--now believed to be the second oldest son of Isham and Mary Canterbury Gwin, (Isham Gwin Jr. now believed to be the oldest) and brother of John Gwin who married Jane Walker-- and Susanah Biard / Baird / Beard --believed to be the daughter of Henry and Kerranhappuch Nelson Beard / Biard / Baird |
Tonight, 23 March 2004, we feel we have enough evidence to start his page.
And on May Day 2007, Jan Thomas found another piece of the puzzle--item 13 below!
Chronology of Information We Have
on William and Susannah
21.00--Richard Gwin, m. Sarah Chesley, lived (allegedly) near Jamestown, VA
22.00--Isham Gwin, m. Mary Canterbury, lived in sw VA; Crowson's Cove, Sevier Co., TN; and Harrison, Crawford, and Orange counties, Indiana;23.01--Polly Gwin m. Thomas Walker
23.02--Elizabeth Gwin m. David Denton
23.03--William Gwin m. Susannah Beard
23.04--John Gwin m. Jane Walker (my--John M. Gwin's) ggg-grandparents
23.05--Virginia Jane Gwin m1. Mr. Tipton, m2. Benjamin Weathers
23.06--Isham Gwin II m1. Mary Likens m2. Betsy Snowden
23.07--[Chesley?] Gwin m. (unk.)
23.08--Richard W. Gwin m. Nancy Watkins
23.09--Nancy Gwin m. William Houston
23.10--Sarah Gwin m. Squire Houston
23.11--Minerva "Manervy" Gwin m. Elijah Wright
23.12--Mahala Gwin m. John B. Houston
23.03--William Gwin; b. ca. 1790 in VA or TN; d. 1833 in AL; m. bef. 26 Jun 1813 (probably in Blount Co. or Sevier Co., TN), to Susanah Beard (b. ca. 1790; d. 1837 in AL); at least 11 children (list of 11 taken from 1830 census of Dallas Co., AL, below with either #11 discovered [listed here as 24.08, because the birth order is uncertain within age groups in this census] or #12 discovered and added in May 2007--see Item 13 below);
24.01--(son) Gwin, b. betw. 1810 and 1815--age 15-20 | [John
Gwin Note: We know this is the oldest
surviving child because he is the only one in his age
group. ] |
24.02--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1815 and 1820--age 10-15 | [John
Gwin Note: We don't know the birth order of
either of these girls, only that one is second and the
other third.] [Jan Thomas Note: Either could be Happuch Gwin Noblitt Prigmore, b. 1812 in AL.] [John Gwin Note, 20 May 2019: According to an old email from Sandra Brownlow, Sandra's gg-grandmother is Malinda Gwin, b. 1819 in AL, m. William Arthur Holleman in 1838 in TN, and d. in 1897 in Rusk Co., TX, It is possible that she could be either of these daughters of Will and Susannah.] |
24.03--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1815 and 1820--age 10-15 | [John
Gwin Note: We don't know the birth order of
either of these girls, only that one is second and the
other third.] [Jan Thomas Note: Either could be Happuch Gwin Noblitt Prigmore, b. 1812 in AL.] [John Gwin Note, 20 May 2019: According to Sandra Brownlow, her gg-grandmother is Malinda Gwin, b. 1819 in AL, m. William Arthur Holleman in 1838 in TN, and d. in 1897 in Rusk Co., TX, It is possible that she could be either of these daughters of Will and Susannah.] |
24.04--(son) Gwin, b. betw. 1820 and 1825--age 5-10 | [John
Gwin Note: We don't know the birth order of
any of the four children listed as 4-7, only that each
of them falls into this age group.] [Jan Thomas Note: Any of the three girls could be Henrietta Gwin Aaikin, b. 1824 in AL.] |
24.05--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1820 and 1825--age 5-10 | [John
Gwin Note: We don't know the birth order of
any of the four children listed as 4-7, only that each
of them falls into this age group.] [Jan Thomas Note: Any of the three girls could be Henrietta Gwin Aaikin, b. 1824 in AL.] |
24.06--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1820 and 1825--age 5-10 | [John
Gwin Note: We don't know the birth order of
any of the four children listed as 4-7, only that each
of them falls into this age group.] [Jan Thomas Note: Any of the three girls could be Henrietta Gwin Aaikin, b. 1824 in AL.] |
24.07--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1820 and 1825--age 5-10 | [John
Gwin Note: We don't know the birth order of
any of the four children listed as 4-7, only that each
of them falls into this age group.] [Jan Thomas Note: Any of the three girls could be Henrietta Gwin Aaikin, b. 1824 in AL.] |
24.08--(son) b. betw. 1825 and 1830--age 0-5
Gwin Note: We don't know the birth order of
any of the four children listed as 8-11, only that each
of them falls into this age group--but see note for #12
below.] |
24.09--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1825 and 1830--age 0-5 | [John
Gwin Note: We don't know the birth order of
any of the four children listed as 8-11, only that each
of them falls into this age group.] |
24.10--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1825 and 1830--age 0-5 | [John
Gwin Note: We don't know the birth order of
any of the four children listed as 8-11, only that each
of them falls into this age group.] |
24.11--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1825 and 1830--age 0-5 | [John
Gwin Note: We don't know the birth order of
any of the four children listed as 8-11, only that each
of them falls into this age group.] |
[24.12]--Thomas F. Gwin?, b. 1831 in Dallas County, AL | [John
Gwin Note: We know that either the son listed
as 24.08 above or this 12th child is Thomas
F. Gwin, b. 1831 in Dallas Co.,
AL, a colonel in the CSA who married Mrs. Nancy (nee Holman)
Reeves, a widow, and lived in
We're just not sure in which place he goes in the birth
order. If he were born before the 1830 census, he is
#24.08 above and the youngest of 11 children; if he were
born after the 1830 census, he goes here, the youngest
of twelve. Since he and his siblings were orphaned (and
likely split up) before 1840, he probably had no
memories at all of his father and probably very few of
his mother, learning what he did from older siblings or
from whomever it was who adopted him. Therefore, it
could be that he did not know about ALL his
siblings and only THOUGHT there were 11 children instead
of 12 (in which case he is this 12th child); on the
other hand, perhaps he DID know of all 11 and that there
were only 11 (in which case he is the third son listed
above as #24.08).] |
[I have this data on another page and will transfer it here when I come across it again.]
http://www.sevierlibrary.org/genealogy/landgrant/tsfb.htm#621--SUSANNA RICHARDSON-36 1/2 acres--Sevier County--Crowson's Cove waters of Waldens Creek--CC None Surveyed March 16, 1807 Assigned to DAVID DENTON consideration $200 January 6, 1808 Witnesses JOHN HILL and WM. GWIN [JMGwin Note: We now believe this David Denton to be the husband of Elizabeth Gwin, one of the oldest daughters of Isham Gwin and older sister to John Gwin (the John who married Jane Walker). David and Elizabeth moved to Indiana with Isham; John and Jane moved to Dallas Co., Alabama, with his brother William (above-named witness to the property sale and brother-in-law to David Denton).]
On Satterday the 26 June 1813
Mete the Church of Christ and after
devine Serves procedes to Buseness
1. the matter Concerning Sis. Betsey Tate
Laid over till our next meeting in CorsePg. 16
2. The Case of Henry Davis laid over from last Meeting
he being Charged with Contradcetions Conserning the
trade between Brother Aaron Waller & Wm Tipton
& he not appearing to Sattisfy the Church the
Church Exclude him from fellowship
3. The Case of Sister Peggy Davis as
Charged with telling one thing two way at differenttimes the Church refer it to a Committee of (five members)
Viz) Brethren James Tailor George Snider D Joseph
Tate John Snider & Thos Morrisson
The Committee Report that they did not Consider
that She had told an intended falshood and Consider
her acquited from the Charge (till-crossed out) they also report
that believe that Brother Richard Davis had good
reason for bringing the Charge against her
4. a Charg brought by Brother Rich(ard)
Davies against Sister Peggy Davies
for quareling and useing on becoming
language the Church Exclude herReceived by letter William & Susanah Guinn.
Satterday the 7 of october 1815
Met the Church of Christ in Millers Cove
& after devine Serves procedes to Business
1. application by Bor Davis for letter
for Wiliam Guin & wife the Church
grant itFive years later in 1820, Sister
Kerenhappuch Biard is mentioned
in these same minutes applying for
a letter of dismission as well
(see next column). We believe this is the
same Kerenhappuch whose probate
settlement appears two years later in
Dallas Co., AL, in which this same
William Gwin purchases some of
her possessions (see number 6 below).
September 28 1820
The Church of Christ in millers
Cove met and after prare to god proseaded
to Bisiness first Br henery
Biard Came to the Curch and
Confes of Drinking two muchPg. 82
Licker for which he felt truly
Sorry for the Same for which
the Church forgive him
2. Sister kerenhappuch Biard
moovd for a letter of Dismison the
Church granted it 3. Sister Davis
moovd for a letter of Dasemison the
Church grant it 4. Brother
henery Biard and his wife Jeney
moovd for a letter of Dismison the Church
grant it and appoint Br
Person Davis to rite the letters
Dismisd in order
1820 U. S. Census, Dallas Co., Alabama
From the book
Reprinted from The Alabama Historical Quarterly Vol. 6, No. 3, Fall Issue, 1944
Published by the State Department of Archives and History
Reprinted for Clearfield Publishing Co., Inc.,
by Genealogical Publishing Col., Inc., Baltimore, MD 1996, 1999
ISBN 0-8063-0003-5
Page 52
HEADS OF FAMILIES(1) White males over twenty-one years (2) White males under twenty-one years (3) White females over twenty-one years (4) White females under twenty-one years (5) Total of white inhabitants (6) Total of free people of colour (7) Total of slaves (8) Total of inhabitants Guinn, William 1
(2 unk.)1
(5 unk.)9 0 0 9 Guinn, John** 1
(Thomas, Isom)1
(Mary, 1 unk.)6 0 0 6 **Name of the unknown daughter listed here may be tenth child who did not live past childhood.
[JMGwin Note: Person Davis is one of the next-door neighbors to Susanah Richardson in Crowson's Cove 15 years earlier--see no. 2 above.]
William Gwin/Guin 1820 Dallas AL
Posted by: Jan Thomas
Date: February 12, 2001...179 of 432
Interested in anybody who has information on William Guin who was on the 1820 Dallas Co. AL census. I think he married one of my Beard/Baird/Biard girls probably in Blount Co., TN around 1800+/-. He is listed as receiving an equal portion of my ggggg-grandmother's estate in Dallas Co. AL in 1822 and appears to be present at the sale of her belongings. Two Gwin girls were said to be cousins to our Biards, one being Henrietta Gwin who married John B. (Jack) Aiken, and the other was Kerrenhappuch Gwin who may have first married a Noblett and then married Robert Prigmore (Pridmore). These two girls married in Limestone Co., AL where some of my Biards lived. I have been wondering if William Gwin might be related to Isham (Isom) Gwin and/or John Gwin who may have also passed thru Blount Co., TN and Dallas Co., AL around the same time period. Any help with this William Gwin would be appreciated. Where did he go after the 1820 census? I notice a younger William Gwin there by the 1850 census.http://www.zianet.com/jmcdgwin/gwinEliasRBckmTWthrfrd.htm1822 Probate, Kerranhappuch Beard/Baird
Posted by: Jan Thomas Date: June 28, 2000 at 21:00:09
of 574 GoBelow is my transcription of the probate records of Kerranhappuch Beard, wife of Henry Beard/Baird/Biard who seems to have traveled from Buckingham Co., VA to Halifax Co., VA to Blount Co., TN and finally passing away in the Dallas Co., AL area. Some of the heirs listed confirm much of Maud Baird Smith's guesses in The Baird Family book printed in 1928 and again in 1954.
