


Albie   Jamnick   Melovosich  Nestor  Niska 
Poderzay Ravnikar Taskinen Wentworth

Updated 17 Feb 2025

Updated 17 May 2024
Updated 28 May 2023

at Beau's and Charity's home

Updated 27 Nov 2021

Updated 15 Mar 2019

Updated 23 Aug 2014

with Facebook links throughout

Updated 6 May 2012

with Omerza family data from the 1930 and 1940 censuses

with Albie family data from the 1930 and 1940 censuses

The updating of the numbering system used on this page has been completed.
Generation 28 is my own; 27 is that of my parents; 29 is that of my children, etc.
John M. Gwin, Mar 2009

The reformatting of the name font and census data for this page has been completed. --John M. Gwin, Aug 2011

              On 19 July 2001, Charity Elizabeth Gwin, the older of Sharon's and my daughters and first of our three children to marry, said "I do" to Beau Scott Pihlaja, the older of Scott and Mary Jo's sons and the first of their three children to marry.         
              Beau and Charity lived for three years in Deerfield, IL, near Scott and Mary Jo and where they were active in the Evangelical Free Church.  Beau graduated a second time from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in May 2008, ending up with both master of divinity and master of theology degrees.  With her bachelor's from NMSU in Journalism and English, Charity was an associate editor for three construction/trade magazines in the Greater Chicago area while they were in Deerfield. 
God led them to Bangalore, India, where Beau taught for a year at a small evangelical seminary.  His students were pastors and pastors-to-be from all over India. 
              After a trying "trying" time, God in His timing and grace gave them a healthy baby boy, Asher Samuel Neeraj Pihlaja, born in 2008. 
They returned to the U.S. in June 2009, and God gave them a second child, Cressida Noel Pihlaja, born in El Paso, TX, in 2010.  She's Sharon's and my sixth grandchild--and first granddaughter! 
              God led Beau to receive his PhD in Rhetoric at UTEP--
the University of Texas at El PasoNow he is a professor in the Rhetoric Department at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas.
--John M. Gwin

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Ahnentafel in Family Tree Format:
An Overview of Both Scott's and Mary Jo's Lines

Here's an alphabetical list of the ten last names mentioned in the ahnentafel below: 
Albie, Gwin, Jamnick, Melovosich, Niska, Pihlaja, Poderzay, Ravnikar, Taskinen, Wentworth.

32--Mr. Pihlaja

16--Mr. Pihlaja

33--Mrs. Pihlaja nee unk.)

08--Jack N. Pihlaja


17--Mrs. Pihlaja (nee unk.)


04--Howard N. Pihlaja

36--Mr. Niska

18--Peter Niska

37--Mrs. Niska (nee unk.)

09--Ina Marie Niska

38--Mr. Taskinen

19--Eva Maria Taskinen

39--Mrs. Taskinen (nee unk.)

02--Scott S. Pihlaja

40--Mr. Albie

20--Mr. Albie

41--Mrs. Albie (nee unk.)

10--Ralf Albie


21--Mrs. Albie (nee unk.)


05--Rosemarie Albie


22--John Wentworth


11--Ruth A. Wentworth


23--Lydia (nee unk.)


01--Beau S. Pihlaja
m. Charity E. Gwin

48--Mr. Ravnikar

24--Mr. Ravnikar
49--Mrs. Ravnikar (nee unk.)

12--Louis J. Ravnikar, Sr.


25--Mrs. Ravnikar (nee unk.)


06--Ernie Ravnikar

52--Mr. Melovosich

26--Mr. Melovosich

53--Mrs. Melovosich (nee unk.)

13--Josephine Melovosich


27--Mrs. Melovosich (nee unk.)


03--Mary Jo Ravnikar

56--Mr. Jamnick

28--Mr. Jamnick

57--Mrs. Jamnick (nee unk.)

14--Joseph J. Jamnick


29--Mrs. Jamnick (nee unk.)


07--Mary Jamnick

60--Mr. Omerza

30--John Omerza

61--Mrs. Omerza (nee unk.)

15--Mary C. Omerza

62--Mr. Poderzay

31--Mary Poderzay (nee unk.)

63--Mrs. Poderzay (nee unk.)

1.  My original information came from the family of my son-in-law, Beau Scott Pihlaja--his parents, his grandparents, et al, all listed below.
Ancestry.com has provided access to various U. S. census and other documents providing additional data.
In April 2007 I corresponded with Mike Pihlaja, the youngest son of Jack and Ina (Niska) Pihlaja, who sent me the family tree of all Jack's and Ina's descendants. I've added that information in this green color.
A fascinating human interest story on Beau's paternal grandfather, Howard Pihlaja, of Phillip, SD, caught my eye.
In Dec 2011 I met on Ancestry.com the daughter-in-law of Henry and Ella (Niska) Dhennin, Mrs. Beth Dhennin, who provided quite a bit of data that helped us expand our Niska section below.
Several obituaries and other data found on Findagrave.com have been excellent resources; these are linked to their Findagrave.com memorials.
--John M. Gwin

26.01--Jack Nestor Pihlaja, b. ca. 1895; d. 1976; bd. unk.; m. ca. 1918 to Ina Marie Niska (b. ca. 1902; d. 1985; bd. unk.); at least 12 ch.;

[listed as Jack N. Pihlaja, Finland/Finland/Finland, age 35 and md. at age 24, in the 7 Apr 1930 census of Good Hope Twp., Itasca Co., MN]

[listed as Ina M. Pihlaja, Finland/Finland/Finland, age 28 and md. at age 17, in the 7 Apr
1930 census of Good Hope Twp., Itasca Co., MN]

Here are Jack's and Ina's twelve known children:

27.01--Hans Pihlaja b. 1919; m. never
27.02--Lyla Pihlaja b. 1921; m. Art Carlson
27.03--Maija Pihlaja b. 1922; m. Harry Over
27.04--Howard Nestor Pihlaja b. 1924; m. Rosemarie Albie 
27.05--Robert E. Pihlaja b. 1926; m. unk.
27.06--Aune M. Pihlaja b. 1929; m. Leland Anderson
27.07--Delia Pihlaja b. 1931; m. Alan Hovi
27.08--Helen Pihlaja; m. Blaine Carlson
27.09--Arnold Pihlaja b. 1935; m. unk.
27.10--Shirley Pihlaja; m. Cliff Jacobsen
27.11--Arlen Pihlaja b. 1940; m. Jane (nee unk.)
27.12--Mike Pihlaja; m. Lynda (nee unk.)




