Elias Gwin and Rebecca Beckham and Tabitha Weatherford of North Carolina, Tennessee, and Illinois, whose descendants went to Kansas, Colorado, California, Washington, etc. See our developing theory on the "As-of-yet Unrelated" Gwins. . |
Page updated 1 Sep 2020
Page updated 3 Mar 2019
Page updated 1 Jun 2008
The reformatting of the name font
and census data for this page has been completed.
If my guess is correct, then
22.00--Elias Gwin is the same GENERATION as my
gggg-grandpa, Rev. Isham Gwin who married
Mary Canterbury in Mongomery Co., VA, raised his family in
Sevier Co., TN, and finally moved to Orange Co., IN, where
is no doubt buried. I'm theorizing that Isham and
Elias could be brothers or perhaps first cousins. --John M. Gwin, March 2019
The following information was copied from the good query posted at the address below, not for the purpose of claiming authorship or ownership or for monetary gain, but for the purpose of possibly expanding the exposure of its content and for the putting of its information into my format for its possible meshing with my own Gwin family and to increase my own understanding of it.http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/a/l/m/Darlene--Almer/index.html?priority=0000900,
We have not yet found any indicators that this family and ours are related; however, we believe that this is a good possibility. Double-fifth Cousin Mike Walker is doing followup on this information.John M. Gwin
In March 2019, I began to suspect that these
Macoupin County, Illinois, Gwins are my
family. I had run into them several years
ago when Darlene Almer had gotten me
interested enough to start this page. Later,
Cousin Mike Walker suspected they might be
descendants of my ggg-granduncle and aunt, William
Gwin and Susannah Beard. When that suspicion
was disproved, I didn't think more of them until
last week when we discovered that an unknown Gwin,
Laura Violet Gwin,
who was buried beside folks I KNEW to be my
cousins in Montrose Co., Colorado, was of this same
Macoupin Co., IL, family!
Their ancestor, Elias Gwin, had evidently
originated from North Carolina, and that made me
think again of an earlier theory we'd had--and
which may still be true--that my gggg-grandpa
Isham Gwin's ancestors had separated into three
groups: one that left Virginia and moved west into Indiana, from whom the George Holmes Gwins descended (strongly suspected but not yet proven to be my relatives);Now I've begun again to follow Darlene Almer and others to trace these Macoupin County families to see if perhaps they connect to this third group. In doing this, I rediscovered this page I started in 2008 on Elias Gwin who married Rebecca Beckham and Tabitha Weatherford. It contains what Darlene Almer and others gave me in 2008--some eleven years ago. I may have been overwhelmed by its immensity, or perhaps I gave it a very low priority because I believed them to not be related to me. Regardless, I placed it on a back burner and, somewhere along the line, having never gotten back to it, the burner went out, and I forgot about it completely. And now that it's been rediscovered by me over a decade later, I've begun to plow through it and transfer its contents to my own outline format beginning immediately below. Darlene, if you're reading this, I'd love to get back in touch with you. I guess we'll see how far we get... --John M. Gwin, 3 March 2019
jmcdgwin at zianet dot com |
[JOHN M. GWIN NOTE--2008: I've applied my numbering system, the one I use for all my other pages, to Elias Gwin's generations, but it is my best guess, based on Elias' age.
By way of explanation, I started this system years ago to make connecting my various lines less confusing. Earlier, I had started each line with the farthest back person in that line and numbered that person as number one, which was VERY confusing, since I myself then became a DIFFERENT number in each line!
And so I arbitrarily chose to add twenty generations to my number in my Gwin line, number eight, and I changed the numbers in all my lines to reflect that. Now, therefore, generation 28 is always my own; gen. 27 is my parents'; gen. 29 is my children's, etc.
Since Elias was born only a few years after my own gggg-grandfather, Rev. Isham Gwin, I decided to give Elias Isham's generation number, 22.00. If future discoveries show that my guess was wrong, I plan to correct the generation numbers on this page to reflect those discoveries.]
22.00--Elias Gwin, b. 11 Sep 1783 in NC; d. 5 Apr 1853 in Macoupin Co., IL; bd. in Wheeler Cem., Gillespie, Macoupin Co., IL--FAG mem.# 54038017; m1. (bond) 21 Dec 1802 in Warren Co., NC, to Rebecca Beckham (b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.); m2. in TN to Tabitha Weatherford (b. unk. date in KY to Money Weatherford; d. ca. 1830; bd. unk.); moved after Tabitha's death to Macoupin Co., IL; 10 ch. (birth order unk.);
[listed as Elias Gwin in the 1802 record of his 21 Dec 1802 marriage in Warren Co., NC, to Rebecca Beckham--(Elias is age 19 y 3 m here)]
[listed as Elias Gwin in the 1810 census of Warren Co., NC, with only one other person, a female in his age group, in the household--(Elias would be ca. 27 here)]
[listed as Elias Gwin in the 1814 Tax List record of 149 Wartrace, fork D. River, Bedford Co., TN--his age would be about 31 here]
[listed as Elias Gwinn in the 1820 census of Franklin Co., TN, with only two other young males (1 under five, one in late teens) and no females in the household--(Elias would be ca. 37 here); I think this means that Rebecca has died and he has not yet married Tabitha. A Daniel Gwinn, same age category as Elias, is listed beside him with only one other male and no females.]
[listed as Elias Gwinn in the 1840 census of Macoupin Co., IIL, with a total of five males (including himself) and four females in the household: males: 1 under 5, 1x10-14, 2x15-19, 1x50-59 (this must be Elias); females: 2x15-19, 1x30-39, 1x50-59--(Elias would be age 56-57 here); also, an unknown-to-me James Gwinn, 20-29, lives next door with a female 15-19; Elias' oldest daughter, Rebecca Little lives next door on the other side w/1 male 5-9 and one female 5-9]
[listed as Elias Gwin, 66, b. NC, w/$1,800 in real estate owned, in the 29 Nov 1850 census of Macoupin Co., IL; no location in Macoupin Co. is mentioned here, but he will die in only three years and be buried in Wheeler Cem. in the town of Gillespie, so that is likely his location in 1850 as well; Ancestry.com lists him here as being recorded on page 165 of 174.]
[Darlene Almer Note--2008: My gggg-grandfather, Elias GWIN married first Rebeccah BECKHAM in Warren Co., NC. Rebeccah must have died before 1813 or so as he married Tabitha WEATHERFORD, daughter of Money WEATHERFORD about that time and they lived in Bedford Co., TN for about 20 years. Tabitha died about 1830, and Elias GWIN took his/their 10 children to Macoupin Co, IL where her mother and brothers had moved around 1820-ish after Money died.
I have been told the Bedford Co., TN, courthouse records burned before the Civil War. Is there another source for records from this area?][John M. Gwin Note--2019: After I rediscovered my own page for Elias in March 2019 and realized he is the grandfather of the James H. Gwin born in Macoupin Co., IL, I found his FindAGrave memorial and have begun copying data from it and other memorials.] [John M. Gwin Note--2019: While working on this line in March 2019, I ran into an ERROR posted on Ancestry. com by a Ms. KINE stating that the above Elias is the same as the Elias who is the son of Baysden Gwinn of Laurens Co., SC. Although one can see some surface similarities between the two Eliases, they are clearly NOT THE SAME. Elias son of Baysden was quite a bit younger than ours and remained in Laurens Co., SC, appearing there in at least the 1850, 1860, and 1870 censuses, while our Elias died in 1853 and is buried in Macoupin Co., IL. See our Baysden Gwinn page.]
[Raymond Scott Note--17 Jun 2020:
Parents of Elias Gwin (b. 1783 in NC) I am a fifth great-grandson of Elias and Tabitha (Weatherford) Gwin's son, William Gwin and his wife Jane Malinda Kilpatrick. They were my maternal fifth great-grandparents. Their daughter Rebecca Gwin and Manoah Walker (son of Peyton Walker and Martha Huddleston) were my fourth great-grandparents. I found out that Elias' parents were William Gwin and Nancy Childress. Elias named his firstborn son after his father. He definitely was not the son of Baysden Gwin and Sally Maddox who had a son named Elias who was much younger than he was. Raymond
][Raymond Nolan Scott Note--26 Jun 2020:
John, I was checking out your site [and your conclusion is wrong regarding the 1820 census where it says "I think this means that Rebecca has died and he has not yet married Tabitha"]:
[listed as Elias Gwinn in the 1820 census of Franklin Co., TN, with only two other young males (1 under five, one in late teens) and no females in the household--(Elias would be ca. 37 here); I think this means that Rebecca has died and he has not yet married Tabitha. A Daniel Gwinn, same age category as Elias, is listed beside him with only one other male and no females. ]
Name: Elias Gwinn
[Elias Givens]Home in 1820 (City, County, State): Franklin, Tennessee Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820 Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 1 Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1 Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25: 1 Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture: 1 Free White Persons - Under 16: 1 Total Free White Persons: 3 Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 3
According to that Census record, there is one free white female 16 thru 25 in the household.
