Updated 20 Apr 2006
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reformatting of the name font and census data for this page
has NOT been completed. --John M. Gwin, Aug 2011
Uncle James stated: "These records collected and compiled in the year 1949 [and following] by James Bassett Gwin II, 2918 45th Street, New Orleans, zone 20, Louisiana, from information submitted by members of all families herein recorded."
Here are some links to various and sundry Gwin pages, most of which are unconnected to my line so far, but may be very close! :-)"As-of-yet Unrelated Gwins"
I was in an antique shop the other day
Grand Prairie,
Texas, and came across a family Bible which was given
to Horace
and Zoie Gwin (both were born in
Georgia) on their wedding
Sept. 6, 1894, by his father, Thomas Benjamin
Gwin. |
This collection is a compilation of information I have received from many sources. After some four years of genealogizing, I've only recently begun to *PROVE* any of it myself, and I finally feel I'm beginning to get the hang of this! This particular page has much information that I have cleaned up, having documented quite a bit. My plan is to eventually have it right. But there are still many gaps and much possibility for error. I still have no idea how correct some of this information is. There may be some of you who may be sad or even angry when you read parts of this, because you know that a particular segment is wrong. But I present it here in good faith, so if you have information that substantiates, corroborates, conflicts with, expands, disproves, corrects, or complements any of this information, please share it with me, and I will gladly include your family line, add your comment, correct the error, and/or present your claim! Please e.mail me at jmcdgwin@zianet.com. I use an iMac, so I will probably be able to receive info sent as attachments. In the event I cannot, my son has a newer p.c., so he may be able to. He lives near us--e.mail him at jgwin@nmsu.edu. Thank you for visiting my site! John McDonald
The Gwin families allegedly came from Wales, where the name means "white". I still believe all spellings of Gwin to be related, including Gwinn, Gwinne, Guin, Guinn, Guinne, Guyn, Guynn, Guynne, Gwyn, Gwynn, and Gwynne. I've been told the first known Gwins in America settled on the east coast in the 1740's in Virginia and migrated into Kentucky, New York, Indiana, the Carolinas, Georgia, Tennessee, and Alabama.
John McDonald Gwin's Line:
Richard Gwin and Sarah Chesley |
21.00--Richard Gwin; allegedly lived near Jamestown, Virginia, said to be of Scotch Irish descent; m. Sarah Chesley; one known son: Isham.
Uncle James said he got this information from the "Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy, Vol. I, p. 706", so I included it. Finally, in Sep 2002, I discovered the complete seven-volume set of ACAG in my local library and read the entire entry myself.
Now I can see the source of the article's information as none other than Richard's g-granddaughter, Sarah Gwin--Sarah was John's and Jane's daughter, Louis Basset's wife and widow, Emma Basset McCulloch's mother, and mother-in-law to Emma's husband Champe Carter McCulloch (former CSA major, mayor of Waco, TX, and passionate family historian who submitted the article).
This information is now much more credible to me, then, since John Gwin himself was still alive for a full ten years after his granddaughter Emma married Champe. I imagine that the wealthy Champe and Emma wrote letters to John (who, though illiterate, was always around family who could read and write), probably even occasionally traveling by railroad to visit him and other relatives in Cahaba, Oakleyville, and/or Wilsonville.
If any reader has other documentation, please notify me--I'd love to hear from you!
From: JAMESTWALL@aol.com
Date: Wed Feb 16, 2005 01:04:40 PM US/Mountain
To: jmcdgwin@zianet.com, kated35765@hotmail.com
Cc: JAMESTWALL@aol.com
Subject: Gwins in VirginiaI have been extracting information on Gwins in Virginia from the Virginia Genealogical Society Journal. There were quite a few deeds involving George Holmes Gwin and Richard Gwin. Also, quite a few debt and assault cases involving them!!?? Take a look at the following and let me know what you think.
Wednesday, February 16, 2005GWINs in Virginia
Virginia Genealogical Society JournalYesterday I found that Ancestry.com has the Virginia Genealogical Society Journal, Volumes 1-35 as a resource. I am curious about the relationship of George Holmes Gwin to my Isom Gwin. Going through the journal, I could not find an answer to that question. However, I did find information on GHG in close physical relationship to other Gwins in Albemarle, Goochland, and Pittsylvania counties. I have extracted info on all these people, plus some other Gwins whose relationship to GHG is less certain.
It appears that Richard Gwin and George Holmes Gwin lived very close to each other, at least in the earliest time. That would seem to indicate that they were related.
Jim Wall
James T. Wall
2511 N. Stuart St.
Arlington, Virginia 22207-5163
(703) 524-2198
[John M. Gwin Note: I find six different Gwin first names transcribed by Jim and recorded on this page in this green chart. I've recorded immediately below how many times each name appears in the transcription. I would like to believe that these are six Gwin brothers.]
Richard Gwin:
20 timesGeorge Holmes Gwin
14 timesJames Gwin
2 timesSamuel Gwin
1 timeJohn Gwin
5 timesAlmond Gwin
3 timesHenry Beard
1 timeSamuel Canterbury
1 time
Land Patent Book 23 RICHARD GUIN, 400a, Goochland Co., on both sides of Great Buffalo Cr. of Willis’s R., and bounded by Major John Bollings c. (p.675) 1 Mar 1743
JOHN BOLLING, 6300 a, Goochland Co., both sides of mountain Cr. of Willis’s R., and bounded by Richard Guin, (p.616) John Childers, Alexander Stinson, George Cleinoff, Samuel Ridgway; 5300a formerly G. the sd. John Bolling 1 Dec 1740 and the Residue never bef. G. (p.617) 25 Nov 1743.