I believe "Happy" Beard was probably born around 1750 and is actually married to Henry Beard/Baird/Biard the 2nd. The first Henry Beard/Baird signed a deed in Goochland Co., VA in 1738. "Happy Beard is thought to be my ggggg-grandmother.
John Beard b.1780 d.1839; George Beard b.1777 d.1825; and Archibald Beard d.1833 below lived in Limestone Co., AL in the 1820's and 1830's; prior to that John lived in Bledsoe Co., TN and Blount Co., TN. Welcome Beard b.1788 below lived in Blount Co., TN and then Monroe and Bradley counties TN.
Thomas Morrison was married to Francis Beard b.1796? and lived in Blount and Monroe counties TN; Aaron Waller (a Baptist preacher) seems to have married a Beard girl, and they lived in Blount and Monroe counties TN.
William Gwin was probably the father of Henrietta Gwin who married John B. (Jack) Akin; Henrietta came to TX with her Biard cousins in 1846.
Person Davis has a wife named Mary on census records in AL; I would assume he is married to a Beard girl as he has a daughter named Kerenhappuch Davis, but his relationship is unidentified at this time.
Maud thought one of the Beard girls married a John Blair, but here on the probate records we see William Blair.
Welcome Beard seems to have some relation with the surname Humphreys in Monroe Co., TN, but otherwise the surname is unknown as are the rest of the surnames.
Maud believed there were three unknown daughters. There was also some question in her book regarding the Henry Beards. I assume this is Henry Beard her son on the probate record. I think most of her children would probably have been born between 1770 and 1800 in Buckingham Co., VA or Halifax Co., VA or Blount Co., TN.
So, it is with great pleasure that I share this with everyone, and hope that it leads to many new discoveries. A special thanks to Bruce Baird, Sr. for discovering and passing on the tip which led to this discovery, and to Jim Everett for sharing his Beard/Waller notes with me from Blount Co., TN.
Probate Minutes, Dallas Co., AL, Pages 6 & 7
An Appraisement of the estate of Happy Beard decd. agreeable to an order to us directed from the judge of the county court of Dallas this 2nd day of January 1822. When the following property was shown by the admr. And appraised as follows (viz)
1 Bed furniture 25$, 1 bed furniture 30$ 55.00
4 Bed Sheets 4$ 1 chest 3$ 2 Pewter Basin dishes &c 6$ 13.00
2 tin buckets cups & coffee Pots 1.00 .............................................. 1 Tackle? (looks like Heackle) & pr of cards 2.00
1 Lot of Books 6.50 1 Lugg? 1.13 7.62 1/2
1 Pot rack 2$ 1 pr Pot hooks & frying Pan &c 3$ 5.00
1 Cow bell 2$ 1 Side Saddle & Blanket 20$ 22.00
1 Looking Glass & bucket 1$ 1 Sorrel mare 50$. 51.00
13 head of Hogs 30$ 2 piggins? 1 tin dipper & 2? Cup .50$ 30.50
$187.12 1/2
1 Table Cloth $1
$188.12 1/2
Given under our hands and seals this 2nd Jany 1822. David McCord {seal} W. Wolds (or Woods) {seal}
John Kerida (or Kenida) {seal}
Sworn to this 2nd Jany 1822. J. H. Thorington J. P. D6
Recorded May 26th 1829 J. D. Craig clk(page 16)
An Account of the articles sold at the sale of Kerinhappuch Beard decd. this 2nd Jany 1822. By Person Davis admr. (viz)
Person Davis 1 Sorrel Mare 60.00 Person Davis 1 Pot rack 2.25 Person Davis 1 Katchel? & bell 4.00 Person Davis 1 Tin bucket & dipper 1.12 1/2 Person Davis 3 Basins & plate & 2 spoons 4.00 Person Davis 2 Piggind & 1 pr cards 1.00 Person Davis 1 Bible & Hymn Book 9.00 Person Davis 1 Womans Saddle 23.50 Person Davis 1 Chest 2.00 William Gwinn 13 head of Hogs 32.50 William Gwinn 1 book 1.00 William Gwinn 1 Table cloth . 81 1/4 William Gwinn 1 Bed & furniture 33.50 David McCord 1 pr Pot hooks .08 1/2 Henry Beard Baker & Shovel .62 1/2 Henry Beard 1 frying pan 1.00 Henry Beard 1 Tin bucket & tin cups 1.00 Henry Beard 1 Pewter dish 1.25 Henry Beard 1 Lugg? 1.75 Saml Parsons 4 Sheets 5$ 1 bed & furniture 33.25 38.25 One note on Henry Beard
11.00 Person Davis 324 ? Pork? a 5$ 16.20 Person Davis
$236.63 1/4 Person Davis admr. Of Keronhappuch Beard dec. being sworn saith that the above is a complete inventory of the articles belonging to said Estate and sold by him at public auction this 5th Feby 1822.
Sworn before me N. Sargent J.CC. D6
Recorded 27th May 1829 James D. Craig clk(page 17)
Person Davis admr. In account the Estate of Kerenhappuch Beard decd.
Person Davis To Amount of Sales as pr account
$225.43 3/4 Person Davis By Amt paid A. Waller as pr voucher No. 1 11.84 Person Davis By Amt paid William Blair No. 2 11.84 Person Davis By Amt paid C. Humphreys No. 3 57.50 Person Davis By Amt paid Henry Beard No. 4 11.84 Person Davis By Amt paid William Gwinn No. 5 11.84 Person Davis By Amt paid Welcome Beard No. 6 11.84 Person Davis By Amt paid Thomas Morrison No. 7 11.84 Person Davis By Amt paid William Boswell No. 8
By P. Davis Share of Said Estate
11.84 By Archibald Beards share in my hands
11.84 By John Beard Share in my hands
11.84 By George Beard Share in my hands
11.84 By Nelson McDowell Share in my hands
11.84 By charge for trouble expense
19.85 2/4 Advertising Settlement
3.50 Judge & clerks fees
8.25 Recorded 27th May 1829 J. D. Craig clk
[My transcription of some of the words & the amounts are undoubtably wrong, but they are close. Person Davis above may be Parson Davis, but it is definitely an "e" in these records. Apparently my tabulation gets lost as this posts, so I hope it is understandable. --Jan Thomas]
[John M. Gwin Note: Bill Webb of Pensacola FL noted in my guest book that "Kerranpauch Nelson Beard is my 5th great-grandmother." We welcome you, Bill, and hope you'll send in anything on K. N. Beard that might throw more light on William. And I'll bet Jan Thomas would like to hear from you, too!]
[John M. Gwin Note: Today, 1 Aug 2006, Lisa Bartlett noted in my guest book that she was "doing research on Kerranpauch Nelson Beard and found this website. She was my gggggg-grandmother (6 greats). The info you had was really cool." We welcome you, too, Lisa! Let us hear from you from time to time, especially if you have more to add to the puzzle's solution.]
1830 U. S. Census, Dallas Co., Alabama
CD Page 101a.tif--two selected lines only
S 18. John Gwinn 1
(Thomas). 1
(John). . . . . . . 3
(Sarah). 1
(Mary). 1
(Jane). . . . . . . 23. Wm. Gwinn* 1
(unk.). 1
(unk.). 1
(William). . . . . . . 3
(unk.). . 1
(Susanah). . . . . . . *This William Gwinn, b. betw. 1790 and 1800, is very likely the older brother of my ggg-grandpa John Gwin. The evidence (if not proof) of this is listed in the items of this chronology. Please see the table at the top of this page for a more detailed accounting of William's and Susannah's children.
Real Estate |
5/5 | George | Gwin | 62 | 1788 | m | farmer | . | Va | . | This person is currently unknown to
us; however, because he is two houses away from this William
Gwin, he is most likely a relative. |
Laney | Gwin | 52 | 1798 | f | . | . | Ten | . | This person is currently unknown to us. | |
Rachael | Gwin | 23 | 1827 | f | . | . | Ind | CNROW | The "Other" data is "Can Not Read Or Write." | |
Nancy | Gwin | 11 | 1839 | f | . | . | Ind | . | . | |
George L. | Gwin | 8 | 1842 | m | . | . | Ind | . | . | |
7/7 | William | Gwin | 38 | 1812 | m | farmer | 620 | Ten | CNROW | This is the William Gwin (Jr.--if Mike's right) whom Mike Walker has theorized could be the son of William and Susanna Gwin (and grandson of Isham and Mary C. Gwin) as explained above. His estimated year of birth, 1812, is the same year John Gwin and Jane Walker married and the year before our William and Susanna (theoretical parents to this William) joined the Miller's Cove Baptist Church (see item #3 above). |
Jane M. | Gwin | 37 | 1813 | f | . | . | NC | CNROW | Jane evidently married William in the early 1830's, no doubt in Alabama (as per her children's POB). If Rebecca is their firstborn, Jane would've been about 20 when Rebecca was born and therefore about 19 when she and William married (ca. 1832). | |
Rebecca L. | Gwin | 17 | 1833 | f | . | . | Ala | ASWTY | That this daughter is born in
Alabama lends further credence to Mike's theory,
since William and Susanna are in Alabama for the
1820 and 1820 censuses. The "Other" data is "Attended School Within The Year." |
James H. | Gwin | 13 | 1837 | m | . | . | Ill | ASWTY | That he is born in Illinois
means--if Mike's theory is correct--that William and
Jane moved their family north to Illinois between
1833 and 1837. The following is no doubt he in the
1880 census, the only questionable item being his
mother's POB:
Name: James H. GwinThe "Other" data is "Attended School Within The Year." |
Elias | Gwin | 8 | 1842 | m | . | . | Ill | ASWTY | The following is no doubt he in the
1880 census, the only questionable item being his
mother's POB: The "Other" data is "Attended School Within The Year." |
No. |
to HoH |
Stat. |
01 | unk/unk | James H. | Gwin | m | self | m | w | farmer | 44 | 1836 | IL | TN | AL | I believe this
could be the older son of the William Gwin (Jr.)
who appears in Macoupin Co., IL, in 1850. And voila, the 6 Jul 1860 census results of Twp. 9, Rng. 7, Macoupin Co., IL, seem to confirm this: James H. and Eliza, both age 24, are living
at #639/655.
Searching the 1875 Kansas State Census Collection on Ancestry.com, I've found a J. H. Gwin family living in Drywood, Bourbon Co., KS--who clearly must be this same person--as follows: J. H. Gwin, 39, m, w, b. IL, moved to KS fr.
