Grandpa and Grandma Wilson, parents of Robert William Wilson and Mary Burdine, parents of Nathaniel
Burdine Wilson m.
Jane Jones
01--My Uncle James' collection (James Bassett Gwin II), p.30B;02--Mrs. Barbara A. Smith (nee Underhill)'s snail mail of 25 Jul 2000, below, where she quotes her late husband Roy Lester Smith [notes in green brackets];
03--The old photo album that at one time was owned by Nathaniel Burdine Wilson's granddaughter, Martha Roseanne Gwin Holley Lester, which is now in the possession of her descendant, my double fourth cousin, Barbara Ward. I transcribed the seventy-four names in the index and added my comments to each: click here to go there, as it contains some that ties us to the family of Ezekiel Burdine Wilson.
04--Alabama Census Returns 1820 and An Abstract of Federal Census of Alabama 1830, reprinted from The Alabama Historical Quarterly, Vol. 6, No. 3, Fall Issue, 1944, published by the State Department of Archives and History, LCCC No. 67-28599, ISBN 0-8063-0003-5. Nathaniel B. Wilson (p. 146) is counted in Limestone Co., AL, in the 1819-1820 census of Alabama with one each white male and white female over 21 and one each white male and white female under 21. This is consistent with my Nathaniel Burdine Wilson's and Jane Jones Wilson's family at the time, the two children being Mary Burdine Wilson (b. 29 Nov 1816) and John Jones Wilson (b. 2 Feb 1819). Further, every other census category has a zero, indicating that they had NO slaves, acres cultivated, hired hands, bales of cotton, average weights, gins, saws, or mills. This would be consistent with my Wilson family at the time, who were likely en route from South Carolina to Dallas County, AL. Thirdly and all but cementing this this be my Wilson family is the listing on p. 126, also in Limestone County and likely traveling with his brother, of Ezekeel (sic) B. Wilson and wife and son! This is of course consistent with our Ezekiel Burdine Wilson and wife (some first unknown wife, clearly not his second wife Sarah Harrell Rasco, says James R. Rasco) and son Washington Wilson. The zeros following his name were consistent with Nathaniel's, indicating to me that they were likely traveling together.
05--The 1860 Census of Dallas Co., AL, provided many leads, and now various other census data has helped as well; it is posted throughout and taken primarily from the website.
06--Two documents regarding the death of Nathaniel B. Wilson--1. a petion to sell NBW's lands for cash to pay his debts, and 2. depositions from two witnesses regarding NBW's personal properties--are transcribed at the above links.
07--Purple notes are from Vital Data from Cemeteries in Dallas Co., Alabama, publ. by the Cent. Ala. Gen. Soc., 1989.
08--on 5 Mar 2013 another cousin checked in: Taylor Page has provided her data, listed below in this dark green (click here) and says there's more to come!
Ancestry DNA
has the following UNDOCUMENTED
(as of 24 Jul 2018) data for Nathaniel Burdine Wilson’s
ancestors from Cousin ASHLEY FRANCIS:
Witherspoon Wilson, b.7 Apr 1710; d. July 1773;
bd.; m. Mary Gordon (b. Dec
1715; d. 1748); at least one ch.
21.00—William Thomas Wilson, b. 15 Feb 1740 in Kingtree, Williamsburg, SC; d. 3 Mar 1793 in Marion, Marion Co., SC; bd. unk. (but his grave is found and photographed--transcription is below--I just don't know the name or location of the cemetery);
m1. to Susanna Ervin (8 Sep 1752; d. 20 Apr 1786);
m2. to Elizabeth Armstrong (b. 1746; d, 1780);
m3. to Elizabeth Redden (b. 1746; d, 1780);
m4. to Mary Dickson (b. 1746; d, 1780); at least one ch.
William Thomas Wilson's lengthy tombstone inscription reads:
Who was born _____ February
And departed this life 3rd
March 1793
He was _________ Elected a
Elder in S______ Church
___ R___ SC
During the Revolutionary War
He moved to Marion District
Where he was again Elected
A Ruling Elder in the
Hopewell Church
And where he remained
Until his decease.
After ____ with Great ____
He was Elected by Three
To the Convention which met
In Charleston,
And subscribed his Name
along with
The _________ of the
State. When the
Constitution of the State of
Carolina was framed,
He was sent by the People of
_____ ______ during ______
Charleston _______ _______
without opposition until his
He was much beloved by all
the people
____ ____ ____ ____ ____
22.00—Robert William Wilson, b. 10 Nov
1770; d. 28 Jun 1811; bd. unk.;
m. Mary
Burdine (b. 1772 in SC to Nathaniel Burdine
{1738-Nov 1823} and Anne Eddins {1755-1820};
d. 1855 in SC; bd. unk.); at least two ch.;
23.01—Nathaniel Burdine Wilson, b. 11 Jul 1795 in Fairfield, SC;
d. 31 May 1874 in Dallas Co., AL; bd.;
m. 4 Jan 1816 to Jane “Jennie” Jones (); at least eleven ch.;
24.05—Ezekiel Monroe Wilson, b. 23 Feb 1825; d. aft. 1878; bd. unk.;
m1. 11 Nov 1847 in Dallas Co., AL, to Sarah J. Cole ();
m2. 31 Oct 1878 in Lonoke, Lonoke Co., AR, to R. Catherine Williams () at least nine ch.;
25.09—Robert Lee Wilson, b. 1 Jun 1866; d. 1 Dec 1923 in Austin, TX; bd. unk.;
m. 17 Jun 1888 in Lonoke, Lonoke Co., AR, to Missouri “Annie” Miller (); unk. ch.;
26.01—Walter Lee Wilson, b. 26 Apr 1889 in Belleville, Yell Co., AR; d. 4 Aug 1966 in Tyler, Smith Co., TX; bd. unk.; m. 4 Dec. 1916 in White Co., AR, to Florence Leona Campbell (); unk. ch.;
27.03—Carter Lee Wilson, b. 8 Nov 1926 in Smith Co., TX; d. 22 Feb 2001 in Tyler, Smith Co., TX; bd. unk.; m. Ms. Madsden [PRIVATE];
28.00—Ms. Wilson (PRIVATE); m. Frank Ted Francis (); [PRIVATE];
29.00—Ashley Francis [PRIVATE];
[John M. Gwin Note--22 Jan 2022:
This morning I had a wonderful visit by phone with my fifth
cousin, O'Levia Neil "Neil" Wiese (say WEE-zee), whom I
first met in July 2006 at the kitchen table of her sister
Kathy Kemp and her husband Paul Zane Kemp when I was
visiting them in Waco, TX. Kathy and Paul have since
passed on, but Neil, now 93, has resumed her research in
Included below is my transcription of my handwritten notes
from that call.]
Phone call with Neil Wiese, Saturday, 22 Jan 2022; she's reading me items from her notes, and I'm copying them down. Neil will be 94 on 1 Mar 2022.
Burdine, Mary , b. 1772 in SC; d.
1865; bd. unk.; m. ca. 1790 in Pendleton, Anderson Co., SC
Andrew Wilson (b. Jan 1770; d. 7 Jan 1811 in Pendleton, Anderson Co.,
SC); ch.:
Ezekiel Burdine Wilson (EBW), b. 1798; d.
1863; this is OUR EBW
It also was dau. of her husband (father?) Robert
William Wilson, b. 1770, d. Jun 1811 in Concord,
Iredell Co., NC
She was d/o Ann B. Eddins, b. 1755; d.
1820 in Smith Co., TN (just east of Nashville);
Her father was Nathaniel BURDINE,
b. 1738; d. 1823 in
Smith Co., TN (just east of Nashville);
s/o Mary is Robt. Wm. Wilson, b. 12 Nov
1770 in Black River, SC, whose father died when RWW was 20.
Lt. David Wilson, b. 25 Dec 1745 in India
Town, Marion Co., SC; d. 2 Mar 1791 in Jamestown, Berkeley
Co., SC; bd. unk.; m. 29 Jul 1766 in Williamsburg Co., SC
Mary Dixon/Dickson (b. 1750; d. 1833; bd.
When David was 24, they had son Robert William
Wilson, b. 10 Nov 1770; d. 1811 at Black River, SC;
m1. 9 Aug 1792 to Mary Armstrong ();
Whend he was 24 he m2. to Mary Burdine in
27 ___ 1775 in Lancaster, ENGL;
Their son was EBW, b. in SC;
Robert William Wilson d. at age 40 on 28
Jun 1811 in Concord Co., NC.
Richard Burdine, b. 1685 in
Aquitaine, France;
His father was Samuel Burdyne,
b. 1658; d. 1725 in Bordeaux, Gironde; bd. unk.; m. in VA ca. 1735
in France to Katherine Tanner (b. 1715; d. 1780); their
son is
Nathaniel Burdine who m. 1738
to Lady Martha Charneau (b. 1656; d. 1756);
Sir Teierre Charneau was Lady
Martha's father; her mother was Lady Rachael LeRoi;
John's transcription of his notes from Neil;
John's attempt at putting those notes into his outline format;
20.00--Nathaniel Burdine, b. 1738; d. 1823 in Smith Co., TN (just east of Nashville); m. Ann B. Eddins, b. 1755; d. 1820 in Smith Co., TN;
21.01--Mary Burdine, b. 1772 in SC; d. 1865; bd. unk.; m1. ca. 1790 in Pendleton, Anderson Co., SC to Andrew Wilson (b. Jan 1770; d. 7 Jan 1811 in Pendleton, Anderson Co., SC); ch.: m2.
