out where Isham lived. All I had to go on was (1) the fact that John and Jane were married in Blount Co., TN, on 8 Apr 1812, and (2) John's testimony on three separate censuses that he was born in Tennessee. From the courthouse in Maryville, Blount Co., I got a copy of John's and Jane's marriage license. And from the Green Co. courthouse in Greenville, I got a photocopy of the microfilmed deed record where Isham had purchased 249 acres of land in Sevier Co., TN, in Crowson's Cove on the waters of Walden's Creek (Grant No. 2540 found in Book 4, p. 38). However, in mid 2004, we have uncovered evidence that shows that Walden's Creek today is not what was called Walden's Creek in 1807, when the land was surveyed and the deed was drawn up. Instead, we're now know that today's Cove Creek in Wear's Cove or Wear's Valley, the next hollow over and to the south, was then called Walden's Creek![JMG Note: I did a search on Google for Crowson's Cove which produced four hits (listed in some detail at the bottom of the page)]. The deed reads as follows (capitalization that of the writer; emphasis mine):
Canterburys of West Virginia Entries: 10715 Updated: Mon Aug 27 12:21:19 2001 Contact: Gordon K. Lacy
Canterbury Family
Index | Descendancy | Register | Add Post-em
* ID: I04952
* Name: Isham GWIN
* Sex: M
* Birth: ABT. 1757 in TN
* Death: DEC 1830
* Event: Minister Crawford Co., IN from Oct 1819 until his death, also at Bethel Church where he married his son Richard W. Gwinn
* Event: Marriages Harrison Co., IN
Marriage 1 Mary Ann CANTERBURY b: ABT. 1758
* Married: 25 JAN 1787 in Montgomery Co., VaChildren
1. Polly GWIN b: ABT. 1787
2. Elizabeth GWIN b: 1788Look at this seven-year gap! Is there not room for son JOHN GWIN to have been born here in 1792? And William? Chesley? others? --John M. Gwin3. Virginia Jane GWIN b: 1795
4. Isham GWIN II b: 1797
5. ? GWIN b: 1799
6. Richard W. GWIN b: 1804
7. Nancy GWIN b: 1805
8. Sarah GWIN b: 1806
9. Manerva GWIN b: 1807
A Brief History of the
Crowson's Cove Map Project
I found Isham Gwin's deed the summer of 2003 in Greene Co., TN, and when I returned home, I used the surveyor's data to draw a map of Isham's property. This gave me the shape of the farm, but I still didn't know exactly where on Walden's Creek it was. It mentioned the names, however, of some of his neighbors, so Cousin Barbara Ward joined in and ordered films, searched them, and found and sent me the printouts of three of those neighbors' deeds--Shields', Bennifield's, and Brickey's farms!Using their surveys, I drew these maps that show the general shapes of the respective properties of the Richard Shields, Isham Gwin, Peter Brickey, and Charles Bennifield families on Walden's Creek in Crowson's Cove, along with the names and general adjacent borders of several more of their neighbors. Our objective was to read the surveys and draw maps of the farms until we had enough clues to tell more precisely where the Isham Gwin farm was located. We did not know what to expect when we would find this, but anticipated that it might include the site of Gwin's grave.
The most obvious clue, of course, was that some of these farms were "in Crowson's Cove on Walden's Creek." But Bennifield's was not, so we believed that Walden's Creek passed through or bordered the Shields, Brickey, and Gwin farms but not the Bennifield property. In fact, we knew from Brickey's deed that one of the fence corners was located "on the creek," so we knew one point for sure through which the--or a--creek ran.
Most exciting to me, however, to this point, was the revelation from Brickey's deed that his NW boundary--what would be a single straight line almost a half mile long and shared with Henry Haggard--took a short detour around a piece of property belonging to "the meeting house." We knew from some other records (see below) that at least Haggard, Gwin, Shields were very active in the Wears Cove Baptist Church. Could this "meeting house," then, be that church?
Then came a surprise letter from friends George and Juanita Fox of NC (whose book had first enabled me to find Isham's land in July 2003 as detailed below). They, too, had been seeking the exact location of Crowson's Cove--for some time--and in April 2004, they were able to nail it down! In the surveyor's details of Peter Brickey's land grant (see map below), Brickey's NW property line is interrupted by a concave intrusion of an acre or so of neighboring property belonging to "the meeting house." The Fox's knew that this would have to be Wear's Cove Baptist Church, so they contacted the local Baptist association to see what they knew of it. The church had burned long ago, they were told, but its cemetery's location is still well known, it being the resting place of the body of Aaron Crowson, for whom Crowson's Cove is named.
The Foxes immediately traveled the short journey to Sevier Co., found and photographed the cemetery (and Crowson's grave in particular), and they're now able to proclaim the mystery of the location of Crowson's Cove as solved: the Wear's Cove Baptist Church graveyard is located in Wear's Cove on today's Cove Creek, not on today's Walden's Creek!
Having gone there myself in July 2004, I now believe that this local Baptist association was either (1) incorrect in telling the Foxes that the church was located where the Crowson Cemetery is or (2) were speaking of perhaps another later church of the same name that MOVED from the location mentioned on the 1807 deeds to the cemetery site.
Well, now we've progressed much further into the Crowson's Cove Project and have created a page of its own. Let us know what you think!
Also, if you would like to make a map using an old deed of your own,
here's how I did it.
Sevier County, Tennessee, State of Tennessee Land Grants 1806-1900 by George and Juanita Fox |
The data in the following table is gleaned from the excellent work Sevier County, Tennessee, State of Tennessee Land Grants 1806-1900, compiled and copyrighted (2002) by George and Juanita Fox , 25 Cottage Ridge Rd., Fletcher, NC 28732 (e.mail, and used here with their permission.I am greatly indebted to them, for it was through their labor that I was able to find the deed describing the land of my gggg-grandfather, Isham Gwin. I have listed here the information from several entries, all of which I believe add valuable clues to a clearer knowledge of my family.
Date |
Date |
to Whom |
Recorded |
01. | 621 | 16 Mar 1807 | Susanna Richardson | 36.5 | Crowson's Cove, Walden's Creek | none | John Hill William Gwin |
none listed | Grant #1751, Bk. 3, p. 54 | Barbara and I have found Susana's deed, and this William Gwin must be our relative. He is likely the same person we later see in the 1820 census of Dallas Co., AL, whom we believe to be another son of Isham and an older brother of John Gwin. | |
02. | 748 | 18 May 1807 | Isham Givin | 249 | Crowson's Cove, Walden's Creek | none | none listed | none listed | Grant #2540, Bk. 4, p. 31 | This is clearly our Isham Gwin, my gggg-grandpa. (If there is a single flyspeck over the first downstroke of the "W" in Gwin, it is very easily mistranscribed as Givin as was understandably done here! :-) (see line 12) | |
03. | 782 | 28 Jan 1807 | Charles Gwin | 51.5 | Guest's Creek | none | none listed | none listed | Grant #2504, Bk. 4, p. 30 |
All these must be Gist's Creek, which starts about 7 miles NNW of where Crowson's Cove is. It generally follows Sugarloaf Rd. east, Goose Gap Rd. north, Chapman Hwy. east, and the Old Knoxville Hwy. north to where it joins the Little Pigeon River just before it empties into the French Broad River just west of the Cobb Town Rd. bridge. Charles T. Gwin must be a relative, but we have not yet been able to connect him. (See also lines 7, 11, and 14 this table.) | |
04. | 794 | 26 Mar 1807 | William Hatcher | 160.25 | Crowson's Cove, Walden's Creek | none | none listed | none listed | Grant #623, Bk. 1, p. 623 |
We've located this William
Hatcher's deed, and he shares a property line
about two city blocks long with Richard Shields and
a corner with Shields, Brickey, and Haggard
(see map above and lines 6, 8, and 10 below).
The Connection in East Tennessee names him as the father of the Elijah Hatcher who marries Jane Walker's sister Rebecca in 1819. (Jane Walker is Isham Gwin's daughter-in-law, John Gwin's wife, and our ggg-grandma.) See our Walker page. |
05. | 858 | 5 May 1807 | William McCamy | 29, 1 rod 7 perches | on Knob Creek below the fork. | Benjamin Chandler, John Guin | Benjamin Chandler, Hugh Cowan, Andrew Cowan | none listed | Grant #1411, Bk. 2, p. 505 |
John Guin is probably Isham's son John Gwin, Barb's and my ggg-grandpa, who, in 1807, would've been about 15 years old, the age of many a chain carrier of the day. | |
Date |
Date |
to Whom |
Recorded |
06. | 870 | 25 Mar 1807 | Henry Haggard | 180 | Crowson's Cove, Walden's Creek | none | none listed | none listed | Grant #1402, Bk. 2, p. 497 |
Could this be Merle's ancestor? Regardless, he is clearly Peter Brickey's neighbor to the northwest. The line they share is interrupted by a tract of land referred to in Brickey's deed as the "Meeting House" property, land now known to be that of the Wear's Cove Baptist Church. | |
07. | 274 | 26 Jun 1807 | 6 Oct 1808 | Daniel Farley | 84.75 | Guist Creek | none listed | none listed | Matthew Farley, Charles Gwin |
Bk. 1, p. 274 | Gist's Creek (see my comments, Row 3). |
08. | 988 | 18 May 1807 | 9 May 1810 | Richard Shields | 134.25 | Crowson's Cove, Walden's Creek | none listed | none listed | Isham Gwin, joined
with William Hatcher, Peter Brickey |
Bk. 2, pg. 114 | Richard Shields and Peter Brickey are mentioned by name in the description of Isham Gwin's land (see map and deed above) and were clearly next-door neighbors. |
09. | 1645 | 18 May 1807 | 20 Jun 1810 | Charles Bennifield | 25 | Crowson's Cove | none listed | none listed | Guin line, Veach line | Bk. 2, pg. 693 | Mentioned in Isham Gwin's deed as running adjacent to his land. Charles Bennifield and Gwin share over 17 chain (some one-fifth mile) of property line. A Nathan Veach shows up in church records of the region with Isham Gwin and also later with an Isham Gwin in Indiana. |
10. | 2575 | 21 Mar 1807 | 31 Jul 1812 | Peter Brickey | 124, 2 rods | Crowson's Cove, Walden's Creek | none listed | none listed | Charles Coulter, Amerine, Joshua Guin,Richard Shields, Hatcher, Henry Haggard | Bk. 4, pg. 15 | Deed found and platted (see above). "Joshua" Guin is a
mistranscribed Isham Gwin.
J's and I's were made exactly the same, and often the
curlicue associated therewith could be mistaken for an
O. The S and H are the same in both names, and the A
unclosed at the top in haste is easily an A, etc.
From Isham's deed, this is George Amerine, whose deed has not been found as of Dec 2004. Haggard's (see line 6 above) and Coulter's deeds have been found. |
11. | 2504 | 24 Jun 1807 | 5 Aug 1812 | Charles Gwin | 51, 2 rods | Gesses | none listed | none listed | David Nelson | Bk. 4, pg. 30 | Gist's Creek (see my comments, Row 3 above). |
12. | 2540 | 18 May 1807 | 5 Aug 1812 | Isham Guinn | 249 | Crowson's Cove, Walden's Creek | none listed | none listed | Peter Brickey, George Amerine | Bk. 4, pg. 31 | See map above. We've not yet found George Amerine's deed (we expect to soon), but he shares 45 chain (over half a mile) of fence line with Isham and about a third as much with Brickey. |
13. | 2553 | 14 May 1807 | 5 Aug 1812 | John Guinn | 47, 3 rods | academy tract, Second Knob Creek | none listed | none listed | none listed | Bk. 4, pg. 32 | Could this be our John Gwin, son of Isham? If so, he was only 15 years old when he was granted the land. I speculate that this may not have been uncommon, though, in the case of the children of such wealthy landowners as Isham. However, this could also be a brother to Isham and thus the uncle of ourJohn Gwin, son of Isham. |
14. | 2546 | 27 Aug 1807 | 5 Aug 1812 | David Nelson | 47, 3 rods | Guesses Creek | none listed | none listed | Guinn line | Bk. 4 pg. 62 | Gist's Creek (see my comments, Row 3). This Guinn line must be that of Charles Tellis Gwin (see lines 3, 7, and 11 above). |
15. | 23320 | 2 Mar 1838 | 17 Dec 1839 | Johnson Adams | 8.5 | Wears Cove | none listed | none listed | Isham Givens, J. Matore | Bk. 23, pg. 422 | This is our Isham Gwin again. Wear's Cove and Crowson's cove are the same. While we've not yet found Mr. Adams' deed, his property could easily have been adjacent to Isham Gwin's. |
Some Good Communication:
From: "John M. Gwin" <>
Date: Sun Aug 10, 2003 08:36:34 AM US/Mountain
Subject: Gwin family in Crowson's Cove, Sevier Co., TNGeorge and Juanita Fox
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Fox:
Thank you SO MUCH for the time and money you have spent compiling and publishing your book, Sevier County, Tennessee, State of Tennessee Land Grants 1806-1900.