Rebecca was long deceased and 6g-grandfather Elias was already married to 6g-grandmother Tabitha Weatherford. Their son, William Gwin was born in 1812. He'd have been 8 years old at the time of that Census. It looks like he was definitely Elias' oldest child. Tabitha seems to have been the mother of Elias' daughters Rebecca and Sally. They named their daughter in honor of Elias' first wife.
Last Will
and Testament of Elias Gwin, Macoupin Co.,
Transcribed by me, John Gwin, from the photocopy of the original found on Ancestry.com 1st I desire to be decently and [prevally?] buried in the burying ground at [whi] is called Huddleston's burying ground without any [pompt?] and with as little Expense as may be 2nd I desire that all my Just debts and funeral Expenses be paid as soon after my decease as possible out of the first moneys that Shall come into the Hands of my Executors from any fraction of my Estate real or personal Also I direct that a fair Valuation or appraisement be made of all my Estate Also I direct that a sufficiency of my property be sold at public Auction for good current Money on a credit of twelve months to pay all of my debts Also it is my desire that some one of my lawful heirs take my Sister Sally Patton and take care of her during her lifetime if she will remain with them and that my Executors make a reasonable allowance out of my Estate for the same the one of my heirs that Shall take her. ~ Also I direct that my daughters Sally and Fanny each have a feather bed and bedding absolutely, Also I direct that the remainder of my property real and personal be equally divided between my children Rebecca Little, Sally Gwin, William Gwin, James Gwin, Alexander Gwin, Tobitha Pearson, John W. Gwin, and Fanny Gwin, And I do hereby make and ordain my friend William Weatherford Senor and my two sons James Gwin and Alexander Gwin Executors of this my last will and testament In Witness whereof I Elias Gwin the testator leave to this my will written on one Sheet of paper Set my hand and seal this fifteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and forty five his Elias R Gwin Seal mark Signed Sealed and delivered in the presents of us who have Subscribed in the presents of Each other William Weatherford Send William Gwin Alexander Gwin John W. Gwin James Gwin |
Here are Elias Gwin's eight children--four sons and four daughters--listed in the order in which they appear in his will, above. I have assigned them to generation 23. And now here they
are again in greater detail:
23.01 R E B E C C A 23.01 R E B E C C A |
23.01--Rebecca Gwin, b. 15 Jan 1808 in TN; d. 21 Jul 1898 in Macoupin Co., IL; bd. in Wheeler Cem., Gillespie, Macoupin Co., IL--FAG mem.# 53798250; |
23.02 S A R A H 23.02 S A R A H |
23.02--Sarah A. Gwin, b. 1810 in TN; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
23.03 W I L L I A M 23.03 W I L L I A M 23.03 W I L L I A M 23.03 W I L L I A M 23.03 W I L L I A M 23.03 W I L L I A M 23.03 W I L L I A M 23.03 W I L L I A M 23.03 W I L L I A M 23.03 W I L L I A M 23.03 W I L L I A M 23.03 W I L L I A M 23.03 W I L L I A M 23.03 W I L L I A M 23.03 W I L L I A M 23.03 W I L L I A M 23.03 W I L L I A M 23.03 W I L L I A M 23.03 W I L L I A M |
23.03--William Gwin, b. 1812 in TN; d. 23 Sep 1857 in IL; bd. in Wheeler Cem., Gillespie, Macoupin Co., IL--FAG mem.# 53798167; m. Malinda Jane "Jane" Kilpatrick (b. 1812; d. 28 Jan 1852 in NC; bd. in Wheeler Cem., Gillespie, Macoupin Co., IL--FAG mem.# 53798164); at least two ch.; (Darlene Almer's 3g-grandfather and Raymond Scott's 5g-grfather);[listed as William Gwin, 38, b. TN, in the 16 Oct 1850 census of Macoupin Co., IL] 24.01--Rebecca Lucinda Gwin, b. 8 Jan 1833 in AL; d. 20 Oct 1910 in Garfield, Whitman Co., WA; bd. Garfield Cem., Garfield, Whitman Co., WA--Block 26, Lot 3, Grave 8--FAG Mem. ID# 133101272; m. Monoah B. Walker (b. 16 Jan 1831; d. 22 Mar 1910--age 19 y, 2 m. 6 d; bd. Garfield Cem., Garfield, Whitman Co., WA--Block 26, Lot 3, Grave 7--FAG Mem. ID# 133101271); at least ch.; these are Raymond Scott's 4g-grandparents; He is survived by the following children: Mrs. A. Toler of Hallett, Oklahoma; James Gwin of Hallet, Oklahoma; Dorothy Allison of Grand Junction; Ernest Gwin of Goble, Oregon; Dave Gwin of Los Angeles; Harvey Gwin of Montrose; Archie Gwin of Los Angeles; Mrs. Earl Hill of Riverside, Calif., and Mrs. Earl Cullins of Kansas City, Mo[John M. Gwin Note: The following obituary is taken from Frank's good FindAGrave memorial: 26.03-- Ernest Gwin, b. unk. in KS/IL/KY; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch. [John M. Gwin Note: Sarah's obituary is copied here from her FindAGrave memorial: |
23.04 J A M E S 23.04 J A M E S 23.04 J A M E S 23.04 J A M E S |
23.04--James Gwin, b. 1815 in Bedford, Bedford Co., TN; d. 6 Apr 1855 in Macoupin Co., IL; bd. unk.; m. Nancy Lemay (b. ca. 1820 in OH; d. unk.; bd. unk.); at least four ch.; |
23.05 A L E X |
23.06 T A B I T H A 23.06 T A B I T H A 23.06 T A B I T H A 23.06 T A B I T H A 23.06 T A B I T H A 23.06 T A B I T H A 23.06 T A B I T H A 23.06 T A B I T H A 23.06 T A B I T H A 23.06 T A B I T H A |
23.06--Tabitha Gwin, b. 6 Oct 1813; d. 20 Feb 1848 in Macoupin Co., IL--upon Tabitha's death, her widower, James, m2. to his sister-in-law, Tabitha's oldest sister, Rebecca Gwin Little, herself a recent widow of Mr. Little; bd. Wheeler Cem., Gillespie, Macoupin Co., IL--FAG Mem. ID# 53798251; m. 27 Oct 1837 James Parker Pearson (b. 29 Mar 1816 in England; d. 27 Mar 1890 in Macoupin Co., IL; bd. Wheeler Cem., Gillespie, Macoupin Co., IL--FAG Mem. ID# 53798248--"BORN YORKSHIRE ENGLAND"); at least four ch.; |
23.07 J. W. |
23.07--John W. Gwin, b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.; |
23.08 F A N |
23.08--[Frances?] "Fanny" Gwin, b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.; |
From his 1 Jul 1863 Civil War Draft Registration Record:
Elias Gwin, 21 (b. ca. 1842 in IL), single, resides in Gillespie, Macoupin Co., IL
THIS ELIAS GWIN'S BIRTH (1840 IN KY) WOULD ALLOW HIM TO BE A SON OFElias Gwin, b. 11 Jan 1840 in KY; d. 23 Sep 1901 in Bourbon Co., KS, "aged 61 Ys, 9 Ms, 12 Ds; bd. Pleasant View Cem., Godfrey, Bourbon Co., KS--FAG mem.# 54562698; m. 1863 to Sarah Rhoda Stroud (b. 1843 in KY, d/o James W. Stroud and Orleann Cordelia Givens; d. 31 Oct 1926; bd. Pleasant View Cem., Godfrey, Bourbon Co., KS--FAG mem.# 54562727); two known ch.