27.01--Hannes E. "Hans" Pihlaja, b. 31 Jul 1919; d. 14 Dec 1923, age 4; bd. Squaw Lake Cem., Squaw Lake, Itasca Co., MN--Sect. 1, Row 6--FAG# 216010292; m. never; no ch.;
[listed as Hannes E. Pihlaja, age 5 mo., daughter, in the 1920 census of Good Hope, Itasca Co., MN];




27.02--Laila Emmi "Lyla" Pihlaja, b. 2 Apr 1921 in Itaska Co., MN; d. 26 Feb 1976 in Itaska Co., MN; ; age 54; bd. Sand Lake Cem., Itasca Co., MN--Find A Grave Memorial# 76109268; m. 25 Aug 1945 in Itasca Co., MN to Arthur "Art" Carlson (b. 1913; d. 1973; bd. Sand Lake Cem., Itasca Co., MN--Find A Grave Memorial# 76109235); no known ch.;
[listed as Laila E. Pihlaja, age 8, b. in MN/Finland/Finland, in the1930 census of Good Hope, Itasca Co., MN]
[listed as Lyla Pihlaja, age 19, b. in MN, in the 22 Apr 1940 census of Good Hope Twp., Itasca Co., MN]
[listed as Lila A. Carlson, age 29, b. in MN, in the 10 Apr 1950 census of Sand Lake, Good Hope Twp., Itasca Co., MN--no ch. listed]

[listed as Arthur Carlson, farmer, age 37, b. in Sweden, in the 10 Apr 1950 census of Sand Lake, Good Hope Twp., Itasca Co., MN--no ch. listed]



27.03--Miriam Ellen "Maija" (say MY yah) Pihlaja, b. 2 Dec 1922 in Good Hope, Itasca Co., MN; d. 13 Jan 2001 in Grand Rapids, Itasca Co., MN, age 78; bd. Squaw Lake Cem., Squaw Lake, Itaska Co., MN--FAG# 256773065; m. 8 Dec 1947 in Itaska Co., MN to Harry Edward Over (b. 11 Feb 1910; d. 11 Nov 1997; bd. Squaw Lake Cem., Squaw Lake, Itaska Co., MN--FAG# 256773065); unk. ch.;
[listed as Miriam E. Pihlaja, age 7, b. MN, in the 7 Apr 1930 census of Good Hope Twp., Itasca Co., MN]
[listed as Mariam Pihlaja, age 17, b. in MN, in the 22 Apr 1940 census of Good Hope Twp., Itasca Co., MN]
[listed as Miriam Over, 27, b. MN, retail grocery store clerk, in the 1 Apr
1950 census of Squaw Lake Village, Itaska Co., MN]

[listed as Harry Over, 40, b. IL, tavern bartender, in the 1 Apr 1950 census of Squaw Lake Village, Itaska Co., MN]

































27.04--Howard Nestor Pihlaja, CONTRIBUTOR; b. 17 Oct 1924 in Blackduck, near Grand Rapids, Itasca Co., MN; operated heavy equipment in SD; d. 8 Feb 2016, age 91, in Philip, Haakon Co., SD; bd. Black Hills Nat. Cem., Sturgis, Meade Co. SD--FAG# 57974815--"TEC 5, US ARMY WW2, BRONZE STAR, PROUDLY SERVED"; m1. 30 Dec 1951 to Rosemarie Albie (b. 1932 in Nashwauk, MN, d/o Ruth Angela (Wentworth) Stelter and Raphael Albie; d. 15 Jan 2008); one child; m2. Jean Burns [PRIVATE]; m3. Arlene Talley [PRIVATE];
[listed as Howard Pihlaja, age 5, in the1930 census of Good Hope, Itasca Co., MN]
[listed as Howard Pihlaja, age 15, b. in MN, in the 22 Apr 1940 census of Good Hope Twp., Itasca Co., MN]
[listed as Howard Pihlaja, age 25, b. in MN, iron ore mine bulldozer operator, in the 8 Apr 1950 census of Good Hope Twp., Itasca Co., MN]

Howard Pihlaja, age 86, in 2010
[John M. Gwin Note:  The following obituary was taken from http://www.pioneer-review.com/obits/howard-pihlaja:


Howard Pihlaja, age 91, Philip, S.D., died on Monday, Feb. 8, 2016, at the Hans P. Peterson Memorial Hospital in Philip.
            Howard N. Pihlaja was born Oct. 17, 1924, in Grand Rapids, Minn., to Jack and Ina (Niska) Pihlaja. He was raised in Squaw Lake, Minn., the fourth of 12 children in the family which consisted of six boys--Hans, Howard, Robert, Arnold, Arlan, and Mike--and six girls--Lila, Miriam, Aune, Delia, Helen, and Shirley.  As a child of six or seven, one of Howard’s tasks was skinning bullheads.  As an adolescent he held a job where, with the help of his unique blacksmith skinning pincher, he was able to skin 2,000 pounds of bullheads in a 12-hour day.
            Howard left home in 1939 at the age of 15 to drive trucks and to work in the construction and timber industries. In 1943, he was drafted into the U.S. Army. During his period of service, he went through five major campaigns beginning June 6, 1944, with the invasion of Normandy and continued through battles in Northern France, the Ardennes, Rhineland and Central Europe.  His duties included serving in the combat infantry and eventually light truck driving. He ended his period of service on Nov. 24, 1945 with a T5 grade rating.
            Upon release from the service, one of his projects was gifting his father with a 1946 Pontiac.  Then he and a group of friends went looking for work and found it timbering high trees in Sand Point, Idaho.  Eventually, he moved to Montana and worked on Hungry Horse Dam in the saw mill where he was solely responsible for handling and sharpening the 72-inch circular saw. Howard developed amazing upper body strength because of his jobs and enjoyed putting a catalog under his elbow so that he was not at a disadvantage with his short stature, and vanquishing all comers as they tried to wrestle his arm down.
             He returned to Minnesota and married Rose Marie Albie. Howard and Rosie were married for 13 years and had one son, Scott.  Howard worked for Hodgeman and Sons from Fairmont, Minn. for nine years doing road construction during that time.  He followed his two brothers, Bobby and Arnold, to Alaska where he worked in a coal mine for one year, and for three years he worked for Peter Kiewiet. That job led him to Philip where he continued with PK and worked on missile sites.
            When the missile sites were completed, he worked for Don Burns for three years and then moved over to Chevrolet for a few months. Making stock racks for Chevrolet led to his employment at Scotchman Industries. His work there bending square tubing led to his 27-year occupation as welder and mechanic at Philip Livestock Auction where he did many things, among them making circular hay feeders with the help of a machine he invented to roll sucker rod into loops for the feeders.
            One of his most interesting jobs was making a tree planter for Jerry Roseth. With the new planter he designed, he was able to compress three weeks of work planting trees into three days. Howard had an uncanny ability to gauge perspective, understand physics and mechanics, and see what needed to be done. He was passionately interested in all aspects of surveying, pumps, hydraulics, cranes, transmissions, motors, construction, and tools.  His great joy was perceiving a problem in a situation or piece of equipment which demanded a “fix.”  Even better was the notion of a complete transformation into something new that worked better than the original plan, idea, or mechanical piece.
            Howard married Jean Burns when he came to Philip. They were married for 13 years, and he then married Arlene Talley and lived in Sturgis for 13 years where he worked as a machinist and drove his own truck.
            Upon his return to Philip in 1993, he went right back to work for Philip Livestock Auction. He also worked on his own as a cat and grader blade operator. His hobbies included fishing and big game hunting. One of his great joys in later life was taking the Honor Flight to see the WWII Memorial in Washington, D.C.  It inspired him to host a pancake breakfast at the American Legion which was generously attended by the people of Philip. The amount of $3,600 was raised to send other veterans on an Honor Flight.
            Howard founded and funded “Swim For Life.” This is a project which, to date, has offered free swimming lessons and passes to many children in this community.
             Howard was preceded in death by his parents and all of his brothers and sisters except Helen, Shirley, and Mike.
            Howard will be missed greatly by members of his family and friends. He is loved and mourned by his son and daughter-in-law, Scott and Mary Jo Pihlaja and their children, Beau and Charity Pihlaja and their children, Asher and Cressida; Stephen and Yoko Pihlaja and their children, Naomi, Mei, and Mia; and Miranda and Allan Straub and their children, Emmy and Linus. In addition, Jean Burns’ children and grandchildren are especially appreciative of all that Howard brought to their lives.
          Visitation will be held from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 16, at the Rush Funeral Home in Philip.  Services will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 17, at the American Legion in Philip, with Pastor Harold Delbridge officiating.  Interment with military honors will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 17, at the Black Hills National Cemetery in Sturgis.
            A memorial is established to Swim For Life and may be directed to P.O. Box 910, Philip, SD  57567.  Arrangements are with Rush Funeral Home of Philip.]

Rosemarie Albie, 76, formerly of Blackduck, died Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2008, in Tucson, Ariz.  A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, May 25, at the Blackduck Senior Center. Friends and acquaintances are welcome. She was born Jan. 10, 1932, to Ruth and Raphael Albie in Nashwauk, Minnesota.
1930 Census: Ralf [Ralph] Albie (38) born about 1892 in Italy, was living in township 58, Itasca, Minnesota. He was married to Ruth Albie (35) born in Minnesota about 1895.
Children: Herold (10) and Richard (6). Charles Blair (67) a widowed boarder was living with them. He was born in Canada about 1863.
1940 Census: Ruth A Albie (45) was widowed and farming on Schafer Road in Township 58 Range 22, Itasca County, Minnesota.
Children: Harold Hamaline (20) born about 1920 in Minnesota, Richard Albie (16), Lydia Albie (9), and Rose Albie (8).
1951: Marriage of Howard Nester Pihlaja and Rosemarie Albie, December 30 1951 in Beltrami County, Minnesota.

28.01--Scott Stewart Pihlaja, CONTRIBUTOR [PRIVATE]; m. Mary Josephine "Mary Jo" Ravnikar, [PRIVATE]; d/o Ernest "Ernie" Ravnikar and Mary Jamnick, [PRIVATE]; oldest of four siblings: Ernie Jr., Paul, Laura, Tony); three children, eleven grandchildren;
29.01--Beau Scott Pihlaja, CONTRIBUTOR facebook; [PRIVATE]; m. Charity Elizabeth Gwin, CONTRIBUTOR facebook; [PRIVATE]; d/o John Gwin facebook; [PRIVATE]; and Sharon Lynn Hamrick, facebook; [PRIVATE];
30.01--Asher Samuel Neeraj Pihlaja, [PRIVATE];

30.02--Cressida Noel Pihlaja, [PRIVATE];
29.02--Stephen Scott Pihlaja, [PRIVATE]; m.  Yoko Kawada, [PRIVATE];
30.01--Naomi Kawada Pihlaja, [PRIVATE];

30.02--Mei Kawada Pihlaja

30.03--Mia Kawada Pihlaja
29.03--Miranda Christine "Mandy" Pihlaja, facebook; [PRIVATE]; m.  Allan Straub, facebook; [PRIVATE];
30.01--Amelie "Emmy" Straub, [PRIVATE];
30.02--Linus Straub, [PRIVATE];