ALBEMARLE COUNTY ORDERS Tr. Slander case of Edward Watts agst John Peartree Burks, parties appear by their attys. As does a Jury, to wit:
Lazurus Dameron,Deft. Found not guilty, plt. to take nothing but he & his Pledges of Prosecuting to wit John Doe & Richard Roe be in mercy. Further considered that sd Burks do recover from Watts 15 shillings for fees & 10 lbs. Tob. For costs. (1745? JTW)
Noble Ladd,
Michael Thomas,
Richard Gwinn,
Joel Walker,
Stephen Sanders,
Mathew Tucker,
Edward Lambert Parsons,
John Jones,
Drury Tucker,
Richard Taylor &
John Ladd.
In debt case of John Coles & Company agst George Holms Gwinn, deft. Confesses to demand for [pounds]9/7/9 & is to pay same plus 15 shillings for fees & 81 lbs. Tob. For costs. Judgment except for costs to be paid by [pounds]4/18/10 with interest from 01 Mar. 1745.
Albemarle County, Virginia
Court Orders 1744/45 ? 1748
January Term 1745 ? August Term 1748(p.1) At a Court held for Albemarle County January 24, 1745 for laying the county levy.
To be charged to the County and Repaid by the Publick--lbs of tobo.
To John Childers for five young Do [wolfs heads] at 70 each--------350
To Daniel Scot for keeping a Ferry at the Court House--------------1000
To Richard Gwinn for the same service-------------------------------200
In case of Philip May agst Philip Pendleton, parties cames as does a Jury, to wit:Lazarus Dameron,Plt. does not prosecute further, deft. To recover 5 shillings plus fees & costs.
George Holmes Gwinn,
Mathew Tucker,
John Anthony, William Harris,
John McKenny,
Henry Trent,
Thomas McDaiel,
David Watkins,
John Ladd,
John Tooly &
Isaiah Watkins.
Petition of George Holms Gwinn agst Joseph Adcock is dismist by mutual consent (Date unknown except 1744/5 - 1748. JTW)
At a Court held for Albemarle County July 25, 1745LAND PATENT BOOK 24 George Holmes Gwin, 350a, Goochland Co., both sides of the Slate River, crossing Great Creek and Slate River, James Watkins, (p. 131) 20 Sep 1745
Deed with livery & seisen from George Holmes Gwinn to Robert King acknowledged & ordered to be recorded.
In case of Richard Fletcher Gregory agst Samuel Spencer, parties appear by attys. As does a Jury, to wit:William Harris,Plt. produced account for [pounds]11/13/11 & proves by own oath. Deft. By atty. William Battersby demurs to that proof saying evidence not sufficient & prays Jury will give verdict upon the evidence. Jury finds for the plt. in amount [pounds]7/18/7 but defense say Judgment invalid as some of the Jury had departed before reaching a verdict. Court will decide at next session.
Lazarus Dameron,
John Sorrell,
John Biby,
John Tooly junr.,
John Henson,
Richard Hall,
James Christian,
John Trent,
Philip Morris,
Benjamin Higgenbottom &
Richard Gwinn.
ALBEMARLE COURT ORDERS Grand Jury sworn, to wit:
Leonard Ballow (foreman),who say they find the two Indictments agst James Gains to be true Bills. The Grand Jury then were disolved. (1746? JTW)
John Biby,
Samuel Spencer,
Noble Ladd,
John Burns,
Dennis Doyle,
Richard Hall,
John Henson,
Reeny Shatteen [?],
Joseph Adcock,
Samuel Glover,
Robert Glover,
John Witt,
Richard Taylor &
George Holms Gwinn
At a Court held for Albemarle County June 12, 1746 Will of Samuel Glover dec’d presented by Sarah Glover Execx., proved by oaths of several witnesses & ordered recorded. Certificate granted for obtaining probate.
Anthony Bennie, John Hunter, Edward Wood & George Holms Gwinn to appraise personal estate of sd Glover & return to next court. Sarah, relict of Samuel Glover, requests the Deposition of Thomas Jones (who writ [sic] the will be recorded. Jones states he believes the testators intent was to give an estate in fee simple & the words they & their heirs forever were omitted but fully intended.
Joshua Fry, Gent. Surveyor presented a list of surveys made by him from June 1, 1745 to June 1, 1746.John Chlders 215a
George Holms Gwinn 400a
Joseph Childers 200a
At a Court continued for Albemarle County June 13, 1746In Tres. & Assualt (sic) cse of Richard Fletcher Gregory agst Samuel Spencer, parties came as does a Jury, to wit:
Lazarus Dameron,Jury found Spencer did beat, wound & evilly treat Gregory who is to recover damages with 15 shillings (or 150 lbs. Tob.) for fees & 221 labs. [lbs.] tob. For costs.
George Holms Gwinn,
Mathew Tucker,
John Anthony,
William Harris (foreman)
John McKenny,
Henry Trent,
Thomas McDaniel,
David Watkins,
John Ladd,
John Tooly &
Isaiah Watkins.
Trespass & Assault case of Dennis Doyle agst John Burns, parties come by attys. As does a Jury, to wit:Lazarus Dameron (foreman),who find the deft. Guilty. Plt. to recover plus 15 shillings for fees &150 lbs. Tob. For costs.