21.00--Lt. David Wilson, b. 25 Dec 1745 in India Town, Marion Co., SC; d. 2 Mar 1791 in Jamestown, Berkeley Co., SC; bd. unk.; m. 29 Jul 1766 in Williamsburg Co., SC to Mary Dixon/Dickson (b. 1750; d. 1833; bd. unk.); at least one ch.;
22.01--Robert William Wilson, b. 12 Nov 1770 in Black River, SC; d. Jun 1811 at age 40 in Concord, Iredell Co., NC; bd. unk.; m1. 9 Aug 1792 to Mary Armstrong (); when he was 24 he m2. to Mary Burdine in 27 ___ 1775 in Lancaster, ENGL; at least two ch.;23.01--Nathaniel Burdine Wilson (NBW), b. 1795; d. 1875; bd. unk.; m. Jane Jones; 12 ch.;
23.02--Ezekiel Burdine Wilson (EBW), b. 1798; d. 1863; bd. unk.; m. Ms. Rasco; seven ch.;
18.01--Samuel Burdyne, b. 1658; d. 1725 in Bordeaux, Gironde; bd. unk.; m. in VA ca. 1735 in France to Katherine Tanner (b. 1715; d. 1780); 1 ch.;
19.01--Richard Burdine, b. 1685 in Aquitaine, France; d. unk.; bd. unk.; at least one ch.;
20.01--Nathaniel Burdine; m. 1738 to Lady Martha Charneau (b. 1656; d. 1756);
Teierre Charneau was Lady Martha's father; her
mother was Lady Rachael LeRoi;
20.02--Lady Martha Charneau, b. 1656; d. 1756; bd. unk.; m. 1738 to Nathaniel Burdine (); unk. ch.;
23.00--Nathaniel Burdine Wilson, b. 11 Jul 1795 (according to Uncle James Basset Gwin Jr.'s notes) in SC (according
to I. G. Wilson in 1880
Census and N. B. himself, first in the 16 Nov 1850 census of
Pence's Beat, Dallas Co., where NBW, 58, was living with wife
Jane, 56, also of SC, and four Alabama-born sons--W. B., 22; James W., 17; N.
M., 13; and I. G., 9--and claimed property valued at $2040; and
second in the 6 Jul 1860
census of Belvue P. O., Pences Beat, Dallas Co., AL, where N. B.
claimed real property valued at $6400 and personal assets of
$5000 and was living in residence 311 with Griffin Wilson, age
18, b. in AL, and N. W. Wilson, age 10 (sic?), b. in AL, which
residence was next door to residence 310 where E. M. Wilson age
34, was living with his family [see 24.05 below]); d. 31 May 1874 at home of his son, Dr.
Isham Griffin Wilson, after a five-year illness,
leaving "no widow,"
according to a petition filed 19 Mar 1875 (file #65, Dallas Co.
Court House); NBW's will probated Nov. 1875; bd. unk.; m1.
4 Jan 1816 (according
to Uncle James' notes) to Jane Jones (b. ca. 1794, according to the 1850 census of Pence's
Beat, Dallas Co., AL, where she is listed as age 56; d. bef.
1860 in Dallas Co., AL; bd. unk. but prob. in Dallas Co., AL); 11
children; m2. on unk. date to Mary J.
(nee unk., b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.; widow of the late John
A. Rasco, according to a deed recorded 5 Jan 1866);
[John M. Gwin Note--10 Feb 2020: Today I found a Jane Wilson, 64, white female, b. SC, d. Apr 1860 in Pence's Beat, Dallas County, AL of unk. cause(s), recorded in the U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules of 1850-1885. I don't know if this is our Jane, but everything fits.]
Note: Listed
in the transcriptions of the Wesley Chapel Cemetery of
Orange County, Indiana, are these three people.
How strange is THAT?!
WILSON, Nathaniel B. 1794-1874.
WILSON, Jane, w. of N. B. 1808-1866 ? WILSON, Wm. S., son of N. B. & J. 1837-1864.
Res/Fam |
Name |
Age |
Race/ Sex |
Occupation |
Estate Real/Pers |
Other |
John M. Gwin Comments |
284/289 |
J. Smith |
38 |
wm |
Blacksmith |
1200 |
800 |
TN |
cannot read
or write |
J. Smith married Mary Jane Gwin, daughter of Isom Gwin and
Mary B. Wilson and granddaughter of John Gwin and Jane Walker.
J. Smith |
30 |
wf |
K. H. |
AL |
cannot read or write | This
Gwin Smith. Both of her grandmothers were named
Jane, so perhaps she was named first for her mother and
then middle for both her grandmothers. |
I. Smith |
14 |
wm |
attends school |
AL |
school within the year |
Robert Isom Smith,
only child of William and Mary Jane, will move to Hill
Co., TX, and raise a large family, descendants of one of
whom will move to Roswell, NM, some of whom still live
there. |
B. Wilson |
77 |
wm |
SC |
cannot read or write | Nathaniel Burdine Wilson,
subject of this page, will die in four years. In
his last months, he'll live with his son, medical doctor
Isham G. Wilson, the latter of whom will die and be
buried in Demopolis, Marengo Co., AL. But where is
Nathaniel Burdine Wilson buried? I assume it's somewhere
near this 1870 location, i.e., just north of Safford,
Dallas Co., AL. |
B. Stedman |
50 |
wf |
SC |
cannot read or write | This
Burdine Wilson and his first wife, Jane Jones. Mary B. (Burdine?) Wilson
m1. Isom Gwin (see four lines above) who died in
1853. From his tombstone, we know that Isom and
Mary attended the Protestant Methodist church which we
believe was, at the time of his death, located a few
miles east of their home in Athens at what became
Martins Station. We know that the pastor (of what we
believe to be this same church), Rev. John Steadman,
who likely preached Isom's funeral and who subsequently
endured the death of his own wife, married second Isom's
widow, this Mary B. Wilson Gwin. In this census,
Rev. Steadman is now deceased himself, leaving our Mary
B. again a widow. We speculate that now she is
living here with the family of her daughter, Mary Jane
Gwin Smith, not only for financial protection and
encouragement in these postwar/postreconstruction times
but to help in the care for her father in his last
years. How long this arrangement lasted we don't know,
but we do know that her father spent the last months of
his life living with his son, Dr. Isham G. Wilson. |
J. Smith, Jr. |
16 |
wf |
AL |
cannot read or write | And
end of her name, I originally believed both these girls
to be William J. Smith's daughters. I now am
convinced that they are (probably) his visiting nieces
or (less likely) sisters, perhaps now even postwar
orphans or financial liabilities for their family.
Had they been his daughters, the enumerator would've
listed them third and fifth on the chart befor and after
Robert Isom, respectively, as their ages indicate;
further, Mary Jane's tombstone speaks of her leaving
only one son to mourn her loss. |
Smith |
6 |
wf |
AR |
And who is this Ida? From the "Jr." at the end of the name of whom I believe to be her sister, immediately above, I originally thought both these girls to be William J. Smith's daughters. I now am convinced that they are (probably) his visiting nieces or (less likely) sisters, perhaps now financial liabilities for their family or even postwar orphans. Had they been his daughters, the enumerator would've listed them third and fifth on the chart--before and after Robert Isom, respectively, as their ages indicate; further, Mary Jane's tombstone speaks of her leaving only one son to mourn her loss. | |||||||
Jennings |
45 |
bf |
domestic servant |
VA |
cannot read or write | ||||||
288/293 |
R. Gwin |
43 |
wm |
merchant |
1200 |
500 |
AL |
Chesley R. (Richard?)
Gwin has been in business with his
nephew-in-law William Smith (above), Ches making wagons
and wheels, Will doing the blacksmithing. Ches is
a widower here, Mary Frances "Fannie"
Elizabeth Bell Gwin having died since
(or due to complications surrounding) Charlie's birth,
and second wife Paralee Blevins
not yet in the picture. |
John Gwin | 16 |
wm |
attends school |
AL | attended school within the year | ||||||
Enoch Gwin | 12 |
wm |
attends school | AL | attended school within the year | ||||||
Fannie Gwin | 10 |
wf |
attends school | AL | attended school within the year | ||||||
Charlie Gwin | 4 |
wm |
AL | ||||||||
297/302 |
Adams |
59 |
wf |
keeping house |
500 |
400 |
GA |
this to be the mother of Isham G. Wilson's new bride
Amanda. The couple are living in her home, and
Amanda lists her middle initial as A., likely for her
maiden name, Adams. |
R. Ramsey |
38 |
wm |
farmer |
13,000 |
1500 |
AL |
E. Ramsey |
25 |
wf |
keeping house |
AL |
E. C. Ramsey |
4 |
wf |
AL |
W. Ramsey |
1 |
wm |
AL |
C. Adams |
27 |
wm |
clerk in store |
AL |
believe this to be a son of Mrs. A. Adams, above, and a
brother of Sallie Ramsey, above, and Amanda Wilson,
below. |
C. Adams |
19 |
wf |
AL | I believe this to be either (1) a daughter of Mrs. A. Adams, above, and a sister of Sallie Ramsey, above, and Amanda Wilson, below, or (2) the wife of B. C., above, and sister-in-law to B. C.'s two sisters. | |||||||
A. Adams |
23 |
wm |
AL | I believe this to be a son of Mrs. A. Adams, above, and a brother of Sallie Ramsey, above, and Amanda Wilson, below. | |||||||
W. Adams |
17 |
wm |
AL | I believe this to be a son of Mrs. A. Adams, above, and a brother of Sallie Ramsey, above, and Amanda Wilson, below. | |||||||
I. G. Wilson | 27 |
wm |
physician |
500 |
400 |
AL |
Wilson |
23 |
wf |
AL |
A. Wilson |
2 |
wm |
AL | ||||||||
J. Ramsey |
19 |
wf |
AL | This
above. |
Nov 1875 Petition to Probate Court to Liquidate Real Estate of Nathaniel B. WilsonJan 1876 Deposition of Isham G. Wilson re: N. B. Wilson's Probate
24.01--Mary Burdine Wilson, m1. Isom Gwin; m2. John Steadman; 2 children;
24.02--John Jones Wilson, m. Sarah B. Roark; 4 children;
24.03--William Wilson, died as infant;
24.04--Rosann "Roe" Carlisle Jones Wilson, m. William Gwin; 8 children;
24.05--Ezekiel Monroe Wilson, m. Sarah Jane Cole; 6-7 children;
24.06--William Bramwell Wilson, m. Virginia Rowe; 2 children;
24.07--Joseph Jones Abernathy Wilson, m. Mary E. High; 4 children;
24.08--James Washington Wilson; m1. Elizabeth McCullen; m2. Ellen Lingo; at least 9 children;
24.09--Samuel Rutherford Wilson, ; m. never; no ch.;
24.10--Nathaniel Marion Wilson; m. prob. never; prob. no ch.;
24.11--Isham Griffin Wilson; m. Amanda A.; 6 children;
24.02--John Jones Wilson, *(see note, bottom of this page) b. 2 Feb 1819 in AL (age 31 in 1850 census and age 40 in the 1860 census); d. before 1875, according to Probate of NB Wilson's estate; bd. prob. in Dallas Co.; m1. 12 Oct 1838 in Dallas Co., AL, to Sarah B. Roark, according to the Record of Marriages in Dallas Co., Alabama, 1816-1849 pg 122 (age 33 in 1850 census); but JJW is listed in 1860 as living with G. M. Wilson, age 23--therefore, did Sarah die as a result of daughter Sarah's birth and thus become the latter's namesake?; JJW was a carpenter with $600 in real estate and $500 in personal assets according to the 1860 census; from the following four sources (1850 and 60 Censuses and 1862 and 1875 Probates for Jesse Roark and N.B. Wilson, respectively), we now believe they had 7 children;--see Shannon Smyrl's notes at and the data below. [JMG Note: Evidently Shannon has taken this page off the web. Rats. I wish I'd copied it. Aha! Here's another of her postings from Rootsweb with much if not most of same material she had in the other! I've copied it below and have started reformatting it to correspond to our outline. I hope to be able to move it up here soon.]