Using it in the Knoxville Library's Archives last month, I was able to finally find (in Greenville's Archives) the deed for the 249-acre-farm "in Crowson's Cove on the waters of Walden's Creek" of my gggg-grandpa, Isham Gwin!Please take a look at how I want to use some of the information in your book concerning other people (whom I believe to be directly related to each other somehow) I also found in your work.
The table I constructed contains data I gleaned directly from your work, and I'd like your permission and blessing to use it there.
If you have time, please take a quick three minutes and look at this table to see if it meets with your approval. It's at <>
Thanks again for all your work and for any assistance you can give me in developing this line further.Sincerely, and
In Jesus,
John Gwin
========================================================From: "George Fox" <>
Date: Mon Aug 11, 2003 04:46:27 AM US/Mountain
To: "John M. Gwin" <>
Subject: Re: Gwin family in Crowson's Cove, Sevier Co., TNJohn,
Thanks for your kind e-mail. You have our permission to use the information found in our book.
You have done a lot of work on the on the Crowson's Cove area. I hope when you visit the area you make use of the Genealogy Dept. of the Sevier County Library. The people there try very hard to be helpful. The head guy, Sam Maner, is developing into an expert on the area. He answers the queries sent to the Sev. Co. Library web site.
Wonder if anyone has mapped out the plats for the cove. There was a lady, a Ms. Wells, who mapped many of the plats in Sevier County (don't know about Crowson's Cove). Sam was in the process of acquiring her documentation.
Anyhow, I am excited to know another person working on early Sevier Co. history. Because of the courthouse fire, I feel people have a tendency to "give up" too easy. As you know, there are still many sources.
Hope you continue your work. Make sure Sam knows so he can share with other researchers. Many people can benefit from your work.Best,
George (& Juanita) Fox========================================================
23.00--John Gwin (middle name unk.)--b. 7 Nov 1792 (from his gravestone--see photo) in TN (then NC--per his report to the 1850, 1860, and 1870 AL Census takers of Dallas Co.--possibly (and I believe he was) born in Crowson's Cove on Walden's Creek in Sevier Co.,); d. 7 Mar 1877 at Wilsonville, AL; m. 8 Apr 1812 (age 19.5) in Blount Co., TN, by Joseph Walker (Jane's brother, and Justice of the Peace) to Jane Walker, (b. ca. 1794; d. at Cahaba after 1864 and before 1870 census; bd. at New Cem., Cahaba, Dallas Co., AL, beside her dau. Louisa A. Gwin McKnight (see note "I" below); d.o. Thomas Walker, Sr., and Elizabeth Magill, both of Virginia); nine children; in 1860 Dallas Co., AL, Census, John, 68, and Jane, 66, were living in the home of W. G. Grice, 32, a carpenter b. in SC, and his wife, Eliza Grice, 20, b. in AL, along with Walter J. Roark, 15, and Elizabeth Comelander, 15 (two of John's and Jane's grandchildren, Walter being Daughter Mary's son and Elizabeth being Daughter Martha's daughter).
24.01--Thomas Gwin--b. ca. 1814-1816; data unk.
24.02--Mary Gwin--b. ca. 1816; m1. 27 Dec. 1838 to Drury H. Roark; m2. on 17 May 1849 to Mr. Abel Turner
24.03--Isom Gwin, b. Mar 1817 in AL territory; d. 7 Dec 1853; m. Mary Burdine Wilson; MBWG m2. 28 Jan 1859 to John Steadman
24.04--William Gwin (18 Dec 1820--29 Apr 1889); m. 12 (13?) May 1842 Rosann "Roe" Carlisle Jones Wilson
24.05--Sarah Gwin (ca. 1826--31 Mar 1885); m. 18 Mar 1841 to Louis Basset
24.06--Ann Gwin (ca. 1827--1845); m. 19 Jan 1843 to Joseph Lavalette Basset
24.07--Martha J. Gwin (ca.1828--unk).; m. 22 Apr 1847 to Jesse Comelander
24.08--Chesley R. Gwin; (ca.1828--after 1880); m1. 20 Mar 1850 Frances E. "Fannie" Bell; m2. a widow, Mrs. Paralee (nee unk.) Blevins
24.09--Louisa A. Gwin; (ca. 1829-30--b. bef. 1830 census); m1?. Mr. Gaviness; m2?. on 17 May 1849 Mr. Wm. J. McKnight.
Meanwhile, Henry and Dolly (Randolph) Haggard continued to live in the forks of the Little Pigeon River. This area of Jefferson County in 1793 was formed into Sevier County named in honor of John Sevier. (A Sevier County was formed in 1785 by the State of Franklin but only lasted as long as the state). The site for the county seat, to be named Sevierville, was chosen at the forks near the Baptist Church. The town grew rapidly.
The Haggards lived at the forks for about 16 years. It was here that their remaining children (Martin, Lucy, and Nancy) were probably born. The Sevierville County courthouse burned in 1856, destroying the deeds, wills and other important records. Henry served as delegate from the Forks of the Little Pigeon Baptist Church to the Association Meetings from 1790 to 1794, and 1800, 1802, and 1805.
Their children Noah, Martin, Lucy, and Nancy, were apparently
still at home about 1807 when Henry and Dolly moved from
Sevierville five miles to the southwest. Here "in Crowsons Cove on
the waters of Walden Creek", Henry had surveyed on 25 March 1807,
180 acres adjacent to Aaron Crowson, William Crowson, Mr.
Hatcher and Cove Creek. He paid $180 ($1/acre); the
patent was issued 1 June 1810. The land description given above,
which appears in the patent, implies that Henry's land was in
the forks of Walden and Cove Creeks.
FRIAR | John Senior | Grant # 937 |
GEORGE | Edward | Grant # 724 |
GIDDIN | James | Grant # 750 |
GIVIN | Isham | Grant # 748 |
GIVIN | John | Grant # 734 |
GIVIN | William | Grant # 760 |
GREEN | George | Grant # 743 |
GWIN | Charles | Grant # 782 |
HAGGARD | Henry | Grant # 870 |
HAGGARD | Henry | Grant # 1401 |
HATCHER | Jno. | Grant # 504 |
HATCHER | William | Grant # 794 |
SHADRICK CASTEEL-140 acres-Knox County-on Stock Creek
beginning on a white oak corner with JACOB HOOSONG, MOR corner, GIVINS line, MARY BLACK’s corner-CC
THOMAS ANDERSON-207 acres-Knox County-on Knob Creek
beginning on a post oak corner with JAMES MOORE, leaving MOORE’s
line then with CASTEEL’s line, GIVIN’s
Surveyed June 17, 1807
SUSANNA RICHARDSON-36 1/2 acres-Sevier
County-Crowsons Cove waters of Waldens Creek-CC None
Surveyed March 16, 1807 Assigned to DAVID DENTON consideration $200
January 6, 1808 Witnesses JOHN HILL and WM.
GWIN [JMGwin Note: I now believe this David Denton to be
the husband of Elizabeth Gwin, one of the oldest
daughters of Isham Gwin and older sister to John
Gwin (the John who married Jane Walker). David and Elizabeth moved to
Indiana with Isham; John and Jane moved to Dallas
Co., Alabama, with his brother William (above-named
witness to the property sale). ]
WILLIAM GWIN-56 acres-Knox
County-on ___?___ Creek beginning on a white oak on THOMAS
June 18, 1807
acres-Cocke County-on Big Pigeon River beginning at a pine on
JAMES ROMINE’s line, up the river opposite the dwelling house on
the bank of the river, continuing up the river, corner to
GEORGE KELLY, his line, KELLY’s corner, corner to JAMES ROMINE,
his line-CC BURLEY DODIBY and JAS. ROMINE Surveyed May 9, 1807
#348 [JMGwin Note: 738]
ISHAM GIVIN [JMGwin Note: Isham GWIN, my gggg.grandpa] -249
acres-Sevier County-Crowson's Cove waters of Walden's Creek-CC
None Surveyed May 18, 1807
acres-Sevier County-Guests Creek-CC None Surveyed June 20, 1807
WILLIAM McCAMY-29 acres 1 rod 7 perches-Sevier County-on
Knob Creek below the fork-CC BENJ. CHANDLER and JOHN GUIN Surveyed May 5, 1807
Assigned to MARTIN HOUK consideration $218 February 1, 1808
Witnesses BENJAMIN CHANDLER, HUGH COWAN and ANDREW COWAN [JMGwin Note: I understand that the CC stands for "Chain
Carriers", two (usually young) men who moved the 66-foot
surveyor's chain at the surveyor's direction and whose names
usually appeared on the deeds. The above-mentioned John
Guin may have been Isham Gwin's son and my ggg-grandpa,
who would've been fourteen-and-a-half years old on this survey
date and living only about ten miles south of this land on Knob
GEORGE KELLEY-84 3/4 acres-Cocke County-on Big Pigeon River
beginning at a beech and elm corner to WILLIAM
GUINN, up the meanders of the river, corner to
GODSEY and JAMES ROMINE Surveyed May 9, 1807
35. HENRY Haggard REV. (NATHANIEL Haggard , JAMES
Haggard , ANTHONY Haggard , PETER ) was born 27 Mar 1745 in ,
HANOVER, VA. He died 1842 in , BIBB, AL. HENRY
about 1766 in , ALBEMARLE, VA. DOROTHY was born in , CHESTERFIELD,
VA. She died 1813 in CROWSONS COVE,
On page 35 of Ray Brickey's "Brickey Heritage" is listed the
Gerard Brickey married Amy Compton. Their daughter,
Elizabeth Brickey (listed as being born 5-9-1791) in East
Tn., Holston River area. married to Samuel Coleman
and had 12 children. Died 1809. Some of the dates in Ray's book
are not correct...Unfortunately, Ray. went no further with the
female lines. However, Gerard Brickey (m Amy Compton) is the son
of John Brickey and Mary Garner, 2nd Jane
Scott. John Brickey's father was Peter Brickey m Winifred
Lucas, and Peter's father was John Brickey I,
Immigrant from France. There is much more information that I don't
have on the computer yet. I would have to send via US post office.
Will be glad to share with you!
I would love to have an outline of this family to add to my files.
Elizabeth Jane's siblings were:
John C. Brickey m Lydia Smith,Unfortunately, Ray did not index his book and is now deceased. I can give the address where to order his book if you are interested. I have put together a book, also (loose leaf, and in need of re-typing) over 300 pages. I did include as much on female lines as I could, but do not think it has anything on Eliz. and Samuel Coleman. We have the same Brickey family, but different lines.
Sally Bush Brown;
Mary Brickey m John McAdams,
Thomas Dobkins;
Lydia Brickey m Edward Millsap;
Jeremiah Brickey m Frances North,
Mrs. Wisor;
Elizabeth Brickey and Samuel Coleman;
Peter Brickey m Nancy Sutton;
Nancy Ann Brickey m Joseph Chadbourne, and
William Brickey who married Cynthia Atkinson.
I am looking for family who are researching the Shields family of Sevier County, Tennessee. My line is from Richard Shields (War of 1812 vet) through his son Jesse William Shields (Mexican and Civil Wars vet), who died sometime around 1869, somewhere in Alabama, purportedly a town named Mosbey, which doesn't seem to exist.
Date: Thu Oct 30, 2003 11:13:05 AM US/Mountain
Subject: Mary Jo Guinn's query on John B. Guinn Sevier Co., TNGUINN, VARNELL
Need information on the John B. GUINN family.
John B. GUINN married Sarah VARNELL on 25 Nov. 1807 in Sevier Co., TN.
They had several CHILDREN:Mary Ann Guinn, b. 1813 in Sevier Co;.The family moved to McMinn Co. sometime during the period of 1820-1830. I would appreciate any information and gladly share any that I have. Thanks so much for all of your help.