Patrick Nowlin,
Richard Hall,
John Heard,
John Lewis,
Samuel Spencer,
John Bryant,
Samuel Crawley,
John Tooly,
Edmond Manning,
Richard Gwinn &
Joseph Higgenbottom
In case of James Gwinn agst Samuel Spencer, deft. By atty. William Battersby granted Imparle till next court & then to plead.
In case of James Gwinn agst Samuel Spencer, plt. Fails to file Declaration in time, deft. To reover 5 shillings plus fees & costs.
Tres. & Asslt case of Philemon Childers agst Joseph Smith, deft granted Imparle. [1746? JTW]
Tr. vi et Armis case of William Bishop agst Richard Gwinn, deft by atty William Battersby pleads not guilty, plt. granted time to consider.
In case of Joseph Hickingbottom agst Richard Fletcher Gregory, parties appear as does a Jury, to wit:James Christian (foreman),who find the deft has not done his work in a workmanlike manner nor performed his contract. Plt. to recover.
Thomas Thornill,
William Christian,
Richard Gwinn,
John Hays,
Samuel Herston,
Hugh Dobbins,
John Dobbins,
Robert Herston,
John McWerters,
John Thomas &
Thomas Joplin
In debt case of same [Mathew Branch] agst George Holms Gwinn, deft. Fails to appear, Judgment entered for the plt. agst sd Gwinn & Anthony Christian his security for [pounds] 30 plus fees & costs. Judment except costs to be discharged by paying [pounds]14/7/2 with interest from 12 Aug 1746.
Tr. & Assault case of Hugh Green agst Richard Gwinn, same [dismist by mutual consent]. (Date unknown. JTW)
ALBEMARLE COURT ORDERS George Gwinn awarded 285 lbs. Tob. By Andrew Barclay for 3 days (coming & returning 70 miles as evidence for sd Barclay in suit agst Samuel Crawley. (Date unknown. JTW)
JOHN MAXEY, 400a, Goochland Co., both sides of Great Cr. of Slate R., in George Holmes Guin’s line, (p.468) 25 Sep 1746
At a Court continued for Albemarle County February 14, 1746/7.In debt case of Mathew Branch, assignee of Charles Thomas, agst George Holms Gwinn, deft. Fails to appear, Judgment entered agst sd Gwinn & Anthony Christian his security for [pounds]30 & costs, payable in part with interest from 12 Aug. 1746
LAND PATENT BOOK 26 George Hewes/Howes [Homes JTW] Gwin, 347a, Albemarle Co., on Wolf Trap Br. of Mountain Cr., bounded by Stranges line, Bollings line, Edmond Woods line, Christians line. (p. 142) 1 Oct 1747
August Term 1747 ? December Term 1747 Tr. Vi et Armiscase of William Bishop agst Richard Gwinn, deft had Imparle till this day but fails to appear, plt. ought to recover damages.Tr.vi et Armis case of William Bishop agst Richard Gwinn, deft. Fails to appear, Judgment entered agst him & John Tooly his security for damages to be determine by a Jury. (Date unknown. JTW)
In trespass case of Thomas Ballow agst Richard Guinn, deft by atty James Meridith granted same [Imparle]. (Date unknown. JTW)
At a Court continued for Albemarle County July 15, 174 In trespass case of Thomas Ballow junr. Agst Richard Gwinn, plt’s atty William Battersby failed to file on time, deft to recover 5/ plus costs.
In debt case of Jeremiah Whitney agst John Biby, parties appear as does a Jury, to wit:Joseph Anthony (foreman),who defer Judgment till August court.
John Smith,
Charles Lambert,
Thommas Smith,
Richard Dameron,
William Hooper,
Leonard Ballow,
John McWerters,
William Sympson,
Richard Gwin,
James McNeal &
Drury Tucker
LAND PATENT BOOK 27 JOHN BOLLING, 440a, Goochland Co, on Brs of great Buffalo Cr, bounded by the sd Bolling and Richard Guin, Susannah Carnor, Anthony Sherroon, Samuel Ridgway. (p.177) 20 May 1749.
LAND PATENT BOOK 28 GEORGE HOMER GWINN, 400a, Albemarle Co, on S side of James R. on a br of Willis’s Cr. called Bolling’s Cr, at Sachevrel Whitebreaad’s c. on Col. John Bolling’s line, to Thomas Potter’s line, (p.632) 5 Sep 1749
LAND PATENT BOOK 29 Joseph Adcock, 400a, Albemarle Co., on both sides of Great Buffalo Cr. a Br of Willis R, bounded by Thomas Christian;s line, Richard Gwin, John Bolling Gent (p. 3) 15 Dec 1749
John Gwin, 400a, Lunenburg, bounded by the Co. line. (p. 523) 15 Dec 1749
HALIFAX COUNTY PLEAS 1752--1755 The petition of Thomas Bouldin, Admr. Of John Gwin, dec’d agst Ralph Elkins, cont. at motion & cost of plt.
Thomas Bouldin, Gent., Admr. Of John Gwin, dec’d, agst Ralph Elkins cont.Matthias Ayres, 2000 acs. Albemarle Co. on the brs. Of Hatcher’s Cr. including Hatcher’s Mountain, near the Road; adj. Edmund Wood, Homis Gwin[Holmes Gwin? JMG], Edward Scott, Robert Thomson, William Sally, Captain William Allen & Thomas Turpin, 10 Sep 1755, p. 747. [pounds]8. 400 acs. Part formerly gtd. Edward Kelly [PB 17, p. 128 Goochland Co.] by our letters pat. 20 July 1736 the Right & Title since vested in sd. Ayres & 1600 acs. Residue never before gtd.