Alabama Marriage Collection, 1800-1969 about John J Wilson |
Name: | John J Wilson |
Spouse: | Sarah B Rourk |
Marriage Date: | 12 Oct 1838 |
County: | Dallas |
State: | Alabama |
Performed By Title: | Justice of the Peace |
Performed by Name: | L Campbell |
Source information: | Jordan Dodd, Liahona Research |
Putting together all the information below this chart, it now appears to me that John Jones and Sarah "Sallie" B. Roark Wilson had at least the following SEVEN children:
Order |
1862 Probate |
22 Jun 1880
Census of Lexington Pct., Dallas Co., AL |
William J. Wilson | age 9 | not present--deceased? | not mentioned | listed as heir | not lvg. in Robert's household;
[also lvg. in household is Susan Wilson,
35, nee unk, widowed (relationship to head of
household is blank--could be widow of William or
James)] |
James F. Wilson | age 6 | not present--deceased? | not mentioned | not listed | not lvg. in Robert's household;
[also lvg. in household is Susan Wilson,
35, nee unk, widowed (relationship to head of
household is blank--could be widow of James or
William)] |
E. (Ezekiel?) Robert Wilson | age 4 | age 14 | listed as heir | llisted as heir | age 34, "head of household"; m. to Harriet [nee Cranford]
"wife", age 32; [also lvg. in household is Saph. Cranford,
"mother-in-law", 48]; [also lvg. in household is Rubin Wilson,
21, "cousin"] |
J. (John) R. (Roark?) Wilson | age 2 | not present--deceased? | not mentioned | not listed | age 33, "head of household"; m.
to Margaret Wilson
(nee unk.), "wife", age 26; [also lvg. in household
Lelu Wilson,
5, "dau"; Johnnie Wilson,
3, son; Georgia Wilson,
1, dau; George Wilson,
16, "cousin"; and Lizzie Hazlet, 13, black,
servant] |
J. (John?) Wesley Wilson | age 2 | age 13 | listed as heir | listed as heir | age 32, "brother" |
Osborn "Osmon" Wilson | not yet born | age 9 | listed as heir | listed as heir | age 30, "brother" |
Sarah "Sally" Jane Wilson | not yet born | age 7 | listed as heir | listed as heir | age 26, "sister" |
--According to Dallas County Courthouse Probate Court file #65, on 12 Nov 1875, John G. (sic--should be J. for Jones) Wilson, a son of Nathaniel B. Wilson, died before his father N. B. Wilson, and left the following named children who are heirs of N. B. Wilson's estate, all of whom were over 21 years of age and residing in Dallas Co., AL]. To wit:
But the 1850 Dallas Co. census shows this family as follows:718/718 John J. Wilson 31M Farmer 800 AL--Clearly our John Jones Wilson.
Sarah B. [Wilson] 33F SC--Also clearly our Sarah B. Roark Wilson.
Wm. J. [Wilson] 9 M AL--If they were married in 1838, then it would make sense that the firstborn would not have been born in 1846, but rather closer to 1839 or 40, as was this William J.
James F. [Wilson] 6 M AL--Second-born?
E. R. [Wilson] 4 M AL--This must be the above-mentioned Robert--first name Ezekiel?
J. R. [Wilson] 2 M AL--This must be the above-mentioned John--middle name Roark?
J. W. [Wilson] 2 2M AL--And this would be the above-mentioned Wesley--first name also John. The same first names and the same ages here indicate to me that these are likely twins!
However, according to Shannon Smyrl's information on Shelia Spracklen Lee's website, the heirs of the estate of Jesse V. Roark and Nancy (Ann Morris) Roark are listed as follows (see number ):1861 Estate of Jesse and Nancy Roark. Richard H. Roark, admr. Heirs are:
1. Sophronia, wife of Laughlin Campbell, Dallas Co.
2. Walter Roark, son of D.H. Roark, dec'd. [John Gwin Note: D. H. Roark is Drury Hampton Roark who m. Mary Gwin (b. 1817 in Dallas Co., AL) on 27 Dec. 1838 in Dallas Co., prob. Cahawba--this son, Walter, was killed two years later in the 1863 Battle of Gettysburg.]
3. Wm., Robt., John Wesley, and Sarah Wilson, heirs of Sarah [nee Roark]Wilson, dec'd, who was wife of J. J. Wilson.
4. G. T. Roark, Wasataw Co. (sic--this has to be a phonetic misspelling of Ouachita Co.), Ark.
5. Lucinda, wife of Wm. Blann.
6. Two minor children of Washington Roark, living in Washatau Co. (sic--this has to be a misspelling of Ouachita Co.), Ark.
7. Mary, wife of G. H. Ridgeway, Dallas County
In 1862, R. H. Roark [above-named administrator Richard H. Roark] gives names of heirs as follows.
1. Gideon Roark [#4 above?]
2. Lucinda Blann [#5 above?]
3. Rachel E. Hanshaw
4. Mary Ridgeway [#7 above?]
5. R. H. Roark [Interesting! Instead of naming #2 above, the administrator names himself!]
6. The children of Mrs. Sophronia Campbell, viz., Cornelia Jane, Mary, Martha, Candish, and John Campbell, all of Dallas County. [#1 above, amended due to Sophie's death?]
7. The children of Sarah Wilson, viz.: Robt., John Wesley, "Osmon", and [#3 above]
8. The children of Washington Roark, names unknown, in Ark. [#6 above]
Jones Wilson, b. 22 Aug 1822 in AL (according to
Uncle James' notes); d. at Tampa FL 29 Mar 1907; bd. at
Wilsonville, AL; m. 12 [13] May 1842 to William Gwin (b.
at Cahaba, AL, 18 Dec. 1820; d. 29 Apr 1889 (in Florida?) and bd.
at Wilsonville, AL; 8
known children;--According
to Dallas County Courthouse Probate Court file #65, on 12 Nov
1875, Rosyan C. Gwin, wife of William Gwin, over the age of 21
years [age 53, to be more exact], was residing in Shelby Co. [Wilsonville], AL]; [Click on the links to get
more information on the respective families--clicking on the "8
children" link will give you the family from the GWIN side.] (See
these and all the album photos online.)
Ann Elizabeth Gwin; m. Robert
Guy Lochridge
25.02--Martha Jane Gwin;
25.03--William Sutton
Gwin; m. Ida Eliza Basset
24.05--Ezekiel Monroe Wilson,
m. Sarah Jane Cole; at
least nine children; (See this and all the album photos
![]() |
24.07--Joseph Jones Abernathy Wilson, b. 7 Jul 1830 (according to Uncle James' notes) (age 29 in the Aug 1860 census); d. bef. 1876--(see Probate notes following); bd. unk.; m. Mary E. High (b. ca. 1836; age 24 in the Aug 1860 census); 4 children;
Click his link to go to one of the biggest pages I have--many photos, descendants, and contacts.
24.08--James Washington Wilson, b. 11 Dec 1832 (according to Uncle James' notes); d. after 12 Nov 1875--see following); bd. unk.; m1. on 29 Oct 1857 in Dallas Co., AL, to Elizabeth McCullen; unk. children; m2. to Ellen Lingo; --According to Dallas County Courthouse Probate Court file #65, on 12 Nov 1875, James W. Wilson, over 21 years, was residing at Warsaw, Franklin Parish, LA (I couldn't find Warsaw in Franklin Parish--located about 35 mi. due w. of Vicksburg, MS--but in Madison Parish, adjacent to and east of Franklin, there is the unincorporated town of Warsaw Ferry)]--[in the 6 Jun 1860 census of Pleasant Hill Beat , Dallas Co., AL, there was recorded a James Wilson, 26, M., farmer, b. in AL, with his wife E. M. Wilson, 25, b. in AL; and their daughter, M. E. Wilson, 1, b. in AL].