Charles Tellis Guinn, b. July 4, 1821 in Sevier Co:.
John (Jesse) Pierce Guinn, b. Dec. 24, 1825 in Sevier Co:.
Matilda Guinn,;
Sarah Guinn,;
Covington Guinn,;
Mary Jo Moore -- 16 Thimbleberry Ct. , The Woodlands, TX 77380
Submitted on Sat Mar 7 09:15:40 EST 1998
An interesting link:Tennessee State Library and Archives -- Historical and Genealogical Information
------------------------------------------------------------------------LETTERS OF THE TENNESSEE GOVERNORS
JOHN SEVIER 1796 - 1801 ( Part 1 )
Dear Mr. Gwin,It was with great pleasure I received your regular mail inquiry, although I can contribute no information on Richard Shields you asked about. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing such beautiful handwriting. I'm keeping that letter!
About my Shields work…some years ago I did a lot of research for a doctor here in town so he could get into SAR. He is now deceased, and I gave every piece of Shields information I'd gathered to his daughter, who lives some place in Dallas but isn't really interested in doing any research or was not last time I heard of her. There was not a Richard as part of their ancestry, though, that I remember.
One thing I noticed on looking over your great website for your Gwin family was that Isham Gwin married a Miss Cleveland. I might point you toward a source to check. You mentioned South Carolina roots for part of the family, and it brought to my mind an ancestry done on a southern line of Clevelands, Colonel Benjamin Cleveland, a Revolutionary War figure. I wonder if maybe Miss Cleveland might be part of this family. If so, you might find something in that genealogy book, a very small one, done on that Cleveland family; it's available through your FHC. This particular southern line is not the line of my Moses Cleveland, (a northern one), although they're probably related somehow in England years and many more back. I was just thinking it might be good to put a sort of tracer on old Colonel Benjamin Cleveland, or whatever his first name is, and see where he went and see if any Gwins are around. Just a passing thought to give you on Clevelands. Looking into the early Cleveland history of Benjamin might lead to Gwin info, the proximity thing. A Google search will get you to Vickie Cleveland's pages, and she has the most info online on that name.
I hope you enjoy your holidays, and I’m so sorry I really can't help you about Richard. There were a world of Shields men, and as many spellings of the name. Big families, spread out all over. I had a really tough time finding his.
Good luck with your work,
Billye D. Jackson
WALTER REED SCOTT, 88, of Sevierville, Tenn., formerly of Memphis, retired from the Tennessee Valley Authority, died Sunday at Fort Sanders-Sevier Hospital in Pigeon Forge. Services will be at 11 a.m. today at Forest Hill Funeral Home Midtown with burial in Forest Hill Cemetery Midtown. He was a member of First Baptist Church of Pigeon Forge. Mr. Scott, the husband of Mae Scott, also leaves two daughters, Sandra Alexander of Germantown and Becky Long of Memphis; a son, Gary Scott of Lakewood, Colo.; a stepdaughter, Vickie Cleveland of Sevierville; a sister, Mary Rawlings of New Port Richey, Fla., six grandchildren, and a great-grandchild.,1426,MCA_561_11-13-2003,00.html
(GREEN - GYER), Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Colo NOTE: I've deleted most of these entries, keeping only a select few. If you need to view them all, please go to Thanks. John Gwin Donated to the Colorado Archives by the Pikes Peak
Genealogical Society. The original listing was Compiled by Athlyn Luzier and was published by the Pikes Peak Genealogical Society See the USGenWeb Copyright Notice at the end of the file. Evergreen Cemetery is at 1005 S. Hancock Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80903. EVERGREEN CEMETERY
LAST NAME FIRST NAME BIRTH DATE DEATH DATE BURIAL DATE LOT# COMMENTSEVERGREEN CEMETERY --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---- -------- GWIN ISHAM G. 18 OCT 1918 T-070 GWINN HARRY M. 1887 03 MAY 1928 T-072 GWINN JOHN ANDREW (ANDRE) 19 JUN 1965 -012 GWINNUP DIXIE KAY 22 SEP 1962 24 SEP 1962 T-012 GWYN WILEY HORTON 1887 30 JUL 1911 T-061 GWYNN EDMISTON 08 DEC 1887 -040 =================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be
reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by
other organization or persons. Persons or organizations
desiring to use this material, must obtain the written
consent of the contributor, or the legal representative
of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb
archivist with proof of this consent. The
submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives
to store the file permanently for free access.
Hi Again,
Found this reference to an Isham Gwin:
"I am descended from Isham Guinn/Isom Gwin
who was a Baptist preacher at Tuckaleeche Cove, Blount Co., TN
about 1809 and at Sevier Co., TN around 1810. He later was
a Minister of the Gospel in Harrison and Crawford and
Orange? counties.He was preacher at El Bethel Baptist Church,
Crawford Co., Indiana until 1817 and at Providence
Baptist Church in Crawford/Orange, In., until his death
around 1830. He was listed in a book listing Baptist preachers,
printed in Boston, MA in 1811.
Isham served in the Montgomery Co., Militia, Va in
1787. He m. around 1787 to Mary Canterberry, d/o of Samuel."
This was signed by James T. Wall
( dated April 29, 2002, so it's not too
James lives in Arlington, Va (703-524-2198)
I know that your uncle James B. Gwin's records
state that our Isham Gwin was married to Ms. Cleveland, but
Cleveland may have been a second wife. It's worth checking out.
I know you said there were a lot of Gwins/Guinns in that area,
but I didn't see any more "Ishams".
Why don't you contact him and see if we can connect.
Good luck!
From: "Barbara L.Ward" <>
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2004 18:11:02 -0800
To: "John Gwin" <>
Subject: Isham Guinn #2
Hi John,
I looked again at your land grants and saw that Isham Givens
(Guinn) was a witness to a deed in 1839, so that must mean
that he's not the Isham Guinn that I wrote about a couple days ago
that relocated to Indiana. I did check out the Canterbury
site and see that maybe he wasn't our guy after all from your
Been checking the 1840 census on any Guinn/Gwin's who were
still in the area.
Found only one that had anyone of the age of Isham. There was a
William Guinn (20-30) with a older male (70-80) and female
(60-70) residing with them. This very well could be Isham residing
with son William. I couldn't find this William in the 1850 census
Sevier County.
1840 stuff:
There was a John Gwin (30-40)
Nancy Guinn (30-40) with a older female (70-80)
James Gwin (age 30-40)
another James Gwin ? ((20-30)
Found Richard Shields ( (40-50)
And found Johnson Adams (Isham witnessed his deed with J. Matore)
Couldn't find J. Matore even tho it was only one year later (1839)
Adams was age bracket 50-60.
Did you know that Jane Walker's sister Rebecca married William
Hatcher's son Elijah (of the Hatcher Papers).
Catch you later,
From: "Barbara L.Ward" <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 23:59:11 -0800
To: "John Gwin" <>
Subject: Package on its way tomorrow
Hi John,
Putting your Connections book in the mail tomorrow along
with some material that I think you're going to like. I didn't
want to go into it in an email; needed to write it out. I'm pretty
sure I found where our Isham Guinn went after Sevier Co., TN. You
might have seen the queries regarding an Isham Guinn being a
Baptist preacher in Tuckaleeche Cove. Well, I did find quite a bit
of material from the Tennessee Baptist Convention in Jonesboro
(Washington Co.), TN 1810-1810. He indeed attended this convention
as a minister/messenger. Don't know which but he is listed from
1803-1810; Tuckaleeche first and in 1810 Wears Cove. Also sending
census records for Isham Guinn and his neighbor Nathan Veach along
with material from Crawford County, Indiana on Elders Isham
Guinn and Nathan Veach (these two coming previously
from Sevier Co.).
Let me know when you get the package. I am sending it regular
Take care,
JEFFERSON COUNTY AND SEVIER COUNTY TENNESSEE OCTOBER 1797 TO SEPTEMBER 1828 Church Book A History of church Government owned and Espos,d bus. the under Subscribers * Holding believers baptism by Immersion, original Sin, Unconditional Election, Effectual calling free Justificationaly the Instituted Righteousness of Christ, The perservering power of God's grave in the Soul, a progressive work of Sanctification, The forgiveness of Sin, The Resurrection of the body, and final Judgment by Jesus Christ. Owning the baptist confession of faith Reprinted in Philadelphia in the [year of] our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty two as the best human composition taking the Scriptures of the old and new testament as the only rule of faith and practice, taking the over-sight of Each other, praying with and for Each other according to our Lords holy Commandment iming (sic) at the prosperity of Zion. Second - We believe it to be our duty to assemble our selves to gather on all Convenient opportunities to Worship God, And in an Especial manner not to be neglect the filling our seats at our Monthly meetings met with out Lawful Reasons Third - As touching private trespasses we believe to be our duty to take the Lords holy Institute as given in the Eighteenth of Saint Matthew That is if thy brother trespass against thee tell him his fault between thee and him aloan repent forgive him but if he neglect to hear thee...with the one or two more that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be (unreadable) but if he neglect to hear them (unreadable). Fourth We believe that Jesus (unreadable).
Date: Fri Jun 23, 2006 05:52:49 AM US/Mountain
Subject: Isham Guinn/Isom Gwin, Baptist preacher - my fourth great-grandfatherI am providing information on my ancestor showing his involvement in the Primitive Baptist Church in Eastern Tennessee in the early 1800s. -- Jim Wall
Delegates from Sevier County Churches to Tennessee Baptist Association 1803-1862Elaine R. Wells and Beulah S. Linn, Sevier County Historian
A copy of the original 345 page handwritten manuscript entitled "Minutes of the Tennessee Association of United Baptists 1802-1862" in the Carson Newman College Library was transcribed and typed by Elaine R. Wells of Clabourne, Texas, courtesy of Mr. Al Lang, archivist. The typed 282-page document is now in the Carson Newman College Library.
The Tennessee Association Minutes record the activities of the association, the names of delegates from the churches and whether or not the association received a letter from the church. The letter recorded the number of members received by experience or letter, the number of letters of dismission, the number of members excommunicated, the number of members deceased and the total membership.
Family historians will find the names of many delegates whose name has not been preserved in census records.
The minutes begin with page 3 recording the plan of the association and end with the minutes of the October meeting in 1862.
Wears Cove Baptist Church1810 Isham Guin, Richard Davis; 1811 Henry Haggard, Charles Coulter; 1812 Parsons Davis, John Wood; 1813 Noah Haggard; 1814 Noah Haggard, Joshua Sims; 1815 Noah Haggard; 1816 Thomas Walker, Mignon Boaz; 1817-1824 none; 1825 Christopher F. Winder; 1826 C.F. Winder; 1827 minutes missing; 1828 R. Davis, W. Davis, E. James; 1829-1830 Edward James; 1831 minutes missing; 1832 J. Adams, D. Cunningham; 1833 J. Rush, D. Cunningham; 1834-1835 D. Cunningham; 1836 J. Adams, T. Ridings; 1837 D. Cunningham, G. Bryant; 1838 C. Cunningham; 1839 M. Cunningham, D. Cunningham; 1840 J. Adams, G. Bryant; 1841 D. Cunningham, J. Adams; 1842 D. Cunningham, J. Patty, M. Cunningham, W.M. Compton; 1843 J. Adams; 1844 none; 1845 Johnson Fancher, William Adams; 1846 D. Cunningham; 1847 D. Cunningham, W. Adams; 1848 D. Cunningham; 1849 W. Hatcher, W.M. Compton; 1850 J. Adams, 1851 J. Patty, M. Compton; 1852 A. Cook; 1853 P. Headrick, J. Patty; 1854 none; 1855 J. Fancher, A. Salts; 1856 Alexander Salts; 1857 J. Fancher; 1858 J. Headrick, G. King; 1859 J. Headrick, L. Fancher; 1860-1862 none.
Churches -- Delegates -- October 1805:
5. Tuckaleechee -- Isham Guinn, Wm Davis, John Friar --
of Governor John Sevier April 2, 1796 - June 16, 1801
Taken from Mr. Sam Maner's transcription of Ms.