E. Gwin, 39, f, w, b. IL, moved to KS fr. IL; E. F. Gwin, 14, m, w, b. IL, moved to KS fr. IL; I. F. Gwin, 10, f, w, b. IL, moved to KS fr. IL; S. E. Gwin, 4, f, w, b. KS; Lewis Gwin, 2, m, w, b. KS; Oct Gwin, 17, f, w, b. IL, moved to KS fr. IL; |
02 | Eliza | Gwin | f | wife | m | w | keeping house | 44 | 1836 | IL | TN | TN |
E. Gwin, 39, f, w,
b. IL, moved to KS fr. IL;
03 | Arrena | Gwin | f | dau | s | w | at school | 14 | 1866 | IL | IL | IL |
I. F. Gwin, 10, f,
w, b. IL, moved to KS fr. IL;
04 | Sarah E. | Gwin | f | dau | s | w | at school | 9 | 1871 | KS | IL | IL |
S. E. Gwin, 4, f,
w, b. KS;
05 | Lewis | Gwin | m | son | s | w | at school | 7 | 1873 | KS | IL | IL |
Lewis Gwin, 2,
m, w, b. KS;
06 | Lee | Gwin | m | son | s | w | 3 | 1877 | KS | IL | IL | |||
07 | Octavia | Gwin | f | SOTADR | s | w | works out | 24 | 1856 | IL | TN | IL |
Oct Gwin, 17, f, w,
b. IL, moved to KS fr. IL;
08 | unk/unk | Elias | Gwin | m | self | m | w | farming | 40 | 1840 | IL | TN | AL | I believe this could be the younger son of the William Gwin (Jr.) who appears in Macoupin Co., IL, in 1850. |
09 | Sarah R. | Gwin | f | wife | m | w | keeping house | 37 | 1843 | KY | KY | KY | . | |
10 | Ida A. | Gwin | f | dau | s | w | at school | 16 | 1864 | IL | IL | KY | Her POB places their move to KS between 1864 and 1867. | |
11 | Elizabeth A. | Gwin | f | dau | s | w | at school | 13 | 1867 | KS | IL | KY | Her POB places their move to KS between 1864 and 1867. | |
12 | Nancy J. | Gwin | f | dau | s | w | at school | 10 | 1870 | KS | IL | KY | . | |
13 | Cora | Gwin | f | dau | s | w | at school | 8 | 1872 | KS | IL | KY | . | |
14 | James W. | Gwin | m | son | s | w | 3 | 1877 | KS | IL | KY | Jim and Mike, we need to search for this person in later censuses. | ||
15 | Allen A. | Gwin | m | son | s | w | 1 | 1879 | KS | IL | KY | Jim and Mike, we need to search for this person in later censuses. | ||
16 | unk/unk | Elias F. | Gwin | m | self | m | w | works on farm |
19 | 1861 | KS | IL | IL | I believe this to be the son and firstborn child of Elias Gwin who appears in this table, line 8 above. The only discrepancy is the POB of his mother--IL rather than KY. |
17 | Elizabeth | Gwin | f | wife | m | w | keeps house | 18 | 1862 | KY | KY | KY | Nothing further known or speculated. | |
18 | Lottie | Gwin | f | dau | s | w | 1 | 1879 | KS | KS | KY | . |
Copy of the actual page
from this 1850 census of the above Macoupin County,
IL, question. |
![]() |
The unknown George Gwin family appears here as family no. 5. It is this William Gwin family no. 7 that is in question: Is he the son of William and Susannah Beard Gwin, or is he the son of Elias Gwin? |
From "History of Arkansas" in Southern
Arkansas Biographical and Historical Memoirs,
1890, p. 224
discovered (on Ancestry.com) and sent in by Jan Thomas in May 2007 (color and other emphasis by John Gwin--RED = confirming data; GREEN = disputed data--see above):
Col. Thomas F. Gwinn,
farmer and notary public, Ben Lomond, Ark. Of the
many thoroughgoing and enterprising sons of toil now
residing in Sevier County [AR], none are more
deserving of mention than Col. Thomas F. Gwinn, who was
in Dallas County, Ala., in 1831. His
parents, William and Susan (Beard) Gwinn,
were natives of
Alabama, where
they were married and spent their entire lives,
the father dying in 1833 and mother in 1837.
The father was a farmer, and also followed merchandising
for many years. The paternal grandfather, Isham
Gwinn, was born in the Buckeye State, and was of
Irish descent. He died in Alabama. The maternal
grandfather, John Beard, a native of Tennessee
and of English descent, also died in Alabama.
Col. Thomas F. Gwinn, the youngest of eleven children--three sons and eight daughters--, divided his time in early life between assisting on the farm and in attending the common schools, where he received a good practical education. He then attended college at Elton and Tuscaloosa, and afterward taught school for twenty years. He was also a merchant, and sold books, etc. In 1856 he went to Bossier Parish, La., spent two years there, and then went to Southwestern Arkansas, where he has lived in Lafayette, Hempstead, Little River, and Sevier Counties. In 1861 he joined Company E, Eleventh Arkansas Infantry, and spent the first year in Missouri and Kentucky. He was captured at Island No. 10, and spent about seven months in prison at Camp Douglas, Chicago, Ill. After being released he served in the mounted infantry, and was judge advocate and postmaster of the regiment, operating in Louisiana and Mississippi. He surrendered at Lewisville, Ark. In 1866 he was married in Little River County, to Mrs. Nancy Reeves, a native of Missouri, born in 1822, and the daughter of James and Rebecca Hohman [Holman], who were born respectively in Kentucky and Maryland. In 1828 her parents came to Hempstead County, Ark, and from there moved to Sevier County, where they remained until 1843, and then moved to Paris, Tex. There Mrs. Hohman [Holman] died in 1857, and Mr. Hohman [Holman] in 1876, at the age of ninety-six years. He once represented Hempstead County in the Legislature. By her first husband, R. V. R. Green, Mrs. Gwinn had one daughter, Catherine, who is the wife of B. F. Forney, an attorney at Hope. Since 1872, Col. Gwinn has lived in Sevier County, where he has a good farm of 160 acres near Ben Lomond. In 1874 and 1875 he was superintendent of public instruction of Sevier County, and afterward held the position of justice of the peace for four years. He was once special deputy of the Grange, and since 1887 he has been notary public. In politics he is strictly Democratic, and his first presidential vote was cast for Franklin Pierce in 1852. He has been a member of the A. G. & A. M. since 1861, but is now non-affiliating. He has been a Royal Arch Mason since 1863, the Chapter being in Columbia County. Mrs. Gwinn is a member of the Presbyterian Church. |
![]() |
sent me this article she found in a Rootsweb
After her death he married Miss Rebecca Tong, a native
of Maryland, who passed to her final home in Paris,
Tex., about 1858. Of the ten children born to this last
marriage, six are still living: Emily (widow of Henry K.
Brown), William T., Nancy (wife of
Thomas Guinn, a resident
of Sevier County), Ira N. (a resident of
California), Daniel ( a resident of Sevier County, Ark.)
and Susan (now the widow of Lewis M. Schrack, who makes
her home in California). William T. Holman was nine
years of age when his parents immigrated from Missouri,
and he grew to manhood in what is now Sevier County,
Ark., obtaining his education in the common schools. His
marriage to Miss Mary Stewart of Hempstead County was consummated in 1841, and
in 1848 she passed to her final home, and Henry B. Holman, now the
Sheriff of Hempstead County, is the only survivor of two
children born to this marriage. In 1849 Mr. Holman
crossed the plains to California and was there engaged
in mining and farming until 1856 when he came to this
county, and here he has resided ever since. The same
year as his arrival in this county, Miss Eliza Fuquay, a
native of Hempstead County, Ark., and the daughter of
Thomas W. and Delia (Brown) Fuquay, became his wife. Her
father, a minister of the Presbyterian persuasion was of
French extraction and claimed Kentucky as his birthplace.
Early in life he moved to the Indian Territory, coming thence, in 1828, to Hempstead County, Ark., and later settling in Sevier County, same State, where he passed from life in 1859. His wife was Virginian by birth and died in September 1886 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Holman, with whom she had spent her last days. To the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Holman have been born nine children--four sons and five daughters: Adelaide (wife of N. T. Richmond), James T., Mary J. (deceased), Edgar W., William L., Lucy, Frances, Lloyd C., and Elise. Mr. Holman has not spent his life in idleness as his fine farms lying three miles northwest of Rocky Comfort and about one and one-half miles from Indian Territory will show, and he devotes his attention to cultivating 250 acres of the 720 acres which this tract contains. During the late war he raised a company (in 1863) of which he was captain and served as such until the surrender. In 1868 he was chosen Representative of Sevier County and served as such very creditably for two years during which time Little River County was formed from a portion of Sevier and Hempstead Counties. His first presidential vote was cast for Grover Cleveland. Mrs. Holman is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. |
Res/Fam |
Name |
Age |
Sex |
Race |
Occupation |
Real $ |
John M. Gwin's Comments |
613/617 |
J. B. Aaikin |
38 |
m |
farm |
SC |
Thomas writes that Maud Baird Smith (in her
book The Baird Family) says that this is John B. "Jack" Aikin,
b. 1810 in SC. She says he died in 1899 near Marshall,
TX; however, Jan says this is the only census in which
she's been able to find him. Jan quotes Maud as saying
that Jack married Henrietta
Gwin who, Jan speculates, is a
daughter of William Gwin and Susanna Beard. She
reports that Jack is a brother to Alexander Aikin. I have no reason to
doubt any of this and believe, with Jan, that this
is one of William's and Susannah's kids. |
H. Aaikin |
26 |
f |
AL |
is probably Henrietta Gwin who, Jan and I
speculate, is a daughter of our William Gwin and
Susanna Beard. |
611/615 |
A. Aaikin | 41 |
m |
blk. S. & Farm |
TN |
that this is Alexander Aikin, living
two doors from his brother, John B. "Jack" Aikin,
above. She has found this family in Texas in 1860 and
1870 as well. He is listed here as a blacksmith and
farmer. |
M. Aaikin | 36 |
f |
AL | Jan
that this is Matilda
(Baird) Aikin, cousin to Henrietta Gwin
Noblett Pridmore. |
J. Aaikin | 16 |
m |
farm |
AL | ||||
M. J. Aaikin | 14 |
f |
AL | |||||
G. Aaikin | 12 |
m |
AL | |||||
J. B. Aaikin | 10 |
m |
AL | |||||
F. Aaikin | 7 |
f |
AL | |||||
J. Aaikin | 1 |
f |
TX |
Res/Fam |
Name |
Age |
Sex |
Race |
Occupation |
Real $ |
John M. Gwin's Comments |
1086/1086 |
Robt. K. Predmore |
45 |
m |
planter |
3000 |
TN |
all, if you're using Ancestry.com to find these folks, be
aware that they mistranscribe the last name as
"Beamore", for Pete's sake. Jan Thomas sent me all the following information: Robert Kyle Prigmore,
b. 1808 in Limestone Co., AL, was the first white
child born in [what
would become] that state; he died in 1864
in either TN or Bossier Parish, LA; m1. on 7 Jul
1836 to Alice Jane
Maples (b. 6 Feb 1814 in McMinn Co., TN; d.
15 Dec 1839 in TN); two ch.: Wm. Maples Prigmore (b.
1837 in Limestone Co., AL) and Alice Elizabeth
Prigmore (b. 1839 in
Limestone Co., AL; d. 1933; m. Mr. Sugg);
RKP m2. 29 Oct 1842 to Karenhappuch (nee Gwin) Noblett (b. 1802 in TN; d. 1866 in Limestone Co. AL) |
Kesinhapeuch Predmore | 38 |
f |
TN |
said to be Karenhappuch Gwin
[the widow Noblett] (b. 1802--sic--in TN; d.
1866 in Limestone Co. AL); she is no doubt named for
her maternal grandmother, Karenhappuch Beard (see item
9 in the chronology above). If this is indeed the oldest daughter of William and Susanna Beard Gwin--and I believe that she is--I have to agree with her age in this 1850 census which places her DOB at ca. 1812, not 1802, because we know that Wm. was still single in 1805 and (probably also in) 1808; the first we see of Susannah is in 1813 (see items 1-3 in the chronology above). Again, I have no reason to doubt any of this (except the 1802 DOB) and believe, with Jan, that this is one of William's and Susannah's kids. |
Wm. Predmore | 12 |
m |
AL |
Noblet |
16 |
m |
none |
AL |
Res/Fam |
Name |
Age |
Sex |
Race |
Occupation |
Real $ |
Pers $ |
John M. Gwin's Comments |
788/ |
Thomas F. Guinn |
25 |
M |
School Teacher |
is consistent with Thomas' situation as described in the
above book article, "History of Arkansas" in Southern
Arkansas Biographical and Historical Memoirs,
1890, p. 224. He is single and living
with the Williams family. |
Res/Fam |
Name |
Age |
Sex |
Race |
Occupation |
Real $ |
Pers $ |
Other |
John M. Gwin's Comments |
676/890 |
Guinn, Thomas F. |
40 |
M |
W |
Schoolteacher |
1000 |
120 |
Missouri |
have a strong feeling that this census taker erred, at
least in the last two columns--perhaps he
mistranscribed his own notes--we don't know.