[listed as James W. Wilson, 26 and b. in AL, in the 1860 census of Oldtown, Dallas Co., AL]
[listed as E. M. Wilson, 25 and b. in AL, in the 1860 census of Oldtown, Dallas Co., AL]
In the 1880 census, a James W. Wilson, age 47, living in Sumner County, Mississippi, is listed.
25.01--M. E. Wilson, son, b. ca. 1859 in AL; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.
From the 1880 census of Sumner Co. (now Webster Co.), Mississippi
Res Name Age Est.
YOBOcc. Relat. Mar.
stat.Sex POB
John M. Gwin Comments unk. James W. Wilson 47 1833 Farmer Self M wM AL/NC/SC Most things fit our James Washington Wilson with the two possible exceptions of (1) his father's place of birth being listed as NC instead of SC, and (2) the Dallas County Probate Court's file stating that he was residing in Warsaw, Franklin Parish, LA, in 1875, and that no children are listed as heirs.
It's very possible that this is not our James, and it's more and more likely that it is not, but I list this here anyway in case it is.
Malinda C. Wilson 32 1848 Keeping House Wife M wF AL/SC/AL
Thomas J. Wilson 18 1862 Laborer Son S wM MS/AL/AL
Orvill Mc. Wilson 14 1866 Laborer Son S wM MS/AL/AL
David T. Wilson 12 1868 At home Son S wM MS/AL/AL
Samuel S. Wilson 9 1871
Mary Wilson 4 1876
John A. Wilson 9/12 1879
From: "pamela farr" <>
Date: Fri Sep 24, 2004 07:18:25 AM US/Mountain
Subject: farr brothersDear John,
Thank you so much for the information that you sent. I am searching for the father of two brothers who migrated into Hinds Co. MS in the early 1830's. the brothers were James Wilson Farr and George Washington Farr. I believe there was a third brother named Charles Kavanaugh Farr. Due to the names of their children, I strongly feel that they were from the Ephraim Farr line. Your information listed Farrs and Wilsons which I had to check out. Ephraim Farr's daughter married a James Wilson and Ephraim's good friend was also a Wilson. Thanks again for taking time to answer my query.
Sincerely, Pamela
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Mark Hall" <>
Date: February 18, 2007 3:17:44 PM MST
To: "John Gwin" <>
Subject: Wilson Genealogy
Hello John,
I have found a little more information on James Washington WILSON and Isham Griffin WILSON.
I don't know if you already have this information or not.
James Washington Wilson married Elizabeth McCullen in Dallas County on 29 OCT 1857.
They were enumerated on page 785 of the 1860 Dallas County census, they had one son, M. E., age 1.
I can't find any of this family on a later census. James might have died in the War Between the States.
There was a James WILSON in CO. A 4th Ala. Infantry. This company was raised in Dallas County.
I found an Antonett ADAMS on page 266A of the 1850 Dallas County census age 2, and the head
of the household was John D. ADAMS, physician, with his wife, Arenath. This same family was
enumerated on page 908 of the 1860 Dallas County census, it lists Antonett as 10 years old.
On the 1870 Dallas County census A. ADAMS (widow of John D.) is head of the house and Isham
WILSON and his wife Amanda are in the household. There was no Amanda ADAMS on either
the 1850 or 1860 Dallas County census.
Is it possible that Amanda A. is actually Amanda Antoinette ADAMS? Do you have a death date
for Antoinette? I found where an Isham G WILSON married a Lovina LOCKHART in Perry County
on 11 JUL 1883. He was again a widower by the 1900 Marengo County census, ED 60 sheet 15B,
stamped page number 64B. In the household with him were 3 of his sons: Bernice G.age 27,
Leonce age 18, and Ely R. age 13.
Bernice G. and Leonce Russell became lawyers, but I can't find Ely R. after the 1900 census.
Leonce registered for the World War I draft in Marengo County.
I hope everything is going well for you.
Best Regards,
Mark Hall
24.09--Samuel Rutherford Wilson, b. 21 Apr 1835 (according to Uncle James' notes); d. 25 Aug 1842 (age 7) ; bd. unk.;--Samuel Rutherford Wilson was not mentioned as an heir in Nathaniel B. Wilson's probate proceedings since he died as a child 32 years before NBW died.
24.02--N. B. Wilson,
24.03--James M. (Marion? Monroe?) Wilson
24.04--Mary Ann Elizabeth Wilson, m. William Ephraim Rasco;
Subject:------Isham Griffin
Sent:---------3/12/1920 4:25 PM
Received:----3/16/2001 5:40 PM
From:--------Patty Marshall Taylor,
To:------------john, jmcdgwin@zianet.comHi John, Hope you and your family have been doing well.
I found something on our Wilsons that I thought you might be interested in. I have a subscription to I noticed today that they have added several of the Family Tree Maker CD's to the website that are free with the subscription. Here is what I found on Isham Griffin Wilson that is on the CD #507, "Vital Records: Directory of Deceased American Physicians, 1804-1929:"
Isham Griffin WilsonJournal of the American Medical Association citation: 74: 1729
Died May 17, 1920 in Selma, AL
Born: 1844
Type of practice: Allopath
State/year of licenses: AL, 1878
Places/dates of practice: Demopolis, AL
Medical school: Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans: Univ. Med. Dept., 1868, (G)
Cause of demise: heart diseaseDo you know what allopath is? I wonder if we could get some kind of record on him from Tulane?
I guess that's all that I have to add. I just got back from picking my mother up from her home in Arkansas. I took my two daughters to the beach at Orange Beach, Alabama, earlier in the week for four nights, and I am worn out. Talk to you later.
Sent:----------5/19/45 5:10 PM
Received:-----7/10/00 6:19 PM
From:---------liz hicks,
To:------------john, jmcdgwin@zianet.comJohn, I'm going to do my best not to overwhelm you with info. But here goes....
Found this query in the Central AL Gen. Soc. quarterly Vol 18 no. 1, 1992 (by the way this society abstracts and publishes Dallas Co., AL info., dues $20/yr) PO Box 125, Selma, AL 36702-0125. "William Gwin of Wilsonville, Shelby Co., AL married Rosanna (R.C.J.) Wilson in Dallas Co.,AL 5-13-1842. Both buried Wilsonville cem. They were in Dallas Co. in 1850, Bibb Co. in 1860, and Shelby Co. in 1870. He was the son of John Gwin of Dallas Co. John Gwin was living in the household of William Gwin in the 1870's and died there in 1877, buried Wilsonville Cem. Rosanna Gwin was a daughter of Nathaniel B. Wilson of Dallas Co. who died there in 1875. William and Rosanna Gwin had a son who married Ida Eliza Bassett who was born in England, and both are buried in the Wilsonville Cemetery. William and Ida Bassett had three sons, James B., John W., and William S. I would like to contact their descendants. My g.g. grandmother was Mary B. Wilson and wife of Isom Gwin, mother of Mary Jane Gwin, wife of Wm. J. Smith of Dallas Co., AL. My g. grdpts, Mary B. Wilson Gwin and Rosanna Wilson Gwin were sisters. They were the daughters of Nathaniel B. Wilson who was in Dallas Co. ca. 1820 and died there in 1875.
I have no proof, but I believe that Isom Gwin and Wm. Gwin were brothers and the sons of John Gwin who lived around Orrville, AL and Old Cahaba in the 1850-60's in Dallas Co., AL....." Roy L. Smith, 205 McCurdy, Crowley, TX 76036.
I wrote to Mr. Smith about a year ago, and his widow was kind enough to reply. I did NOT ask her what happened to his research on the Gwin/Guins. Thought you might be interested. In case you do not know, you will have to consider variant spellings of Guin/Gwin.
Liz Hicks
TAKE A LOOK AT THIS, WILSON COUSINS:Subject: Nathaniel Burdine Wilson et al
Sent: 8/16/20 9:15 PM
Received: 8/12/00 1:47 PM
To: john, jmcdgwin@zianet.comJohn, following is the information that I have in my files.
MARY RASCO was the d/o EZEKIEL BURDINE WILSON & SARAH HARRELL RASCO d/o JESSE HARRELL RASCO & ELIZABETH JOHNSON. I believe Mary's full name to be MARY ANN ELIZABETH WILSON b. 12 Dec. 1833/34 Dallas Co., Ala. d. 27 April 1874 Scott Co., MS.
She married 1st. WILLIAM EPHRAIM RASCO, 2nd. JOSEPH S. DRAPERS, 3rd. JAMES LaFAYETTE RASCO. She was in Philadelphia, Neshoba Co., Ms. in 1870 (M593-R741) with 5 children, William Taylor Rasco, Ezekiel B., Rasco, James Marion Rasco, & Martha Tullen Rasco. A JAMES WILSON lived close by with his wife, ELIZABETH & EZEKIEL RASCO age 12 living with them. A WILLIAM J. GENTRY lived close by also with his wife, AMANDA, and a daughter with a JOHN RASCO. Each of the RASCO children was listed as FARM LABORER. See page 375, dwelling No. 1286 Family No. 1286.
AMANDA WILSON =\ I show that an AMANDA A. married DOCTOR ISHAM GRIFFIN WILSON s/o NATHANIEL BURDINE WILSON. NATHANIEL died in his son's home after 5 years of illness.
#27: NETTIE WILSON I have not found yet.
#25: TEXAS WILSON, I am still searching for this name for I have seen it in my files somewhere.I will continue to search for more info. Write me back and let me know what you think.