Rebecca Knox's transcription of this book: NOTE: I have copied the complete transcriptions for Blount and Sevier Counties from this webpage, not to detract from its excellence but to(1) protect the contents by providing another source for it, This publication follows verbatim the original book containing entries of the initial Commissions issued by John Sevier, the first Governor of Tennessee. Pages 1 through 8 contain entries of commissions issued to Judges of the various Superior Courts of the State; Attorneys General of the 3 Districts; Licenses issued to Attorneys-at-Law to practice in the various Courts of the State; United States Senators; the Representative to Congress; State Treasurers, 1 for each District; Secretary of State; Commissioners appointed to represent Tennessee at U.S. Treaties with the Indians; an Adjutant General for the State; a Major-General and Staff for the Militia of the State; 3 Brigadier Generals, one for each District; and Brigade-Majors and Field and Staff Officers for the regiments of Infantry and Cavalry. Page 8 through 51 contain Commissions, both civil and military, for County Officers; Justices of the Peace; Sheriffs; Coroners; Field and Staff Officers for the regiments of Infantry in each County; and the Cavalry Company attached to each regiment. All male inhabitants and indentured servants 18 to 45 years of age, with certain exemptions, composed the Militia of the State and should they fail to report for the various musters they were subject to a fine. There was a Major-General of Militia for the State, and 3 Brigades, 1 for each District. Each Brigade was commanded by a Brigadier-General who appointed his own Brigade-Major. The Brigades were made up of regiments of Infantry, 1 for each county and 1 company or troop of Cavalry for each regiment of Infantry. A regiment of Infantry was commanded by a Lieutenant-Colonel-Commandant, 2 Majors, and an Adjutant. Each Infantry company which consisted of not less than 40 nor more than 80 privates was commanded by a Captain, 1 Lieutenant, 1 Ensign, 3 Sergeants, 2 Corporals, 1 Drummer and 1 Fifer. A company of Cavalry consisting of not less than 12 nor more than 40 privates, was commanded by a Captain, 1 Lieutenant, 1 Cornet, 3 Sergeants, 3 Corporals and 1 Trumpeter. The muster grounds were used for holding musters, paying taxes, holding elections, and other official community gatherings. Each company was divided into divisions, numbering from 1 to 10, for the purpose of regular routine duty when called into service. The Index was prepared by Robert T. Quarles, Jr., Director of the Archives Divison, Tennessee State Library and Archives. by The Tennessee Historical Commission Nashville Members of the Tennessee Historical Commission Daniel M. Robison, Chairman Other Members Ex Officio John Clack, William Henderson Junior, Robert
Calvert, Joshua Guest, Abraham McCleary, Andrew Cowan,
Joseph Vance, Robert Pollock, Adam Wilson, James
Riggin, Alexander Montgomery, Jessee Griffin and Isham Guin
commissioned Justices of the Peace,
April 23rd 1796. page 42-------------------------------------------- William Henderson of the County of Sevier commissioned Lieutenant in the regiment of cavalry, of the district of Hamilton, during his good behaviour, October 4th 1796. Robert Henderson of the County of Sevier commissioned Cornet in the regiment of cavalry of the district of Hamilton, during his good behaviour, October 4th 1796. William Richardson, John McClung, Adam Fost, Robert McGill, Alexander McLaughlin, Josiah Rodgers and Andrew Cowan commissioned Captains in the regiment of Sevier County during good behaviour, October 10th 1796. Joseph Dickson, John Campbell, Grieph Thomas, James Handy, Richard Crowson, Samuel Blair and George Rogers commissioned Lieutenants in the regiment of Sevier County during good behaviour, October 10th 1796. Philemon Higens, Ralph Campbell, Daniel Lemon, Robert Prentice, William Walroud, James Creaton, Archibald Alexander commissioned Ensigns in the regiment of Sevier County during good behaviour, October 10th 1796. William Henderson Junior of the County of Sevier commissioned a Captain in the regiment of cavalry of the district of Hamilton, during his good behaviour, August 16th 1797. Vice Josep Evans promoted. James McMahan, James Baxter, Allan Bryan and John Dixson commissioned Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Sevier during good behaviour, November 2nd 1797. Thomas Buckingham Junior commissioned Sheriff in and for the County of Sevier, for the Term of two years from July Ultimo, August 2nd 1798. John Toomey commissioned Coroner in and for the County of Sevier for the Term of two years from May Sessions 1798, August 2nd 1798. William Davis commissioned a Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Sevier, during good behaviour, January 5th 1799. John Mahan commissioned a Captain in the regiment of Sevier County during good behaviour, April 4th 1799. John Williams commissioned a Lieutenant in the regiment of Sevier County during good behaviour, April 4th 1799. Abraham Mulendore and James McGauhy commissioned Ensigns in the regiment of Sevier County during good behaviour, April 4th 1799. James Shields commissioned Captain in the regiment of Sevier County during good behaviour, May 1st 1799. Henry Simmons commissioned a Lieutenant in the regiment of Sevier County during good behaviour, May 1st 1799. Daniel Duggan and David McDaniel commissioned Ensigns in the regiment of Sevier County during good behaviour, May 1st 1799. Nathaniel Buckingham, Nathan Veitch, James Furguson and Robert Armstrong commissioned Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Sevier, during good behaviour, October 26th 1799. John Mahon commissioned second Major of the regiment of Sevier County during good behaviour, May 3rd 1800. page 43------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thomas Buckingham commissioned Sheriff in and for the County of Sevier for two years from the May Sessions of the Court of the said County in the year 1800; July 9th 1800. Flail Nicolas commissioned Coroner in and for the County of Sevier for two years from the May Sessions of the Court of the said County in the year 1800; July 9th 1800. Jacob Layman commissioned Captain in the regiment of Sevier County during good behaviour, July 30th 1800. Obediah Mathews commissioned Lieutenant in the regiment of Sevier County during good behaviour, July 30th 1800. Thomas Pete and Edmond Woldridge commissioned Ensigns in the regiment of Sevier County during good behaviour, July 30th 1800. Robert Henderson of the County of Sevier commissioned Captain in the regiment of cavalry of the district of Hamilton during good behaviour; August 22nd 1800. Vice William Henderson resigned. William Miller Junior of the County of Sevier commissioned Lieutenant in the regiment of cavalry of the distric of Hamilton during good behaviour, April 20th 1801. Isaac Clarke Junior of the County of Sevier commissioned Cornet in the regiment of cavalry of the district of Hamilton during good behaviour, April 20th 1801. Jeremiah Barns and Flail Nicholas commissioned Captains in the regiment of Sevier County during good behaviour, June 16th 1801. Stephen Lovelady commissioned Lieutenant in the regiment of Sevier County during good behaviour, June 16th 1801. Jesse Lovelady commissioned Ensign in the regiment of Sevier County during good behaviour, June 16th 1801. Blount County Andrew Bogle, Joseph Black, William Davidson, Andrew
Miller, William Lowry, George Ewing, William Wallace,
John Wallace, Samuel Houston,
James Greenaway, Mathew Wallace, William Hamilton, John
Cochran, John Tremble and Thomas Galahor commissioned
Justices of the Pease during their good behaviour April
23rd 1796. page 8------------------------------------------------------------------------ George Snider commissioned Cornet of the Volunteer troop of cavalry of Blount County during his good behaviour, November 8th 1796, provided the General Assembly, shall at their next session by a Legislative act, approve and sanction the same. James Gillespie commissioned Captain in the regiment of Blount County during his good behaviour June 8th 1797. Norton Gum commissioned Lieutenant in the regiment of Blount County during his good behaviour, June 8th 1797. Luke Hall commissioned Ensign in the regiment of Blount County during his good behaviour, June 8th 1797. Richard Dearmond commissioned Ensign in Captain Rheas company in the regiment of Blount County during his good behaviour vice John Kelly, June 8th 1797. Andrew Woods, Robert McCulley, John Singleton, Andrew Thompson and Barclay McGhee commissioned Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Blount during good behaviour November 2nd 1797. Joseph Colville commissioned Sheriff in and for the county of Blount for two years from the 13th of June Ultimo, October 4th 1798. James Gillespie and Joseph Tedford commissioned Justices of the Peace in and for the county of Blount during good behaviour, January 5th 1799. Lewis Nelson and David Coldwell commissioned Captains in the regiment of Blount county during good behaviour, March 29th 1799. Thomas Adams and Umphrey Montgomery commissioned Lieutenants in the regimsnt of Blount county during good behaviour March 29th 1799. Edmond Casteele, William Durham and Jonathan Bice commissioned Ensigsn in the regiment of Blount county during good behaviour, March 29th 1799. Richard Dearmond, Thomas Morrisson and John Sherrell commissioned Lieutenants in the regiment of Blount county during good behaviour, May 25th 1799. Matthew McClenahan, George Broyls and Reuben Rogers commissioned Ensigns in the Regiment of Blount county during good behaviour May 25th 1799. Alexander Montgomery and John Cowan commissioned Captains in the regiment of Blount county during good behaviour September 26th 1799. Samuel Norwood commissioned a Lieutenant in the regiment of Blount County during good behaviour September 26th 1799. Prettyman Jones commissioned an Ensign in the regiment of Blount county during good behaviour September 26th 1799. Richard Dearmond commissioned a Captain in the regiment of Blount county during good behaviour, October 23rd 1799. John Woods commissioned an Ensign in the regiment of Blount county during good behaviour, October 23rd 1799. James Campbell, John Tedford, William Burk, John Allison, William Gillespie, James Gillespie and William Young commissioned Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Blount during good behaviour, October 26th 1799. Reuben Rogers commissioned Lieutenant in the regiment of Blount county during good behaviour, April 8th 1800. page 9------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eli Griffitts commissioned Ensign in the regiment of Blount county during good behaviour, April 8th 1800. William Burke commissioned Sheriff in and for the County of Blount for two years from the thirteenth day of this Instant June; June 11th 1800. James McGinley, John Kelley, John Allison and James Gillespie commisioned Captains in the regiment of Blount county during good behaviour, September 17th 1800. Moses Hues, Joseph Alexander, James Wattson, James Weir, Solomon McCampbell and William Walker commissioned Lieutenants in the regiment of Blount county during good behaviour, September 7th 1800. Moses Reves, Nathaniel Bigham, Samuel Hose, Robert Donaldson, John McRandels, Robert Parsons, and James Gailey commissioned Ensigns in the regiment of Blount county during good behaviour, September 7th 1800. William Durham commissioned Lieutenant in the regiment of Blount county during good behaviour, January 6th 1801. James Taylor and Hugh Bogle commissioned Ensigns in the regiment of Blount county during good behaviour, January 6th 1801. David Lovelice and Matthew McClanahan commissioned Lieutenants in the regiment of Blount county during good behaviour, June 16th 1801. Ahimaaz Reagan, Andrew Hannah, and Peter Snider commissioned Ensigns in the regiment of Blount county during good behaviour, June 16th 1801. Searchable database provided by the Owen County Historical and Genealogical Society, courtesy Roger Peterson, archivist. For printed material regarding any individual in the database, the Owen County Society's Publications webpage may be contacted directly [H E R E]. Use the [FIND] button of your browser to localize the name you are searching. It is not necessary to enter the entire name if the spelling is difficult to determine; however the button will not check alternative spellings. You may find it necessary to move the FIND window out of the way to see the result. The format of the database is "Person; Person; Date of Marriage; Minister." Not all marriages will appear twice due to splitting of the database. Groves, Michel; Ervin, Mary Ann; Apr 11, 1831; License, no return |
in 1807 Crowson's Cove: the Haggards, Amerines, Hatchers, Loveladys, Boazs, Veatches, Brickeys, and Dentons Henry Haggard 15b.