Nevertheless, we do know that Thomas F. Gwin was born
in Alabama and that his wife Nancy, the widow Green
(nee Hohman), was born in Missouri. It is also
unimaginable that a school teacher's wife, much less
the school teacher himself, would not be able to read
or write! The listed occupation of school teacher,
however, does concur with the above book article's
information. |
Guinn, Nancy |
36 |
F |
W |
Ditto |
Res/Fam |
Name |
Race |
Sex |
Age |
Relat HOH |
Marr |
Occ |
John M. Gwin's Comments |
126/136 |
Guinn, T. F. |
W |
M |
59 |
self |
M |
Farmer |
Ark |
Ohio |
Al |
Ancestry.com mistranscribed the
surname as GUIRM,
which is the reason why it was almost impossible
to find the family using that program. (I did an
Ancestry search of the entire county and found him
that way.) Looking at the original document
verifies that the last name was indeed recorded as
GUINN. The baby of the family, Thomas F. Gwin was orphaned by the age of six (his dad, William, died when he was only 2). So it is very understandable that he had no first-hand knowledge of where his parents--much less his grandparents--were born. The facts are that his father, William Gwin, was born, raised, and married in Tennessee (possibly he was born in VA just prior to the move to TN), and his mother, Susan Beard, was at least married there and probably born and raised there as well. His paternal grandparents, Isham Gwin and Mary Canterbury, were both born, raised, and married in VA, moved to TN just before or just after William was born, and moved to IN where they finished their lives and are buried. The book article above states that Thomas believed his grandpa Isham was from OH, and that is likely what Thomas told this census taker as well, who may have mistaken his statement for his father's birthplace instead. |
---Nancy |
W |
F |
57 |
wife |
M |
House keeping |
Mo |
NY |
Md |
Moore, W. |
W |
M |
16 |
boarder |
S |
Works on Farm |
Ark |
Res/Fam |
Name |
Race |
Sex |
Age |
#Yrs. Md. |
Est. YOM |
#Ch. |
#Ch. Lvg. |
Occ. |
John M. Gwin Comments |
200/201 |
Guinn, Tomas |
w |
m |
Apr 1827 |
73 |
34 |
1866 |
AL |
AL |
AL |
Farmer |
our man all right. But now, in his old age, he is
ready to tell us that his DOB is 1827, meaning he is himself the
third son of William! The biographer in the above bio
must have been wrong! |
---- Nancy
C. |
w |
f |
Mar 1823 |
77 |
34 |
1866 |
1 |
1 |
MO |
KY |
MD |
is Catherine Greene, by her first husband. She married
the lawyer, Mr. Forney, and is still alive in 1900. |
Address Res/Fam |
Name |
Relat to HoH |
Sex |
Race |
Age |
Marr. Stat. |
Yrs. Md. |
No. Ch. |
Ch. Lvg. |
Occupation |
John M. Gwin Comments |
1814 W. 7th St. 10/11 |
F. |
head |
m |
w |
66 |
m2 |
10 |
AR |
US |
US |
Commission merchant,
cotton |
A. |
wife |
f |
w |
66 |
m2 |
10 |
4 |
0 |
AR |
NY |
MO |
none |
she is not the daughter but the STEPdaughter of Thomas
F. Gwinn--Nancy's by her first husband (reported here to
be from from NY). |
Gwinn, Nancy C. |
mother-in-law |
f |
w |
88 |
wid |
1 |
1 |
MO |
VA |
MD |
none |
new info about Thomas F. that we learn here is when he
died--between 1900 and 1910. This agrees with the
abovementioned tombstone (1902). |
Minnie |
servant | f |
b |
40 |
wid |
1 |
1 |
TX |
US | US | cook |
that her first husband's name was Shaw and her second
Porter, Augustus being her son by the former. |
Augustus |
servant |
m |
b |
26 |
son |
AR |
US | US | "yard boy" |
guess I still can't get used to a 26-year-old black man
being called "boy". Sorry, Augustus. Hopefully, most of
your descendants are faring somewhat better today. |
[John M. Gwin Note:
Jan Thomas and I have been corresponding again, this time on Ancestry DNA messenger.
In late January 2019 she sent me the following segment of that conversation.]
William Gwin and Susannah Biard /Beard Gwin from Jan THOMAS, 25 Jan 2019
That's correct. It was Thomas F. Gwin that we suspect of being William Gwin’s son. We also suspect the Henrietta and Happuch Gwin who were the Biards’ cousins to be Thomas F. Gwin’s sisters.
I was researching Thomas F. Gwin trying to figure out where he had lived in his life, because he was so young when his parents died. Maybe one of his older brothers or sisters raised him, because it listed his colleges as Elton and Tuscaloosa, but I couldn't quite figure out if those were the towns, counties or names of schools. But it said in 1856 Thomas F. Gwin went to Bossier Parish, LA, and spent two years there. I wondered if he might have had relatives there and went for a visit.
I was also researching the Aikens that left Alabama with the Biards on the wagon train to Texas, but the Aikens stopped in Harrison Co., TX, making their homes there. [John M. Gwin Note: Harrison Co., TX, is right across the state line from and adjacent to Bossier Parish, LA. Marshall, TX, and Shreveport, LA, are the county and parish seats.] The Biards’ cousin Henrietta Gwin married John B. (Jack) Aiken, and I think he is buried in Harrison Co., TX, but Henrietta Gwin Akins’ resting place and date are unknown.
John Aiken's brother was Alexander Aiken. He married Matilda Biard, and they lived and died in Harrison Co., TX. Matilda Baird was John Nelson Biard’s daughter. I found census records in Bossier Parish, LA, where I wondered if Henrietta Gwin might have died and maybe Thomas F. Gwin went there for a funeral or to help out.
In the 1840 Census, J. B. Aiken is in Limestone Co., AL.
In the 1850 Census of Harrison Co., TX:
Henrietta Aiken or Akin, 26, b. AL, and
J. B. Aiken or Akin, 38, b. SC
His brother Alexander Aikin also lives in Harrison Co., TX, in 1850.
In the 1860 of Bossier Parrish, LA:
Could this be J. B. Akin (Atkins) in living with the W. C. Maples family?
W. C. Maples married Mary M. Evans in Limestone Co., AL.
The Maples, Pridmores (Prigmores), Biards, Aikens, Gwins were all related from Limestone Co., AL.
Again, in the 1860 Census of Bossier Parish, LA:
W. C. Maples, male, 47, b. AL,
Mrs. M. M. Maples, f, 40, b. AL,
M.C. Maples, f, 18, b. TN,
Martha J. Maples, f 10, b. TN,
W. C. Maples, m 11, b. LA,
Duglas Maples m 8 b. LA,
C. E. Maples, f 4 b. LA,
Dr. A. Evans m 64 boarder,
John V. Atkins m 47 widower, overseer, b. SC,
William Atkins, m 5 b. LA.
IF this is John B. Aiken 47 widower overseer b. SC and his son William Atkins m 5 b. LA, that would mean that he was born about 1855 and maybe even 1856 when Thomas F. Akin came to Bossier Parish, LA, for some reason—possibly, like I said, his (proposed) sister’s funeral? or the birth of a baby?
It could also narrow down Henrietta Gwin Aikens’ death date. If the baby was born in LA, then I am thinking SHE died in LA, since J. B. and the baby are still there. So the William Akin child would be the W. B. Akin in the 1880 census below who has aged approx. 20 years, and everybody is still born in the correct places, and John B. Akin is still alive living with his son. And if he was born ca. 1811, he should be 69 in 1880.
Next I found in 1880 spelled correctly:
1880 Bossier City, LA Census:
J. B. Akin 69 w/m widowed, farmer b. SC/Ireland/Ireland. Living with him are:
W. B. Akin 24 w/m (Head, self) farmer, md., b. LA/SC/AL,
Lizza Akin 22 w/f wife keep hs, b. LA/FL/GA,
Douglas Akin 4/12 w/m son b. Nov in LA/LA/LA
I also found a W. B. Akin md. Lizzie Bonnacasth (Bonnecase) in Bossier 19 Jun 1878.
These Akins might be Gwin decendants. What do you think? Too many ifs? Or do you think it’s possible?
John B. Aikin continues to hold land in Harrison Co. where his brother lives, and his tombstone in Scottsville Cemetery back in Harrison Co., TX, just says:
Uncle Jack
John B. Akin
b. 27 Jun 1810
d. 7 Nov 1899.
[John M. Gwin Note: His Find A Grave memorial #5566117 has a gravestone photo.]
Also, are you familiar with the colleges Elton or Tuscaloosa?
[John M. Gwin Note: 25 Jan 2019: Following are my notes after studying Jan's message, above. THANK YOU, Jan! :-) ]
25 Jan 2019
Evidently, the only people in the chart below whose relationship may be in question are 25.01--William Akin, listed in red, and his descendants.
23.03--William Gwin m. Susanna Biard in Tennessee and moved to Alabama. (William and Susanna are my ggg-granduncle and ggg-grandaunt)
23.00--Mr. and Mrs. Akin,
(None of the people in this column is related to me; however, each is related to the folks in the first column through John Akin, while I am related to the folks in the first column through his wife Henrietta and her father William. --John M. Gwin)
24.00--Henrietta Gwin m. John B. Akin in Limestone Co., AL (Henrietta is my first cousin four times removed.) 24.00--John's brother Alexander Akin m. Matilda Biard (relative of Susanna?) in Limestone Co., AL; at least 5 ch., all bd. in Scottsville Cem., Harrison Co., TX;
25.01--William B. Akin, b. ca. 1855; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. 19 Jun 1878 in Bossier Parish, LA, to Lizza Bonnacasth (b. ca. 1858--age 22 in 1880 census; d. unk.; bd. unk.)
[Jan found the following marriage data on Will and Lizzie:]
Name: W. B. Akin Spouse: Lizzie Bonnacasth Marriage Date: 19 Jun 1878 Marriage Pace: Bossier
(If this William is indeed the son of Henrietta and John, all the following three statements are true as well:
[1] he is my third cousin thrice removed;
[2] he is first cousin to each of the five children of Alexander (in second column), and
[3] his mother, Henrietta, was alive as late as 1855 but died before 1860.)
25.01--Minerva Jane Akin (1836-1899) m. Mr. Bell
25.02--Gaines Washington Akin (1839-1900)
25.03--Joseph Bonaparte Akin (1842-1876)
25.04--Frances Matilda Akin (1844-1911) m. Mr. Boynton
25.05--Alexander Akin (1858-1883) 26.01--Douglas Akin, b. Nov 1879 in LA/LA/LA; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
From: "Jan Thomas" <jethomas at texoma dot net>
Date: Mon Sep 12, 2005 01:28:13 PM US/Mountain
To: "John Gwin" <jmcdgwin@zianet.com>
Subject: Re: William Gwin
Lookin good! I haven't had the chance to do much geneology lately, but when I do one of my bizarre searches through google, I always wind up on one of your web pages. You are doing an excellent job. Did I send you the Millers Cove Baptist Church information on William Gwin? I'll attach it to the e-mail, and if I hadn't already sent it to you, I apologize. I published a book when I transcribed the church records. It seems that William Guinn and his wife Susanna joined church in Blount Co. in June 1813 and left Blount Co. (Sevier Co.?) Oct. 1815. Mary and Person Davis have no dates shown for being received or dismissed, although Person Davis was ordered to write some of the dismission letters. See the Index for the dates, and see the MILLERS COVE BAPTIST CHURCH.doc to see the actual reference. Thought you might want to add some of the Millers Cove info about William's whereabouts to your web site.I noticed on one of your web pages that Archibald Beard joined the church in Sevier Co. Did you record anything further on him at that church? Or do you have access to those records? I would be interested in any Beard/Baird names that might also be in those records. If you don't have access to them, can you give me the location to see about an interlibrary loan?