30.03--Elijah "Eli" Straub, [PRIVATE]

30.04--Hadassah Straub, [PRIVATE];

30.05--Peter Straub, [PRIVATE];

30.06--Deborah Jean Straub, [PRIVATE];



27.05--Robert E. "Bobby" Pihlaja, b. 17 Nov 1926; d. 9 Apr 1985 in Alaska, age 58; bd. Squaw Lake Cem., Squaw Lake, Itasca Co., MN--FAG# 216010332--"PFC US ARMY  WORLD WAR II"; m. never; no ch.;
[listed as Robert Pihlaja, age 13, b. in MN, in the 22 Apr 1940 census of Good Hope Twp., Itasca Co., MN]
       Memorial service for Robert E. Pihlaja, 58, Fairbanks, Alaska, formerly of Squaw Lake, MN, was held April 19, 1985 at the Fairbanks Legion Club.  Born Nov. 17, 1926 at Squaw Lake, he was raised there and later served in the U.S. Army in 1945 and 1946 in Germany.   In 1952 he moved to Alaska and worked with heavy construction on the North Slope.  He was a member of the Masonic Lodge, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and American Legion, all of Fairbanks. 
        Survivors are four brothers: Howard, Sturgis, S.D.; Arnold, Fairbanks; Arlen, Bigfalls; and Michael, Grand Rapids; and five sisters: Miriam Over and Helen Carlson, both of Squaw Lake; Aune Anderson, Littlefork; Delia Hovi, Grand Rapids; and Shirley Jacobson, Minnetonka.
Obituary taken from Robert's FindAGrave memorial

























27.06--Aune Marcella "Onie" Pihlaja, dau., b. 17 Apr 1929 in Itasca Co., MN; d. 28 Jan 2010 in International Falls, Koochiching Co., MN; bd. Oakley Cem., Littlefork, Koochiching Co., MN--FAG#184328847; m. 20 Dec 1947 to Leland George Anderson (b. 1926; d. 1999; bd. unk.); at least five ch.;
[listed as Aune Pihlaja, age 11, b. in MN, in the 22 Apr 1940 census of Good Hope Twp., Itasca Co., MN]
            Aune (Onie) Marcella Anderson, 80, of Littlefork died Thursday morning, January 28, 2010 at the Rainy Lake Medical Center.
            Aune was born April 17, 1929 in Good Hope Township, MN to Jack and Ina (Niska) Pihlaja.  She was united in marriage to Leland Anderson on December 20, 1947.
            Aune was a member of the VFW Ladies Auxiliary, and she was Senior Citizen of the Year.  Aune was the last survivor of the Lucky 13 Birthday Club.  She volunteered at the Minnesota District Fair for almost 50 years. Aune was well known for her painting, wallpapering, cutting hair, giving perms, sewing up a storm, and crocheting hundreds of doilies.
            The highlights of Aune's life were her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  She was always admired for her wonderful cooking abilities--her grandchildren will always remember her delicious fried chicken, baked beans, and homemade buns.
            Aune lived the last three and a half years at the Jackpine Chateau in Littlefork.  She absolutely loved her little apartment, and--the best thing of all--she didn't have to cook.
            Aune was preceded in death by her husband, Leland in 1999; daughters, Janet Reller in 1990 and Debbie Pochelon in 2004; sisters, Mia Over, Lyla Carlson; and Delia Hovi; and brothers, Arnold, Robert, and infant Hans Pihlaja.
            Aune is survived by her daughter, Vonna Anderson (David) Sather of Littlefork, MN; sons, Tom Anderson of Sioux Falls, SD and Tim Anderson of Int'l Falls; grandchildren, Theresa (Doug) Franz, Angie (Rob) Sekula, Laurie (Dieter) Humbert, Joe (Autumn) Sather, Chelsey (Chad) Kuffenkam, Jeremy Pochelon, Jared, Ryan, and Tyler (Lani Frank); great-grandchildren, Molly, Justin, Jacob, Peter, Emily, Jenna, Ben, Janet, Blaine, Kristjan, and Ashton; sisters, Shirley Jacobson and Helen Carlson, and brothers, Mike Pihlaja, Arlen Pihlaja, and Howard Pihlaja.
            Visitation will be held on Sunday evening, January 31, 2010 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at Green Larsen Mortuary.  Funeral services will be held on Monday, February 1, 2010 at 11:00 a.m. at Littlefork Lutheran Church.  Interment will be in Oakley Cemetery.  Memorials in Aune's memory may be made to the Littlefork Jackpine Chateau.
--Green-Larsen Mortuary Inc.
1930 Census: Jack N Pihlaja (35) born about 1895 in Finland, was living at Good Hope, Itasca, Minnesota. Occupation - farming. He was married to Ina M Pihlaja (28) born about 1902 in Finland. Children (all born in Minnesota): Laila E (8), Miriam E (7), Howard N (5), Robert E (3), and Aune M (11 months).
1940 Census: Jack N Pihlaja (45) born about 1895 in Finland, was living at Good Hope, Itasca, Minnesota. Occupation - farming. He was married to Ina M Pihlaja (38) born about 1902 in Finland. Children: Laila (19), Miriam (17), Howard (15), Robert (13), Aune (11), Delia (9), Helen (7), Arnold (5), and Shirley (2).

: Marriage of Leland George Anderson and Aune Marcella Pihlaja, December 20 1947 in Itasca County, Minnesota.