A partial listing--containing names of interest to John Gwin-- LAST-----------FIRST----------------OUTFIT
of Sam Maner's transcription found at
East Tennessee in the
Cherokee Removal Militia List Alfa
DENTON Isaac Caldwell Co.-1 Mtd Inf Pvt
DENTON Isaac Caldwell Co.-L Reg Mtd Vol Pvt
DENTON Jefferson Hurst Co.-1 Mtd Mil Pvt
DENTON Jonas Terry Co.-1 Mtd Inf Vol Pvt
GUINN Abram Hudlow Co.-1 Inf Pvt
GUINN Allman Boyd Co.-1 Inf Pvt
GUINN William Waterhouse Co.-1 Bat Mtd Inf Pvt
GUINN William K. Talbott Co.-2 Mtd Inf Pvt
GWIN Allman Boyd Co.-1 Inf Pvt
GWINN David Cherry Co.-L Bat Mtd Inf Pvt
GWINN Daniel Cherry Co.-L Bat Mtd Inf Pvt
GWINN George Dossett Co.-3 Bat Inf Pvt
HAGARD Martin Elliott Co.-L Bat Mtd Inf Pvt
HAGGARD Martin Elliott Co.-L Bat Mtd Inf Pvt
HATCHER Armstard Hurst Co.-1 Mtd Mil Pvt
HATCHER Armstead Hill Co.-2 Mtd Inf Pvt
HATCHER Charles W. West Co.-2 Mtd Inf Vol Pvt
HOUSE George F. Cannon Co.-1 Mtd Inf Vol Pvt
HOUSE Henry C. Cannon Co.-1 Mtd Inf Vol Pvt
KEENEY Joseph Cannon Co.-1 Mtd Inf Vol Pvt
KEENY James Cherry Co.-L Bat Mtd Inf Pvt
MC GILL Walter Cannon Co.-1 Mtd Inf Vol Pvt
PACKARD Wm Cooke Co.-3 Bat Inf Pvt
RENFRO Mark Peak Co.-2 Mtd Inf Pvt
RENFRO Ransom Cunningham Co.-L Reg Mtd Vol Pvt
RENFRO Robert Cunningham Co.-L Reg Mtd Vol Pvt
RENFROW Thomas Vernon Co.-1 Mtd Inf Pvt
ROARK Isell Farris Co.-L Bat Mtd Inf Pvt
ROARK John ? Co.-L Bat Mtd Inf Pvt
ROARK William F. Neely Co.-3 Bat Inf 4 Corp
SHIELDS Daniel Cannon Co.-1 Mtd Inf Vol Pvt
SHIELDS George Caldwell Co.-L Mtd Vol Pvt
SHIELDS Richard West Co.-2 Mtd Inf Vol 1 Lt
TALLENT Jeptha Caldwell Co.-L Reg Mtd Vol Pvt
TALLENT Thomas Caldwell Co.-L Reg Mtd Vol Pvt
TALLENT Greenbury W. Parham Co.-3 Mtd Inf Pvt
TIPTON David B. Morrow Co.-1 Mtd Inf 1 Lt
TIPTON J?? Hurst Co.-1 Mtd Mil Pvt
TIPTON Jacob Boyd Co.-2 Mtd Mil Pvt
TIPTON Jacob Cunningham Co.-2 Mtd Mil Pvt
TIPTON Jacob B. Morrow Co.-1 Mtd Inf Pvt
TIPTON John Caldwell Co.-1 Mtd Inf Pvt
TIPTON John Cunningham Co.-2 Mtd Mil Pvt
TIPTON Jonathan Morrow Co.-W Mtd Inf Ensign
TIPTON Nathaniel Powell Co.-1 Mtd Inf 3 Corp
TIPTON Reuben Powell Co.-L Reg Mtd Vol Pvt
TIPTON Samuel P. Powell Co.-1 Mtd Inf 2 Corp
TIPTON Thomas Morrow Co.-1 Mtd Inf Pvt
TIPTON William R. Mc Clellan Co.-2 Mtd Inf Pvt
WALKER Anderson W. Scrugg Co.-2 Mtd Mil 1 Sgt
WALKER Elisha Gillespie Co.-2 Mt Dinf Pvt
WALKER Hiram Cunningham Co.-2 Mtd Mil Pvt
WALKER Isaac Wallace Co.-3 Bat Inf Pvt
WALKER James ?. Cunningham Co.-2 Mtd Mil Pvt
WALKER Jeremiah Terry Co.-1 Mtd Lnf Vol Pvt
WALKER John W. Cherry Co.-L Bat Mtd Inf Pvt
WALKER Mordion Boyd Co.-2 Mtd Mil Pvt
WALKER Robert E. Mc Millin Co.-1 Mtd Mil Pvt
WALKER Robert E. Morrow Co.-L Reg Mtd Vol Pvt
WALKER Samuel Prigmore Co.-1 Mtd Mil Pvt
WALKER Thomas B. Roger Co.-2 Mtd Mil Sgt
WALKER William Scrugg Co.-2 Mtd Mil Pvt
WALKER William Hill Co.-1 Inf Pvt
WALKER William F. Peak Co.-L Reg Mtd Vol Pvt
WALKER William ?. Wild Co.-L Bat Mtd Inf Pvt
Re: Denton David 1817 TN/Bolt
Posted by: Mary Morris Goldman (ID *****4310)
Date: July 19, 2005 at 12:05:47
In Reply to: Re: Denton David 1817 TN/Bolt by Betty Palmisano #2392 of 2445Betty, I am a descendant of David Denton and Elizabeth Gwin thru their son George Denton and Arritta Weathers, their son Harmon/Hirman Denton and Sarah Trusty, their daughter Mary Emily Denton and William W. Cornwell, and their daughter Hazel Belle Cornwell and George Lafe Morris. I would like information on Thomas Denton and wife Elizabeth.
Date: Wed Dec 14, 2005 08:41:07 PM US/Mountain
JimFrom: "Hugh or Evelyn Jackson" <>
Date: Wed Dec 14, 2005 08:22:50 PM US/Mountain
To: <>
Thank you so very, very much for the record of Isham Guinn. I now have proof for another supplemental to the Daughters of 1812 through my mother's side. I have one on file for David Jones, and my membership is through Theadore Ctalin on my father's side. So thank you again.I am Indiana State Chaplain of the Daughters of 1812 and presently serving my own chapter, Jonathan Jennings, as treasurer and will be chapter president the next term. I am also presently researching those from Harrison, present day Crawford and present day Washington County who served in the War of 1812. This research includes the date of birth, date of death, where buried, to whom married and names of children and their spouses. Today I found at the John Hay Center where there were 30, so it is an awesome task. The national society wants to compile a book similar to the patriot Index in DAR.
I also found out at the Center today where Ben Weathers had set a marker at the Walton Cemetery for Virginia Jane Gwinn Tipton. Now if I could just find out who and if my Sarah Tipton was related to Joseph--ej
Evelyn Harper Jackson
3765 Totten Ford Road NW
Depauw, Indiana 47115-8252----- Original Message -----
Cc: ; ; ;
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 11:09 AM
James T. Wall
2511 N. Stuart St.
Arlington, VA 22207-5163
(703) 524-2198; cell (703) 980-2358
Re: Issac Houston, born Abt. 1770 and family
Posted by: James Stevenson (ID *****8914)
Date: March 03, 2005 at 13:35:58
In Reply to: Issac Houston by Richard Houston
of 3942 GoI have an Isaac Huston, wife Elizabeth, and their children. One of the children was Isaac, born 1802 who married Louisa, last name unknown, children unknown. My file shows Isaac born KY. The patriarch Isaac Huston/Houston was born about 1770. His first daughter, Jane, was born 1794 and married my great-great-great grandfather John Stevenson of Hardin County, KY on Sept 11, 18. Isaac lived in Hardin County KY near John Stevenson, and Isaac is buried in Bacon Creek, KY. Several of the family moved through Indiana, to Cass County, Illinois.
Here is what I have:
Descendants of Isaac Houston
1. -- Isaac1 Houston, b. Abt. 1770; d. in Bacon Creek, KY; m. Elizabeth (nee unk.; d. in Hardin Co.?, KY?); 7 known ch.2 -- i. -- Jane2 Houston, b. 1794; d. 26 Dec 1847 in Brown Co., IL; m1. 22 Sep 1811 in Hardin Co., KY, to John Stevenson (b. ca. 1786 in IN?; d. WFT est. 1819-1877); m2. (from FTM Marriages IL & IN:) 11 Mar 1822 in Harrison Co., IN, to William L. Dehart (b. 1801; d. 1852 in Brown Co., IL)Followups:3 -- ii. -- William M. Houston, b. 1798; m. 28 Nov 1820 in Harrison Co., IN, to Sarah Gwin
4 -- iii. -- Rachel Houston, b. ca. 1800; m. 09 Sep 1817 in Jeffersonfville, Clark Co., IN, to Zachariah Downs
5 -- iv. -- Squire Houston, b. 1800; d. Mar 1882 in Brown Co.(?), IL; m. Nancy Gwin 27 October 1822 in Orange Co, IN; b. ca. 1805.
6 -- v. -- Isaac Houston, b. 1802 in Kentucky. He married Louisa.
7 -- vi. -- John B. Houston, b. 1805 in KY; died 1861. He married (1) Mahala C.; born 1808 in Tennessee; died 1880 in Iowa. He married (2) Mahala C. Gwin.
8 -- vii. -- Uriah Houston, b. 12 Feb 1813 in KY; d. 09 Apr 1885 in Cass Co. (?), IL; m1. Harriet Barker; m2. Harriet Barker 05 Jan 1837 in Schuyler Co., IL; d. 05 Apr 1875.
* Re: Issac Houston, born Abt. 1770 and family Richard Houston 3/07/05
© 2005, Inc.
Gwin Cemetery -- Located in Dubois Co., IN, on the northern edge of Harbison Township, northeast of Haysville--(Latitude: 382931N, Longitude: 0865332W)Click on Link A to go to a topographical map of the area (with the Gwin Cemetery at its center).
Link A:
Using this map, I measured out the following directions to reach the Gwin Cemetery:
Take U.S. 231 north from Jasper in Dubois Co. to Haysville. At the center of town, 231 will intersect state route 56, which take to the east exactly one mile (it will bear south as you approach the edge of town, then return to an east bearing). On your left, you will see a small road going up the hill to the NNE, which follow exactly one-half mile (yes, it will turn to one-lane dirt--stay with it!). The cemetery is about 750 feet up the hill to your right--due east from where you parked your car--atop the ridge overlooking the river.Immediately below is the link to the TerraServerUSA satellite photo image of this same area--Link B. If you open two windows on your screen--one for the satellite photo and the other for the topo map--you can see that the cemetery is atop this heavily wooded ridge in the midst of prime farm country. The road mentioned above appears to likely be a private road going to the two farms that are clearly visible in the photo. Therefore, perhaps a better route to the cemetery may be to continue farther east on Rt. 56 about half a mile past the abovementioned turnoff on the left to the next turnoff to the left, parking your car somewhere along this little blocklong road near the barn in the photo, then walking on in, skirting the field on its west side and going past the large pond area into the woods. It appears to me that one would greatly profit from the use of a GPS to find the cemetery going either route.
Link B:
I used the following Link C to find Links A and B above. There is a wealth of information here regarding this area:
Link C:
Which Gwins are buried here? Who will find it? Who will chalk the faces of the tombstones and photograph them for me?
From: Gerald Ulrich <>
Date: Fri Feb 03, 2006 07:13:26 PM US/Mountain
Subject: Gwin cemeteryJohn:
Today I called Dubuois County Historical Soceity at 812-482-3074 -- I spoke to John, and he said there were only three stones remaining in the Gwin Cemetery.David H. Gwin 26-March-1817 14-December-1849There may be as many as fifty or sixty other graves marked only with field stones and no names are available.
His wife
Sarah A. Gwin 4-March-1824 9-March-1854
Their son
David H. Gwin 1-February-1849 11-September-1854
Ila Jean Ulrich
To: John Gwin <>
Subject: Re: Gwin Cem. in Dubois Co.
Hello John.
I have been to the cemetery you refer to. I went
up there about two years ago. This was indeed a family plot;
there are three people buried in this area.
I was a little shocked at the condition of the plot; one stone was lying down, and one was in three pieces; all are readable. They are in a group of trees and covered with broken limbs and weeds.
I am going to have to dig my paperwork out and get you the info on the stones. There are a father, mother, and young son buried there. OK, they are:
David H. Gwin
16 Mar 1817
14 Dec 1849Sarah A. Gwin
4 Mar 1824
9 Mar 1854David H. Gwin
1 Feb 1849
11 Sep 1854From what I gathered from the county office in Jasper, the father of the boy and family buried there was a brother-in-law to Harbison, from whom the township is named. Gwin and Harbison together owned about 200 acres in that area. When Gwin sold out, he had a clause in the deed which set aside 1/4 acre for this cemetery.
The current owner of the land was a little reluctant for me to go up to the site, so I went anyway, took a bunch of pictures, and enjoyed the walk back to the site. Its probably 3/4 mile from the highway. I was thinking I sent Mr. Wall a couple pics of the cemetery, maybe not, I can't remember.
Regards, Kenny Gwin
P.s. I had a computer crash last summer and lost all my pics. trojan virus...