LAND PATENT BOOK 32 Colonel John Bolling, 6767a., Albemarle Co. among the Brs of Willis Riv., bounded by Alexander Stinson’s lines by a Br of Cat Tail, the line of George Kleinhoot, Ridgeway’s lines, crossing Mt Cr, Anthony Sharoone’s line, a line of Susanna Carner, Richard Gwin, the bounds of Henry Beard, 6740a part former g unto the said John Bolling, and 27a the Residue never bef g 27 Sep 1754, p. 402 5 shill
Richard Gwin, 194 acs. Albemarle Co. on the N side of land Joining Slate Rive., adj. His own Lines, John Maxes & James Gates, 16 Aug 1756, p. 144. 20 Shill.
LAND PATENT BOOK 33 JAMES EASTER, 683 acs. Lunenburg Co. on both sides of Ash Camp Cr. at the Mouth of the Great br.; adj. JOHN GWIN, Thomas Bouldin, Childrey [Childress or Childers? JTW] & Reed; 19 Aug 1757, p. 378. 40 Shill. 310 acs. Part being part of a Pat. For 840 acs. Formerly gtd. Thomas Jones by Pat. 20 Aug 1745 [PB 23 p. 1140, Brunswick Co.] the right and title of which sd 310 acs. Is since become vested in the sd James Easter and 373 acs. The residue never before gtd.
ALMAN GUIN, 270 acs. Halifax Co. on both sides of Wynnes Cr., on Banister Riv.; adj. Thomas Finny, William Zizemore’s old line & William Williamson; 20 Aug 1760, p. 883. 30 Shill.
ALMAN GUIN, 280 acs. Halifax Co. on Wynnes Cr., crossing the long br. of sd Cr., crossing the bare Br.; adj. William Harris, Williamson, & Margery Sizemore; 20 Aug 1760, p. 885. 30 Shill.
Surveys made in Halifax County
Almond Gwinn----------May 1, 1772
Militia Officers for Pittsylvania
Pittsylvania County, Virginia, Deed Book 4, p. 293 At a meeting of the Committee of Pittsylvania County on Wednesday 27th September 1775, The following Gentlemen were Nominated as Officers for the Militia Agreeable to the Ordinance of Covention (sic) Viz.:
Richard Gwynn…..Captains
Oaths of Allegiance ? 1777
Pittsylvania County, Virginia
Robert Payne’s List
Richard Gwynne
William Wynn, Sen.
John Wynne
Robert Wynne
Abraham Shelton’s List
DELINQUENT TAX LISTS, MONTGOMERY CO., VA. [1787] Leaton Romine D o. [No. Carolina] County Levy 10 S [shillings]
A List of Delinquence of the Couty leavyes and Poierate With in the District of Jas Hogue Commissioner for the Year 1798 in the first Battalion & 86th Regiment of Militia Montgomery Couty, 24th August 1799Samuel Guin---one tythe gone-------------------89
(Could this be Isam or Isham Guin? JTW)
Wm Chanp-------------369 Acres-------------------1.31
Saml. Canterbury----200 Acres Land----------23
Peter Romines---------160 Acres Land-----------24
From: jmcdgwin@zianet.com |
22.00--Isham Gwin, pronounced EYE-sum, b. ; was a NC planter who had been living for some time in western NC in 1796 when it became the state of TN; d. Dec 1830 in Orange Co., IN; bd. Orange Co., IN; m. in VA in 17__ to Mary Canterbury(b. in VA, d/o M/M Canterbury; d. 18__ in Orange Co., IN; we once believed Mary to be a Ms. Cleveland); at least 11 children:Following is my best guess at how the family of Isham Gwin looks based on the many pieces of data collected and/or sent to me from various sources. SOME OF THIS IS UNDOCUMENTED. THERE ARE MANY MISSING PIECES. I collected most of this in the fall and winter of 2004-2005 and present it here in my own format in Nov 2005.--John M. Gwin
23.01--Polly Gwin, b. ca. 1787; d. before 1855; bd. unk.; m. Joseph Walker, a Justice of the Peace in Blount Co., TN; [JMG Note: Children's names are from Isham's will. Also, this Joseph Walker is the brother of my ggg-grandma Jane Walker Gwin; he performed the ceremony of his sister Jane and John Gwin.]4.1--Isom Walker, b.23.02--Elizabeth Gwin, b. 1788 (ca. 1787) in [Sevier Co.] TN--age 63 in 1850 census of Orange Co., IN; d. 1858 Orange Co, IN; bd. unk.; m. David Denton (b. 1778 in Hampshire Co., VA--now WV--age 72 in 1850 census of Orange Co., IN; d. 1860);
4.2--Elizabeth Walker, b.
4.3--James Walker, b.
4.4--Thomas Walker, b.
4.5--Mary Walker, b.
4.6--Anderson Walker, b.
4.7--Mahala Walker, b.
4.8--Manerva Walker, b.