Elizabeth Ann Gwin, b. 1866; d. 1936; bd. unk.; m. Mr. Mitzner (); unk. ch.;
James William Gwin, b. 1876; d. 1948; bd. unk; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
Real Estate |
5/5 | George | Gwin | 62 | 1788 | m | farmer | . | Va | . | This person is
currently unknown to me; however, because he
is two houses away from this
William Gwin, he is most likely a
relative. And
if he IS
a relative, born in Virginia, that is
wonderful support for our theory that Elias
Gwin's and his descendants' roots may go
back to the same roots of George Holmes
Gwin's of Indiana, Isham Gwin's of Tennessee
and Indiana, and Littleton Gwin's of
Alabama. |
Laney | Gwin | 52 | 1798 | f | . | . | Ten | . | This person must be George's wife and is also currently unknown to me. | |
Rachael | Gwin | 23 | 1827 | f | . | . | Ind | CNROW | The "Other" data is for "Can Not Read Or Write." | |
Nancy | Gwin | 11 | 1839 | f | . | . | Ind | . | . | |
George L. | Gwin | 8 | 1842 | m | . | . | Ind | . | . | |
7/7 | William | Gwin | 38 | 1812 | m | farmer | 620 | Ten | CNROW | This is the William Gwin (Jr.--if Mike's right) whom Mike Walker has theorized could be the son of William and Susanna Gwin (and grandson of Isham and Mary C. Gwin) as explained above. His estimated year of birth, 1812, is the same year John Gwin and Jane Walker married and the year before our William and Susanna (theoretical parents to this William) joined the Miller's Cove Baptist Church (see item #3 above). |
Jane M. | Gwin | 37 | 1813 | f | . | . | NC | CNROW | Jane evidently married William in the early 1830's, no doubt in Alabama (as per her children's POB). If Rebecca is their firstborn, Jane would've been about 20 when Rebecca was born and therefore about 19 when she and William married (ca. 1832). | |
Rebecca L. | Gwin | 17 | 1833 | f | . | . | Ala | ASWTY | That this
daughter is born in Alabama lends further
credence to Mike's theory, since William and
Susanna are in Alabama for the 1820 and 1820
censuses. The "Other" data is "Attended School Within The Year." HOWEVER, since Mike's theory is not correct, what were William and Jane doing in Alabama? |
James H. | Gwin | 13 | 1837 | m | . | . | Ill | ASWTY | That he is born
in Illinois means--if Mike's theory is
correct--that William and Jane moved their
family north to Illinois between 1833 and
1837. The following is no doubt he in the
1880 census, the only questionable item
being his mother's POB:
Name: James H. GwinThe "Other" data is "Attended School Within The Year." |
Elias | Gwin | 8 | 1842 | m | . | . | Ill | ASWTY | The following is
no doubt he in the 1880 census, the only
questionable item being his mother's POB: The "Other" data is "Attended School Within The Year." |
Tabby |
Gwin |
6 |
1844 |
f |
Ill |
ASWTY | These
two were at the top of the following page and
were not included in the photo. I found
them when I looked at the census records in
March 2019. |
William F. |
Gwin |
4 |
1846 |
m |
Ill |
ASWTY | These two were at the top of the following page and were not included in the photo. I found them when I looked at the census records in March 2019. |
No. |
to HoH |
Stat. |
01 | unk/unk | James H. | Gwin | m | self | m | w | farmer | 44 | 1836 | IL | TN | AL | I believe
this could be the older son of the William
Gwin (Jr.) who
appears in Macoupin Co., IL, in 1850. And voila, the 6 Jul 1860 census results of Twp. 9, Rg. 7, Macoupin Co., IL, seem to confirm this: James H. and
Eliza, both age 24, are living at #639/655.
Searching the 1875 Kansas State Census Collection on Ancestry.com, I've found a J. H. Gwin family living in Drywood, Bourbon Co., KS--who clearly must be this same person--as follows: J. H. Gwin, 39, m,
w, b. IL, moved to KS fr. IL;
E. Gwin, 39, f, w, b. IL, moved to KS fr. IL; E. F. Gwin, 14, m, w, b. IL, moved to KS fr. IL; I. F. Gwin, 10, f, w, b. IL, moved to KS fr. IL; S. E. Gwin, 4, f, w, b. KS; Lewis Gwin, 2, m, w, b. KS; Oct Gwin, 17, f, w, b. IL, moved to KS fr. IL; |
02 | Eliza | Gwin | f | wife | m | w | keeping house | 44 | 1836 | IL | TN | TN |
E. Gwin,
39, f, w, b.
IL, moved to KS fr. IL;
03 | Arrena | Gwin | f | dau | s | w | at school | 14 | 1866 | IL | IL | IL |
I. F. Gwin,
10, f, w, b.
IL, moved to KS fr. IL;
04 | Sarah E. | Gwin | f | dau | s | w | at school | 9 | 1871 | KS | IL | IL |
S. E. Gwin,
4, f, w, b.
05 | Lewis | Gwin | m | son | s | w | at school | 7 | 1873 | KS | IL | IL |
Lewis Gwin,
2, m, w, b. KS;
06 | Lee | Gwin | m | son | s | w | 3 | 1877 | KS | IL | IL | |||
07 | Octavia | Gwin | f | SOTADR | s | w | works out | 24 | 1856 | IL | TN | IL |
Oct Gwin,
17, f, w, b.
IL, moved to KS fr. IL;
08 | unk/unk | Elias | Gwin | m | self | m | w | farming | 40 | 1840 | IL | TN | AL | I believe this could be the younger son of the William Gwin (Jr.) who appears in Macoupin Co., IL, in 1850. |
09 | Sarah R. | Gwin | f | wife | m | w | keeping house | 37 | 1843 | KY | KY | KY | . | |
10 | Ida A. | Gwin | f | dau | s | w | at school | 16 | 1864 | IL | IL | KY | Her POB places their move to KS between 1864 and 1867. | |
11 | Elizabeth A. | Gwin | f | dau | s | w | at school | 13 | 1867 | KS | IL | KY | Her POB places their move to KS between 1864 and 1867. | |
12 | Nancy J. | Gwin | f | dau | s | w | at school | 10 | 1870 | KS | IL | KY | . | |
13 | Cora | Gwin | f | dau | s | w | at school | 8 | 1872 | KS | IL | KY | . | |
14 | James W. | Gwin | m | son | s | w | 3 | 1877 | KS | IL | KY | Jim and Mike, we need to search for this person in later censuses. | ||
15 | Allen A. | Gwin | m | son | s | w | 1 | 1879 | KS | IL | KY | Jim and Mike, we need to search for this person in later censuses. | ||
16 | unk/unk | Elias F. | Gwin | m | self | m | w | works on farm |
19 | 1861 | KS | IL | IL | I believe this to be the son and firstborn child of Elias Gwin who appears in this table, line 8 above. The only discrepancy is the POB of his mother--IL rather than KY. |
17 | Elizabeth | Gwin | f | wife | m | w | keeps house | 18 | 1862 | KY | KY | KY | Nothing further known or speculated. | |
18 | Lottie | Gwin | f | dau | s | w | 1 | 1879 | KS | KS | KY | . |
Copy of the
actual page from this 1850 census of the
above Macoupin County, IL, question. |
![]() |
The unknown George Gwin--b. ca. 1788 in VA-- family appears here as family no. 5. The fact that George was born in Virginia lends further credence to our current theory, that George is related to our Isham Gwin and to George Holmes Gwin, both from Virginia. It is this William Gwin family no. 7 that is in question: Is he the son of William and Susannah Beard Gwin, [NO]
or is he the son of Elias Gwin?[YES]
The Jim, Darlene, and Tommy Almer Home Page Researching:Updated September 5, 2000
Darlene Almer
2710 Taylor Ave., Longview, WA 98632 United States
DarleneA@aol.comDOBBINS, WHITAKER families in WV, VA, MO, KS, OK (and all points in between and beyond),
ALMER, KLUNDT from South Russia and Germany, SD, ND, MT (between and beyond),
MELICK, DARLING and BELLEVILLE in OH, IN, MI (also between and beyond).
Also seeking living descendants and info on GWIN family in VA, NC, TN, IL, MO, KS--oldest known ancestor on this line is Elias GWIN who was married first to Rebecca Beckham in Warran Co., NC, then to Tabitha WEATHERFORD in TN. After Tabitha's death around 1830, Elias and his 10 children moved to Macoupin Co, IL. Sons, James H. GWIN (my gg grandfather) and Elias GWIN (also married into the STROUD family) moved to Bourbon Co., KS.
There is a schoolhouse still standing, though probably not for long due to Highway improvements, on the old GWIN homestead one mile north of Garland Corner on South Hwy. 69 near Fort Scott, KS named after James H. GWIN. It has also been known as the Drywood 4-H Building. Trying to obtain info on this building too.
Particularly looking for info on Carrol DOBBINS who married Amelia H. PERKINS prior to 1847, possibly in Vernon Co., MO. Amelia was living in Lawrence, KS in 1870 (I believe). Not sure what happened with this marriage. Carroll DOBBINS is not listed with her in 1870 list of settlers in Lawrence, KS. Divorce? Death? Amelia may have remarried in Douglas Co., KS around 1890 or so.
Also seeking any living descendants of any of these lines. Please contact me by email or snail mail to determine possible family connection. Don't be shy!!Willing to share our information with anyone willing to share theirs with us. :-)
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John and Jim,
I took a little time tonight to work online on William Gwin whom we found in the 1850 and 1860 Macoupin Co., IL censuses (censi?).