Left: This is the old barn (see arrow) west of the cemetery, still standing in 2004. (The cemetery is up the hill to the right.) You can see this old barn in the TopoZone map in Link A above. Right: Atop the ridge approaching the cemetery (see arrow) from the south. -----Original Message-----
From: John Gwin <>
Sent: Jan 31, 2006 8:06 AM
To: "Kenneth L. Gwin" <>
Subject: Gwin Cem. in Dubois Co.On Saturday, April 30, 2005, at 04:23 PM, wrote:
Dear John,
I have a lot of information on the Gwin family who migrated from Pittsylvania County, Va. John Gwin of Danville Va. settled in Harrison Cty, 1804. There were 9 children, one of whom was my gg-grandfather Homes Gwin. He had brothers Geo., Ed, John, and Thomas, and four sisters, Elizabeth, Nancy, Sallie, and Polly.I believe I read somewhere in your site that Geo or maybe it was John had a son who was a Capt. in the Civil War. The capt. was Isum Gwin, son of Homes and Mary Patterson Gwin ( see the 80th Indiana on your web--type in 80th Indiana). Scott Meeker of Wis. has written a great deal on the 80th. I donated Isum's Civil War diary to the
Indiana Historical Society, Indianapolis, last year. If you are interested in more info, such as George,s migration to Macoupon County, IL, I will be glad to help you with this info.Please consider there were many Geo. Gwins, Holmes Gwins, and Homes Gwins. John Gwin's brother Thomas also came to Harrison County in 1804. All settled in Lanesville, IN. My g-grandfather Isum was born in Lanesville in 1826 and died and was buried in Martin County, IN, in 1906.
Hope to hear from you. Kenneth L Gwin
3255 St. Meinrad Rd.
Bristow, IN (Perry County next to Harrison County)Hey, Ken! I sure hope you're well and enjoying yourself (and everyone else, too)! I haven't heard from you in awhile, and I wanted to get in touch.
Besides that, I have some very interesting information about which you may know something. I can see a small cemetery in Dubois Co., just north of you, called "Gwin Cem." on the online topo map. If you got to Jasper, then to Haysville, then went east of there a couple of miles, it'd be a few hundred yards north of Rt. 56. If you click this link, it'll take you to a spot on my Isham Gwin page where I have two more links--one to the topo map location, and the other to a satellite photo of the same spot. If you put both side by side, you can get a better idea of what the land's like there. There appears to be no road within 150 yards or so, so it may be a really old cemetery. If you don't know anything about it, then it's anybody's guess as to who's buried there. Would you be interested in going up there to see and maybe chalk and take a few pictures of the gravestones? I'm so curious, I can hardly sit still! Here's the link: I hope to hear from you soon--talk to you again then.
In Jesus,
John (Contact information
John M. Gwin:
U.S. Mail Address: 1845 Anderson Dr., Las Cruces, NM 88001 USA
Telephone: (575) 522-2171
How to know God personally (No kidding!):
From: "JamesT Wall" <>
Date: Mon Mar 27, 2006 07:40:28 PM US/Mountain
Subject: Isham Guinn in Wayne County, Tennessee in 1840
Wayne County, Tennessee
1840 Federal Census
Transcribed by Edgar D. Byler, IIITranscribed from NARA Microfilm Publication M704, Roll # 899 (Sixth Census of the United States, 1840). Originally published in "Wayne County, Tennessee Census Records Volume I: 1820, 1830 & 1840", The Byler Press, 1974.
Only the name of the head of each household is listed. All other individuals living in the household are listed by the number of individuals in a given age group with the exception that pensioners living in a household were listed by name and specific age and will appear in parentheses directly after the name of the head of household. A question mark appearing inside brackets (e.s. [?]) indicates a question by the transcriber concerning the name or its spelling.
This transcription follows the standard shorthand enumeration. The column headings for this census are
Free Whites:
Male: under 5 years/5 to 10/10 to 15/15 to 20/20 to 30/30 to 40/40 to 50/50 to 60/60 to 70/70 to 80/80 to 90/90 to 100/100 and up.
Female: under 5 years/5 to 10/10 to 15/15 to 20/20 to 30/30 to 40/40 to 50/50 to 60/60 to 70/70 to 80/80 to 90/90 to 100/100 and up.Slaves and free colored persons:
Male: under 10/10 to 24/24 to 36/36 to 55/55 to 100/ 100 and up.
Female: under 10/10 to 24/24 to 36/36 to 55/55 to 100/ 100 and up.
For the purpose of this transcription, slaves are given as a whole number following the free while females. Free persons of color are listed as enumerated.
For example on page 67, the first entry:This means that in the household of Thomas Franklin the following people were living:Thomas Franklin 310001-/120001-
3 males between the ages of 0 and less than 5 years
1 male between the age of 5 and less than 10 years
0 males between the age of 10 and less than 15 years
0 males between the age of 15 and less than 20 years
0 males between the age of 20 and less than 30 years
1 male between the age of 30 and less than 40 years
- no other entries in the male columns.
1 female between the age of 0 and less than 5 years
2 females between the ages of 5 and less than 10 years
0 females between the age of 10 and less than 15 years
0 females between the age of 15 and less than 20 years
0 females between the age of 20 and less than 30 years
1 female between the age of 30 and less than 40 years.
- no other entries in the female columns.
since there are no other numbers following the last dash, there were no slaves living in the household.Free blacks if living in the household would be enumerated separately, following the last column of the white females, and would be listed by free black males and free black females.
Page 101Isham Guinn 100001-/20001-
[John Gwin Note: Wonderful! OK, let's speculate as to who these people would be:
One male between the age of 0 and less than 5 years (i.e., b. betw. 1835 and 1840)One male between the age of 30 and less than 40 years (i.e., b. betw. 1800 and 1810) -- This would be the Isham Guinn, head of household.
1. One could argue from the closeness of the DOB that this could possibly be the "shadowy" 3.6--Isham Gwin II, sixth-born child of Isham and Mary Canterbury Gwin.Two females between the age of 0 and less than 5 years (i.e., b. betw. 1835 and 1840)One female between the age of 20 and less than 30 years (i.e., b. betw. 1810 and 1820) -- This would be the wife of Isham Guinn, head of household.
Date: Sun Apr 16, 2006 10:57:22 AM US/Mountain
Subject: Isham Guin/Isom Gwin, Baptist Preacher16 April 2006
I have found references to my fourth great-grandfather, Isham Guin/Isom Gwin in Primitive Baptist Church records in Eastern Tennessee in the early 1800s, from 1803 to 1810. These records are contained in full on two web sites indicated below. I have copied only those portions mentioning my ancestor plus the introduction.
It appears that Isom Gwin (I generally use that spelling version of his name) was ordained a minister about 1804. He was associated with four churches in Eastern Tennessee during that time period: Forks of Little Pigeon Church; Providence Church; Tuckaleechee Church; and Wears Cove Baptist Church. He attended seven church conventions in the region from 1803 to 1810. In six of the church meetings he attended as an ordained minister.
After moving to Indiana from Tennessee, Isom Gwin was associated with two churches: El Bethel in Crawford Co. and Providence Church in Crawford? [John Gwin Note: Orange] Co. He served at Providence Church until his death about 1830.
James T. Wall
2511 N. Stuart St.
Arlington, VA 22207-5163
Delegates from Sevier County Churches to Tennessee Baptist Association 1803-1862
Elaine R. Wells and Beulah S. Linn, Sevier County Historian
A copy of the original 345 page handwritten manuscript entitled “Minutes of the Tennessee Association of United Baptist 1802 (sic) ?1862” in the Carson Newman College Library was transcribed and typed by Elaine R. Wells of Clabourne Texas, courtesy of Mr. Al. Lang, archivist. The typed 282-page document is now in the Carson Newman College Library.
The Tennessee Association Minutes record the activities of the association, the names of the delegates from the churches and whether or not the association received a letter from the church. The letter recorded the number of members received by experience or letter, the number of letters of dismission, the number of members excommunicated, the number of members deceased and the total membership. (underscoring added)
Oct 1803; Isom Guin; Forks of Little Pigeon Church;; Meeting at Big Spring Meeting House on the Kentucky trace, Grainger Co.
Oct 1805; Isham Guin; Tuckaleechee;; Meeting at Dumpling Creek Meeting House, Jefferson Co.
Oct 1806; Isham Guin; Tuckaleechee;; Meeting at Davises Creek Meeting House, Claybourne Co., powels’ valley
Oct 1807; Isham Guin; Tuckaleechee;; Meeting at County Line Meeting House, North of Holston River, Grainger Co.
Oct 1808; Isham Guin; Tuckaleechee;; Meeting at East Fork of Poplar Creek Meeting House, Anderson Co.
Oct 1809; Isam Guin; Tuckaleechee;; Meeting at Little Pigeon Meeting House, Sevier Co.
Minute 15. The Corresponding letter to the Holston Association called for read and approved, and Appointed brethren, viz, William Johnson, Thomas Hudeburgh, Isham Guin, Elijah Rogers, William Williams, and Thomas Brown the messengers to the Holston Assn. To sit at Buffaloe ridge meeting House the second Friday in August next.
Oct 1810; Isham Guin; Wears Cove Baptist Church;; Meeting at Gap Creek Meeting House in Powell’s Valley, Claiborne Co.
Minute 17. After prayer by the Moderator, adjourned to the second Saturday in October next, viz, 1811, at Richland meeting house, Granger County. Elder Richard Wood to preach the introductory sermon, and in case of failure, Elder Guin Supply.
OCTOBER 1797 TO SEPTEMBER 1828Church Book
Convened monthly
Of the Primitive Baptist...the fifteenth January 1804...A petition from Tuchaleechey Church for brother Isom Gwin to be ordained to take the pastorial care of them it was granted if he is found Sufficient when Examined before a presbytery which is to Set at the fork pigeon on the first Saturday and Friday in April...
Barb, I found your query on You queried: I am looking for information on Elizabeth Gwin who married Richard Douglas Lilly September 13, 1827, Harrison County, Indiana. Any one know anything about Elizabeth? She was born a bout 1809 in Indiana. Please help.Barb
Date: Mon Apr 17, 2006 03:14:56 PM US/Mountain
Subject: Gwin/Lilly Marriage in Harrison Co., 1827Gwin/Lilly Marriage
in Harrison Co., IN, 1827
In MARRIAGE AFFIDAVIS AND CERTIFICATES, Harrison County, Indiana, by Walter S. Beanblossom, Ancestral Trails Historical Society, March 1973, there are several GWIN marriages which give additional information about Elizabeth.
Page 21 9/12/1827 Richard Lilly c/o Susannah Lilly by Wm. Engelman
................Elizabeth Gwin c/o Thomas Gwin by ................William Gwin
Thomas Gwin is Elizabeth's father. My guess is that William is a brother.Page 26
9/9/1831 Thomas Gwin Jr. c/o Thos. Gwin Sr. by
..............Uriah R. Kyees
..............Lucy Ann Sackett a. [age attested to] by
..............Uriah R. Kyees
It appears that the father of Elizabeth Gwin is Thomas Gwin Sr. Also, Thomas Gwin Jr. appears to be Elizabeth's second brother.Page 39 6/24/1835 Berry [Littleberry] Gwin c/o
..............Thomas Gwin by Charles Sacket
..............Mary Harbison c/o Charles Sacket
It appears that there is yet another son of Thomas Gwin and brother of Elizabeth Gwin!I am quite sure that Thomas Gwin [Sr.] is a son of George Holmes/Homes Gwin who died in Pittsylvania Co., Virginia about 1793. Several of his sons moved to Harrison Co., Indiana from Pittsylvania Co. Barb, please provide me your mailing address and telephone number, so that I can contact you. I have additional info on George Holmes Gwin which I can provide you.
I am descended from Isom Gwin and Mary Canterberry Gwin who went from Montgomery Co., Virginia to Tennessee to Southern Indiana (Harrison/Crawford/Orange counties). I am sure that there is a relationship between George Holmes Gwin and Isom Gwin. However, I haven't figured it out yet. -- Jim Wall
Date: Thu Apr 27, 2006 03:40:07 PM US/Mountain
Subject: 1820 Indiana Census of MalesI have extracted the following information from The Indiana 1820 Enumeration of Males, compiled by Mary M. Morgan, The Family History Section, Indiana Historical Society, Indianapolis, 1988. Only fourteen of the thirty-three counties required with the requirement of the 1816 Indiana Constitution. The counties which reported in the 1820 enumeration do not cover all those where my ancestors and related families lived. For example, Harrison and Clark counties were not included.