4.9--Huston Walker, b.24.01--Allen Denton, b. in Jefferson Co., TN, 16 Jul 1804; d. 18 Dec 1883, age 79, at Harrison Co., IN; m. 30 Oct 1825 at Bartholomew Co., IN, to Hannah Anderson Clara Foster; [JMG NOTE: The source for all the material in this blue, below, can be found at item 10V on the Gwins In Indiana page.]; b. ca. 1804 in east TN; d. age 79, death certif. filed 22 Dec 1883; lived in Stampers Creek Twp., Orange Co., IN.; the 1850 Census for Southeast Twp, Orange Co., IN, shows David Denton, age 72 [born ca. 1778], b. in VA; his wife Elizabeth [Gwin] Denton, age 63 [b. ca. 1787], b. in TN. David and Elizabeth Denton, Allen's parents, lived in residence #35, and in res. #33 was Manervy Right [Wright], age 39, b. TN. Was she the widow of Elijah Wright? I believe that she could have been one of the last children of Isom and Mary Canterberry Gwin. Her Right children were: Ruth, 21 (I believe she married a Childress. JTW); Susan, 19; Benjamin, 14; Leander, 10; and Elijah, 5. (I recall seeing these names in the settlement of Isom Gwin's estate in 1855. JTW)Also living in the house was Mary Gwyn, 80, born in Virginia, who could not read or write, and was blind. Was this lady the widow of my ancestor (4ggf) Isom Gwin/Isham Guinn? I must note that there is a marriage between Isom Gwin and Mary Likens recorded 20 Oct 1819 in Crawford County, Indiana-- is this Isom Gwin, Senior or Junior?
The papers of Lucien Williams were filed in the Filson Club in Louisville, Kentucky, after his death around 1952. Mr. Williams was preparing a genealogical book on the Weathers (and other) family, but died before he could complete it. He mentioned in the notes that Benjamin Weathers' second wife was Virginia Jane Tipton, whose father Isham Gwynn was a Baptist preacher, and her mother was a Canterbury. He did not indicate the source of his information.
5._--Thomas Denton; Allen received a Father's pension from his son Thomas' service in Co. B, 24th IN vols; pension states he was blind in one eye.--from Item 2 on the Gwins In Indiana page.24.02--Jane Denton, b. in TN; d. unk.; m. 21 Dec 1824 to William Watkins;24.03--Isom Denton, b. in TN 1808; d. Sep 1888 in Blue River Twp., Harrison Co., IN; m1. 17 Jul 1826 to Elizabeth Lincoln; m2. Elizabeth Weathers;
b. 1808 in TN. [JMG NOTE: Prob. Crowsons' Cove, Sevier Co.]; d. Sep 1888 in Blue River Twp., Harrison Co., IN.--from Item 2 on the Gwins In Indiana page; m. Jul 1826 in Harrison Co., IN, to Elizabeth Lincoln (d/o Josiah Lincoln, [b/o Thomas Lincoln {f/o Abraham Lincoln}]); when Isom m. Elizabeth, his older brother Allen (6.1 above) gave the consent of his father David Denton and the consent of Josiah Lincoln, Elizabeth's father,17 Jul 1826;24.04--George Denton, b. 1810 in e. TN [JMG NOTE: Prob. Crowsons' Cove, Sevier Co.]; d. in Orange Co., IN.--from Item 2 on the Gwins In Indiana page; m. in Orange Co., IN, on 19 Jul 1830 to Arreta/Aritta Weathers (b. 1815 at unk. place); lived in Scott, Bartholomew, Crawford, and Orange counties; at least 3 ch;5.1--Rachel Denton, b. 10 Jan 1829 in Crawford Co., IN; d. 11 Apr 1911 in Orange Co., IN; m. 20 Jan 1860 in Orange Co., IN, to Jonathan McDonald;5.2--David Denton, b. 24 Sep 1834 in Crawford Co., IN; d. 17 Dec 1903 in Washington Co., IN; m. 2 Aug 1857 in Washington Co., IN, to Elizabeth Suddarth;
5.3--Joseph Denton, b. 1835 in Crawford Co., IN; d. 1887 at unk.; m1. 2 APR 1857 in Washington Co, IN, to Margaret Cristell, m2. Miriam Purkhiser, m3. Mary Elizabeth Jenkins, m4. Lydia Ann Bryant, m5. Mary A. Nixon, m6. Florence Vandever;
5.4--Elizabeth Denton, b. 1839 in Crawford Co., IN
5.5--George Washington Denton, b. 1840 in Crawford Co., IN; d. unk.; m. 18 Mar 1865 in Orange Co., IN, to Fayyn McPherson; m2. Dolly Perkins
5.6--Martha Denton, b. 1847 in Harrison Co., IN;
5.7--Mary Denton, b. 1849 in Harrison Co., IN;
5.8--Harmon Denton, b. 1850 in Crawford Co., IN; d. 28 Dec 1932in Orange Co., IN; youngest son, settled in Orange Co.,worked as butcher and tenant farmer; m1. 29 Oct 1874 at Orange Co.,IN., to Lydia Cornwell (d. unk.); m2. Sarah (Trusty) Akers; several ch.;
6._--Bert Denton, b. 1886; d. n. of Paoli while saving his bro. Harry from drowning in a pond 14 Jul 1922; lived on Sandyhook Road in Orange Co.; hard-working, yeoman class, as farm laborer, cabinet worker; m. 1911 to Julia Hazel Longest; 6 ch.;5.9--Rebecca E. Denton, b. 18547.1--Mabel Denton, b. betw. 1911 and 1922; m. Mr. Williams6._--Harry Denton. b. 14 Jul 1904 (youngest ch.); d. unk.;
7.2--Helen Denton, b. betw. 1911 and 1922;
7.3--Frederick Denton, b. betw. 1911 and 1922;
7.4--John Denton, b. betw. 1911 and 1922;
7.5--Lawrence Denton, b. betw. 1911 and 1922;
7.6--Roy Denton, b. betw. 1911 and 1922;