----- Original Message -----
From: John Gwin
To: jethomas at texoma dot net
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 12:28 AM
Subject: William GwinJan,
Check out this page we're building for your and my William Gwin:http://www.zianet.com/jmcdgwin/gwinWmSOishamBOjohn.htm
Let me hear from you when you've had time to look at it. You have anything else to add?
Best to you,
In Jesus,
John (Contact information:)
John M. Gwin: JMcDGwin@zianet.com
U.S. Mail Address: 1845 Anderson Dr., Las Cruces, NM 88001 USA
Telephone: (505) 522-2171
How to know God personally (No kidding!):
The following is taken, with the author's permission, from her book:
WALLAND, BLOUNT CO., TN1812 to 1824
Transcribed from microfilm available at the Library of Virginia
and the McClung Library in Tennessee.Transcribed 2002 by:
Jan Biard ThomasPlease email her for current prices on a copy of her book at
janthomasatcebridgedotnetAlthough these church minutes reveal some personal detail about our ancestors' lives, they also provide a valuable tool in tracing our genealogical history. The dates for joining the Church, and the dates for letters of dismission are very useful in pinpointing our ancestors' migration, and in a few instances unknown spouses' first names may be revealed. This may be very useful to some families from the Blount Co., Tennessee, area since there are no census records for the time period 1812 to 1824. There are more minutes books included on the Millers Cove Baptist Church of Christ microfilm, which cover the years 1824 well into the 1880's. I have included a second membership list from the second minutes book; however, I did not include the names in the index for this book. Please consult the original microfilm to resolve discrepancies.
ss--Replaces old style cursive "f" or "fs".My particular interest in these church records revolves around the Biard family, specifically Kerranhappuch Biard and her husband Henry Biard, and the related families of Waller, Davis, Morrison, Guin, and Blair. Henry Beard, Baird, Biard, etc. . . . can be found in records as early as 1738 in the counties of Goochland, Albemarle, and Buckingham, Virginia. Henry Beard's first known children are Hardiman b.1734, Edmund b.1736, John b.1739, Judith b.1742, and Ann b.1747. In 1773 there are two Henry Bairds on the Buckingham County tithe lists, one being tithed as a dependant of the other along with dependants Archibald Baird and John Taylor. In 1774 there is only one Henry Baird on Buckingham county tithe lists, and the dependants are tithed separately. It is not known if the second Henry Baird mentioned is son to the first or grandson to the first. Henry #2 and Archibald were probably born between 1748 and 1752, and grandsons named Henrys could have been born around 1752 and later. The Hardimans are adjacent landowners to Henry Baird, and some of the Hardiman men married Taylor girls. It seems likely but not proven that we are related to these Hardimans and Taylors. In 1783/84 Henry Baird "of Buckingham" has land deeds in Halifax County, Virginia. By 1795 he sells all of his land in Halifax and his estate is mentioned on tax records. Kerranhappuch is the wife of Henry Baird of Halifax county Virginia and her name is found on one of their deeds there, giving up her right to dower. To confuse matters, there are no taxed Henry Bairds in Buckingham from 1783 to 1795 and then a Henry Baird is taxed in Buckingham County, Virginia, in 1795 and forward. Henry and Hardiman Baird also have land in Clark County, Kentucky, being sold for taxes in 1798. Hardiman Baird died in Bath County, Kentucky, in the very early 1800's and left descendants there. Archibald Baird died in Buckingham County, Virginia, around 1809. By 1795/1800 we find most of Kerranhappuch Baird's family in Tennessee, in the counties of Sevier, Blount, Monroe, Polk, Bedford, and White. I am purposely being a little vague in order to not print anything that is untrue . . . but it is my assumption that the Henry Baird listed in these church minutes is not Kerranhappuch's husband, but her son and his wife Jenny, and that her husband had predeceased her, thus the existence of her probate records. I found her probate records in Dallas County, Alabama, and have included a copy at the end of this book, in hopes that it might lead to new discoveries.
…--Represents illegible or missing text.
()--Represents probable text.
B, Br, Bro and Bor--Represents religious "Brother".
items from Jan's book: Pg. 10 Brethern from wears Cove to it Joshua Simes and Noah Hayg . . . [JMG Note: This is probably Noah Haggard] perticeon by letter for members to Sit with them on Wednysday the 14th Aprile the Church apoint Bro James Taylor Gorge Snider D B Davis Thos Blair John Snidor . . . On Satterday the 26 June 1813
Pg. 16 On Friday March the 25th (looks like 27d)
1814 Pg. 26 Pg. 28 Pg. 32 Pg. 34 (continued next column) |
Satterday the 2 December 1815 Met the Church of Christ in Millers Cove after Devine Service proceeds 1. a charge against bro Zackus Hix for helping John Kitchen to move and killing a hog on the Sabbath day and laid over till Next Meeting G S Snider to cite him to our next meeting 2. Received by Recantation William Morison Pg. 39 Satterday the 6 Jenneary 1816 Mete the Church of Christ in Millers Cove and after Devine Serves proceeds to Business 1. the Matter Concerning Bro Zacuas Hix he came to the Church and Confess his fault an the Curch forgive him 2. a Charg against Bro Eli Tipton for abuseing his father Brethren apinted to Seet Bor Eli Tipton to our next Church meting B. Davis and Welcom Beard 3. the Church taking Brother Thomas Morisons gift in to Considration give him ful liberty to excise his gift ether by recitation or by the on the word of God in the Bounds of this Church Pg. 40 the Church unanaimously agree to Licene Bro James Taylor to preach the gospel & Bro Snider to write the... Satterday the 3rd of Febuary 1816 Mete the Church of Christ and after devine Service proceeds to Busi- ness 1. the Matter Concerning Bro Eli Tipton taken up and upon his acknolid that he Did wrong agree the Church the Church forgive him 2. a request form Stock Creek for helps the Church appoint Brethen Gorge Snider James Tay- lor Ritchard Davies Thos Morison . . . Pg. 47 Satterday the 7 of December 1816 Mete the Church of Christ in Millers Cove and after Devine Serves proceed to business 1. a Charge against B Elie Tipton by Welcom Baird for abusing his hogs by Cuting there feet and Saying he would do So again the Church apoint Brethern to Cite Bro Eli Tipton to attend next Meeting William Blair Wm Mckey 2. The matter Concering B wm Morison taken up and laid over till our next Meeting in Corse Pg. 48 Pg. 59 Pg. 63 2. The Church take up a charge Pg. 67 . . . (continued next column) |
August 7th 1819 Then met the Church of Christ in millers Cove and after divine service proceeds to business 1. Brother Wm Mackey brings complaint against Brother Waller Pg. 70 in case of dept the Church take it up and agree to Choosse a committee they Choosse Brother ABram Baless B. Elihu hix Br Wm Taylor B. James Taylor B. Richard Davis 2. The committee find Brother Waller justly indepted to Brother Macky three dollars in cash and six Bushel of corn the Church say Brother Waller must pay in ten days 3. the Church appoint Brother Richard Davis B Welcom Biard B William Taylor Brother Abram Bayless as deligates to the association and the Clerk to write the Church letter so Dismist in order . . . Pg. 71 September the 3rd 1819 Met the Church of Christ in Millers Cove and after Devine Servis proceeds to Busisness 1. the mater between Bro Macky and Bro Waller Settled Each party Sattisfyed 2. Sister Sally Bricky apply for a letter of Dismision the Church grant it [JMG Note: this must be Brickey, some kin to Peter Brickey of Crowson's Cove] 3. Sister Patsy (Curtis crossed out) Tefortallow Charged by the Church for a act of unceaness befor Mariage and the Church Excommunicate her 4. the letter for the association presented Read and approved . . . Saturday the 1st of Jenewary 1820 Met the Curch of Christ in millars Cove and after devine servis preseded to busness 1. (the Churc tak up a Charge against Brother Davis for denying of throwing Mr Beard deceat to his wife reprochfully (all of no. 1 crossed out)) 2. the Church take up a Charge against Brother Recherd Davis for deniing at our December meeting in 1819 that he nevar did Cast up Henry Beard to his wife in a reprocfull maner after that and it and danide it again the above was a . . .by Church . . . Pg. 75 2. the Church apoint Brother . . . Brother Taylor and Brother Thomas Blair to Site him to Com forwatd to (next) meeting the Brethern Went and Sot Brother riChard Davis and he refused to Come and the Church exClude him and he is no more of us 3. the Curch take a Charg aganst Brother Gorge snider jun for soot an with thos that Ware Shooting for Brandy 4. the curch apint Brother James taylar and Brother Abraham Bayless to site him to our next meeting in Corse Brother thomas Blair reques letter for him and his wife of dismisun and the Church grant it . . . September 28 1820 The Church of Christ in millers Cove met and after prare to god proseaded to Bisiness first Br henery Biard Came to the Curch and Confes of Drinking two much Pg. 82 Pg. 109 Pg. 110 Pg. 111 |
Pg. 130 . . .(lined out) 1 (Richard Davis) (lined out) 25 . . .(lined out) 2 (S)ary Davis 26 . . . (lined out) 3 (Ker)anhappuch Bard (lined out) 27 (William Morrison)(lined out) 4 Welcom Baird (lined out) 28 (Betsey Is)bel 5 Isbel Tipton 29 (George Snider Sen)(lined out) 6 Eli Tipton (lined out) 30 (John?) Snider (lined out) x7 Sarah Tipton 31 James Taylor 8 Henry Davis (lined out) 32x . . .Taylor 9 Peggy Davis (lined out) 33x William Taylor (lined out) 10 Nancy Hill (lined out) 34x . . .Taylor (lined out) 11 Thos Davis 35 . . . Taylor (lined out) x12 John Davis (lined out) 36 . . .Taylor (lined out) 13 Aaron Wallor 37 (Eli)hu Hix (lined out) 14 Sarah Wallor 38 (Za)chuas Hix (lined out) 15 Wm Blair 39 . . .Hix (lined out) 16 Betsey Blair 40 . . .n Hix (lined out) 17 Thos Morison (lined out) 41 . . . Hix (lined out) x18 Fanny Morison (lined out) 42 . . . Hix 19 Esther Morison (lined out) 43 . . .Hix 20 Thos Botkin (lined out) 44 . . .ge Snidord 21 Delilah Botkin (lined out) 45 . . .Snider 22 Thos Blair (lined out) 46 . . .23 Hannah Blair (lined out) 47 . . . 24. . . (lined out) 48x Pg. 131 Dead Eliza Hatcher x
Dead 1 [See also
Hatcher at Crowsons
Plat Maps] Excluded Catharine Hicks x 19 Dead Elizabeth Taylor 20 B Delilah Law Removed Arkansas 21 By Letter Elizabeth Brewer x Ded 22 Dead Thomas Davis x Dead 23 By Letter Nichlass Brewer x Dead 24 By Letter Richard Hatcher 25 By Letter James Hatcher 26 By Letter Hanah Hatcher 27 By Letter L..disa Hatcher 28 Dead Franklin Thornbury x 29 Dead Jayne Thornbury x 30 Dead Calven A. McConnel x 31 Dead Marah E. McConnel x 32 Dead Wm Hatcher x 33 Removed Martha L. Caughron Cades Cove 34 Excluded Levi P. Caughron x 35 . . . Delila Davis Arkansas 36 (continued next column) |
Millers Cove Church, Blount County,
Tennessee Membership List Minute Book 2, September 1858 Names Elizabeth
Mogill 37 Names Removed Ruth anne Brewer x 55
Names Jane Briant Excluded 75
May 15, 188? Millers Cove Church, Blount County,
Tennessee (7) Rebecca Hatcher of Elijah (crossed