There is a George Gwin family on the same page as William in 1850. George was born abt 1788 in VA. I decided to google for him and got this:
http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/a/l/m/Darlene--Almer/index.html?priority=0000900Description: DOBBINS, WHITAKER, in WV, VA, MO, KS, OK (and all points in between and beyond), STROUD, FETTERS, MEEK, DENTON in KY, MO, KS. Also ALMER, KLUNDT from South Russia and Germany, SD, ND, MT (between and beyond), MELICK, DARLING and BELLEVILLE in OH, IN, MI (also between and beyond), GWIN family in VA, NC, TN, IL, MO, KS. Elias GWIN was married first to Rebecca Beckham in Warran Co., NC, then to Tabitha WEATHERFORD in TN. After Tabitha's death around 1830, Elias and his 10 children moved to Macoupin Co, IL. Sons, James H. GWIN (my gg grandfather) and Elias GWIN (also married into the STROUD family) moved to Bourbon Co., KS. There is a schoolhouse still standing, though probably not for long due to Highway improvements, on the old GWIN homestead one mile north of Garland Corner on South Hwy. 69 near Fort Scott, KS named after James H. GWIN. It has also been known as the Drywood 4-H Building. Carrol DOBBINS married Amelia H. PERKINS prior to 1847, possibly in Vernon Co., MO. Amelia was living in Lawrence, KS in 1870.
Subj: TN Query Date: 1997-11-28**********************************************
From: DarleneA@aol.com
My gggg-grandfather, Elias GWIN married first Rebeccah BECKHAM in Warren Co., NC. Rebeccah must have died before 1813 or so as he married Tabitha WEATHERFORD, daughter of Money WEATHERFORD about that time and they lived in Bedford Co., TN for about 20 years. Tabitha died about 1830 and Elias GWIN took his/their 10 children to Macoupin Co, IL where her mother and brothers had moved around 1820-ish after Money died.
I have been told the Bedford Co., TN, courthouse records burned before the Civil War. Is there another source for records from this area???
Any help appreciated.
I have seen this Elias Gwin connection in Virginia a lot on the web. I gather either he isn't in our lines, or isn't related at all. Do you guys know anything about him? (Incidentally, I am also related to the Meek family, most likely. Joe Meek, the mountain man was the son of a Walker woman, and also probably the cousin of Joseph Reddeford Walker and Joel Walker, two other famous mountain men.)
Still looking!
Mike Walker, 4028 Vaucluse Road, Aiken SC 29801, 803-502-0605
Home; 803-640-2986 Cell, appinscot@bellsouth.net or
On Wednesday, May 24, 2006, at 09:56 PM, DarleneA@aol.com wrote:
Hi Mr. Gwin -
Got your message. Have you had time to check my posted Gwin info? I am related to Elias Gwin who traveled from TN to Macoupin Co., IL, when he lost his wife, Tabitha Weatherford, daughter of Money Weatherford. Elias's son, William Gwin, was my next ancestor in line, then on to William's son, James H. Gwin, who moved to Bourbon Co., KS, and had my great-grandmother, Sarah Elizabeth Gwin. Does any of that ring any bells? I really don't know much about that line other than names. Any info you might have to share (or pictures) would be greatly appreciated.
Darlene Almer, Longview, WA
[John M. Gwin Note: The photo of the census page below was sent to me by Cousin Mike Walker who suggests that the William Gwin in line 37 below could be the firstborn son of our subject, William and Susanna Gwin, and I agree, since:(1) his age is right, according to the above-referenced 1830 census,Mike's theory seems to me to be very plausible, and I think we should pursue it.]
(2) his name is right (to be a "junior"),
(3) his state of birth is right,
(4) his current place of residence would make sense if, for example, he had decided to "agree with Grandpa Isham" and move north to avoid his dad's and uncle's attractions to slavery, and
(5) the places of birth of his children fit.[John M. Gwin Note: I have transcribed the GWIN entries on the following page from the
16 Oct 1850 U.S. Census of Macoupin County, Illinois,to allow web searchers to find these names.]
Res/Fam First Name Last Name Age Est
YOBSex Occ Value of
Real EstatePOB Other John Gwin's Comments 5/5 George Gwin 62 1788 m farmer . Va . This person is currently unknown to us; however, because he is two houses away from whom we believe to be our William Gwin, he is most likely a relative.
Laney Gwin 52 1798 f . . Ten . This person is currently unknown to us. Her place of birth, however, strongly suggests that her husband, George, moved to TN from VA, met and married her there, then moved to IN--generally the same route followed by Isham and Mary Canterbury Gwin.
Rachael Gwin 23 1827 f . . Ind CNROW .
Nancy Gwin 11 1839 f . . Ind . .
George L. Gwin 8 1842 m . . Ind . . 7/7 William Gwin 38 1812 m farmer 620 Ten CNROW This is the William Gwin (Jr.) whom Mike Walker has theorized could be the son of William and Susanna Gwin (and grandson of Isham and Mary C. Gwin) as explained above. His estimated year of birth, 1812, is the same year John Gwin and Jane Walker married and the year before William and Susanna joined the Miller's Cove Baptist Church (see item #3 above). Based on the places of birth of these Gwin children of William and Jane in this very census, these Gwins were living in Alabama in 1833 and in Illinois by 1837.
Jane M. Gwin 37 1813 f . . NC CNROW Jane evidently married William in the early 1830's, no doubt in Alabama. If Rebecca is their firstborn, Jane would've been about 20 when Rebecca was born and therefore about 19 when she and William married (ca. 1832).
Rebecca L. Gwin 17 1833 f . . Ala ASWTY That this daughter is born in Alabama lends further credence to Mike's theory, since William and Susanna are in Alabama for the 1820 and 1830 censuses.
James H. Gwin 13 1837 m . . Ill ASWTY That James H. Gwin is born in Illinois means--if Mike's theory is correct--that William and Jane moved their family north to Illinois between 1833 and 1837. The following is no doubt he in the 1880 census, the only questionable item being his mother's POB: 1880 Census of Drywood, Bourbon Co., KS
Name: James H. Gwin
Age: 44
Estimated birth year: abt 1836
Birthplace: Illinois
Occupation: Farmer
Relationship to head-of-household: Self
Home in 1880: Drywood, Bourbon, KansasMarital status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
Spouse's name: Eliza Gwin
Father's birthplace: TN
Mother's birthplace: AL
Elias Gwin 8 1842 m . . Ill ASWTY The following is no doubt he in the 1880 census, the only questionable item being his mother's POB: Gwins Listed in the 1880 Census of Drywood, Bourbon Co., KS
No.Res/Fam First Name Last Name Sex Relat
to HoHMar.
Stat.Race Occ. Age Est
YOBPOB Father's
POBJohn Gwin's Comments 01 unk/unk James H. Gwin m self m w farmer 44 1836 IL TN AL I believe this to be the older son of the William Gwin (Jr.) who appears in Macoupin Co., IL, in 1850 (see photo of that 1850 Census page below). 02
Eliza Gwin f wife m w keeping house 44 1836 IL TN TN . 03
Arrena Gwin f dau s w at school 14 1866 IL IL IL . 04
Sarah E. Gwin f dau s w at school 9 1871 KS IL IL . 05
Lewis Gwin m son s w at school 7 1873 KS IL IL Jim and Mike, we need to search for this person in later censuses. 06
Lee Gwin m son s w
3 1877 KS IL IL Jim and Mike, we need to search for this person in later censuses. 07
Octavia Gwin f SOTADR s w works out 24 1856 IL TN IL . 08 unk/unk Elias Gwin m self m w farming 40 1840 IL TN AL I believe this to be the younger son of the William Gwin (Jr.) who appears in Macoupin Co., IL, in 1850. 09
Sarah R. Gwin f wife m w keeping house 37 1843 KY KY KY . 10
Ida A. Gwin f dau s w at school 16 1864 IL IL KY Her POB places their move to KS between 1864 and 1867. 11
Elizabeth A. Gwin f dau s w at school 13 1867 KS IL KY Her POB places their move to KS between 1864 and 1867. 12
Nancy J. Gwin f dau s w at school 10 1870 KS IL KY . 13
Cora Gwin f dau s w at school 8 1872 KS IL KY . 14
James W. Gwin m son s w
3 1877 KS IL KY Jim and Mike, we need to search for this person in later censuses. 15
Allen A. Gwin m son s w
1 1879 KS IL KY Jim and Mike, we need to search for this person in later censuses. 16 unk/unk Elias F. Gwin m self m w works
on farm19 1861 KS IL IL I believe this to be the son and firstborn child of Elias Gwin who appears in this table, line 8 above. The only discrepancy is the POB of his mother--IL rather than KY. 17
Elizabeth Gwin f wife m w keeps house 18 1862 KY KY KY Nothing further known or speculated. 18
Lottie Gwin f dau s w
1 1879 KS KS KY .