24.05--William Denton, b. 1815 in TN [JMG NOTE: Prob. Crowsons' Cove, Sevier Co.]--from Item 2 on the Gwins In Indiana page; also, a William Denton, age 20-30 and wife, age 30-40, are found in the 1840 census of Orange Co., IN); m. 1836 in Crawford Co., IN, to Matilda Jones; unk. ch.; however, the William Denton in the 1840 census has three children, 2 younger than five and one five to ten, so if these two Williams are one and the same, then there are at least these three children; [JMG Note: WARNING--the data shown here in this blue-green is not yet confirmed to belong to THIS William Denton]5.1--Denton, b. betw. 1836 and 1840;24.06--David Denton, b. 1817 in TN [JMG NOTE: Prob. Crowsons' Cove, Sevier Co.]--from Item 2 on the Gwins In Indiana page; m. 21 Apr 1841 to Eliza Emeline Bolt;
5.2--Denton, b.betw. 1836 and 1840;
5.3--Denton, b.betw. 1836 and 1840;24.07--Thomas Denton, b.1820 in Harrison Co., IN. (age 30 in 1850 census of Orange Co., IN; also, a Thomas Denton and wife, ages 20-30, are found in the 1840 census of Orange Co., IN); died in Feb 1865--from Item 2 on the Gwins In Indiana page; m. 27 Dec 1838 to Fannie Mariah (Minerva?) Downs (b. ca. 1820, POB unk., age 30 in 1850 census of Orange Co., IN); moved to South East Twp., Orange Co., IN, betw. 1840-1850; 5 ch.;
5.1--Rebecca Denton, b. after the 1840 census;
5.2--Joel Denton, b. 1843; d.1894; m. Mary Ann Agan (b. 1842; d. 1918); homestead was part of what became known as Little Africa; 6 ch.;6.1-- Denton, b.
6.2-- Denton, b.
6.3--Aniel Denton, b. 1865; owned and operated a grocery store at Unionville (Youngs' Creek) 1892-1900; in 1900 bought property, moved near Harned Chapel Church, built and operated a general store and post office known as Bacon, IN.; d. 1918 of a heart attack; m1.1883 to Michelle Pearson (d. 1866 [sic--JMG Note: prob.1886] in childbirth); m2. 1892 to Mary Jane Apple.7.1--Alice Denton, b. 1866 [sic--JMG Note: prob.1886] m. Charley Moore (of Valeene).AD m2. in 1892 to Mary Jane Apple; (gd/o Thomas Floyd Apple); 1 ch.;7.2--Thomas Floyd Denton, b. unk.; d. Jan 1957; m. 1914 to Dora Pearl Mason (b. unk.; d. Feb 1972); 3 ch.;8.1--Nova Denton, m. 1940 to Lucy Lane (m1. unk.; d. 1958); 1 ch.;9.1--Diane Kay Denton, b. unk.; m. May 1972 to Bob Meredith of Hodgenville, KY; live in Dubois, IN; 4 ch.;N.D. m2. in 1972 to Geneva Holmes Wilson;10.1--Dionne Meredith,
10.2--Danyelle Meredith,
10.3--Ashlee Meredith,
10.4--Kyle Meredith8.2--Beatrice Denton, b. unk.; m. 1946 to Paul Newlin of Marengo, IN; 2 ch.;
9.1--Robert Denton of New Albany; 2 ch.;8.3--Knofel Denton, b. unk.; m1. in 1941 to Virginia Lindley (b. unk.; d. 1975); 1 ch.;10.1--Rick Denton9.2--Patsy Denton; m. Mr. Cole of Leavenworth; 1 ch.
10.2--Ronnie Denton10.1--Bradley Cole,9.1--Garey Denton, b. unk.; d. unk.; of Paoli; 2 ch.;K.D. m2. in 1980 to Billy Ann Lee (d. of heart attack Nov 1989);10.1--Cindy Denton,
10.2--Carie Denton,6.4--5.3--Isom Denton, b. ca. 1845 in IN (age 5 in 1850 census of Orange Co., IN);
5.4--Cynthia Denton, b. ca. 1847 in IN (age 3 in 1850 census of Orange Co., IN);
5.5--Liza Ann Denton, b. ca. 1850 in IN (age 3 months in 1850 census of Orange Co., IN);
4.8--Mary Denton, b. 12 Jan 1822 in Harrison Co., IN; d. 31 Jul 1885 m. 20 Jun 1839 in Crawford Co, IN, to Joel Downs;4.9--Rebecca Denton, b. 1827 in IN; d. 1884 in IN.--from Item 2 on the Gwins In Indiana page; m. Barnett Stalcup;
4.10--John Denton, b. 1830 in Crawford, IN--from Item 2 on the Gwins In Indiana page; m. Tempa Downs;
The two children in this box do not show up on Jim Wall's information or in Isham's will. This gave us reason to believe they were not his children after all. However, the seven-year gap between Elizabeth (above, b. 1788) and Virginia (below, b. 1795), coupled with their dates of birth and growing amounts of other evidence, has given us sufficient reason to believe (though not prove) they are Isham's and Mary's children as well, and we present them here as such, yet with this disclaimer. |
3.3--William Gwin, b. ca. 1790, probably in Crowson's Cove, Sevier Co., TN; d. unk. but after 1830 (in Alabama? Mississippi? Louisiana? Texas?); bd. unk.; m. bef. 26 Jun1813 (probably in Blount Co. or Sevier Co., TN) to Susanah (nee unk.); at least 11 ch. (in 1830 census of Dallas Co., AL);4.01--(son) Gwin, b. betw. 1810 and 1815--age 15-20 |
3.5--Virginia Jane Gwin, b. 1795; m1. (in Sevier Co., TN?) to Mr. Tipton; m2. (in IN) to Benjamin Weathers (his first wife was Ms. Bullington);3.6--Isham Gwin II, b. 1797; [JMG Note: This is probably the same Isham Gwin who, according to county records, m. 1 Mar1824 in Orange Co. to Betsy Snowden, since the 7 Aug 1819 Minutes of the Providence Church of Greenfield Township, Orange Co., IN, where Isham I was called to preach, state that a Snowden family were part of that congregation. We believe he m2. a Mary Likens.]