30.02--Justin Franz facebook, [PRIVATE]; m. unk. wife, facebook [PRIVATE];
31.01--son Franz, facebook [PRIVATE];
30.03--Jacob John "No Hands" Franz facebook, [PRIVATE];

30.04--Peter Franz facebook , [PRIVATE];

30.05--Emily Franz facebook, [PRIVATE];
29.02--Laurie Reller facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Dieter Humbert, facebook [PRIVATE];
30.01--Jenna Lea Humbert facebook [PRIVATE];

30.02--Benjamin "Ben" Humbert facebook, [PRIVATE];

30.03--Janet Elizabeth Humbert facebook, [PRIVATE];

30.04--Blaine David Humbert facebook [PRIVATE];
31.01--Blaine Humbert facebook [PRIVATE];

28.02--Vonna Anderson facebook [PRIVATE]; m. David Sather, [PRIVATE];
29.01--Angela Sather [PRIVATE]; m. Rob Sekula, [PRIVATE];

29.02--Joe "Joey" Sather facebook [PRIVATE]; m.  Autumn "Auttie" Johnson facebook [PRIVATE];
30.01--Kristjan Sather facebook pic [PRIVATE];

30.02--Nolan David "Nollie" Sather facebook pic [PRIVATE];

30.03--Everett Kapp "Ev" Sather facebook pic [PRIVATE];

28.03--Tom Lee "Tommy" Anderson, b. 23 Aug 1953 in Littlefork, MN; d. 26 Aug 2013 in Sioux Falls, SD; bd. unk.;
            Tommy L. Anderson, 60, died Monday, August 26, 2013, at the Sanford Heart Hospital in Sioux Falls, SD.
            Tommy Lee Anderson, the son of Leland and Aune (Pihlaja) Anderson was born August 23, 1953, in Littlefork, MN.  He graduated from the Littlefork-Big Falls High School in 1971.  Tommy then went on to Rainy River Community College in 1973, and then Moorhead State University in 1976.
            Tommy worked his way through college in the restaurant business, and it became his passion.  He was employed at the Ground Round Restaurant in Fargo, ND; Sioux Falls, SD; and Bismarck, ND; and the John Barley Corn Restaurant in Grand Forks, ND.  Tommy was currently the manager of the Old Chicago Restaurant in Sioux Falls, a position he held for over 10 years.
            Tom was a great golfer and spent many countless hours golfing with his twin brother Tim.  He was always gone for entering a tournament or traveling near and far to be able to check out which golf course was the best.  Tom also loved coming up north in the fall.  He looked forward to four-wheeling with "Mustard" (brother-in-law and friend), staying at the cabin, sitting around the campfire, and also trying to get a few partridge now and then.  Tom also loved fishing, and the times in Canada will be fondly remembered.  Many times he would make the long trip from Sioux Falls to go ice fishing with the guys--those times will stay in our hearts forever.
            Tom would always be excited when he got to come home for the holidays.  He cherished the times with his nieces and nephews and loved getting to know his grandnieces and grandnephews.  He adored all of them. 
            A visitation was held on Thursday, August 29th as a request by many employees from the Old Chicago who were not able to attend the memorial on Friday.  After the visitation at the Miller Funeral Home, the family was treated to a meal put on by Old Chicago.  We, the family, were speechless and overwhelmed by the love shown to Tommy--he touched hundreds of lives in the 22 years he was in Sioux Falls.  From teenagers to the elderly, it was truly amazing.
            A memorial service was held on Friday, August 30th at Peace Lutheran Church.  Special music was by Autumn Sather, and honorary pallbearers were all of Tommy's employees of Old Chicago.
            Tommy, you were an inspiration to all of us. You will live forever in our hearts.
            Grateful for having shared his life are his sister, Vonna (David) Sather; his twin brother, Tim; several nieces and nephews; and a host of other relatives and friends.  He was preceded in death by his parents, Leland and Aune (Onie) Pihlaja Anderson, and two sisters, Janet (Martin) Reller and Debbie (Al) Pochelon.  A local memorial service is planned for 11:00 a.m. on Friday, September 13, 2013 at the Littlefork Lutheran Church.  The family has requested that memorials be directed to the Sioux Falls Old Chicago Employee Helping Hand.

28.04--Tim Anderson facebook, [PRIVATE]; m. unk.; at least four ch.;
29.01--Jared Anderson, [PRIVATE];

29.02--Ryan Anderson facebook, [PRIVATE]; m. Megan (nee unk.) facebook [PRIVATE];
30.01--son Anderson, [PRIVATE];

30.02--Renlie Anderson

29.03--Chelsey Anderson facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Chad Kuffenkam facebook [PRIVATE];
30.01--Jaxon Kuffenkam, [PRIVATE];

Amelia "Mia" Kuffenkam, [PRIVATE];

Hadley Kuffenkam, [PRIVATE];

29.04--Tyler Anderson facebook [PRIVATE]; m.  Lani Marie (nee unk.; m2. Mr. Drewes) facebook [PRIVATE];
30.01--Tyla Anderson, [PRIVATE];


30.03--Paisley Anderson,

28.05--Debra Kay "Debbie" Anderson, b. 10 Aug 1956 in Littlefork, Koochiching Co., MN; d. 21 May 2004 in Madison Co., MT; bd. Oakley Cem., Littlefork, Koochiching Co., MN--FAG# 184328913; m. Al Pochelon
29.01--Jeremy Pochelon [PRIVATE];







27.07--Delia Marie Pihlaja, b. 11 Apr 1931 in Squaw Lake, MN; d. 7 Aug 2007; bd. Squaw Lake Cem. (aka Niska Memorial Cem.), Squaw Lake, Itasca Co., MN--Find A Grave Memorial# 20871056; m. 28 Jul 1956 in Squaw Lake, MN, to Allan T. Hovi (b. 19 Oct 1931. d. 15 Oct 2028); at least two ch.;