[John M. Gwin Note: Is this Eliza (Mrs. James H.) Gwin, age 70?]
Redfield Herald -- November 1906 - February 1907
Bourbon County's Redfield Herald was a weekly newspaper. The first issue, dated April 8, 1905, was published on Saturdays, with W. E. Stockmyer [referred to as Edd], as Editor. In October 1905, when Mr. and Mrs. Stockmyer left Kansas for New Mexico, publication changed from Saturdays to Fridays and J. Frank Pool replaced Mr. Stockmyer as Editor. At that point, the paper was considerably expanded; in addition to community news, coverage also included courthouse news and property transfers/deeds. Another editorial change occurred in October 1906 when Mr. Pool retired and Harry E. Luman became Editor. These extracts have been copied as accurately as possible, but errors may still occur. Minor printing errors have been corrected, but otherwise the information is presented as it originally appeared. Please consult the individual reel to verify an item. I do not have any further information about these individuals or families. Contributed by Ellen Knowles Bisson (thebissons@worldnet.att.net)
Dec 28, 1906 -- pg. 2, col. 1
Died: Mrs. James Gwinn died at her home west of town and was buried Tuesday at the Large cemetery. She had a very severe attack of pneumonia fever. She leaves an aged husband, three boys and two girls - all married.
From Genforum.com -- GWIN Family Forum [John M. Gwin Note: This has to be a descendent of Elias, wouldn't you think?]Braden/Gwin Marriage Macoupin Co. IL.
Posted by: Jere Braden
Date: October 10, 2000 at 18:26:20
157 of 472Anyone researching the following marriage?
Marriage: 03/21/1872
Book/Page: 5 /83
License #: 7462
Saturday 01/13/2007 8:37:16pm
Name: John Alfred Gwinn
E-Mail: johnagwinnatyahoodotcom
Homepage Title: Welcome Home!
Homepage URL: http://www.easysite.com/pentecost
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Illinois until 9/2006, now Burgaw, NC
Comments: Looking for a connection with Illinois Guinn/Gwinn.
Father: John Everet Gwinn; Grandfather Alfred Ewing Guinn; Gr-Grandfather John Alfred Guinn; Gr-Gr-Grandfather Samuel Guinn.
Counties are Clay, Union, Sangamon and Macoupin in Illinois. GEDCOM available of all that I have put together.
http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/bourbon/1997/q97-10.html --same post is also at http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/wyandott/surname3.html
Darlene Almer Fri Oct 10 22:01:13 1997
Looking for info on family of Sarah Elizabeth Gwin Joseph Stroud Meyer(s), born about 1873 in Godfrey area of Bourbon Co.
Father was James H. Gwin, don't have mother's name.
Brothers and sister info from 1928 obit is:E. F. Gwin of Colorado,Family were members of M.E. church of Godfrey and there was a Gwin schoolhouse named after James H. Gwin that stood on the old homestead. Info on the church and the schoolhouse is also hoped for. Hoping to find living descendants of above family members. Sarah Elizabeth was my great grandmother.
Lewis Gwin of Kansas City and
Lee Gwin of El Dorado, KS, also
Mrs. Rena Evans of Radley, KS.
Descendants of Arthur Gwin
copied from the excellent page located at
http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/f/r/e/Raymond-C-Freas/ODT2-0003.html1.0--Arthur Gwin, b. 1781 in Ireland; m. Jane Porter (b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.); unk. ch.
2.0--Francis Curtis Gwin, b. 1825 in Pulaski, Lawrence Co., PA; d. 15 Feb 1891 in Lowe Twp.,Washington Co., KS; m. Ann Margaret Summerville (b. 13 Aug 1832 in New Castle, Lawrence, PA; d. 13 Jul 1911 in Mahaska, Washington Co., KS);
3.1--Mary Emma Gwin, b. 31 Dec 1852; m. Arrah M. Dull (b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.); unk. ch.3.2--Ellen Jane Gwin, b. 01 Aug 1854 in Lawrence, PA; d. Oct 1928 in Dickson TN; m. Frank Rickert (b. 01 Aug 1854)
3.3--James H. Gwin b. 24 May 1856 in Mercer, PA; d. 10 Jun 1926 in Mahaska, KS;
3.4--William Lisle Gwin b. 20 Aug 1858 in Mercer, PA; d. 30 Nov 1935 in Oskaloosa, IA; m. Ida Eliza Moore;
3.5--Francis Edward Gwin, b. 13 Jan 1861 in Mercer, PA; d. 8 Aug 1938 in Washington Co., KS; m. Cora Maude Stratton (b. 1866 in Norwalk, OH; d. 5 Feb 1959 in Washington, KS);
4.0--Clara Z. Gwin, b. 9 Dec 1903 in Morrowville, Washington Co., KS; d. 31 Dec 1999 in CO; m. Perle S. Frost (b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.); at least one ch.
5.0--Carolyn Frost b. 5 Mar 1928; d. unk.; m. Mr. Stutzman;
6.0--Mark Stutzman,
.......... 5 Linda Frost b: October 16, 1941 in Weatherford, Oklahoma
............. +Gailon Stewart b: August 31, 1934 in Willow, Oklahoma
............. 6 Scott Gailon Stewart b: May 29, 1966 in Salt Lake City, Utah
............. 6 Katherine Kay Stewart b: July 28, 1969 in Colorado Springs, Colorado
....... 4 Merle Dennis Gwin b: March 17, 1888 in Morrowville, Kansas d: June 07, 1923 in Crete, Neb.
.......... +Carrie Edith Osterhout d: May 1982
.......... 5 Elmer Gwin
.......... 5 Homer Ward Gwin b: April 05, 1917 in Morrowville, Washington County, Kansas
............. +Cilesta Beery b: December 09, 1920 in Edgar Nabraska
............. 6 Bruce Merle Gwin b: August 28, 1942 in Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska
................ +Joan Van Reisen
................ 7 Lisa Gwin b: May 30, 1964
................... +Thomas Sandoval
............. 6 Theresa Louise Gwin b: September 05, 1945 in Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska
................ +Robert H. Jones
................ 7 Bobby Jones b: 1966
................ 7 Janelle Jones b: 1967
................ 7 Scott Jones b: 1972
............. 6 William Ward Gwin b: September 27, 1948 in Turlock, California
................ 7 Steven Gwin b: July 08, 1968
................ 7 Max Gwin b: June 16, 1973
.......... 5 Marjorie Gwin b: September 06 d: 1992 in Washington ,Kansas
............. +Edgar Schumake
.......... 5 Boyd Gwin
....... 4 Roy Elmer Gwin b: June 30, 1890 in Morrowville, Kansas d: March 22, 1983 in Wichita County Hospital
.......... +Genevieve Anna Brooks b: August 08, 1892 in Three Rivers, Michigan d: September 15, 1955 in Leoti, Kansas
Francis Burdette Gwin m1. Mary Arlene Mastin; m2. Margaret Anne Widrig Treaster
Francene Gwin m. Mr. Webb
.......... 5 Roy Emerson Gwin b: March 27, 1919 in Morrowville,Kansas d: March 31, 1989 in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
............. +Frances Audrey Shultz b: March 16, 1924 in Washington, D.C.
............. 6 Stephen Emerson Gwin b: January 02, 1950 in Richmond, Virginia
................ +Judy Kay Lindbloom
................ 7 Stephani Kay Gwin
................ 7 Jared Elliott Gwin
............. 6 Leslie Patricia Gwin b: February 19, 1952 in Richmond, Virginia
................ +James Joesph Rizzuti
................ 7 Rachel Elizabeth Rizzuti
................ 7 Noel Talitha Rizzuti
............. 6 Francis Edward Gwin b: October 30, 1954 in Leoti, Kansas
................ +Laura Renee Buxton
................ 7 Garrett Edison Gwin
................ 7 Grant Edward Gwin
.......... 5 Francis Burdette Gwin b: January 13, 1921 in Morrowville, KS; m. Peggy Widrig (m1. Mary Arlene Mastin; m2. Margaret Anne Widrig Treaster)
Francene Gwin m. Mr. Webb
.......... *2nd Wife of Francis Burdette Gwin:
............. +Arlene Mastin
.......... 5 Ruth Genevieve Gwin b: March 06, 1922 in Morrowville,Kansas
............. +W. Lodinjer
.......... *2nd Husband of Ruth Genevieve Gwin:
............. +Herman Peak
.......... 5 Howard Dwight Gwin b: May 30, 1923 in Columbus, Kansas
............. +Jean Kelly
.......... 5 Betty Anne Gwin b: November 10, 1924 d: December 26, 1953 in Manhatten, Kansas
............. +Clarence L. Heath
.......... 5 Harold Merle Gwin b: February 01, 1926 d: 1990 in Houston, Texas
............. +Barbara Fisher
.......... 5 Dorothy Dean Gwin b: September 30, 1927
............. +Walter Schuster
.......... 5 Corrine Alice Gwin b: October 30, 1929
............. +Doyle Cummings
....... 4 Paul Bernard Gwin b: August 05, 1892 in Morrowville,Kansas d: February 23, 1991 in Junction City, Kansas
.......... +Clara Belle Rust b: September 1903 in Washington, Kansas d: September 01, 1974 in Junction City ,Kansas
.......... 5 Herbert Francis Gwin b: November 18, 1918 in Morrowville,Kansas d: November 18, 1918 in Washington ,Kansas
.......... 5 Florence Verda Gwin b: November 07, 1919 in Morrowville,Kansas
............. +Morres Peter Morgansen b: December 18, 1917 in Omaha, Nebraska
............. 6 Bernard Almon Morgansen b: September 06, 1944 in Junction City, Geary County, Kansas d: September 06, 1944 in Junction City, Geary County, Kansas
............. 6 Carole Gwen Morgansen b: September 15, 1946 in Manhattan, Riley County, Kansas
................ +Dexter Maynard Smith b: August 18, 1943 in Seattle, Washington
................ 7 Evelyn Kay Smith b: June 30, 1972 in Miles City, Montana
................... +Edward Adam Deitemeyer
................ 7 Judy Rae Smith b: August 11, 1973 in Fairbanks, Alaska
................... +David Friend
................... 8 Shawn Michael Friend b: March 13, 1997 in Rock Springs, Wy.