out) Names Removed Eillen Evirett (End of excerpts) |
From: "Mike Walker"
Date: Sat Apr 01, 2006 05:58:33 PM
To: "'John Gwin'" <jmcdgwin@zianet.com> Cc: <JAMESTWALL@aol.com> Subject: FW: Patton Walker Query Hey John,
Message----- Jeanne,
Message----- Hi, Mike;
From: "Mike Walker"
<walk5755@bellsouth.net> -----Original
Message----- From: "Mike Walker"
<walk5755@bellsouth.net> I saw your post in Rootsweb concerning Patton Walker. http://www.rootsweb.com/~ilmacoup/queries/query019.htm I have no idea whether I am related to him (most likely not, I think) but I have to check. I am also related to the Gwin family. They all lived in Martin and Orange Co's Indiana in the 1820-1860 or so time frame, and came there from Tennessee. At Hopewell Church in Macoupin Co., IL, along with your relative Patton Walker, there is an early member named Gwin. So I have to see if there is a line of my Walkers and Gwins in that timeframe and location. What piqued my interest is this listing on http://www.carthage.lib.il.us/community/churches/primbap/FamHist-Macoupin.html HOPEWELL
Elder Lemay was chosen pastor in September 1831, and continued in that office until his death in 1845. He was followed by Elders William F. Jerrell, David Gimblin, G. W. Jones, W. I. Dobbs, A. J. Witty, and J. A. Modlin. Hopewell Church first joined the Illinois Association. In 1834, the church united with the Apple Creek Association. Hopewell Church was one of the churches dismissed from the Apple Creek Association, which organized the Concord Association in November 1838. In April 1836, the church granted "a request from the Otter Fork to send our ministerial aid to assist in constituting them into a church, if found in order, on the last Saturday in April and first Sunday in May." In 1838, the church dismissed six members to organize Sugar Creek Church. In February 1852 the church sent ordained help to constitute brethren living on Cahokia into a church. In May 1835, the church agreed to build a meeting house. In May 1851, the church appointed a committee of three "as a building or repairing committee, for to build or repair the meeting house." In April 1852, the church requested a deed to be obtained for the one acre of land on which the meeting house stands. No other mention of the site, or description of the meeting house, is given. The church was apparently located in Gillespie township, on Spanish Needle Prairie, and near the Wheeler Cemetery. A photo of the meeting house has not been found. SURNAMES OF
MEMBERS: Have you found any additional information on Patton Walker? Mike Walker
Res/Fam |
Name |
Age |
Sex |
Race |
Occ. | Other |
John Gwin's
Comments |
606/606 |
Guinn |
38 |
F |
Tenn |
2007, Jan Thomas found Thomas F. Gwin, son of
William and Susan and grandson of Isham. We also
learned that William and Susan died in 1833 and
1837, respectively, in AL, and that Susan's
maiden name was Beard. |
John Guinn | 18 |
M |
Ala |
Farmer |
Pearson Guinn | 13 |
M |
Ala | ||||||
Isom Guinn | 12 |
F |
Ala | ||||||
Lucinda Guinn | 8 |
F |
Ala | ||||||
Emaline Guinn | 5 |
F |
Ala | ||||||
Martha Guinn | 2 |
F |
Ala |
23.4--John Gwin, b. 1792; d. 1877; m. 8 Apr 1812 in Blount Co., TN, to Jane Walker; 9 (or 10) children
Looking for this oldest son (24.01 immediately above, name unknown) of Isom's oldest son, William, my search of the Ancestry.com 1880 census nationwide for any white male Gwins b. in TN ca. 1810-1815, whose fathers were b. TN, NC, or VA, yielded the following two hits (I consider the first to be more likely correct and list his family as well):
1880 United States Federal Census Record about William Gwin Name: William Gwin [II]
Age: 70
Estimated birth year: <1810>
Birthplace: Tennessee
Occupation: Farmer
Relationship to head-of-household: Self
Home: Bogue Chitto, Lincoln, MS
Marital status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
Spouse's name: Sarah Gwin
Father's birthplace: NC [TN was then NC]
Mother's birthplace: SCOTLAND1880 United States Federal Census Record about Andrew Gwin Name: Andrew Gwin
Age: 62
Estimated birth year: <1818>
Birthplace: Tennessee
Occupation: Farmer
Relationship to head-of-household: Self
Home in 1880: Fourche, Pulaski, AR
Marital status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
Spouse's name: Susan Gwin
Father's birthplace: NC [TN was then NC]
Mother's birthplace: NC1880 United States Federal Census Record Name: Sarah Gwin
about Sarah Gwin
Age: 68
Estimated birth year: <1812>
Birthplace: Mississippi
Occupation: Keeping House
Relationship to head-of-household: Wife
Home in 1880: Bogue Chitto, Lincoln, Mississippi
Marital status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Female
Spouse's name: William Gwin
Father's birthplace: GA
Mother's birthplace: GA
1880 United States Federal Census Record Name: Viola E. Gwin
about Viola E. Gwin
Age: 28
Estimated birth year: <1852>
Birthplace: Mississippi
Occupation: Keeping House
Relationship to head-of-household: Daughter
Home in 1880: Bogue Chitto, Lincoln, Mississippi
Marital status: Single
Race: White
Gender: Female
Father's name: William Gwin
Father's birthplace: ---
Mother's name: Sarah Gwin
Mother's birthplace: ---
24.02--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1815 and 1820--age 10-15
24.03--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1815 and 1820--age 10-15
24.04--(son) Gwin, b. betw. 1820 and 1825--age 5-10
Looking for this second son (above), my search of the Ancestry.com 1880 census nationwide for any white, male, Gwins b. in AL or TN ca. 1815-1820, whose fathers were b. TN, NC, or VA, yielded the following hit:
1880 United States Federal Census Record about Carles Gwin
Name: Carles Gwin
Age: 58
Estimated birth year: <1822>
Birthplace: Alabama
Occupation: Farmer
Relationship to head-of-household: Self
Home in 1880: Precinct 8, Collin, Texas
Marital status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
Spouse's name: Elisabeth Gwin
Father's birthplace: TN
Mother's birthplace: VA24.05--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1820 and 1825--age 5-10
24.06--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1820 and 1825--age 5-10
24.07--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1820 and 1825--age 5-10
24.08--(son) Gwin, b. betw. 1825 and 1830--age 0-5
Looking for this third son, my search of the Ancestry.com 1880 census nationwide for any white male Gwins b. in AL ca. 1825-1830, whose fathers were b. TN, NC, or VA, yielded no hits. 24.09--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1825 and 1830--age 0-5
24.10--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1825 and 1830--age 0-5
24.11--(daughter) Gwin, b. betw. 1825 and 1830--age 0-524.12--Col. Thomas F. Gwin, b. 1831 in Dallas Co., AL; d. aft. 1890; bd. unk.; m. 1866 in Little River Co., AR, to Mrs. Nancy (Holman) Reeves (b. in MO in 1822, d/o James Holman [b. KY; d. 1876 in Paris, TX] and Rebecca [nee unk., b. MD; d. 1857 in Paris, TX];
By her first husband, R. V. R. Green, Mrs. Gwinn had one daughter, Catherine, who is the wife of B. F. Forney, an attorney at Hope. Since 1872, Col. Gwinn has lived in Sevier County, where he has a good farm of 160 acres near Ben Lomond. In 1874 and 1875 he was superintendent of public instruction of Sevier County, and afterward held the position of justice of the peace for four years. He was once special deputy of the Grange, and since 1887 he has been notary public. In politics he is strictly Democratic, and his first presidential vote was cast for Franklin Pierce in 1852. He has been a member of the A. G. & A. M. since 1861, but is now non-affiliating. He has been a Royal Arch Mason since 1863, the Chapter being in Columbia County. Mrs. Gwinn is a member of the Presbyterian Church.
24.01--Mary Gwin, m1. Drury Hampton Roark; m2. a widower, Abel Turner;
24.02--Thomas Gwin, m. unk.;
24.03--Isom Gwin, m. Mary Burdine Wilson, who, widowed from Isom, m2. Rev. John Steadman;
24.04--William Gwin, m. Roseanne Carlisle Jones Wilson;
24.05--Sarah Gwin, m. Louis Basset;
24.06--MaryAnn "Ann" Gwin, m. Joseph Basset, who, widowed from Ann, m2. a widow, Mrs. Catherine Louisa High Blann;
24.07--Martha Gwin, m. a widower, Jesse Comelander;
24.08--Chesley R. Gwin, m1. Mary Frances "Fannie" Elizabeth Bell; m2. a widow, Mrs. Paralee (nee unk.) Blevins;
24.09--Louisa A. Gwin, m. William J. McKnight;
Res/Fam |
Name |
Age |
Race/Sex |
Occupation |
Value, Real Est. |
Other |
Jan Thomas Comments |
John M. Gwin Comments |
183/183 |
Goin |
35 |
wm |
farmer |
100 |
TN |
...Interestingly, just 3 houses above, is Samuel Goin, 35 yrs old, b.TN, with his wife Mary and 5 kids ages 11, 9, 7, 3, and 8/12, the 11 year old born in AL, the rest born in Miss., indicating a move around 1840 to Mississippi... | Yes,
is interesting. That would explain why Will and
Susanna Gwin are in Alabama in 1820 and 1830 but not
in 1840. Of course, we now know that Will and Susan
are both dead before 1840, but their kids wouldn't be,
so Sanuel could indeed be one of them. |
Mary Goin | 30 |
wf |
AL |
Telitha I. Goin | 11 |
wf |
AL |
In Feb 2019 I did a partial Ancestry "all collections" search for Benjamin F. Gwin and have found nothing significant yet. | |||||
Nancy Goin | 9 |
wf |
MS |
Franis A. Goin | 7 |
wf |
MS |
Benjamin F. Goin | 3 |
wm |
MS |
In Feb 2019 I did a partial
Ancestry "all collections" search for Benjamin F. Gwin
and have found nothing significant yet. |
William H. H. Goin | 8mos. |
wm |
MS |
In Feb 2019 I did a partial Ancestry "all collections" search for William H. H. Gwin and have found nothing significant yet. | |||||
Catharine Goin | 14 |
wf |
AL |
...Listed in Samuel Goin's
house at the very bottom is Catharine Goin, 14 yrs old, b.
TX. Now, I think it would be unusual to list
their oldest daughter last--usually that would
indicate a servant, boarder, or niece--and her
birthplace is different from the rest... |
agree with your observation. It looks to me as if she
may be a niece rather than a daughter. |
186/186 |
Baal |
47 |
wm |
Rebecca E. Baal | 48 |
wf |
William U. Baal | 17 |
wm |
Susanah A. Baal | 13 |
wf |
Thomas Goin |
17 |
wm |
This I think could be important. I think Thomas F. Gwinn, who was the son of William Gwinn and Susanna Beard of Dallas Co., AL, is on the Chickasaw Co., Mississippi, 1850 census, 17 years old, living in the house of James & Rebecca Baal. Interestingly, just 3 houses above, is Samuel Goin, 35 yrs old, b.TN, with his wife Mary and 5 kids ages 11, 9, 7, 3, and 8/12, the 11 year old born in AL, the rest born in Miss., indicating a move around 1840 to Mississippi. Listed in Samuel Goin's house at the very bottom is Catharine Goin, 14 yrs old, b. TX. Now, I think it would be unusual to list their oldest daughter last--usually that would indicate a servant, boarder, or niece--and her birthplace is different from the rest. | ||||||
(Brown?) |
21 |
wf |
Baal |
22 |
wm |
Margaret Baal | 21 |
wf |
Thomas I. Baal | 24 |
wm |
Allen U. Bovure (Brown?) | 5 |
wm |
Martha R. Bovure (Brown?) | 4 |
wf |
Address Res/Fam |
Name |
Relat to HoH |
Race |
Sex |
Age |
Marr. Stat. |
Yrs. Md. |
No. Ch. |
Ch. Lvg. |
Occupation |
John M. Gwin Comments |
200/199 |
Guinn, Tomas |
head |
w |
m |
Apr 1827 |
73 |
m |
34 |
AL |
AL |
AL |
farmer |
going to look this up on Ancestry.com, you'll do best to
use the misspelling shown--it'll take you right to it.