Delia's Obituary
          Delia Marie Hovi, 76, of Grand Rapids, Minnesota died Tuesday, August 7, 2007. She was born April 11, 1931 to Jack and Ina Pihlaja in Squaw Lake, Minn. and attended school in Squaw Lake graduating from Blackduck High School in 1949.        
            She received her Teaching Certificate in Duluth, Minnesota and then taught in Aurora and Coleraine, Minn.
            She was united in marriage to Allan Hovi on July 28, 1956 in Squaw Lake. After their marriage, Delia was a homemaker and was later employed at J.C. Penney in Grand Rapids. She was a member of the First Evangelical Lutheran Church where she taught Sunday school and was involved in several church activities. Delia enjoyed the outdoors, spending time at their cabin in Squaw Lake and most of all spending time with her family.
            She was preceded in death by her parents; one son, Gary; two sisters, Lyla Carlson and Mia Over; and three brothers; Hans, Bobby and Arnold Pihlaja.
            She is survived by her husband, Allan; one daughter, Karla (Jeff) Trappe of Bemidji, Minn.; one
daughter-in-law, Jody Hovi of Grand Rapids, Minn.; three sisters, Aune Anderson of Little Fork, Minn., Helen Carlson of Squaw Lake, Minn., Shirley (Cliff) Jacobson of Minnetonka, Minn.; three brothers, Howard (Jean) Pihlaja of Philip, S.D., Arlen (Jane) Pihlaja of Big Falls, Minn., Mike (Lynda) Pihlaja of Grand Rapids, Minn.; three grandchildren, Jared (Jada) Hovi, and Kevin and Amy Trappe all of Bemidji, Minn.    
            VISITATION:  5 to 7 p.m. on Friday, August 10, 2007 in the Rowe Funeral Home in Grand Rapids, Minn. and will continue one hour prior to the service at the church. Funeral Services will be at 11 a.m. on Saturday, August 11, 2007 in First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Grand Rapids, Minn. Rev. Michael L. Eckert will officiate. Burial will be Saturday, August 11, 2007 at 2 p.m. at Squaw Lake Cemetery in Squaw Lake, Minn.
Published in the Duluth News Tribune on 10 Aug 2007.  Taken from Facebook.com
Allan's Obituary
            Allan Toivo Hovi, age 86, resident of Majestic Pines Assisted Living, Grand Rapids, MN, passed away Monday, October 15, 2018 at Grand Itasca Hospital. He was born in 1931 to Toivo and Irja Hovi in Cloquet, MN. 
            He attended school in Squaw Lake, MN and graduated from Blackduck High School in 1949.  On July 28, 1956, Allan was united in marriage to Delia Marie Pihlaja. He was a self-employed carpenter before being employed with the Itasca County Assessor’s office in 1970 until his retirement as Itasca County Assessor in 1994. Allan also served on the LaPrairie City Council.
            He was an avid duck hunter who loved the outdoors and spending time at the cabin in Squaw Lake. He was a member of First Evangelical Lutheran Church where he was active with the men’s club.
            Preceding him in death were his parents; wife, Delia; son, Gary; and an infant sister.
            Allan is survived by his daughter, Karla (Jeff) Trappe; daughter-in-law, Jody (Stephen) Connolly; grandchildren: Jared (Jada) Hovi , Kevin Trappe, and Amy Trappe; and two great-grandchildren, Jaena and Jaxon Hovi.
            Burial will be in Squaw Lake Cemetery, Squaw Lake, MN.

28.01--Karla Hovi, [PRIVATE] m. Jeff Trappe facebook [PRIVATE]; at least two ch.
29.01--Kevin Trappe [PRIVATE];

29.02--Amy Trappe [PRIVATE];
28.02--Gary Hovi, b. 16 Aug 1963; d. bef. 2007; bd. unk.; m. Jody (nee unk.)--facebook [PRIVATE]; Jody m2. Stephen Connolly  [PRIVATE]; at least one ch.;
29.01--Jared Hovi facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Jada (nee unk.) facebook  [PRIVATE];
30.01--Jaena Hovi, dau.  [PRIVATE];

30.02--Jaxon Hovi, son,



27.08--Helen Pihlaja [PRIVATE]; m. Blaine Carlson [PRIVATE]; at least one ch.;
28.01--Kathy Carlson facebook [PRIVATE]; no known ch.;




27.09--Arnold James "Arnie" Pihlaja, b. 18 Jan 1935; d. 10 Nov 2006; bd. Squaw Lake Cem., Squaw Lake, Itaska Co., MN--FAG#256773192; m. 9 Jun 1956 in Itasca, MN to  Joyce Elaine Weisert (b. 14 Nov 1940 in St. Francis, KS; d. 21 Mar 2007; bd. unk.; div.; Joyce m2. 17 Mar 1980 in Pierce, WA to Raymond J. Schwahn); at least three ch., all by Joyce;
28.01--Keith Pihlaja [PRIVATE]; m. Kymmers "Kym" [PRIVATE]; at least two ch.;
29.01--Eric Pihlaja [PRIVATE];

29.02--Kylee Pihlaja
facebook  facebook [PRIVATE]; m1. Mr. Tisdell [PRIVATE]; m2. Destin Stark [PRIVATE]; at least three ch.;
30.01--son Tisdell [PRIVATE];

dau. Tisdell [PRIVATE];

dau. Tisdell [PRIVATE];
28.02--Tracy Pihlaja, facebook [PRIVATE];  m. Frank Vignola [PRIVATE];

28.03--Julie Pihlaja  [PRIVATE]; m. Kim [PRIVATE]; at least two ch.;





27.10--Shirley Pihlaja [PRIVATE]; m. Cliff Jacobsen [PRIVATE]; at least three ch.;
28.01--Robin Jacobsen, son, [PRIVATE]; m. Kathie  [PRIVATE; at least two ch.;
29.01--Dawson Jacobsen [PRIVATE];

29.02--Sawyer Jacobsen [PRIVATE];
28.02--Mark Jacobsen [PRIVATE]; m. Barb [PRIVATE]; at least two ch.;
29.01--Nicole Jacobsen [PRIVATE];

29.02--Garrett Jacobsen [PRIVATE];

28.03--Holly Jacobsen [PRIVATE]