Kathy* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Oh, Kathy. It is clear that we are related! Some of your speculations may not be correct, but they are always where we start. This is great info, and I believe that when we compare notes more carefully, all of this will connect perfectly. Thanks for writing, Cousin! Speaking of cousins, how are you related?My children's GWIN line looks like this:
23.00-- Nathaniel Burdine Wilson m. Jane Jones
.....24.04--Rose Ann Carlisle Jones Wilson m. William Gwin
..........25.02--William Sutton Gwin m. Ida Eliza Basset
...............26.02--James Bassett Gwin m. Adrian "Ada" Belle Vardaman
....................27.04--Adrian Sutton Gwin m. Dorothy Lee Keeney
.........................28.01--John McDonald Gwin m. Sharon Lynn Hamrick
..............................29.01--Jeremiah Scott Gwin
..............................29.02--Charity Elizabeth Gwin
..............................29.03--Sarah Joy Gwin
Best to you,
In Jesus,
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Subject:-----Nathaniel Burdine Wilson et al
Sent:---------8/11/20 4:25 AM
Received:----8/12/00 11:02 PM
To:-----------john, JMcDGwin@zianet.comBingo! John, This is great news! My line looks like this:
23.00--Ezekiel Burdine Wilson m. Sarah Harrell Rasco;
.....24.00--Washington (Wash) Wilson m. MaHaley (nee unk.);
..........25.00--Ezekiel Burdine (Birdine) (Byrd) Wilson m. Augusta Estella Baxter;
...............26.00--Robert Brazile Wilson m. Agnes MaHala Hutton;
....................27.00--Roger O'Neal Wilson m. Mittie Scott;
.........................28.00--Katherine Louise Wilson m1. Archie Eugene Peeples m2. Paul Zane KempI have 3 children, Robert Eugene Peeples, Patricia Ann Peeples Lee, and Richard O"Neal Peeples. All living. Robert (Bob) lives in California, Patricia Ann lives with us. She moved out here a year ago to take care of the 'ole folks but ended up for the last 6 months in Washington where her husband and son are working. Ron, her husband, travels a lot but looks like he may be in Washington State for another 2 years. Richard lives here in Waco, Texas as we do. He is in the sheet rock business. Robert has 2 children, Nia Peeples and Cynthia Dawn Peeples Boon, Patricia has one son living, Erick Jason, lost one (Sean Michael Kemp Lee) a few years ago. Richard has 2 daughters, Teri Lynn Peeples Stewlow and Katherine Tammatha Peeples. I have 6 great-grandchildren, and they are a joy.
If you ever watch "WALKER, TEXAS RANGER", Nia plays Sydney Cooke. She has been in this business for years. Cynthia lives in Aspen; her husband is into communications. Erick and his father, Ron, are involved with telephone communications. Teri is a housewife; her husband works for a Glass & Morrow Company in Arizona, and Katherine is with a company that keeps tabs on the rest homes. Cannot remember right off hand the name of the company.
Hope I haven't bored you too much.
Your cousin from Texas,
Subject: John Jones Wilson information?
Sent: 3/2/20 4:31 PM
Received: 3/8/02 6:11 PM
From: Adria Conklin,
To: john,
I stumbled across your website tonight - what a great setup! I am researching my Wilson line right now, and am stuck on a John Wilson from Alabama.I'm sort of going on some speculation here, but I THINK he might be related to the John Jones WILSON you have listed...
Do you happen to have any more information on John Jones' children? I have found a Jones Wilson listed in the Dunklin County, Missouri 1870 census, living in the same household as a Charles Wilson, age 27, born in AL. Jones is listed as being 52 years old, and has a daughter aged 22 named Sallie (born in AL). He is also living with a child by the name of Harevy JONES, aged 9, born in AR. There are others in the household as well; just wanted to keep it simple for the time being.
My relative is a John H. Wilson, born around 1837 in AL and living in close proximity to this household. I'm wondering if this isn't a son or something. Any information you can provide would be amazingly helpful, even if it is simply to rule something out.
Thanks a bunch, and I enjoyed the info on nibs!
Adria WilsonJohn Gwin NOTE: I have condensed this information as follows:
I have found a
Jones Wilson age 52, b. ca. 1818, listed in the Dunklin Co., MO 1870 census, living in the same household as a
Charles Wilson, age 27, born ca. 1843 in AL.
Sallie Wilson, age 22, b. ca. 1848 in AL, d/o Jones Wilson.
He is also living with a child by the name of Harvey JONES, aged 9, born in AR.
From: "Judy Watson" <>
Subject: Jones WilsonJohn,
In regards to the message above, do you know if there is a connection with your family? The Charles Wilson listed above is my great-grandfather. This has been a very hard family for me to trace.
Judy Watson
Salem Baptist Church Cemetery ...
Thank you Gene Allred for donating this cemetery list. If you have additions or corrections, please let Marsha know.Location: Kellis Store Loop or Kellis Store Rd/Gholson Rd, off of Kellis Store Road, about 3.6 miles from Lynville, MS
Directions: From Highway 397 at Lynville, turn onto Kellis Store Road (located beside Cumberland Store), travel about 3.4 miles
on Kellis Store Road, turn left onto Kellis Store Loop (or) Kellis Store-Ghoulson Rd -- each of these roads meet and loop back into Kellis Store Road. Salem Baptist Church is located on one side of the road & the cemetery is on the other -- about 1/10 - 2/10ths of a mile off of Kellis Store Road. (Submitted 1/23/2000 by Carolann Arthur.)[John M. Gwin Note: I visited this cemetery in July 2006. It is clear to me now that these are indeed family--descendants of Ezekiel Burdine Wilson. See more at their new page.]
Cemetery list donated by a Gene Allred at John Gwin's Comments Wilson, Ezekiel Burdine
Nov 2, 1844 - Apr 11, 1891, son of W. & M. Wilson, husband of Wilson, Augusta Estella BaxterThese in red are clearly Kathy Kemp's and Neil Weise's ancestors. This EBW's parents are Washington and Mahaley Wilson. These eleven comprise all the Wilsons listed at this site. The ones listed in black below could be descendants of EB and Augusta, but this is speculation as of this date: 5 Dec 2004. Wilson, Augusta Estella Baxter
June 14, 1850 - Oct. 27, 1913, wife of E. B. Wilson. Wilson, Att H.
Dec. 28, 1887 - July 22, 1968
New info as of May 2006: This is Att Hampton Wilson, according to Kelly Wilson's email, above. Kelly says her husband Scott is Att's great-grandson. The dates look to me to be right for Att to be Ezekiel Burdine Wilson's grandson, but this is certainly still speculation. Nevertheless, that Kelly, Scott, and Scott's dad, Bennett, think that all these people are related is all very encouraging to me that it might in fact be true.Further, that his middle name is Hampton brings to mind Drury Hampton Roark who married Mary Gwin, John and Jane Gwin's oldest daughter.
Wilson, Clarance
Feb. 22, 1896 - Oct.30, 1897, son of J.F. & W.A. Wilson. Wilson, Infant
Aug. 6, 1894, son of J. F. & W. A. Wilson. Wilson, Infant
Apr. 23, 1906, son of J. F. & W. A. Wilson. Wilson, Mamie F.
Aug. 4, 1894 - Oct. 24, 1971, "Mother", wife of Att H. Wilson. Wilson, Margaret E.
Dec 11, 1918 - Apr 15, 1921, dau of A. H. & Mamie Wilson. Wilson, Mark S.
Jan 8, 1972 - June 27, 1997. Wilson, Sammy Dale
June 17, 1960 - June 21, 1989. Wilson, Sammie W.
Mar 17, 1928 - Jul 30, 1949, "Son".
Wiley Ann Teer 1869-1957 MS
Posted by: Bob Baker
Date: July 31, 2000 at 14:12:47
Post #39 of 171Looking for information on my grandmother's family. Wiley Ann Teer b. 11-05-1869 and d. 07-15-1957 in Philadelphia, MS. (Neshoba County) m. John Fillmore Wilson in Gholston, MS (Kemper County) on . John b. 01-18-1871; d. 06-07-1933. Wiley Ann's parents were Elbert Teer b. ??? & d. 04-??-1892 & Elizabeth b. ??? & d. 06-15-1886. Any information will be helpful. Thanks, Bob
No followups yet, Willie Lee
1887 - 1969
Wilson, Mealder
12-Jun-1900 - 1983?, Beatrice Gibson 8/11/1912-(blank) (*Harold)
Wilson, Harold “Berk” 11/6/1907-10/24/2000 (*Beatrice Gibson)
Wilson, Mary E. Burch 8/17/1853-10/24/1905 “WO T. J. Wilson”, Josephine Catherine -- no date - May 6, 1864, 27 yrs 6 mo 27 ds, wife of William Wilson, Note: This is the second tombstone for this woman in this cemetery
Wilson, Commodore
Dec. 11,1880 Aug. 20,1967
"Father"Wilson, H.R.
Oct. 3,1923 Oct. 5,1985Wilson, Ina
Feb. 4,1894 Aug. 20,1974
Wilson, Nathaniel
Dec. 30,1939 July 11,1966, Eddie Mae Apr 8, 1919-Apr 20, 1999 “Mother” (*Rufus P.; #John Wiley Johnson) {Maiden name Clark, m. 1st to Rufus Wilson, 2nd to John W. Johnson}
Wilson, Elton F. [US Army Air Corps World War II Oct 18, 1912-Apr 5, 1986]
Wilson, Frederick Cecil May 9, 1916-Sep 11, 1992 “Father” [CPL US Army World War II, dates same]
Wilson, Henry F. Nov 8, 1875-Jan 2, 1958 (*Ida Daws)
Wilson, Ida Daws Jan 4, 1878-Aug 9, 1963 (*Henry F.)