3.7--? Gwin, b. 1799, [JMG Note: COULD THIS BE CHESLEY? We have reason to believe that there was indeed a child of Isham and Mary named Chesley, named for Isham's mother's maiden name. When he was born or where he would have appeared in the birth order is beyond speculation at this point.]
3.8--Richard W. Gwin, b. ca. 1804 (age 76 in 1880 census) in TN; m. 10 or 12 (book is not clear if this is the application date or the wedding date) Apr 1824 in Harrison Co., IN (IN Bk. 2, pg. 72, says Doris Gyarmati) to Nancy Watkins (b. ca. 1807--age 73 in 1880 census--in KY; both parents b. in MD); lvg. in Independence, Montgomery Co., KS, in 1880 census;
4._--Martha Gwin; m. William W. Snyder (b/d/bd unk):3.9--Nancy Gwin, b. 1805; m. Squire Huston; [JMG Note: In Isham's will, he clearly leaves two shares of his estate to two Hustons--Squire and J. E.--who are likely brothers who have married two of Isham's daughters. Since these are the only two daughters on our list of Isham's children unaccounted for in the will, it appears to me that these two sisters, Nancy and Sarah married those two Huston brothers. Which brother married which sister is not clear in the will; however Doris Gyarmati has that Nancy indeed married Squire--but she has that Sarah m. William, whose name does not appear in the will. For now, then, we'll leave it like this until we learn more.]3.10--Sarah Gwin, b. 1806; m. m. 10 or 12 (book is not clear if this is the application date or the wedding date) Apr 1824 in Harrison Co., IN (IN Bk. 2, pg. 72, says Doris Gyarmati) to J. E. (William?) Huston; [JMG Note: In Isham's will, he clearly leaves two shares of his estate to two Hustons--Squire and J. E.--who are likely brothers who have married two of Isham's daughters. Since these are the only two daughters on our list of Isham's children unaccounted for in the will, it appears to me that these two sisters, Nancy and Sarah married those two Huston brothers. Which brother married which sister is not clear in the will; however Doris Gyarmati has that Nancy indeed married Squire--but she has that Sarah m. William, whose name does not appear in the will. For now, then, we'll leave it like this until we learn more.]
3.11--Manerva Gwin, b. 1807; d. after 1850; bd. unk.; m. Elijah Wright; [JMG Note: Children's names from Isham's 1855 probate record; Elijah's name from Doris Gyarmati (see note in 1850 census chart below).]
4.1--Ruth A. Wright; m. ca. 1852 to Young Childers (s/o James and Sela Childers); [JMG Note: marriage date and spouse's name from Doris Gyarmati's post (see 1850 census note below.]4.2--Isom Wright; m. ca. 1854 to Millie (Mildred? Amelia?) Childers (d/o James and Sela Childers); [JMG Note: marriage date and spouse's name from Doris Gyarmati's post (see 1850 census note below.]
4.3--Mary Jane Wright; m1. Mr. Charles Stalcup; POW in Richmond, VA;
5.1 ?m2. Henry Stalcup (2d cous?); 4 ch.;5._--Peter Hardin Stalcup,4.4--Bazle Wright;6._--PRIVATE,7._--Doris Gyarmati, b.4.5--Leander H. Wright; m. Ellen (nee unk.); was a blacksmith in Unionville, Orange Co., IN, in 1880; [JMG Note: WARNING--most of the data shown here in this blue-green is not yet confirmed to belong to THIS Leander Wright.]
5.1--Benjamin F. Wright; b. ca. 1862 (age 18 in 1880 census);4.6--Elijah R. Wright, b. ca. 1846 (age 34 in 1880 census); m. Sarah A. (nee unk., b. ca. 1849--age 31 in 1880 census); was a minister in Unionville, Orange Co., IN, in 1880; [JMG Note: WARNING--most of the data shown here in this blue-green is not yet confirmed to belong to THIS Elijah Wright.]