27.11--Arlen "Iggy" Pihlaja, b. 26 Aug 1940; d. ca. 1 May 2010; m. Jane Emerson (nee unk.) facebook [PRIVATE]; at least three ch.;
            Arlen Jack "Iggy" Pihlaja, 69, Big Falls, Minn., died May 3, 2010.  He was born Aug. 26, 1940 in Squaw Lake.
            Arlen loved to fish, to hunt, and the hunting shack.
            He is survived by his wife Jane of 47 years; sons Roland "Rowdy" (Gloria) Pihlaja, Kelliher, Minn.; Bill (Beth) Pihlaja, Big Falls, Minn.; daughter Taresa Pihlaja, Streamwood, Ill.; sisters Helen Carlson, Squaw Lake, Minn. and Shirley Jacobson, Minnetonka, Minn.; brothers, Howard, Phillip, S.D., and Mike Pihlaja, Grand Rapids; eight grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and numerous nephews and nieces.
            Private Family Memorial Service Friday May 7, 2010.  Arrangements by Carroll Funeral Home, Deer River and Bigfork, Minn.
Taken from the online obituary page of the Grand Rapids, MN.com Herald Review
28.01--Roland Pihlaja [PRIVATE];
28.02--Taresa Pihlaja facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Mr. Boyum [PRIVATE]; at least five ch;
29.01--Coty Boyum facebook [PRIVATE]

29.02--Brittney Boyum facebook; [PRIVATE]; m. Mr. Schwartz [PRIVATE];

29.03--Heather Boyum facebook [PRIVATE] m. Mr. S [PRIVATE];

29.04--Brooke Boyum, twin, facebook [PRIVATE];

29.05--Blake Boyum, twin, facebook [PRIVATE];
28.03--Bill Pihlaja, Fire Chief; facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Beth facebook [PRIVATE]; at least two ch.;
29.01--Taylar Pihlaja; facebook [PRIVATE];

29.02--Jack Rowley Pihlaja facebook [PRIVATE];





27.12--Michael "Mike" Pihlaja, (Howard says "NOT Michael" :-) CONTRIBUTOR  [PRIVATE]; m. Lynda (nee unk.) [PRIVATE]; at least two ch;
28.01--Paula Pihlaja facebook friend [PRIVATE]; m. Mr. Olson  [PRIVATE]; at least four ch.;
29.01--Tyler Olson facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Cheyenne Orth facebook [PRIVATE];

29.02--Jordan W. Olson facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Sammie Selck facebook [PRIVATE];
30.01--Sophia Olson, facebook [PRIVATE];

30.02--Olson, facebook  [PRIVATE];

30.03--Olson, facebook [PRIVATE];
29.03--Colton Olson facebook [PRIVATE];

29.04--Aina Marie Olson facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Brandon Christen facebook [PRIVATE];
28.02--Kim Pihlaja facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Marty Campbell facebook [PRIVATE]; at least two ch.;
29.01--Ashley Campbell facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Brandon Beckman  facebook [PRIVATE];

--Emma Campbell facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Winston (nee unk.); [PRIVATE];


with additional information in separate sections for the following numbered families:





--additional information         

Delia's Obituary

          Delia M. Hovi, 76, of Grand Rapids, Minnesota died Tuesday, August 7, 2007. She was born April 11, 1931 to Jack and Ina Pihlaja in Squaw Lake, Minn. and attended school in Squaw Lake graduating from Blackduck High School in 1949.        
            She received her Teaching Certificate in Duluth, Minnesota and then taught in Aurora and Coleraine, Minn.
            She was united in marriage to Allan Hovi on July 28, 1956 in Squaw Lake. After their marriage, Delia was a homemaker and was later employed at J.C. Penney in Grand Rapids. She was a member of the First Evangelical Lutheran Church where she taught Sunday school and was involved in several church activities. Delia enjoyed the outdoors, spending time at their cabin in Squaw Lake and most of all spending time with her family.
            She was preceded in death by her parents; one son, Gary; two sisters, Lyla Carlson and Mia Over; and three brothers; Hans, Bobby and Arnold Pihlaja.
            She is survived by her husband, Allan; one daughter, Karla (Jeff) Trappe of Bemidji, Minn.; one
daughter-in-law, Jody Hovi of Grand Rapids, Minn.; three sisters, Aune Anderson of Little Fork, Minn., Helen Carlson of Squaw Lake, Minn., Shirley (Cliff) Jacobson of Minnetonka, Minn.; three brothers, Howard (Jean) Pihlaja of Philip, S.D., Arlen (Jane) Pihlaja of Big Falls, Minn., Mike (Lynda) Pihlaja of Grand Rapids, Minn.; three grandchildren, Jared (Jada) Hovi, and Kevin and Amy Trappe all of Bemidji, Minn.    
            VISITATION:  5 to 7 p.m. on Friday, August 10, 2007 in the Rowe Funeral Home in Grand Rapids, Minn. and will continue one hour prior to the service at the church. Funeral Services will be at 11 a.m. on Saturday, August 11, 2007 in First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Grand Rapids, Minn. Rev. Michael L. Eckert will officiate. Burial will be Saturday, August 11, 2007 at 2 p.m. at Squaw Lake Cemetery in Squaw Lake, Minn.
Published in the Duluth News Tribune on 10 Aug 2007.  Taken from Facebook.com

Some Pertinent Pihlaja Census Data

From the 5 Jan 1910 census of an unorganized town, Twp. 148, Rg. 27, Itaska County, Minnesota
Names in 1910 census of Township 148, Range 27, Itasca Co., MN
Peter Niska 29 1903
Eva Niska 31 1904
Ina Niska 8 1904
Kattie Niska 6 1904
Lizzie Niska 4 b. WI
Ella Niska 2 b. MN
Ellan Niska 2 b. MN
Anna Niska 1 y 2 m b. MN
Erland O Ikonen 24 boarder
Jalmar Leino 23 boarder

From the 5 Jan 1920 census of an unorganized town, Twp. 148, Rg. 27, Itaska Co., MN
John M. Gwin Comments
Peter Niska
Immigrated 1903;
naturalized 1912
Peter is Ina's father, Jack's father-in-law, Howard's maternal grandfather, one of Scott's four g-grandfathers, one of Beau's eight gg-grandfathers, and one of Asher's and Cressida's 16 ggg-grandfathers.