And it was the census taker this time, not Ancestry's
transcriber. So. It appears that Thomas believed his dad was born in AL right up to the end. |
------ Nancy C. |
wife |
w |
f |
Mar 1823 |
77 |
m |
34 |
1 |
1 |
MO |
KY |
MD |
Address Res/Fam |
Name |
Relat to HoH |
Sex |
Race |
Age |
Marr. Stat. |
Yrs. Md. |
No. Ch. |
Ch. Lvg. |
Occupation |
John M. Gwin Comments |
1814 W. 7th St. 10/11 |
F. |
head |
m |
w |
66 |
m2 |
10 |
AR |
US |
US |
Commission merchant,
cotton |
A. |
wife |
f |
w |
66 |
m2 |
10 |
4 |
0 |
AR |
NY |
MO |
none |
she is not the daughter but the STEPdaughter of Thomas
F. Gwinn--Nancy's by her first husband (reported here to
be from from NY). |
Gwinn, Nancy C. |
mother-in-law |
f |
w |
88 |
wid |
1 |
1 |
MO |
VA |
MD |
none |
new info about Thomas F. that we learn here is when he
died--between 1900 and 1910. This agrees with the
abovementioned tombstone (1902). |
Minnie |
servant | f |
b |
40 |
wid |
1 |
1 |
TX |
US | US | cook |
that her first husband's name was Shaw and her second
Porter, Augustus being her son by the former. |
Augustus |
servant |
m |
b |
26 |
son |
AR |
US | US | "yard boy" |
guess I still can't get used to a 26-year-old black man
being called "boy". Sorry, Augustus. Hopefully, most of
your descendants are faring somewhat better today. |
DATE HB0 HBw0 HdB1 HdBw1 HdB2a BB2 JWB2 HB2a SDB2 PBA2 ArB2a GWB2a WmB2a BjB2a EB1 JB1 JuB1 AB1 ArB1 SuzB1 EB2b PLB2b GWB2b JB2b HB2b AR2b WmB2b HB1 HB1w FBM2c ArB2c GB2c JNB2c HB2c WcB2c MBD2c BLR2c SBG2c SBW2c McD2c |
1733 21 |
1734 22 0 |
1735 23 1 |
1736 24 2 0 |
1737 25 3 1 |
1738 26 4 2 |
1739 27 5 3 0 |
1740 28 6 4 1 |
DATE HB0 HBw0 HdB1 HdBw1 HdB2a BB2 JWB2 HB2a SDB2 PBA2 ArB2a GWB2a WmB2a BjB2a EB1 JB1 JuB1 AB1 ArB1 SuzB1 EB2b PLB2b GWB2b JB2b HB2b AR2b WmB2b HB1 HB1w FBM2c ArB2c GB2c JNB2c HB2c WcB2c MBD2c BLR2c SBG2c SBW2c McD2c |
1741 29 7 5 2 |
1742 30 8 6 3 0 |
1743 31 9 7 4 1 |
1744 32 10 8 5 2 |
1745 33 11 9 6 3 |
1746 34 12 10 7 4 |
1747 35 13 11 8 5 0 |
1748 36 14 12 9 6 1 |
1749 37 15 13 10 7 2 |
1750 38 16 14 11 8 3 |
1751 39 17 15 12 9 4 0 |
1752 40 18 16 13 10 5 1 0 0 |
1753 41 19 17 14 11 6 2 1 1 |
1754 42 20 18 15 12 7 3 2 2 |
1755 43 21 19 16 13 8 4 3 3 |
1756 44 22 20 17 14 9 5 4 4 |
1757 45 23 21 18 15 10 6 5 5 |
1758 46 24 22 19 16 11 7 6 6 |
1759 47 25 23 20 17 12 8 7 7 |
1760 48 26 24 21 18 13 9 8 8 |
DATE HB0 HBw0 HdB1 HdBw1 HdB2a BB2 JWB2 HB2a SDB2 PBA2 ArB2a GWB2a WmB2a BjB2a EB1 JB1 JuB1 AB1 ArB1 SuzB1 EB2b PLB2b GWB2b JB2b HB2b AR2b WmB2b HB1 HB1w FBM2c ArB2c GB2c JNB2c HB2c WcB2c MBD2c BLR2c SBG2c SBW2c McD2c |
1761 49 27 25 22 19 14 10 9 9 |
1762 50 28 26 23 20 15 11 10 10 |
1763 51 29 27 24 21 16 12 11 11 |
1764 52 30 28 25 22 17 13 12 12 |
1765 53 31 0 29 26 23 18 14 13 13 |
1766 54 32 1 0 30 27 24 19 15 14 14 |
1767 55 33 2 1 0 31 28 25 20 16 15 15 |
1768 56 34 3 2 1 0 32 29 26 21 17 16 16 |
1769 57 35 4 3 2 1 33 30 27 22 18 17 17 |
1770 58 36 5 4 3 2 34 31 28 23 19 18 18 |
1771 59 37 6 5 4 3 35 32 29 24 20 19 19 |
1772 60 38 7 6 5 4 36 33 30 25 21 20 20 |
1773 61 39 8 7 6 5 37 34 31 26 22 21 21 0 1773 likely marriage date |
1774 40 9 8 7 6 38 35 32 27 23 0 22 22 0 1 |
1775 41 10 9 8 7 39 36 33 28 24 1 23 23 1 2 0 |
1776 42 11 10 9 8 40 37 34 29 25 2 24 24 2 3 1 0 |
1777 43 12 11 10 9 0 41 38 35 30 26 3 0 25 25 3 4 0 2 1 |
1778 44 13 12 11 10 1 0 42 39 36 31 27 4 1 26 26 4 5 1 3 2 0 |
1779 45 14 13 12 11 2 0 1 43 40 37 32 28 5 2 27 27 5 6 2 4 3 1 0 |
1780 46 15 14 13 12 3 1 0 2 44 41 38 33 29 6 3 0 28 28 6 7 3 0 5 4 2 1 |
DATE HB0 HBw0 HdB1 HdBw1 HdB2a BB2 JWB2 HB2a SDB2 PBA2 ArB2a GWB2a WmB2a BjB2a EB1 JB1 JuB1 AB1 ArB1 SuzB1 EB2b PLB2b GWB2b JB2b HB2b AR2b WmB2b HB1 HB1w FBM2c ArB2c GB2c JNB2c HB2c WcB2c MBD2c BLR2c SBG2c SBW2c McD2c |
1781 47 16 15 14 13 4 2 1 3 45 42 39 34 30 7 4 1 0 29 29 7 8 4 1 6 5 3 2 0 |
1782 48 17 16 15 14 5 3 2 4 46 43 40 35 31 8 5 2 1 30 30 8 9 5 2 7 6 4 3 1 |
1783 49 18 17 16 15 6 4 3 5 47 44 41 36 32 9 6 3 0 2 31 31 9 10 6 3 8 7 5 4 2 |
1784 50 19 18 17 16 7 5 4 6 0 48 45 42 37 33 10 7 4 0 1 3 32 32 10 11 7 4 9 8 6 5 3 |
1785 51 20 19 18 17 8 6 5 7 1 49 46 43 38 34 11 8 5 1 2 4 33 33 11 12 8 5 10 9 7 6 4 12 on 1785 census |
1786 52 21 20 19 18 9 7 6 8 2 50 47 44 39 35 12 9 6 2 3 5 34 34 12 13 9 6 11 0 10 8 7 5 |
1787 53 22 21 20 19 10 8 7 9 3 51 48 45 40 36 13 10 7 3 4 0 6 35 35 13 14 10 7 12 1 11 9 8 6 |
1788 54 23 22 21 20 11 9 8 10 4 52 49 46 41 37 14 11 8 4 5 1 7 36 36 14 15 11 8 13 2 12 10 9 7 |
1789 55 24 23 22 21 12 10 9 11 5 53 50 47 42 38 15 12 9 5 6 2 8 37 37 15 16 12 9 14 3 13 11 10 8 |
1790 56 25 24 23 22 13 11 10 12 6 54 51 48 43 39 16 13 10 6 7 3 9 38 38 16 17 13 10 15 4 14 12 0 11 9 |
1791 57 26 25 24 23 14 12 11 13 7 55 52 49 44 40 17 14 11 7 8 4 10 39 39 17 18 14 11 16 5 15 13 1 12 10 |
1792 58 27 26 25 24 15 13 12 14 8 56 53 50 45 41 18 15 12 8 9 5 11 40 40 18 19 15 12 17 6 16 14 2 13 11 |
1793 59 28 27 26 25 16 14 13 15 9 57 54 51 46 42 19 16 13 9 10 6 12 41 41 19 20 16 13 18 7 17 15 3 14 12 |
1794 60 29 28 27 26 17 15 0 14 16 10 58 55 52 47 43 20 17 14 10 11 7 13 42 42 20 21 17 14 19 8 18 16 4 15 13 |
1795 61 30 29 28 27 18 16 1 15 17 11 59 56 53 48 44 21 18 15 11 12 8 14 43 43 21 22 18 15 20 9 19 17 5 16 14 |
1796 62 31 30 29 28 19 17 2 16 18 12 60 57 54 49 45 22 19 16 12 13 9 15 44 22 23 19 16 21 10 20 18 6 17 15 Henry died 1795 no more kids born |
1797 63 32 31 30 29 20 18 3 17 19 13 61 58 55 50 46 23 20 17 13 14 10 16 45 23 24 20 17 22 11 21 19 7 18 16 |
1798 64 33 32 31 30 21 19 4 18 20 14 62 59 56 51 47 24 21 18 14 15 11 17 46 24 25 21 18 23 12 22 20 8 19 17 |
1799 65 34 33 32 31 22 20 5 19 21 15 63 60 57 52 48 25 22 19 15 16 12 18 47 25 26 22 19 24 13 23 21 9 20 18 |
1800 66 35 34 33 32 23 21 6 20 22 16 64 61 58 53 49 26 23 20 16 17 13 19 48 26 27 23 20 25 14 24 22 10 21 19 |
DATE HB0 HBw0 HdB1 HdBw1 HdB2a BB2 JWB2 HB2a SDB2 PBA2 ArB2a GWB2a WmB2a BjB2a EB1 JB1 JuB1 AB1 ArB1 SuzB1 EB2b PLB2b GWB2b JB2b HB2b AR2b WmB2b HB1 HB1w FBM2c ArB2c GB2c JNB2c HB2c WcB2c MBD2c BLR2c SBG2c SBW2c McD2c |
1801 67 36 35 34 33 24 22 7 21 23 17 65 62 59 54 50 27 24 21 17 18 14 20 49 27 28 24 21 26 15 25 23 11 22 20 |
1802 68 37 36 35 34 25 23 8 22 24 18 66 63 60 55 51 28 25 22 18 19 15 21 50 28 29 25 22 27 16 26 24 12 23 21 |
1803 69 38 37 36 35 26 24 9 23 25 19 67 64 61 56 52 29 26 23 19 20 16 22 51 29 30 26 23 28 17 27 25 13 24 22 |
1804 70 39 38 37 36 27 25 10 24 26 20 68 65 62 57 53 30 27 24 20 21 17 23 52 30 31 27 24 29 18 28 26 14 25 23 |
1805 71 40 39 38 37 28 26 11 25 27 21 69 66 63 58 54 31 28 25 21 22 18 24 53 31 32 28 25 30 19 29 27 15 26 24 |
1806 72 41 40 39 38 29 27 12 26 28 22 70 67 64 55 32 29 26 22 23 19 25 54 32 33 29 26 31 20 30 28 16 27 25 |