................ 7 Ty Jason Smith b: September 04, 1975 in Fairbanks, Alaska
................ 7 Carrie Mae Smith b: March 29, 1977 in Palmer, Alaska
............. 6 Marian Phyllis Morgansen b: May 06, 1948 in Casper, Natrona County, Wyoming
................ +Raymond Edward Spackman b: September 24, 1945 in Grand Island, Nebraska
................ 7 Ryan Edward Spackman b: September 12, 1974 in Bremerton, Washington
................ 7 Michael Phillip Spackman b: October 27, 1976 in Laramie, Wyoming d: October 22, 1976 in Laramie, Wyoming
................ 7 Joel Timothy Spackman b: December 01, 1977 in Grand Coulee, Washington
................ 7 Peter Allen Spackman b: July 22, 1980 in Grand Coulee, Washington
............. 6 Barbara Lee Morgansen b: July 13, 1950 in Casper, Natrona County, Wyoming
................ +Joseph Lee Boster b: May 17, 1948 in Clinton, Oklahoma
................ 7 Stacy Lee Boster b: August 20, 1975 in Casper, Natrona County, Wyoming
................... +Rafal Dziedzinaiewicz
................ 7 Stefanie Lee Boster b: February 07, 1977 in Casper, Natrona County, Wyoming
................ 7 Sabrina Lee Boster b: April 20, 1979 in Casper, Natrona County, Wyoming
................ 7 Joseph Lee Boster b: December 27, 1982 in Casper, Natrona County, Wyoming
.......... 5 Clarice Aleta Gwin b: December 25, 1921 in Council Grove, Kansas d: January 05, 1922 in Washington ,Kansas
.......... 5 Paul Herbert Gwin b: February 02, 1924 in Council Grove, Kansas
............. +Sherry Lou Mclain b: February 05, 1927 d: August 28, 1982 in Manhattan,Ks.
............. 6 Mack Paul Gwin b: October 15, 1951 in Manhattan,Ks. d: September 08, 1970
............. 6 Merrill Lee Gwin b: November 08, 1955
................ +Bud Clark
................ 7 Sherry Clark b: May 09, 1982
.......... *2nd Wife of Paul Herbert Gwin:
............. +Alberta Roberts
....... 4 H. Edith Gwin b: September 29, 1894 in Washington ,Kansas d: January 09, 1985 in Junction City Kansas
.......... +Nathan Gish d: October 24, 1971
.......... 5 Wilma Jean Gish d: June 1949 in Junction City ,Kansas
....... 4 Eva Maude Gwin b: March 04, 1898 in Washington County, Kansas d: August 14, 1991 in Washington County, Kansas
.......... +Ernest Bernard Benne b: September 21, 1896 in Washington County, Kansas d: November 30, 1979 in Veterans Hospital, Omaha,Nebraska
.......... 5 Florence Opal Benne b: August 22, 1925 in Washington County, Kansas
............. +Raymond Clifton Freas, Jr. b: February 18, 1926 in 7906 Woodbury Dr. Silver Spring, Maryland
............. 6 Richard Allen Freas b: August 08, 1949 in Columbia Hospital for Woman,Wash.D.C.
................ +Karen Altman b: March 27, 1951
................ 7 Micheal Allen Freas b: July 14, 1973 in Takoma Park, Maryland
................... +Amy Catherine Wooten b: March 11, 1977 in Ridgecrest, California
................... 8 Nicholas Allen Freas b: October 27, 1999 in Washington State
................ 7 Jeffrey Scott Freas b: April 23, 1975 in Takoma Park, Maryland
................... +Letti Rodriquez
................... 8 Rian Abraham Rodriques b: September 17, 1998
............. *2nd Wife of Richard Allen Freas:
................ +Joanne Marie Hagerty b: September 22, 1954
................ 7 Ryan Freas b: November 07, 1985
............. 6 Joanne Elizabeth Freas b: March 28, 1951 in Takoma Park,Maryland Washington Adventist Hosp..
................ +Stephen Waltenburg b: May 02, 1951 in Wisconsin
................ 7 Rebekah Waltenburg b: March 03, 1978 in Greenville, South Carolina
................ 7 Jessica Waltenburg b: April 30, 1980 in Greenville, South Carolina
................ 7 Robert Waltenburg b: April 30, 1982 in Greenville, South Carolina
................ 7 Sharon Waltenburg b: November 02, 1984 in Greenville, South Carolina
................ 7 Josha Waltenburg b: August 17, 1986 in Greenville, South Carolina
................ 7 Benjamin Waltenburg b: October 11, 1988 in Greenville, South Carolina
............. 6 David Gwin Freas b: March 24, 1953 in Washington Adventist Hospital,Takoma Park Md.
................ +Judith Ann Brewer b: March 25, 1948 in Pittsburg, Pa.
................ 7 David Andrew Freas b: April 11, 1985 in Howard County General Hospital, Columbia,Md.
............. 6 Janette Laurel Freas b: October 24, 1956 in Sibley Hospital, Washington, D.C.
................ +William Alvin Barrows b: August 03, 1956 in Sidney,New York
............. 6 Jeanne Roberta Freas b: September 02, 1959 in Washington D.C.,
................ +Lance Betts Dodd b: December 21, 1959 in Newark, New Jersey
................ 7 Timothy Allen Dodd b: May 22, 1985 in Howard County Hospital, Columbia, Maryland
................ 7 Amy Kathleen Dodd b: October 17, 1987 in Howard County Hospital,Columbia, Maryland
.......... 5 Helen Elizabeth Benne b: March 11, 1927 in Washington County, Kansas
............. +Floyd Vernon Elder b: June 06, 1926 in Washington County, Kansas
............. 6 Nancy Marie Elder b: July 07, 1949 in Concordia, Kansas
................ +Arthur Benjamin Tice b: February 28, 1947
................ 7 Tracy Arthur Tice b: August 27, 1972
................ 7 Timothy Allen Tice b: July 17, 1973
................ 7 Darcy Alicia Tice b: August 05, 1979
................ 7 Paul Anthony Tice b: January 15, 1985
............. 6 Jolene Elizabeth Elder b: February 17, 1951 in Morrowville,Kansas
................ +Terry Lee Thompson b: January 12, 1950 in Lincoln,Kansas
................ 7 Amy Elizabeth Thompson b: October 03, 1979
............. 6 Robert Charles Elder b: January 25, 1953 in Washington County, Kansas d: June 12, 1967 in Topeka,Kansas
............. 6 Leslie Benne Elder b: March 17, 1955 in Washington County, Kansas
................ +Judy Kay Ditmars b: July 14, 1957 in Washington County, Kansas
................ 7 Robert Charles Elder b: February 10, 1977 in Marysville, Kansas
................ 7 Jeremy Lloyd Elder b: September 06, 1979 in Marysville, Kansas
................ 7 Kenneth Ernest Elder b: May 20, 1983 in Fairbury Nebraska
................ 7 Julie Ann Elder b: March 18, 1987 in Fairbury Nebraska
............. 6 Sandra Kay Elder b: October 07, 1958 in Washington Kansas
................ +Eddie Lee Martin b: December 04, 1960 in Kirwin,Kansas
................ 7 Jesse Lee Martin b: August 05, 1983 in Hays,Kansas
................ 7 Stephen Joel Martin b: June 14, 1985 in Kirwin, Kansas
................ 7 Joshua Aaron Martin b: June 04, 1987 in Kirwin, Kansas
................ 7 Matthew Isaiah Martin b: March 09, 1989 in Kirwin, Kansas
................ 7 Rachel Grace Martin b: May 04, 1991 in Kirwin, Kansas
................ 7 Abigail Sarah Martin b: April 17, 1993 in Kirwin, Kansas
................ 7 Leah Marie Martin b: April 17, 1993 in Kirwin, Kansas
................ 7 Jeanna Michelle Martin b: October 10, 1995 in Stockton,Kansas
................ 7 Jonathan Ezekiel Martin b: September 22, 1997 in Stockton,Kansas
................ 7 Caleb Seth Martin b: August 15, 1999
.......... 5 Don Elden Benne b: December 25, 1928 in Washington County, Kansas d: May 16, 1960 in Cincinnati,Ohio
............. +Lee
............. 6 Lorna Gay Benne b: August 25, 1958
.......... 5 Olive Dean Benne b: June 16, 1930 in Morrowville,Kansas
............. +Roy Clifford Sullivan b: July 19, 1932 in Burlington, Iowa d: June 26, 1970 in Burlington,Iowa
............. 6 Gail Marie Sullivan b: November 27, 1959 in Burlington, Iowa
................ +Johan Marie Rotman b: May 10, 1954 in Netherlands
............. 6 Benne Dean Sullivan b: November 22, 1962 in Burlington,Iowa
................ +Bronwyn Franke
............. *2nd Wife of Benne Dean Sullivan:
................ +Debbie Hicks
....... 4 Bertha M Gwin b: September 16, 1899 in Morrowville,Kansas d: June 16, 1989 in Greely Colo.