Wilson, Matthew Apr 8, 1907-Mar 1, 1951 “World War II” (beside Rex)
Wilson, Pauline Cloy Sep 7, 1920-blank “Mother” (*Frederick Cecil)
Wilson, Rex [Mississippi 1st Lieut Air Corps World War II Sep 20, 1921-Sep 2,1945] (beside Matthew)
Wilson, Rufus P. Oct 23, 1909-Mar 29, 1976 “Daddy” (*Eddie Mae), Addie B.
1909-1923Wilson, Barbara Earl
Son of W. C. & Helen WilsonWilson, Carlena A.
Mar 3, 1932
Double marker with Walter C. WilsonWilson, Earl J.
b. Jan 27, 1911
d. Jan 11, 1919
Son of W. C. & H. M. WilsonWilson, Helen M. (Spinks)
b. Dec 13, 1881
d. Jun 5, 1944
Double marker with W. Clyde Wilson, Jr.Wilson, Janie
b. Aug 3, 1886
d. Jun 3, 1887
Daughter of W. R. & M. O. WilsonWilson, Martha O.
b. Mar 1, 1856
d. Dec 28, 1947
Double marker with W. R. WilsonWilson, Maude M.
b. Dec 21, 1880
d. Jan 2, 1968
Double marker with Wm. Lee WilsonWilson, Myrtie
b. Nov 8, 1889
d. May 23, 1890
Daughter of W. R. & M. O. WilsonWilson, W. Clyde
b. Dec 15, 1880
d. Jan 13, 1964
Double marker with Helen M. WilsonWilson, W. Raleigh
b. Aug 29, 1851
d. Sep 8, 1928
Double marker with Martha O. WilsonWilson, Walter C.
b. Feb 2, 192_
d. Aug 11, 1989
Double marker with Carlena A. WilsonWilson, William Lee
b. Oct 24, 1877
d. Apr 29, 1964
Double marker with Maude M. Wilson, Ada Cook 12/24/1902-11/7/1975 (*Fred) (see Arden Elmer Cook)
Wilson, Bertha L. 3/13/1892-2/3/1975 (*Horace A.) (see Arden Elmer Cook)
Wilson, Fred 4/17/1906-4/8/1984 (*Ada Cook) (not related to Horace A. Wilson)
Wilson, Horace A. 11/12/1883-2/22/1967 (*Bertha L.) (not related to Fred Wilson), Charlie
b. Aug. 19, 1901
d. Dec. 6, 1993Wilson, Dartie
b. Mar. 5, 1905
d. May 22, 1992Wilson, Deidre Shvonda
b. Apr. 3, 1974
d. May 28, 1974
inf dau of W.D. & Earnestine WilsonWilson, Irene Jack
b. Dec. 28, 1923
d. Dec. 31, 1994Wilson, James
1900 - 1976Wilson, John L.
b. Feb. 9, 1916
d. Apr. 27, 1974
SGT US ArmyWilson, Leona C.
1881 - 1976
"Mother"Wilson, Maron
b. Jan. 15, 1949
d. Jan. 15,1949Wilson, Sam Bo.
b. Aug. 17, 1907
d. June 15,1972Wilson, Willie
b. Nov. 4, 1873
d. Jan. 13, 1949Wilson, Willie G.
b. Jan. 6, 1922
d. Mar. 27, 1987
PVT US Army WW II, Angelina Feb 27, 1860-Aug 11, 1892 “wife of H. H. Wilson”
Wilson, Henry H. May 1, 1853-Jan 14, 1910 (beside Angelina)
Wilson, Infant b & d Aug 8, 1892, son of H. H. & Angie Wilson (stone is badly broken but legible)
Wilson, Mary Ella 1865-1940
Wilson, Myrtle Lee Jul 25, 1903-Oct 30, 1903 “daughter of R. B. & A. M. Wilson ofn” (broken off at the base, the body of the stone is intact but lying on the ground; there is evidence of previous repair), Melvin Clayton Jun 8/9, 1910 - Sep 18, 1915 , Child of Mathew and Molly Wilson, Linda McGehee Joyce Tucker
Wilson, Mollie Shepard Feb 28, 1882-Feb 1,1977 (*Mathew Emerson) - From Tombstone reading
Wilson, Mary Elizabeth (Shepard) Feb 28, 1882 - Feb 1, 1977 , Wife of Mathew Wilson -submitted
Wilson, Mathew Emerson Jan 12,1879-May 25,1954 (*Mollie Shepard) (his military records show 1883), A.M. Oct. 16,1856 Apr. 26,1935
Wilson, Callie M. 1876 1935
Wilson, Chester Auburn Mar. 24,1911 May 6,1982
Wilson, Claudie Alice Mar. 6,1909 Oct. 5,1914
Wilson, Daisy Belle Dec. 5,1901 Apr. 8,1996 wife of James Everette Wilson
Wilson, Dennis M. May 22,1925 Feb. 8,1970
Wilson, Eugene B. Oct. 23,1882 Apr. 9,1937
Wilson, Herbert M. Apr. 15,1882 Sept. 8,1955 "Father"
Wilson, Henry W. no date July 1,1929 age 50 years
Wilson, Iona West Aug. 19,1902 Dec. 15,1972
Wilson, J.W. Mar. 15,1861 Sept. 7,1905 son of W.J. & L.J. Wilson
Wilson, James Albert Mar. 19,1880 Jan. 2,1964
Wilson, James Anderson July 13,1918 Dec. 27,1996
Wilson, James Everette June 10,1894 Apr. 8,1982
Wilson, Jennie Dec. 23,1874 Apr. 7,1921
Wilson, L. J. Sept. 15, 1828 -- Mar. 2, 1905
Wilson, Lizzie Lou July 17,1918 Feb. 13,1983 wife of Chester Auburn Wilson
Wilson, Luther S. Oct. 6,1885 Mar. 28,1965 son of Alonzo M. 1856 - 1935 and N. Ella Wilson 1864 - 1909
Wilson, M. Dec. 3,1878 Jan. 7,1879 son of A.M. & M.E. Wilson
Wilson, M.A. no date no date
Wilson, Marset no date died 1920
Wilson, Martha L. Sept. 7,1882 Mar. 15,1962 "Mother"
Wilson, Martha Lucinda Sept. 7,1882 Mar. 15,1962 wife of James Albert Wilson
Wilson, Mattie S. Oct. 21,1897 June 3,1988 wife of Luther S.
Wilson dau of Samuel B. 1873 - 1935 & Margaret T. Smith 1876 -1934
Wilson, Maudie July 7,1902 June 17,1923
Wilson, Murdock E. May 12,1907 Oct. 8,1995
Wilson, N.E. Apr. 19, 1864 Sept. 22,1909 wife of A.M. Wilson
Wilson, Robert C. 1859 1917
Wilson, Roy Clay Dec. 9,1897 Apr. 3,1970
Wilson, Sallie no date 1909
Wilson, Sarah E. Thompson Aug. 11,1878 Nov. 7,1918 "Mother"
Wilson, Sadie Thomas Sept. 15,1903 July 22,1975
Wilson, T. A. Nov. 25, 1891 Sept. 3, 1900 son of B. C. & M. A. Wilson
Wilson. Vada Skipper Feb. 23,1887 May 18,1963 wife of Eugene B. Wilson
Wilson, W.J. no dates, A. B. Aug 16, 1908 - Jan 11, 1988 Husband of Myrtle G. Wilson
WILSON, Myrtle G. Jan 28, 1915 - May 21, 1994 Wife of A. B. Wilson, Bessie S. Apr 4, 1921-Jun 9, 1998 (*Elmer M.) “Married Feb 17, 1941”
Wilson, Elmer M. May 16, 1911-Jun 20, 2001 (* Bessie S.) “Married Feb 17, 1941”, Mary no date- Nov. 25, 1910, age 44
Wilson, Verrie Apr 4, 1900- Jul 24, 1995, Enoch Jackson
b. Nov 20, 1870
d. Jan 24, 1921
Double marker with Johnnie M. WilsonWilson, Johnnie McLaurin
b. Jan 11, 1878
d. Feb 25, 1964
Double marker with Enoch J. WilsonWilson, Willie Ray
b. Apr 13, 1908
d. Jan 12, 1964
Posted by: Gene W. Rogers
Date: August 22, 1999 at 11:15:08
In Reply to: ROARKS in AL, 1800'S by Marsha Butler
Post #___ of 1864Have record of a RICHARD HAMPTON ROARK, b. 1829 in Alabama, d.29 May 1900 in Dallas County, Alabama and buried in Vernon Church Cemetery.
RICHARD was the son of JESSE ROARK, b. 18 Oct 1783 in Greenville County, SC., d. 23 Nov 1861 in Dallas County, Alabama, m. Nancy Ann Morris in 1805, b.18 Dec 1784 SC, d. 14 SEpt 1854 in Dallas County, Alabama. They had a total of 9 children:
Sara B. Roark (m. John Jones Wilson)
Saphronia Roark
Drury Hampton Roark (m. Mary Gwin)
John Washington Roark
Gideon Thomas Roark
Lucinda Roark
Rachel E. Roark
Mary Roark
Richard Hampton Roark
Lemuel Roark 1724, Greenville,SC Barnarbus 1750
Posted by: Karen Rourk (ID *****0422)
Date: August 26, 2003 at 13:57:25
Post #_____ of 1864I found this when I was researching my line. Thought someone might be interested.
LEMUEL ROARK born 1724, Greenville, South Carolina.