1807 73 42 41 40 39 30 28 13 27 29 23 71 68 65 56 33 30 27 23 24 20 26 55 33 34 30 27 32 21 31 29 17 28 26 |
1808 74 43 42 41 40 31 29 14 28 30 24 72 69 66 57 34 31 28 24 25 21 27 56 34 35 31 28 33 22 32 30 18 29 27 |
1809 75 44 43 42 41 32 30 15 29 31 25 73 70 67 58 35 32 29 25 26 22 28 57 35 36 32 29 34 23 33 31 19 30 28 |
1810 76 45 44 43 42 33 31 16 30 32 26 74 71 68 36 33 30 26 27 23 29 58 36 37 33 30 35 24 34 32 20 31 29 |
1811 77 46 45 44 43 34 32 17 31 33 27 75 72 69 37 34 31 27 28 24 30 59 37 38 34 31 36 25 35 33 21 32 30 |
1812 78 47 46 45 44 35 33 18 32 34 28 76 73 70 38 35 32 28 29 25 31 60 38 39 35 32 37 26 36 34 22 33 31 |
1813 79 48 47 46 45 36 34 19 33 35 29 77 74 71 39 36 33 29 30 26 32 61 39 40 36 33 38 27 37 35 23 34 32 |
1814 80 49 48 47 46 37 35 20 34 36 30 78 75 72 40 37 34 30 31 27 33 62 40 41 37 34 39 28 38 36 24 35 33 |
1815 81 50 49 48 47 38 36 21 35 37 31 79 76 73 41 38 35 31 32 28 34 63 41 42 38 35 40 29 39 37 25 36 34 |
1816 82 51 50 49 48 39 37 22 36 38 32 80 77 74 42 39 36 32 33 29 35 64 42 43 39 36 41 30 40 38 26 37 35 |
1817 83 52 51 50 49 40 38 23 37 39 33 81 78 75 43 40 37 33 34 30 36 65 43 44 40 37 42 31 41 39 27 38 36 |
1818 84 53 52 51 50 41 39 24 38 40 34 82 79 76 44 41 38 34 35 31 37 66 44 45 41 38 43 32 42 40 28 39 37 |
1819 85 54 53 52 51 42 40 25 39 41 35 83 80 77 45 42 39 35 36 32 38 67 45 46 42 39 44 33 43 41 29 40 38 |
1820 86 55 54 53 52 43 41 26 40 42 36 84 81 78 46 43 40 36 37 33 39 68 46 47 43 40 45 34 44 42 30 41 39 |
DATE HB0 HBw0 HdB1 HdBw1 HdB2a BB2 JWB2 HB2a SDB2 PBA2 ArB2a GWB2a WmB2a BjB2a EB1 JB1 JuB1 AB1 ArB1 SuzB1 EB2b PLB2b GWB2b JB2b HB2b AR2b WmB2b HB1 HB1w FBM2c ArB2c GB2c JNB2c HB2c WcB2c MBD2c BLR2c SBG2c SBW2c McD2c |
1821 87 56 55 54 53 44 42 27 41 43 37 85 82 79 47 44 41 37 38 34 40 69 47 48 44 41 46 35 45 43 31 42 40 Kerrnahappuch died 1821/22
kids or spouses alive on her probate
1822 88 57 56 55 54 45 43 28 42 44 38 86 83 80 48 45 42 38 39 35 41 48 49 45 42 47 36 46 44 32 43 41 |
1823 89 58 57 56 55 46 44 29 43 45 39 87 84 81 49 46 43 39 40 36 42 49 50 46 43 48 37 47 33 44 |
1824 90 59 58 57 56 47 45 30 44 46 40 88 85 82 50 47 44 40 41 37 43 50 51 47 44 49 38 48 34 45 |
1825 91 60 59 58 57 48 46 31 45 47 41 89 86 83 51 48 45 41 42 38 44 51 52 48 45 50 39 49 35 46 |
1826 92 61 60 59 58 49 47 32 46 48 42 90 87 84 52 49 46 42 43 39 45 52 53 46 51 40 50 36 47 |
1827 93 62 61 60 59 50 48 33 47 49 43 91 88 85 53 50 47 43 44 40 46 53 54 47 52 41 51 37 48 |
1828 94 63 62 61 60 51 49 34 48 50 44 92 89 86 54 51 48 44 45 41 47 54 55 48 53 42 52 38 49 |
1829 95 64 63 62 61 52 50 35 49 51 45 93 90 87 55 52 49 45 46 42 48 55 56 49 54 43 53 39 50 |
1830 96 65 64 63 62 53 51 36 50 52 46 94 91 88 56 53 50 46 47 43 49 56 57 50 55 44 54 40 51 |
1831 97 66 65 64 63 54 52 37 51 53 47 95 92 89 57 54 51 47 48 44 50 57 58 51 56 45 55 41 52 |
1832 98 67 66 65 64 55 53 38 52 54 48 96 93 90 58 55 52 48 49 45 51 58 59 52 57 46 56 42 53 |
1833 99 68 67 66 65 56 54 39 53 55 49 97 94 91 59 56 53 49 50 46 52 59 60 53 58 47 57 43 54 |
1834 100 69 68 67 66 57 55 40 54 56 50 98 95 92 60 57 54 50 51 47 53 60 54 59 48 58 44 55 |
1835 70 69 68 67 58 56 41 55 57 51 99 96 93 61 58 55 51 52 48 54 61 55 60 49 59 45 56 |
1836 71 70 69 68 59 57 42 56 58 52 100 97 94 62 59 56 52 53 49 55 62 56 61 50 60 46 57 |
1837 72 71 70 69 60 58 43 57 59 53 98 95 63 60 57 53 54 50 56 63 57 62 51 61 47 58 |
1838 73 72 71 70 61 59 44 58 60 54 99 96 64 61 58 54 55 51 57 64 58 63 52 62 59 |
1839 74 73 72 71 62 60 45 59 61 55 100 97 65 62 59 55 56 52 58 65 59 64 53 63 60 |
1840 75 74 73 72 63 61 46 60 62 56 98 66 63 60 56 57 53 59 66 65 54 64 61 |
DATE HB0 HBw0 HdB1 HdBw1 HdB2a BB2 JWB2 HB2a SDB2 PBA2 ArB2a GWB2a WmB2a BjB2a EB1 JB1 JuB1 AB1 ArB1 SuzB1 EB2b PLB2b GWB2b JB2b HB2b AR2b WmB2b HB1 HB1w FBM2c ArB2c GB2c JNB2c HB2c WcB2c MBD2c BLR2c SBG2c SBW2c McD2c |
1841 76 75 74 73 64 62 47 61 63 57 99 67 64 61 57 58 54 60 67 66 55 65 62 |
1842 77 76 75 74 65 63 48 62 64 58 100 68 65 62 58 59 55 61 68 67 56 66 63 |
1843 78 77 76 75 66 64 49 63 65 59 69 66 63 59 60 56 62 69 68 57 67 64 |
1844 79 78 77 76 67 65 50 64 66 60 70 67 64 60 61 57 63 70 69 58 68 65 |
1845 80 79 78 77 68 66 51 65 67 61 71 68 65 61 62 58 64 71 70 59 69 66 |
1846 81 80 79 78 69 67 52 66 68 62 72 69 66 62 63 59 65 72 71 60 70 67 |
1847 82 81 80 79 70 68 53 67 69 63 73 70 67 63 64 60 66 73 72 61 71 68 |
1848 83 82 81 80 71 69 54 68 70 64 74 71 68 64 65 61 67 74 73 62 72 69 |
1849 84 83 82 81 72 70 55 69 71 65 75 72 69 65 66 62 68 75 74 63 73 70 |
1850 85 84 83 82 73 71 56 70 72 66 76 73 70 66 67 63 69 76 75 64 74 |
1851 86 85 84 83 74 72 57 71 73 67 77 74 71 67 68 64 70 76 65 |
1852 87 86 85 84 75 73 58 72 74 68 78 75 72 68 69 65 71 77 66 |
1853 88 87 86 85 76 74 59 73 75 69 79 76 73 69 70 66 72 78 67 |
1854 89 88 87 86 77 75 60 74 76 70 80 77 74 70 71 67 73 79 68 |
1855 90 89 88 87 78 76 61 75 77 71 81 78 75 71 72 68 74 80 69 |
1856 91 90 89 88 79 77 62 76 78 72 82 79 76 72 73 69 75 81 70 |
1857 92 91 90 89 80 78 63 77 79 73 83 80 77 73 74 70 76 82 71 |
1858 93 92 91 90 81 79 64 78 80 74 84 81 78 74 75 71 77 83 72 |
1859 94 93 92 91 82 80 65 79 81 75 85 82 79 75 76 72 78 84 73 |
1860 95 94 93 92 83 81 66 80 82 76 86 83 80 76 77 73 79 85 74 |
DATE HB0 HBw0 HdB1 HdBw1 HdB2a BB2 JWB2 HB2a SDB2 PBA2 ArB2a GWB2a WmB2a BjB2a EB1 JB1 JuB1 AB1 ArB1 SuzB1 EB2b PLB2b GWB2b JB2b HB2b AR2b WmB2b HB1 HB1w FBM2c ArB2c GB2c JNB2c HB2c WcB2c MBD2c BLR2c SBG2c SBW2c McD2c |
1861 96 95 94 93 84 82 67 81 83 77 87 84 81 77 78 74 80 86 75 |
1862 97 96 95 94 85 83 68 82 84 78 88 85 82 78 79 75 81 87 76 |
1863 98 97 96 95 86 84 69 83 85 79 89 86 83 79 80 76 82 88 77 |
1864 99 98 97 96 87 85 70 84 86 80 90 87 84 80 81 77 83 89 78 |
1865 100 99 98 97 88 86 71 85 87 81 91 88 85 81 82 78 84 90 79 |
1866 100 99 98 89 87 72 86 88 82 92 89 86 82 83 79 85 91 80 |
1867 100 99 90 88 73 87 89 83 93 90 87 83 84 80 86 92 81 |
1868 100 91 89 74 88 90 84 94 91 88 84 85 81 87 93 82 |
1869 92 90 75 89 91 85 95 92 89 85 86 82 88 94 |
1870 93 91 76 90 92 86 96 93 90 86 87 83 89 95 |
1871 94 92 77 91 93 87 97 94 91 87 88 84 90 96 |
1872 95 93 78 92 94 88 98 95 92 88 89 85 91 97 |
1873 96 94 79 93 95 89 99 96 93 89 90 86 92 98 |
1874 97 95 80 94 96 90 100 97 94 90 91 87 93 99 |
1875 98 96 81 95 97 91 98 95 91 92 88 94 100 |
1876 99 97 82 96 98 92 99 96 92 93 89 95 |
1877 100 98 83 97 99 93 100 97 93 94 90 96 |
1878 99 84 98 100 94 98 94 95 91 97 |
1879 100 85 99 95 99 95 96 92 98 |
1880 86 100 96 100 96 97 93 99 87 97 97 98 94 100 88 98 98 99 95 89 99 99 100 96 90 100 100 97 91 98 92 99 93 100 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 |