.......... +Merriam E.Cook d: 1952 in Pueblo,Colo.
.......... 5 Donald Cook b: March 24, 1928
.......... 5 Richard Cook
....... 4 Lois V. Gwin b: January 20, 1916 in Morrowville,Kansas d: February 25, 1989 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
.......... +William O. Frost b: 1911 d: September 05, 1988 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
.......... 5 Steven Frost b: December 05, 1954
............. +Suzie Wilkerson
............. 6 Jeremy Ryan Frost b: May 12, 1988
.... 3 David E. Gwin b: October 16, 1862 in Iowa d: February 12, 1944 in Bowling Green Warren,Kentucty
....... +Mary Moore
.... 3 Sarah E.Gwin b: July 14, 1864 in Mercer, Pa. d: in Santa Anna, California
....... +Charles Baird
.... 3 John Arthur Gwin b: August 17, 1866 in Mercer, Pa. d: February 17, 1955 in Fayette, Idaho
.... 3 Harry Newton Gwin b: November 10, 1868 in Mercer, Pa. d: December 22, 1942 in Garnett, Kansas
.... 3 Nettie Lillis Gwin b: June 08, 1871 in Dickson, Tenn. d: December 13, 1950 in Mahaska, Kansas
2 James Gwin d: December 21, 1906 in Lawrence County Pa
.... +Catherine Leslie d: September 22, 1888 in Lawrence County Pa
copied from the excellent page located at
http://www.kansasheritage.org/orsh/library/gwin.htmlKansas One-Room School House Project
Gwin -- Bourbon Co., KS
The Kansas Heritage Server would like to thank Darlene (DarleneA@aol.com) for contributing this material.
I have learned that my great-great grandfather, James W. Gwin, had a schoolhouse named after him in the Godfrey neighborhood of Bourbon Co., near Ft. Scott. I assume it was of the one-room variety but have been unable to get info on it as yet. It was said to be built on the old family homestead in Godfrey. If anyone has any info on this, please submit not only to me, but to Lynn and Rene, too. Someone on one of the KS lists suggested I write to the Superintendent of Schools for Bourbon Co. in Ft. Scott, but I have yet to do that. It is a possibility though.
Copyright 2001 All Rights Reserved
copied from the excellent page located at
http://www.rootsweb.com/~kscemete/bourbon/Large/cem-large-1.htmlLARGE Cemetery
Bourbon Co., KSLocated 4 miles south of the Ft. Scott overpass; 2 miles west and 1/2 mile south on East Side of road or 2 miles north of Cato, Kansas
Well cared for and taking burials; walked 10/03/2002; Submitted by Carol Brooks
Last Name First Name Born Died Remarks John M. Gwin Comments Guinn John W.
21 Jan 1869 s/o J.H.& E.
Gwin Elias
23 Sep 1901 age 61 yr. 9 mo.12 da. From his stone, I calculate his DOB to be 11 Jan 1840 Gwin Sarah R.
10/31/1926 w/o Elias mother
Gwin Eliza 2/06/1836 12/16/1906 w/o James H.
Gwin James H. 12/25/1835 6/16/1910
Yes, Francis Curtis Gwin was my great great grandfather and I have his decendants' information if you would like that. He and Ann gave birth to Francis Edward Gwin who married Cora Maude Stratton who gave birth to Roy Elmer Gwin who married Gennevive Anna Brooks, and my dad is Francis Burdette Gwin and my mother was Mary Arlene Mastin. My Mom died when I was 6 1/2, and my father remarried Margaret Anne Widrig Treaster.
I am collecting information from cousins who come from Harry Newton Gwin who was a son of Arthur and Mary Jane Gwin. I will have 11 pages from my cousin Shirley in Garnett, Kansas soon.
I am still trying to find Arthur Gwin's or Mary Jane Porter's parents. If you have any information about that could you please send it to me I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks for emailing me!
Love and Light,
Francene Gwin Webb
Francis Curtis Gwin m. Ann (nee unk.)
Francis Edward Gwin m. Cora Maude Stratton
Roy Elmer Gwin m. Gennevive Anna Brooks
Francis Burdette Gwin m1. Mary Arlene Mastin; m2. Margaret Anne Widrig TreasterFrancene Gwin m. Mr. Webb
June 2020 I began communicating
with new friend and possible cousin Raymond Nolan Scott. Following is a collection of some of that communication. |
[John M. Gwin Note--27 Jun 2020: I have numbered Raymond's various points below for reference purposes.]
[John M. Gwin Note--27 Jun 2020: I have numbered Raymond's various points below for reference purposes. First below is my initial response to Raymond's second email listed here.]
THANK you for checking the site so carefully! Of course I regard you as the expert on this page, so please know that this is exactly what I WANT you to do. I’ll be posting your notes, comments, disagreements, and insights onto the page as soon as I can.
Right now I’m very busy getting ready for church service tomorrow, so it may be a while before I can get things posted properly—thanks for being patient!
Your new friend, fellow researcher, and possible or even probable cousin,
On Jun 26, 2020, at 6:13 PM, Raymond Scott <astynaz@yahoo.com> wrote:
I was checking out your site
01--listed as Elias Gwinn in the 1820 census of Franklin Co., TN, with only two other young males (1 under five, one in late teens) and no females in the household--(Elias would be ca. 37 here); I think this means that Rebecca has died and he has not yet married Tabitha. A Daniel Gwinn, same age category as Elias, is listed beside him with only one other male and no females. ]
Name: Elias Gwinn
[Elias Givens]Home in 1820 (City, County, State): Franklin, Tennessee Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820 Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 1 Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1 Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25: 1 Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture: 1 Free White Persons - Under 16: 1 Total Free White Persons: 3 Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 3
According to that Census record, there is one free white female 16 thru 25 in the household
Rebecca was long deceased and 6th Great Grandfather Elias was already married to 6th Great Grandmother Tabitha Weatherford. Their son, William Gwin was born in 1812. He'd have been 8 years old at the time of that Census. It looks like he was definitely Elias' oldest child. Tabitha seems to have been the mother of Elias' daughters Rebecca and Sally. They named their daughter in honor of Elias' first wife.
02--Sarah A. Gwin, b. 1810; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
[listed as Sarah A. Gwin, 40, b. TN, in the 29 Nov 1850 census of Macoupin Co., IL]
[John M. Gwin Note: Sarah shows up in the 1850 census living with Elias, but when I first saw her there, it was unclear to me whether she was his wife, daughter, or (perhaps widowed) daughter-in-law. I listed her here as his daughter until I knew for sure, since her age fits--two years younger than Rebecca, two years older than William. And now we know from Elias' will that this is correct.]
I disagree that Sarah A. Gwin was his daughter even though she was young enough to be his daughter. I strongly believe that she was his wife.