5.2--Mary E. Wright; b. ca. 1865 (age 15 in 1880 census);
5.3--Charlie L. Wright; b. ca. 1870 (age 10 in 1880 census);
5.4--Major C. Wright; b. ca. 1871 (age 9 in 1880 census);
5.5--Amey E. Wright; b. ca. 1873 (age 7 in 1880 census);
5.6--Lizzie A. Wright; b. ca. 1876 (age 4 in 1880 census);
5.7--Sarah A. Wright; b. ca. 1877 (age 3 in 1880 census);5.1--Hamilton L. Wright; b. ca. 1868 (age 12 in 1880 census);
5.2--Fidellas E. Wright; b. ca. 1870 (age 10 in 1880 census);
5.3--Laura J. Wright; b. ca. 1872 (age 8 in 1880 census);
5.4--William P. Wright; b. ca. 1875 (age 5 in 1880 census);
5.5--Volney O. Wright; b. ca. 1880 (age 3/12 in 1880 census);
DATE: Sep 16, 1998
RESEARCHER: Nancie O'Sullivan, nancieo@bellsouth.net
GWINN, Richard
I found on a Land Grant Map the name of Richard Gwin, located east of Shelton Island. No date was indicated for him. Along the same area was dated 1775 to Nathaniel Abney, MD, and to the north of Richard's place was Sim's Grist Mill 1820. Any information on this RICHARD GWIN would be appreciated.
I saw for the first time Richard and Sarah in an LDS IGI microfiche file at our local Family History Center. I wasn't sure how to read the documentation or even if there was any; nevertheless, three new possibly-documented pieces of data were added for me that day: 1. Richard was--again, all allegedly--born ca. 1748 in Jamestown, James City Co., VA;YET NOWHERE--not in Virginia, North Carolina, nor Tennessee, and under none of the different spellings of Gwin, could I see any indication that this couple had any children. They must have moved somewhere else--but where?
2. he married Sarah Chesley ca. 1773 in Jamestown, James City Co., VA; and
3. she was born there ca.1755.In July 2003 I traveled to eastern Tennessee and found a deed that confirmed that an Isham Gwin had lived in Sevier County where he owned 249 acres in Crowson's Cove on Walden's Creek (today's Wear's Cove on Cove Creek near Dollywood!). As this is just down the hollow from where Jane Walker's family lived, this gives me great encouragement that this Isham is indeed the father of our John Gwin who married this Jane Walker.
Then in 2004 I was contacted by Jim Wall who has been researching Isham from the Indiana side coming back toward Tennessee. Everything seems to point to his Isham and my Isham being the same person, and, if so, then Jim and I are 5th cousins.
Dear John,
We've been trying to find out more about Chesley S. Gwyn for our next book on Colorado history and are hoping you might be able to help us. He appears in the 1930 Federal Census for Colorado (Adams County, Precinct 10, Lower Platt), north of Denver. He is 70 years old, single, and reports that he was born in Illinois, his father born in Tennesee, and his mother born in Maine.
Do you have any information on him?
Thanks for any help you can give us.
Rawlene LeBaron Rawlene@aol.com
PS To share information that I have on the Gwinn family:
Richard Gwynn (alternate spellings include Gwinn, Gwin, Gwyne, and Guinn) was an outspoken Indian trader, who immigrated to Baltimore County about 1665. It is thought that he was born about 1646 and immigrated from Wales. The surname of his wife, Hannah, has not been verified.
Baltimore County was settled after the more fertile croplands of the Eastern shore of Maryland. By 1666, about the time Richard Gwynn settled there, the population of Baltimore County had reached only about 720. As the population grew, settlements reached up the valleys, and in 1669 Richard Guinn established a trading post along Gwynn's Falls (today, Gwynn's Falls is in Baltimore, although not in a good area) adjacent to the Seneca Indian trail. Seneca Trail was named for the Seneca Indians who journeyed south in June along this trail to their hunting grounds in Anne Arundel and Howard Counties and, using the same trail, returned in September. The trail followed the Susquehanna River, down to the bay to Seneca Creek near the Gunpowder River. It crossed Harford and Baltimore Counties, until it split at Gwynn's Falls.
By 1672, Lord Baltimore granted Richard Guinn a 200-acre parcel of land as a reward for his efforts in helping the colony grow (Zucker, pages 72-96).
Master Percy, an early explorer of the region, described Seneca Trail about 1640 (reprinted in Zucker, 1995, pages 72-96) as:
. . . a pathway like an Irish pace, having beside it for miles
suckle, the ground all flowing over with fair flowers of sundry
and kinds, as though it had been a garden in old England.
It was probably in an Indian trading post along the Seneca Trail
Richard Gwynn and his wife Hannah lived and raised their
children. They
had at least three children: Thomas, Elinor (who married
Bond Jr.
-- his father had immigrated from England about 1660), and a
whose given name is not known. They may have had a second son who
as a young adult.
In 1692, Richard Gwynn served as constable of the south side of Patapsco Hundred, placing his death in mid-1692 because his will was probated later that year.
His will, dated 19 September 1692 and 1 November 1692, and probated in Baltimore County, is on file at the land office in Annapolis (book 6, page 48). Key provisions of his will were:
· To his son Thomas, under the age of 21, he bequeathed 60
of his Brandan parcel;
· To his daughter (________) Lockett, the wife of John
he bequeathed the remaining part of the Brandan parcel;
· To his daughter Elinor, the wife of Peter Bond Jr., he
the 300-acre Newtown parcel, which he and Edward Halton had
surveyed in
· He also named his wife Hannah, his daughter-in-law Ann
[possibly a step daughter, but more likely the remarried widow of
son], and his son-in-law John Lockett.
His estate was inventoried by Richard Roben and William Haskens and valued at 66 pounds, 18 shillings, in addition to debts due him valued at 4,800 pounds in tobacco.
(See also some of the Maryland research published by Robert Barnes.)