I. BARNABUS ROARK born about 1750-1754 in England. [Barney Roark born 1750, Greenville, South Carolina.] He married
NANCY UNKNOWN about 1779/1787 in Of South Carolina. He died 17 Aug 1811. Nancy was born about 1758 in Of South Carolina. Nance was born about 1758. [Source: LDS Batch No. F847808. Sheet: 049. Source Call No. 1395857. Patron sheets, 1969-1991.] [Source: LDS Batch No. F856095. Sheet: 029. Source Call No. 1395946. Patron sheets, 1969-1991.]A. ELIZABETH "LIZ" ROARK born about 1780, Of South Carolina.
B. BARNEY ROARK born about 1782 in Of, South Carolina. [Note: 1800 CENSUS GREENVILLE DISTRICT, SOUTH CAROLINA #928. James Blackstock (1790) 43010/01010, 0,4 1791 Waters of Golden Grove. 1790 census nr Benj. & John Tarrant, Jacob Cooley, David Reece, Robert Langford, Barney Roark.]
C. JOHN ROARK born about 1784 in Of, South Carolina.
D. JESSE ROARK born 18 Oct 1783, in Greenville, South Carolina. He married NANCY ANN MORRIS about 1804, South Carolina. He died 23 Nov 1861. Nancy was born 18 Dec 1784, South Carolina. She died 14 Sep 1854.1. SARAH B. ROARK born about 1805, South Carolina.E. DAVID ROARK born 1788, South Carolina. He married ELIZABETH MILLER/MULLER on 14 Jun 1814. He died 15 Dec 1857.
2. SAPHRONIA ROARK born about 1810, South Carolina.
3. DRURY HAMPTON ROARK born about 1812, South Carolina. He died about 1846.
4. JOHN WASHINGTON ROARK born about 1813, South Carolina. He died 18 Apr 1860.
5. GIDEON THOMAS ROARK born 18 Dec 1817, South Carolina. He died 09 Dec 1877.
6. LUCINDA ROARK born 1821, Alabama.
7. RACHEL ROARK born 1823, Alabama.
8. MARY ROARK, born 1828, Alabama.
9. RICHARD HAMPTOM ROARK born 1829, Alabama. He died 29 May 1900.
F. LUCINDA ROARK born about 1790 in Of, South Carolina.
G. NANCY ROARK born about 1792 in Of, South Carolina.
216 ROGERS, Gene W., 219 Hollywood Dr., Conroe TX 77303-1546, 409-756-3561,, June 2000 CLINE, ROGERS, ROARK
73 Kitchens, Whitney Ann Rogers, 5311 Hemlock Dr, Baytown,TX 77521-1807, 281-424-2615, RODGERS, ROGERS, ROARK, BUCHANAN
Date: Wed May 19, 2004 06:57:59 AM US/Mountain
Subject: Guinn/Roark(Rork)John,
It would seem I am researching the same surnames in almost the same location.My ancestor is Elias Henderson Guinn-Guin-Gwynn (CSA) who is buried in Jackson Co., AL. James, his son, married into the Jackson Co., Chandler line and, as a member of the Chandler Family Association, I am researching the Guinn line as well.
The Roark-Rork line comes in to the Brown family line of Rowan Co. to Washington Co., TN, to Jackson Co. AL from John Roark-Rork, as a daughter of John Roark married David Brown, descendent of Johann Jacob Brown the Wagon maker, during the Revolutionary War. My work is in Jackson Co., AL, Washington Co., TN, and Rowan Co., NC, so far. I just currently found John Roark-Rork's will dated 1792 and have requested a copy from Washington Co., TN.
If you recognize any of these names, I would love to converse. Forgive my office email address--breaktime, and scanning Roarks--my home email address is
Catherine King
1._--Elias Henderson Guinn-Guin-Gwynn (CSA), b. unk.; bd. Jackson Co., AL;2._--James Guinn-Guin-Gwynn, b. unk.; m. Ms. Chandler;
1._--John Roark, b. unk.; d. in or after 1792 in Washington Co., TN;2._--Ms. Roark, b. ca. 1740's-1760's; m. during the Am. Rev. to David Brown (descendent of Johann Jacob Brown, wagonmaker)
ROARK-L Archives
Archiver > ROARK > 1997-01 > 0852940283
------------------------------------------------------------------------From: Shannon Smyrl <>
Subject: Jesse Roark NC>Greenville Dist., SC>Dallas Co., Ala
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 97 18:51:23 GMT-0500My Roark line goes back to Jesse Roark born NC. I believe his father was Barnabus Roark of Stokes Co, NC, Surry Co., NC, and Greenville Dist. SC
The names of Jesse and Lucinda appear in various of the Roark lines connected to Stokes Co, NC; Surry Co., NC; Ashe Co., NC as well as Roark lines in Va., Ky, and Tenn.
The following are the first two proven generations in my Roark line.
14. Jesse Roark and Nancy Ann Morris
Nancy Ann Morris was the daughter of Drury and Rachel Morris. She was born in S.C. on 18 Dec. 1884. She married Jesse Roark (18 Oct. 1783 - 23 Nov. 1861) in Greenville County, S.C. ca. 1805. Sometime between 1810 and 1820 Nancy Anne and Jesse moved to Dallas County Alabama. They as well as Nancy's mother Rachel Morris and her sister Sarah Hall (Mrs. Richard Hall) are listed in the 1820 Census of that county.
Issue of Nancy Ann Morris and Jesse Roark:
141. Sarah B. Roark,b. S.C. ca. 1805 (or 1808); d. bef. 1861; m. John J. Wilson, 12 Oct. 1838, Dallas Co., AL; at least 4 ch.;Sincerely,1411 Robert Wilson, b. ca. 1846, AL;142. Saphronia Roark, b. S.C. ca. 1810, m. Laughlin Campbell; at least 8 ch.;
1412 John Wesley Wilson, b. ca. 1847 AL;
1413 Osborn Wilson, b. ca. 1851 AL;
1414 Sarah J. Wilson, b. 15 Dec 1854, d. 27 Dec 1928;1421 Sarah A. Campbell, b. ca. 1837 Ala.143. Drury Hampton Roark, b. 1812 S.C.; d. ca. 1846 Dallas Co., AL; m. 27 Dec. 1838 Dallas Co., AL, to Mary Guinn; at least 1 ch.;
1422 Cornelia Campbell, b. ca. 1840 Ala.
1423 Jane Campbell, b. ca. 1843 Ala.
1424 Mary Campbell, b. ca. 1845 Ala.
1425 Martha Campbell, b. ca. 1846 Ala.
1426 Lenora Campbell, b. ca. 1847 Ala.
1427 Candish Campbell, b. ca. 1852 Ala.
1428 John Campbell, b. ca. 1855 Ala.1431 Walter Roark. Walter Roark enlisted 10 April 1861 at Cahaba, Ala. He144. John Washington Roark, b. S.C. ca. 1813 S.C., m. Martha Jane Mitchell 26 Oct 1854, Calhoun, Co., Ark., d. 18 April 1860 Calhoun County, Ark.
was killed at the battle of Gettysburg 1 July 1863.144 John Washington Roark145. Gideon Thomas Roark, b. 18 Dec. 1817 S.C., m. Caroline Wilson 4 June 1840John Washington Roark b. ca. 1813 S.C. was the son of Jesse Roark and Nancy Ann Morris. He moved from Dallas County, Alabama to Dallas County, Arkansas by 1850. In the 1850 Census Dallas County, Arkansas shows him residing in the household of his brother Gideon Thomas Roark. By October of 1854 he is in Cahoun County, Arkansas where he married Martha Jane Mitchell on 26 Oct 1854. Martha Jane was born ca. 1840 the 1860 Census shows Alabama while the 1870 Census shows Arkansas. Their issue:
1441 Richard Alexander
1442 Mary Lucinda (Mollie)The 1860 Mortality Schedules of Arkansas shows that John Washington died from pneumonia in April of 1860. On 31 Dec. 1868 Martha Jane Roark married James B. F. Boyce, Calhoun County, Arkansas. The 1870 Census of Ouachita County. Arkansas shows
Boyce, Jas, 25 M W Farmer ArkansasThe death record of James V. Boyce, filed in Cherokee County, Texas shows that he died Nov. 9, 1904 from malaria. _Newspaper Obituaried 1836-1908 Cherokee County, Texas_ shows J. V. Boyce of Mixon died in 1904 at the age of 62 yrs.
Boyce, Mattie, 32 F W Arkansas
Roark, Richard,14 M W Arkansas
Roark, Mollie,11 F W ArkansasThe same reference shows Mrs. M. J. Boyce died here 23 Nov. 1907 at the age of 67 years. Both Martha Jane and Grandpa Boyce were buried in the orchard behind the William Eugene Webb place.