The things that make me think that she was are the following
the 1850 Census lists
Name Age Elias Gwin 66 Sarah A Gwin 40 Lucinda Gwin 22 Joseph Gwin 17 Elias Gwin 13 James Pearson 3 Sarah Patton 71
My 6th Great Grandfather Elias' second wife, my 6th Great Grandmother Tabitha died by 1830. He had relocated to Macoupin County, Illinois to be close to his Weatherford in-laws. His father-in-law John Money Weatherford had already died. His mother-in-law Frances (Spraggins) Weatherford and her sons relocated to Maocoupin County after his death. He was close friends with his brother-in-law William who was an administrator of his will.
according to the agesSarah age 40Lucinda age 22....born 1828Joseph age 17 .....born 1833Elias age 13.....born 1837
both his sons were born years after Great Grandmother Tabitha died
Sarah seems to have been the mother of Joseph and Elias Jr. , and Sarah Patton seemed to have been Sarah's mother.Sally Patton mentioned as his sister in his will would have actually been his sister-in-law.
03--25.02--Arena Frances "Rena" Gwin, b. 1866 in Macoupin Co., IL; d. 1931 in Crawford Co., KS; bd. Girard Cem., Crawford Co., KS--FAG Mem.# 75000471; m. 3 Aug 1883 to Manford K. "Manfred" Evans (); div. betw. 1915 and 1920; at least 11 ch.;
Manford Evans was the son of Matthew Evans and Josephine Hoyt. He was the brother of my 3rd Great Grandmother Josephine Evans who was married to my 3rd Great Grandfather Elias Andrew Walker who was son of Manoah Walker (son of Peyton Walker and Martha Huddleston) and Rebecca Lucinda Gwin (daughter of William Gwin and Jane Malinda Kilpatrick).Rebecca Gwin's niece Arena married her son Elias' wife Josephine's brother Manford.
On March 22, 1877, my 3rd Great Grandparents Elias and Josephine were married in Drywood, Bourbon County, Kansas where my 2nd Great Grandfather John Franklin Walker was born. Josephine's mother Josephine (Hoyt) Colbert was wrongly transcribed as Mary Colbert due to misreading her signature, Mrs. Colbert (she was married to Mason Colbert) as Mary Colbert. It made me think that my 4th Great Grandmother was Mary Colbert for seven years until somebody showed me the truth.
There is a marriage record of Matthew and Josephine Hoyt married December 28, 1849 in Bartholomew County, Indiana where Josephine's parents Rodney and Prudence (Jones) Hoyt lived at the time and Matthew's father Theophilus and Rosannah (Serbel) Evans used to live.There is an 1850 Census record of Matthew and Josephine living in Bartholomew County, Indiana. Josephine's parents, Rodney and Prudence with their children were living in the same county at the time.There is an 1860 Census record of Matthew and Josephine living together in my 3rd Great Grandmother Josephine's birthstate, Missouri with children - Mahulda Evans 11, Melvin Evans 10, Millard Evans 8, Irvin Evans 4, Charles Evans 2, Manford Evans 7/12.There is an 1870 Census record of Mason and Josephine Colbert living in Allen Grove, Mason, Illinois with children - Frederick Colbert 4/12, Melvin Evans 18, Willard Evans 16, Charles 11, Mountford Evans 9, George Evans 8, Josie Evans 6.
Therefore, I am 100 percent sure that Matthew Evans and Josephine Hoyt were my 3rd Great Grandmother Josephine Evans' parents.
According to the 1880 Census Records, Elias and Josephine were living next to Elias parents Manoah and Rebecca and their children in Drywood.
I also noticed from your site04--Below is possible relation to George GUINN & Annie WHEELER:
Re: GEORGE GUINN m. ANNIE WHEELER Feb 23, 1789 Lincoln Co., NC
Author: Andy Leath Date: 9 Jun 2002 1:19 AM GMT
Classification: QueryIn Reply to: GEORGE GUINN m. ANNIE WHEELER Feb 23, 1789 LincolnCo, NC by: June StewartWilliam GWIN wrote his will in Lincoln Co., NC, 8 Feb 1817. He stated thathe is old and that he willed his land, furniture, and some livestock tohis wife Nancy GWIN, then after her death to his daughter Polly. One bedto granddaughter Polly Williams HOWARD. He states that his son-in-law AllenHOWARD is working his land, but he is to support Nancy. After Nancy's death,the land is to go to Allen HOWARD and his wife Polly. Grandson son WilliamH. HOWARD $5. Execs to be wife Nancy and Allen HOWARD. William Gwin signedwith his mark.
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I have a William GWIN family in Lincoln County that might be connectedto your George GUINN. I know very little about them. But there are a fewties to a George GWIN and a Thomas WHEELER that suggest a connection.Witnesses to the will were:
Henry BARKLEY, Jurat.
George (his x mark) GWIN,
Elizabeth (her X mark) BARKELYDr. A. B. Pruitt. ABSTRACTS OF DEEDS: LINCOLN CO., NC, 1786-1793(Books 3, 4, and 16), 1988
Vol. 16 p. 78 6 Dec 1790 Thomas WHEELER, planter, Lincoln Co., to WilliamGUIN, planter, same, 70 lbs., 125 acres west side Cataba River adj. Jno.WAGGONER, granted 11 Oct 1783 to Thomas WHEELER. Wtn. George GWIN, TheophilusWILLIFORD.
North Carolina marriage bonds record showed Elias Gwin married his first wife, Rebecah Beckham in Warren County on December 21, 1802.North Carolina marriage bonds record showed William Gwin married Nanney Childress in Warren County on April 29, 1779.Marriage Bond Records showed a Salley Gwyn married Theos Williford in Warren County onon May 17, 1787 with William Gwin as Bondsmen. I read that Bondsmen were often the father or brother.Marriage Bond Records Mary Gwin married Darling Madra in Warren County on Aug 18, 1783This Warren County, North Carolina site also lists themMary Gwin marrying Darling Maddry on Aug 18, 1783Salley Gwyn marrying Theopolius Williford on May 24, 17871784-1787 North Carolina State Census Records for Warren County, North Carolina showed Wm Guin (William Gwin) listed with one white male 21-60 yrs old, two white males under 21/over 60 yrs old and two white females of all ages under Pg 2. in Captain White's District. He is listed between Darling Maddrey (Mary Gwin's husband Darling Maddra) and Theophelus Willofred (Salley Gwin's husband Theos Wiliford). There is obviously significant family connection between Mary, Salley, and William.
I am very sure that the William Gwin that married Nanney Childress in Warren County, North Carolina and lived in Captain White's District, North Carolina is also the William Guin that had a land transaction with Thomas Wheeler and wrote a will in Lincoln County, North Carolina.I am also very sure that the Theophilus Williford that married William Gwin's relative, Salley and lived in Captain's White's District, North Carolina like William Gwin did is also the Theophilus Williford that witnessed the transaction between Thomas Wheeler and William Gwin.
George Gwin seems to be related to William Gwin.
There was a George Gwin with wife, Nancy and their children Rachael, Nancy, and George living next to my 5th Great Grandfather William Gwin and his family in 1850 Census.
I also noticed from your site05--[note by Andy Leath: William HOWARD is the father of Allen HOWARD whomarried Polly GWIN]
Weynette Parks Haun. MORGAN DISTRICT, NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURTOF LAW & EQUITY. PART I: "Criminal Action Papers" (no date)-1789. BOOKIV.
p. 32 [255] State of North Carolina Lincoln County Memorandum of Recognizancetaken and enetered before me a justice for said county 30 Nov 1787 WilliamGWEEN, principle bond $100, Thomas WHEELER security, $50. GWEEN to appearat next Superior Court of Law at Morgan, March next, and answer bill ofindictment for assault & battery. Fras. CUNNINGHAM, J. P. Wm. GUINRecg.Polly GWIN, dau. of William GWIN, b. 29 Mar 1786 NC d. 1872 m. about1801-2 Allen HOWARD b. 1778 NC d. 1858, both bur. Lincoln Co., NC. Elevenchildren:
1. William Henderson HOWARD b. 1802
2. Francis R. HOWARD b. 1805
3. Nancy F. HOWARD b. 1807
4. Henry H. HOWARD b. 1809
5. John H. HOWARD b. 1812
6. Polly Williams HOWARD b. 1815
7. Sally H. HOWARD . 1817
8. Milly C. HOWARD b. 1819
9. James M. HOWARD b. 1821 (my line)
10. Elizabeth Read HOWARD b. 1824
11. Martha Carlile HOWARD b. 1828
John Childress married Salley Howard on Dec 21, 1782 in Warren County, North CarolinaSally Childress married William Howard on Dec 19 1784 in Warren County, North CarolinaI believe that 6th Great Grandfather Elias Gwin was son of William Gwinn and Nanney/Nancy Childress. I don't know why he wasn't mentioned in his will. He named his oldest son after his father, and he named one of his daughters after his father's relative. Elias didn't mention all of his children in his will.Raymond