Jim Wall
Crawford County
Page 1
GUEN ISM (my 4th great-grandfather. JTW Note the unusual spelling!)
Page 2
LIKINS MARK (I recall an Isom Gwin marrying Mary Likins in 1817 or 1819. I wonder who this is in relation to Mary Likins?)
STROUD THOMAS (There was an Isom G. Stroud-- see below. Wonder what his relationship is to Thomas and to Isom Gwin?)
Page 3
WEATHERS BENJAMIN (my third great-grandfather. JTW) (In 1827, after his wife Glathy Bullington Weathers died, he remarried to Jane Gwin Tipton, a widow who was the daughter of Isom Gwin and Mary Canterberry.)
BULLINGTON WILLIAM (my fourth great-grandfather had the same name. I wonder if this is my ancestor or a son?)
GOLDMAN MOSES (one of the daughters of Benjamin Weathers married a Moses Goldman, a cobbler. They ended up in Boulder, Colorado.)
Page 21
Jefferson County
Page 42
Orange County
STALCUP JOHN (There is a connection of Stalcups and my Gwins.)
GIVENS ELISHA (Is this a Gwin?)
Page 43
WEATHERS JOHN (These are my relatives and associated families.)
JONES HENRY (His wife was a Weathers.)
AGAN WILLIAM (I believe he married a Weathers)
STROUD ISHAM ( I think he was Isham G. (Gwin) Stroud.)
Page 44
Page 52
Posey County
USERY JOHN (I wonder what relation he is to my Bolin Ussrey (Usery) who was in Pike County in 1840?)
Page 65
Washington County
WRIGHT ELIJAH (Didn't he marry a Gwin?) [John Gwin Note: Yes, he married Isham's and Mary's lastborn daughter Manerva/Minerva Gwin.]
Page 65
WRIGHT ASA (Wasn't he an heir of Isom Gwin?)
I didn't list the Walkers-- there were quite a few. If there are particular ones in certain counties, I will look them up for you.
Best wishes,
From: "Mike Walker" <>
Date: Thu Apr 27, 2006 05:13:42 PM US/Mountain
To: <>
Cc: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
Subject: RE: 1820 Indiana Census of MalesJim,
Since you were so kind as to send the last email with your ancestors, I thought I would share my extraction of the 1820 Indiana Census, with all of the Walkers. (Sorted by Twp, Co, State, First name)
MikeFrom: "Mike Walker" <>[John Gwin Note: Thanks for all this good stuff, Jim and Mike! Mike, I went through your lists below and indented and highlighted those from the counties of Orange, Crawford, Harrison, and Dubois, since it seems most likely to me that those who would have come from east Tennessee with the Gwins et al would've settled in the same places. I know 'tain't necessarily so, but it's a next step in sorting.]
Date: Thu Apr 27, 2006 05:24:26 PM US/Mountain
To: <>
Cc: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
Subject: 1830 Indiana Census of Males - FYI
1820 US Census Indiana Walkers
Head of Household
Twp., Co., State
James Walker
Aurora,Dearborn,INIsaac WalkerFrancis Walker
Bainbridge, Dubois,IN
Jonathan Walker
Bainbridge, Dubois,IN
Brookville, Franklin,IN
James Walker
Brookville, Franklin,IN
John Walker
Brookville, Franklin,IN
Samuel Walker
Brownsville, Fayette,IN
William Walker
George B Walker
Robert Walker
Edward Walker
Elbert Walker
Flat Rock,Delaware,IN
Wm Walker
Flat Rock,Delaware,IN
Oliver Walker
George Walker
Howard Walker
James Walker
Benjamin Walker
John Walker
Benjamin Walker
Robert Walker
Daniel Walker
John Walker
Lynn,Posey,INAndrew WalkerSamuel Walker
Northeast, Orange, IN
Robert Walker
Not Stated, Crawford, IN
Not Stated,Delaware,IN
Charles Walker
Not Stated,Harrison,INThomas WalkerObediah Walker
Not Stated, Harrison, IN
Not Stated,Jackson,IN
Alfred Walker
Not Stated,Jefferson,IN
James Walker
Not Stated,Jefferson,IN
John Walker
Not Stated,Jefferson,IN
John Walker
Not Stated,Jefferson,IN
Lewallen F (Unknown) Walker
Not Stated,Jefferson,IN
John Walker
Not Stated,Jennings,IN
Alexander Walker
Not Stated,Lawrence,IN
James Walker
Not Stated,Perry,IN
Philip Walker
Not Stated,Perry,IN
James Walker
Not Stated,Sullivan,IN
John L Walker
Not Stated,Vigo,IN
Joseph Walker
Not Stated,Vigo,IN
Aaron Walker
Not Stated,Washington,IN
Robert Walker
Not Stated,Washington,IN
George Walker
Not Stated,Wayne,IN
Isaac Walker
Not Stated,Wayne,IN
John Walker
Not Stated,Wayne,IN
Samuel Walker
Not Stated,Wayne,IN
Wm Walker
Not Stated,Wayne,INBenjamin B. WalkerWalker
Paoli, Orange, IN
Elvera Walker
James Walker
Stephen Walker
John Walker
Abraham Walker
Wm M Walker
David Walker
Isaac Walker
.1830 US Census Indiana Walkers
Head of Household
Twp., Co., StateIsaac WalkerWilliam Walker
Bainbridge, Dubois, Indiana
Brandywine, Hancock, Indiana
Samuel Walker
Center, Wayne, Indiana
Edward Walker
Clark, Perry, Indiana
Lewis Walker
Clark, Perry, Indiana
Stanley Walker
Clark, Perry, Indiana
Obadiah Walker
Driftwood, Jackson, Indiana
Phelix Walker
Driftwood, Jackson, Indiana
Thomas Walker
Franklin, Johnson, IndianaCharles WalkerIsaac Walker
Harrison, Harrison, Indiana
Hensley, Johnson, Indiana
Jacob Walker
Hensley, Johnson, Indiana
James P Walker
Hensley, Johnson, Indiana
Zephaniah Walker
Hensley, Johnson, Indiana
George Walker
Jackson, Shelby, Indiana
James Walker
Jackson, Shelby, Indiana
Samuel Walker
Jackson, Shelby, Indiana
John Walker
Lancaster, Jefferson, Indiana
John Walker
Lancaster, Jefferson, Indiana
William Walker
Lancaster, Jefferson, Indiana
Henry Walker
Langley, Dearborn, Indiana
James Walker
Langley, Dearborn, Indiana
Mary Walker
Langley, Dearborn, Indiana
Henry Walker
Lawrenceburg, Dearborn, Indiana
John Walker
Lynn, Posey, Indiana
Vincent Walker
Lynn, Posey, Indiana
Goerge Walker
New Albany, Floyd, Indiana
Howard Walker
New Albany, Floyd, Indiana
John Walker
New Albany, Floyd, Indiana
Thos B Walker
New Albany, Floyd, Indiana
James Walker
New Harmony, Posey, Indiana
Saml Walker
New Harmony, Posey, Indiana
Daniel Walker
Nineveh, Johnson, Indiana
Alexander Walker
Northeast of the State Road, Clark, Indiana
David Walker
Northeast of the State Road, Clark, Indiana
Samuel Walker
Northeast of the State Road, Clark, Indiana
William C Walker
Northeast of the State Road, Clark, Indiana
George Walker
Not Stated, Boone, Indiana
Danial Walker
Not Stated, Clay, Indiana
Davis Walker
Not Stated, Clay, Indiana
Ephram Walker
Not Stated, Clay, Indiana
James Walker
Not Stated, Clay, Indiana
Levie Walker
Not Stated, Clay, Indiana
Mary Walker
Not Stated, Clay, Indiana
Richard Walker
Not Stated, Clay, Indiana
William Walker
Not Stated, Clay, Indiana
James Walker
Not Stated, Daviess, Indiana
John Walker
Not Stated, Daviess, Indiana
John Walker
Not Stated, Daviess, Indiana
Joseph Walker
Not Stated, Daviess, Indiana
Joseph Walker
Not Stated, Daviess, Indiana
Rebecca Walker
Not Stated, Daviess, Indiana
Samuel Walker
Not Stated, Daviess, Indiana
William Walker
Not Stated, Daviess, Indiana
John Walker
Not Stated, Decatur, Indiana
Elbert Walker
Not Stated, Fayette, Indiana
Henry Walker
Not Stated, Fayette, Indiana
William Walker
Not Stated, Fayette, Indiana
William Walker
Not Stated, Fayette, Indiana
George B Walker
Not Stated, Fountain, Indiana
James Walker
Not Stated, Fountain, Indiana
John Walker
Not Stated, Fountain, Indiana
John B Walker
Not Stated, Franklin, Indiana
William Walker
Not Stated, Franklin, Indiana
Catherine Walker
Not Stated, Greene, Indiana
Charles Walker
Not Stated, Greene, Indiana
John Walker
Not Stated, Greene, Indiana
John Walker
Not Stated, Hendricks, Indiana
Thomas Walker
Not Stated, Hendricks, Indiana
Am Walker
Not Stated, Knox, Indiana
Eli Walker
Not Stated, Lawrence, Indiana
John Walker
Not Stated, Lawrence, Indiana
Bennett Walker
Not Stated, Martin, Indiana
Edward Walker
Not Stated, Monroe, Indiana1830 (continued)
Jeremiah Walker
Not Stated, Monroe, Indiana
John W Walker
Not Stated, Monroe, Indiana
John Walker
Not Stated, Monroe, Indiana
Francis Walker
Not Stated, Morgan, Indiana
Robert Walker
Not Stated, Morgan, IndianaAlexander WalkerEuiler Walker
Not Stated, Orange, Indiana
Andrew Walker
Not Stated, Orange, Indiana
Catherine Walker
Not Stated, Orange, Indiana
Charles Walker
Not Stated, Orange, Indiana
John Walker
Not Stated, Orange, Indiana
Samuel Walker
Not Stated, Orange, Indiana
Thomas Walker
Not Stated, Orange, Indiana
Not Stated, Owen, Indiana
James Walker
Not Stated, Owen, Indiana
Jesse Walker
Not Stated, Owen, Indiana
Jesse Walker
Not Stated, Parke, Indiana
Merit Walker
Not Stated, Parke, Indiana
Robert Walker
Not Stated, Parke, Indiana
Abraham J Walker
Not Stated, Putnam, Indiana
Arthur Walker
Not Stated, Putnam, Indiana
William A Walker
Not Stated, Putnam, Indiana
Alexr Walker
Not Stated, Rush, Indiana
James Walker
Not Stated, Rush, Indiana
James Walker
Not Stated, Rush, Indiana
John Walker
Not Stated, Rush, Indiana
Geo Walker
Not Stated, Sullivan, Indiana
David Walker
Not Stated, Switzerland, Indiana
Henry B Walker
Not Stated, Switzerland, Indiana
John K Walker
Not Stated, Switzerland, Indiana
Robert Walker
Not Stated, Switzerland, Indiana
Samuel H Walker
Not Stated, Switzerland, Indiana
Susannah Walker
Not Stated, Switzerland, Indiana
William Walker
Not Stated, Switzerland, Indiana
Lewis Walker
Not Stated, Union, Indiana
Robert Walker
Not Stated, Union, Indiana
Widow Walker
Not Stated, Union, Indiana
William Walker
Not Stated, Union, Indiana
William Walker
Not Stated, Union, Indiana
William Walker
Not Stated, Union, Indiana
Thomas Walker
Not Stated, Vanderburgh, Indiana
James Walker
Not Stated, Vermillion, Indiana
James Walker Senr.