145 Gideon Thomas Roark146. Lucinda Roark, b. Ala. ca 1821, m. Wm. Young H. Blann 12 Jan. 1839Gideon Thomas Roark was the son of Nancy Ann Morris and Jesse Roark. He was born 18 Dec. 1817. He married Caroline Wilson 4 June 1840. Their issue according to Wilma Humphreys- Newton:
1451 Sarah E. (Sally) Roark, b. 14 Oct. 1844, m. Joseph E. Lockridge 6 Feb. 1868, d. 8 Jan. 1902. Their issue included
Mary E. Roark, b ca 1869 Pro C page 94; and probably1452 Jesse or James Roark, (died young)
Gideon S. Lockridge Roark, b. 12 Aug. 1881, d. 17 May 1951 m Fannie E.; and
Saphronia E. Roark, b. 14 Mar. 1883, d. 28 Nov. 1971. (Does not fit with what Mollie Grant has)
1453 Elijah Roark, (died young)Caroline died and Gideon Married 2nd Mrs. Emily Manor Dunn, daughter of A. L. Manor. Their issue:
1454 Alford Crockett Roark, b. ca. 1841 Ala., m. Alice Dunn, his 1st cousin, 20 Aug. 1874. Their issue included
Wm. Roark, b. 21 June 1875, d. 16 Nov 1918 did not marry;1455 Redy A. Roark, b. ca. 1842 Ark. *
John S. Roark, b. 10 July 1877, d. 2 April 1946;
Frank S. Roark, 1879, m. Cora Green;
Richard (Jack) Roark, d. Hobbs N. Mex. ca.1960 at the age of 77;
Bessie Roark, who married a Mr. Bruce;
Versia Roark, b. 29 Dec. 1890, d. 21 Dec. 1962, m. Allen D. (Pat) Primm; and
Norvis S. Roark, (The Man) 1894-1956. *
1456 Sarah A. Roark, b. ca. 1843-46 Ark * and **
1457 William I. Roark, b. ca. 1845-47 Ark. * and **
1458 Pat E. Roark, b. ca. 1847 Ark. *
1459 Elija T. Roark, b. ca. 1848 Ark. *
145? Infant Roark, 3/12 1850 * James b ca 49 ** Thos A. b ca 1849 ***
145? Alford Roark, b. ca.1850 Ark. **
145? Alexander Roark, b. ca. 1851 Ark. ** Franklin b Ca 51 *** (Tobe)
145? Richard Roark, b. ca. 1856 Ark. ** (Age right to be his nephew R.A. Roark)
145? Gideon T Roark, b. Dec. 1859 ** and **** taken from 1850 Census
** taken from 1860 Census
*** taken from 1870 Census(Evidently Gideon Thomas lost a number of children for children listed in one census do not appear in the next or if they do it is under a different name.)
Wilma Humphries-Newton clains Gideon and Emily had three children Crockett who married Alice Dunn, Tobe who did not marry and Gideon Jr. who married Nancy Hayes. She further claims that Sally married Joseph Lockridge.
Marriages of Calhoun County, Ark. shows the marriage of Joseph E. Lockridge to Sarah E. Roark 6 Feb. 1868. Some of the information furnished by Wilma Humphries-Newton is definitely incorrect. At this point I cannot tell the fact from the fiction.Gideon died ca. 9 Dec. 1877 Calhoun Co., Ark. (See Pro C. page 66)
146 Lucinda Roark147. Rachel E. Roark, b. 1823, m. Warner L. Hanshaw 29 June 1846Lucinda was the daughter of Nancy ann Morris and Jesse Roark. She was born Ala ca 1821. Lucinda married William Young Henry Blann 17 Jan. 1839. Their issue includes
1461 William Henry Junior, b, 14 Feb. 1840, m. Miriam Gosa 15 Nov. 1861, d. 31 July 1912 C.S.A. Miriam war b. 6 June 1846, d. 28 Feb. 1928.
1462 Mary Elizabeth b. 1842, d. 1854
1463 Richard Thomas b. 31 May 1846, m. Amanda Stafford (b. 1848, d. 31 Dec. 1923) d. 14 Mar. 1912 C.S.A.
1464 James Silas b. 1853, d. 1867
1465 Emma b. ca. 1855 Ark. (See 1870 Census)Alabama Notes pp. 4 and 5 by England indicates that William H. Blann had six children.
William Henry Blann died 30 Sept. 1854 Calhoun County, Arkansas. Lucinda died after 1910. She was living with her son Wm. H. Jr. at the time of the 1910 Census.
The Blanns, Ridgeways, and Roarks ( Gideon Thomas and his family as well as John Washington Roark) moved from Dallas County, Ala to Arkansas between 1840 amd 1850.
147 Rachel E. Roark148. Mary Roark, b. Ala. ca. 1828, m G. E. Ridgeway 21 Mar. 1861Rachel E. Roark was the daughter of Nancy Ann Morris and Jesse Roark. She was born Dallas Co., Ala ca. 1823. Rachel married Warner L. Hanshaw 29 June 1846 or 2 July 1846. Their issue:
1471 Elizabeth b. ca. 1847 Ala.
1472 Sarah Frances b. ca. 1849 Ala.
1473 ????? J. b. ca. 1853 Ala.
1474 M. C. b. ca. ca. 1855 Ala.
1475 M. E. b. ca, 1859 Ala.
1476 Gideon W. b. ca. 1860 Ala.In 1850 Warner L. Hanshaw is listed as head of household Dallas Co., Ala., but by 1860 Rachel is listed as the head of household, thus I presume Warner had died by that time.
148 Mary Roark149. Richard Hampton Roark, b. Ala. ca. 1829, d. 29 May 1900Mary Roark was the daughter of Nancy Ann Morris and Jesse Roark. She was born ca. ca. 1828 Dallas County, Ala. She married G. E. (Gibb) Ridgeway 21 Mar. 1861. According to Wilma Humphries-Newton Mary came with the party from Alabama to Arkansas.
Nancy Ann Morris died 14 Sept. 1854. Nancy Ann, Jesse and their son Richard Hampton are buried in Vernon Church Cemetery, Dallas County, Alabama.
Shannon Smyrl
Wilsons in Kemper Co., MS, in 1880
Name -- Parents or spouse -- Home in 1880 (City, County, State) -- Est. Birth Year -- Birthplace -- Relation
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: Mary Wilson Gainsville Junction, Kemper, MS abt 1855 Mississippi Self]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: Ann Wilson Mary Wilson Gainsville Junction, Kemper, MS abt 1875 Mississippi Daughter]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: Joe Wilson Mary Wilson Gainsville Junction, Kemper, MS abt 1878 Mississippi Son]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: W. Wilson Mahaly Wilson Kemper, MS abt 1824 Alabama Self][John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: Mahaly Wilson W. Wilson Kemper, MS abt 1826 Alabama Wife]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: Sarah J. Wilson W. Wilson, Mahaly Wilson Kemper, MS abt 1847 Mississippi Daughter]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: Emily M. Wilson W. Wilson, Mahaly Wilson Kemper, MS abt 1860 Mississippi Daughter]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: Mary E. Wilson W. Wilson, Mahaly Wilson Kemper, MS abt 1864 Mississippi Daughter]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: Virginia C. Wilson W. Wilson, Mahaly Wilson Kemper, MS abt 1868 Mississippi Daughter]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: H. H. Wilson W. Wilson, Mahaly Wilson Kemper, MS abt 1855 Mississippi Son]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: Thomas Wilson Anna J. Wilson Kemper, MS abt 1844 Mississippi Self][John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: E. B. Wilson E. A. Wilson Kemper, MS abt 1845 Mississippi Self][John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: E. A. Wilson E. B. Wilson Kemper, MS abt 1855 Alabama Wife]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: J. F. Wilson E. B. Wilson, E. A. Wilson Kemper, MS abt 1870 Mississippi Son]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: W. J. Wilson E. B. Wilson, E. A. Wilson Kemper, MS abt 1872 Mississippi Daughter]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: E. M. Wilson E. B. Wilson, E. A. Wilson Kemper, MS abt 1877 Mississippi Son]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: Anna J. Wilson Thomas Wilson Kemper, MS abt 1847 Mississippi Wife]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: William Wilson Thomas Wilson, Anna J. Wilson Kemper, MS abt 1871 Mississippi Son]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: Mary Wilson Thomas Wilson, Anna J. Wilson Kemper, MS abt 1873 Mississippi Daughter]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: Felix Wilson Thomas Wilson, Anna J. Wilson Kemper, MS abt 1876 Mississippi Son]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: Thomas Wilson Thomas Wilson, Anna J. Wilson Kemper, MS abt 1878 Mississippi Son]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: L. M. Wilson N. E. Wilson De Kalb, Kemper, MS abt 1856 Mississippi Self][John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: N. E. Wilson L. M. Wilson De Kalb, Kemper, MS abt 1864 South Carolina Wife]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: J. A. Wilson L. M. Wilson, N. E. Wilson De Kalb, Kemper, MS abt 1880 Mississippi Son]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: Phenie Wilson Kemper, MS abt 1846 Mississippi Sister][John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: J. P. Wilson Charity Wilson De Kalb, Kemper, MS abt 1853 Mississippi Self][John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: W. J. Wilson Jane Wilson De Kalb, Kemper, MS abt 1819 Alabama Self][John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: Jane Wilson W. J. Wilson De Kalb, Kemper, MS abt 1834 North Carolina Wife]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: R. C. Wilson W. J. Wilson, Jane Wilson De Kalb, Kemper, MS abt 1859 Mississippi Son]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: J. W. Wilson W. J. Wilson, Jane Wilson De Kalb, Kemper, MS abt 1862 Mississippi Son]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: Alice Wilson W. J. Wilson, Jane Wilson De Kalb, Kemper, MS abt 1863 Mississippi Daughter]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: Enock Wilson W. J. Wilson, Jane Wilson De Kalb, Kemper, MS abt 1865 Mississippi Son]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: Eugene Wilson W. J. Wilson, Jane Wilson De Kalb, Kemper, MS abt 1866 Mississippi Son]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: Willis Wilson W. J. Wilson, Jane Wilson De Kalb, Kemper, MS abt 1870 Mississippi Son]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: Jane Wilson W. J. Wilson, Jane Wilson De Kalb, Kemper, MS abt 1874 Mississippi Daughter]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: Charity Wilson J. P. Wilson De Kalb, Kemper, MS abt 1853 Alabama Wife]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: J. R. Wilson De Kalb, Kemper, MS abt 1879 Mississippi Something other than a direct relationship]
[John M. Gwin Note: The 1880 census of Kemper Co., MS, says: Beng Wilson Kemper, MS abt 1862 Mississippi Something other than a direct relationship]