Not Stated, Vermillion, Indiana
John L Walker
Not Stated, Vigo, Indiana
Henery Walker
Not Stated, Warren, Indiana
Aaron Walker
Not Stated, Washington, Indiana
James Walker
Not Stated, Washington, Indiana
Robert Walker
Not Stated, Washington, Indiana
Rolley Walker
Not Stated, Washington, Indiana
Wm Walker
Not Stated, Washington, Indiana
Debra Walker
Oil, Perry, Indiana
Elijah Walker
Oil, Perry, Indiana
Phillips Walker
Oil, Perry, IndianaJohnathan WalkerRobert Walker
Patoka, Dubois, Indiana
Randolph, Dearborn, Indiana
Stephen S Walker
Randolph, Dearborn, Indiana
Wm Walker
Robb, Posey, Indiana
Francis Walker
Shelby, Shelby, Indiana
Henry Walker
Shelby, Shelby, Indiana
James Walker
Shelby, Shelby, Indiana
John Walker
Shelbyville, Shelby, Indiana
Alexander Walker
Sparta, Dearborn, Indiana
Edward Walker
Vernon, Geneva, and Columbia, Jennings, IN
John Walker
Vernon, Geneva, and Columbia, Jennings, IN
Willian Walker
Vernon, Geneva, and Columbia, Jennings, IN
Charles Walker
Washington, Wayne, Indiana
George Walker
Washington, Wayne, Indiana
James Walker
Washington, Wayne, Indiana
George Walker
Wayne and Montgomery, Owen, Indiana
James Walker
Wayne, Allen, Indiana
Asa Walker
Wayne, Wayne, Indiana
Isaac Walker
Wayne, Wayne, Indiana
Robert Walker
Wayne, Wayne, Indiana
Samuel Walker
Wayne, Wayne, Indiana
John Walker
West River, Randolph, Indiana
Oliver Walker
White River, Randolph, Indiana
From: "Mike Walker" <>
Date: Sat Jun 24, 2006 09:46:58 AM US/Mountain
To: <>, "John Gwin" <>
Subject: RE: Isham Guinn/Isom Gwin, Baptist preacher - my fourth great-grandfatherJim and John,
One interesting thing I noticed. In 1816 Thomas Walker and Mignon Boaz are listed at the Wears Cove Baptist Church. I don't know if you remember or not, but some researchers have a Mary Boaz listed as a wife of Thomas Walker (Polly Gwin's hubby), with a marriage date of 21 June 1816. It is obvious that this could not have been correct, because Tom and Polly were married and had at least 2 kids by 1816. I'll bet that if there is a marriage record for Thomas Walker and Mary Boaz, that it is Thomas the father, not the son. His wife, Elizabeth Magill, may have died by then. I don't have a death date for her. Elizabeth would have been 66 years old by 1816, and Thomas would have only been 50, if you believe the most commonly listed dates for them.
Mike-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2006 7:53 AM
Subject: Isham Guinn/Isom Gwin, Baptist preacher - my fourth great-grandfatherI am providing information on my ancestor showing his involvement in the Primitive Baptist Church in Eastern Tennessee in the early 1800s. -- Jim Wall
Delegates from Sevier County Churches to Tennessee Baptist Association 1803-1862
Elaine R. Wells and Beulah S. Linn, Sevier County Historian
A copy of the original 345 page handwritten manuscript entitled "Minutes of the Tennessee Association of United Baptists 1802-1862" in the Carson Newman College Library was transcribed and typed by Elaine R. Wells of Clabourne, Texas, courtesy of Mr. Al Lang, archivist. The typed 282-page document is now in the Carson Newman College Library.The Tennessee Association Minutes record the activities of the association, the names of delegates from the churches and whether or not the association received a letter from the church. The letter recorded the number of members received by experience or letter, the number of letters of dismission, the number of members excommunicated, the number of members deceased and the total membership.
Family historians will find the names of many delegates whose name has not been preserved in census records.
The minutes begin with page 3 recording the plan of the association and end with the minutes of the October meeting in 1862.
Wears Cove Baptist Church
1810 Isham Guin, Richard Davis; 1811 Henry Haggard, Charles Coulter; 1812 Parsons Davis, John Wood; 1813 Noah Haggard; 1814 Noah Haggard, Joshua Sims; 1815 Noah Haggard; 1816 Thomas Walker, Mignon Boaz; 1817-1824 none; 1825 Christopher F. Winder; 1826 C.F. Winder; 1827 minutes missing; 1828 R. Davis, W. Davis, E. James; 1829-1830 Edward James; 1831 minutes missing; 1832 J. Adams, D. Cunningham; 1833 J. Rush, D. Cunningham; 1834-1835 D. Cunningham; 1836 J. Adams, T. Ridings; 1837 D. Cunningham, G. Bryant; 1838 C. Cunningham; 1839 M. Cunningham, D. Cunningham; 1840 J. Adams, G. Bryant; 1841 D. Cunningham, J. Adams; 1842 D. Cunningham, J. Patty, M. Cunningham, W.M. Compton; 1843 J. Adams; 1844 none; 1845 Johnson Fancher, William Adams; 1846 D. Cunningham; 1847 D. Cunningham, W. Adams; 1848 D. Cunningham; 1849 W. Hatcher, W.M. Compton; 1850 J. Adams, 1851 J. Patty, M. Compton; 1852 A. Cook; 1853 P. Headrick, J. Patty; 1854 none; 1855 J. Fancher, A. Salts; 1856 Alexander Salts; 1857 J. Fancher; 1858 J. Headrick, G. King; 1859 J. Headrick, L. Fancher; 1860-1862 none.Churches -- Delegates -- October 1805
5. Tuckaleechee -- Isham Guinn, Wm Davis, John Friar --
Date: Sun Oct 08, 2006 02:16:36 PM US/Mountain
Subject: Isham Guinn, Lincoln County, Tennessee - 1820 Federal Census; KY & IN marriagesAll 1820 United States Federal Census Results
1820 United States Federal Census Record about Isham Gwinn
I looked at this census on On the preceding page, written "page 41," I found Fielding Luttrell, Nathan Luttrell and Vincent Luttrell. On the following page 77 of 91, written "page 42," I found:
William Guinn ---1--1 -1---1
Several lines below were:
Mary Luttrell followed by
Isham Gwinn 2---1-3 1-1--1 and
Champion Gwinn 32-2--- -----3I doubt that the Isham Gwinn in Lincoln County, Tennessee is the Isom Gwin who lived in Indiana at about the same time. I provided the persons named Luttrell because I am pretty sure that one of the children of George Holmes Gwin of Virginia married a Luttrell. I thinks that several sons of George Holmes moved to Indiana, and that some Luttrells came with them.
Somehow I think that my Isham Guinn/Isom Gwin is related to George Holmes Gwin of Goochland, Albemarle and Pittsylvania counties, Virginia. Some day I hope to find how.
To put things in perspective with some facts, I am providing additional information on Indiana GWINs who were living about the same time.
11/28/1820 Wm. Huston obtained a marriage license to marry Sarah Gwin, with c. of f. (consent of father) Thom [I am sure that it is Isom. JTW]. This is contained on page 9 of MARRIAGE AFFIDAVITS AND CERTIFICATES Harrison County, Indiana 1809-1865, by Walter S. Beanblossom (a LOVE VIERS BAKER CLORE cousin of mine. JTW), March 1973, published by the Ancestral Trails Historical Society, Vine Grove, Kentucky.
Pre-1850 Orange County, Indiana Marriages
From: Date: May 25, 2007
Subject: GWIN (various spellings) in Civil & Rev. War pension and bounty-land documents
790 results for Isum Gwin
Civil War Pensions
Publication Number: T289
Publication Title: Organization Index to Pension Files of Veterans Who Served Between 1861 and 1900.
Publisher: NARA
State: Indiana
Arm Of Service: Infantry
Regiment: 80
Company: D
Name: Gwin, Isum
Rank: Capt.
Date: 23-SEP-1887
State/arm Of Service: Ind. Inf.
Company/regiment: D,80Page 50; James Bates; Bates; B; Virginia; Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files
Publication Number: M804
Publication Title: Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files
Publisher: NARA
State: Virginia
Veteran Surname Starts With: B
Veteran Surname: Bates
Veteran Given Name: James
Pensioner Surname: Bates
Pensioner Given Name: Lavina Francis
Service: Va.
Pension Number: W. 5787
Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files -- The National Archives
Publication Number: M804
Publication Title: Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files
Publisher: NARA
State: Virginia
Veteran Surname Starts With: B
Veteran Surname: Bates
Veteran Given Name: James
Pensioner Surname: Bates
Pensioner Given Name: Lavina Francis
Service: Va.
Pension Number: W. 578717 annotations have been added to this document:
Jesse Gwyn
Jesse Gwin
Levine Gwynn
James Bates
Jesse Gwin
Guy P Vance
George Holmes Gwin
Jesse Gwin
Jesse Gwin
John Gwin
James Bates
Margaret F Vance
Johnson Carrington
The record of Isham's will
begins about two-thirds of the way down page 457 of
the record book. I have used black text to indicate
text that was written on the date the will was
recorded. I used red to show addenda to the record by
the clerk and others on later dates. |
Elijah Wright is the
husband of Manerva Gwin, youngest of Isham's and
Mary's children. Evidently both Elijah and Manerva
are deceased, having left these six surviving
children to inherit her share. |
Isham's granddaughter, Ruth Wright. d/o Elijah and Minerva Gwin Wright, married a Mr. Childers. |
Evidently Manerva liked her father well enough to name a son after him! |
This is the phoneticized "Stalcup", Isham's granddaughter Mary Wright's married name. She may have married a Samuel Stalcup, Samuel being named as security for the executorship of Reuben Whitten. |
Thomas Walker is the husband of Polly Gwin, oldest of Isham's and Mary's daughters. Evidently both Thomas and Polly are deceased, having left these children to inherit her share. |
Forty-two days after the will was recorded, the clerk wrote what is shown here in non-bold red, Richard Radcliff actually signing his own name (shown here in red boldface) to show he'd received Elizabeth's share. |
This receipt is written--perpendicular to the other lines in the left margin of the book--by the clerk, A. M. Black. The third line of his note indicates that Isham Gwin was a captain, perhaps in a militia. |
end of page 457 |
page no. 458 |
The clerk wrote what is shown here in non-bold red, Richard Radcliff actually signing his own name (shown here in red boldface) to show he'd received Mahala Walker's share. |
[My ggg-grandfather, who m. Elizabeth Gwin, d/o Isom and Mary Canterbury Gwin. James T. Wall] |
[My ggg-grandfather, who m2. Virginia Jane Gwin Tipton, d/o Isom and Mary Canterbury Gwin. James T. Wall] |
Cousin Sharon's letter |
My Comments |
I have been researching all of my family lines for years off and on. My maiden name is Sharon Rae Gwin, born September 16th, 1950. My father was Walter Thomas Gwin, son of Walter Carter Gwin, son of Orley Bush Gwin. Orley Bush Gwin's parents were William Watkins Gwin and Catherine Bush (not Rush). William's father was Richard W. Gwin married to Nancy Watkins. Of course Richard's father was indeed Isom (Isham, Isam) Gwin married to Mary Canterbury. Mary was of Welsh decent, migrated to Scotland, and later to Ireland. His brother moses might have changed his name because I really cannot find a direct Moses and Isam connection. This brother supposedly had a son named William who my family believed was Senator William M. Gwin of California. Somewhere, around this time a daughter (Alice) born to either William or someone in the Moses line, changed the spelling to Gwynne and married Cornelius Vanderbilt. | |
Name: | Isam Gwinn |
John M. Gwin Comments |
Home in 1820 (City, County, State): | Harrison, Indiana | |
Enumeration Date: | August 7, 1820 | These
are clearly our Isham and Mary Gwin and the youngest
five of their family. |
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 18: | 1 | This
son, Richard W. Gwin,
b. ca. 1804, about 16 years old and single in this
census. |
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: | 1 | This
Richard. No other sons are living at home. |
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over: | 1 | This
Isham himself. |
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: | 1 | OK,
Mahala who
will marry John b. Houston; however, here she is
indicated to be ten or younger when other data suggests
she's about 12. |
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15: | 3 | These are clearly the three girls just older than Mahala: Minerva, ca. 13, who'll marry Elijah Wright; Sarah, ca. 14, who'll marry Willliam M. Houston; and Nancy, ca. 15, who'll marry Squire Houston. |
Free White Persons - Females - 45 and over : | 1 | This
Mary (nee
Canterbury) Gwin |
Slaves - Males - Under 14: | 7 | |
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture: | 2 | |
Free White Persons - Under 16: | 5 |
Free White Persons - Over 25: | 2 | |
Total Free White Persons: | 7 | |
Total Slaves: | 7! | The
William W. Gwin, son of Richard and Nancy Gwin, states
that Isom sold his slaves before leaving Tennessee for
Indiana. Did he hold some back, instead, to give
them a better start in a free state? |
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: | 14 |