Eva is Ina's mother, Jack's mother-in-law, Howard's maternal grandmother, one of Scott's four g-grandmothers, one of Beau's, Stephen's, and Mandy's eight gg-grandmothers, and one of Asher's and Cressida's 16 ggg-grandmothers.

Katie E.
daughter wf

daughter wf

daughter (twin?) wf

daughter (twin?) wf


daughter wf

daughter wf

daughter wf

daughter wf

daughter wf
Jan 1917
3yr 0mo

Emmie daughter wf
1yr 6mo

Jack N. Pihlaja
Finland/Finland/Finland laborer

Ina M. Pihlaja

Hannes E. Pihlaja
daughter wf

Gust. W. Soumie
Finland/Finland/Finland farmer

From the 7 Apr 1930 census of Good Hope Twp., Itasca Co., MN
John M. Gwin Comments
Jack N. Pihlaja

farmer, general farm
Immigrated 1913; From his immigration date, 1913, we see that Jack will not be found in the 1910 census. I don't know if Minnesota held a state census in mid-decade, but that will be our next best bet at finding Jack's parents.

Ina M. Pihlaja wife

Immigrated 1904;

Laila E. Pihlaja daughter


Miriam E. Pihlaja daughter


Howard N. Pihlaja sn


Robert E. Pihlaja son

3yr 5mo

Aune M. Pihlaja daughter


Some Interesting Census Data
of Not-yet-related Pihlaja

From the 7 Jun 1900 census of Ashtabula, Ashtabula Twp., Ashtabula Co., OH
John M. Gwin Comments
89 High St./
John Pihlaja
Oct 1872

Finland/Finland/Finland dock labor
Immigrated to the US in 1896; US resident for 4 yrs.

Gavina Pihlaja wife
Oct 1864
Immigrated to the US in 1896; US resident for 4 yrs.

Matt C. Pihlaja son
Oct 1894

Immigrated to the US in 1896; US resident for 4 yrs.

R_________e Pihlaja son
Oct 1896


Maria Pihlaja daughter
May 1900


From the 4 Jun 1900 census of New York Mills Village, Newton Twp., Otter Tail Co., MN
John M. Gwin Comments
Petter Pihlaja
Mar 1862

Finland/Finland/Finland railroad laborer
Immigrated to the US in 1882; US resident for 18 yrs.

Anna G. Pihlaja wife
Jan 1864
Immigrated to the US in 1882; US resident for 18 yrs.

Ida M. Pihlaja daughter
Oct 1884

MN/Finland/Finland kitchen work

Ida will marry, have several children, and die before the 1910 census

Anna A. Pihlaja daughter
Jan 1887

MN/Finland/Finland at school

John H. Pihlaja son
Nov 1888

MN/Finland/Finland at school

Since three of their children have died young, I'm guessing that all three were born in the 8-year gap between John and Lempi and that their ages, had they lived, would here have been 9, 7, and 5.

Lempi A. Pihlaja daughter
Jun 1896


Carl P. Pihlaja son
Apr 1899


Carl will die before the 1910 census.

From the 4 Jun 1900 census of Bluffton Twp., Otter Tail Co., MN
John M. Gwin Comments
Sacras Bihlaja
Apr 1850

Immigrated to the US in 1881; US resident for 19 yrs.
We're not yet sure how or if this person/family is related to our Pihlajas, but we think the spelling of the last name may have been a misunderstanding on the part of the enumerator, the actual name being Pihlaja.  I did a search on Ancestry.com for Pihlaja in 1900, and this was the first family to surface. (Someone had later added Pihlaja to the Bihlaja transcription, Ancestry having originally mistranscribed it as "Behdaja".)

Amilel F. Bihlaja wife
Dec 1851
Immigrated to the US in 1881; US resident for 19 yrs. Ancestry transcribed her name as Amilie, which is possible, but I believe it looks more like Amilel.  Perhaps finding her in another census will give a clearer rendering.

Sakris Bihlaja son
Nov 1873

Finland/Finland/Finland farm laborer
Immigrated to the US in 1881; US resident for 19 yrs.

Sophia H. Bihlaja daughter
July 1882


These two younger children were born in Michigan, not Minnesota, and the family immediately below is from Michigan as well.  Since their mother says she has borne 9 children, only five of whom still live, I believe Charles and Oscar may be the other two, brothers to Sakris, Sophia, and John.

John E. Bihlaja son
Feb 1884

MI/Finland/Finland farm laborer

From the 11 Jun 1900 census of Red Jacket, Calumet Twp., Houghton Co., MI
John M. Gwin Comments
Charles Bihlaja
Aug 1872

Finland/Finland/Finland carpenter
Immigrated to the US in 1881; US resident for 19 yrs. Again, we're not sure how or even if this family is related to ours.  Nevertheless, everything matches up for these two brothers, Charles and Oscar, to be the two other surviving children of Sacras and Amilel, above. That both brothers are carpenters by trade would give them perfect reason to remain behind together in the northern tip of Michigan when the parents and other children, all of whose occupations were in agriculture, moved to Minnesota in the tri-state area near ND and SD, some 300 miles west. 

Concerning the spelling of the last name, if the word is actually Pihlaja, then
it seems to me quite coincidental that BOTH enumerators--300 miles apart--would have heard and written it incorrectly. So perhaps these are not Pihlajas after all.  I hope finding them in other census will straighten it out.

Elina Bihlaja wife
Jun 1876

Lillian Bihlaja daughter
Jan 1897


Charles Bihlaja son
Sep 1898


Oscar Bihlaja brother
Jan 1877

Finland/Finland/Finland carpenter
Immigrated to the US in 1881; US resident for 19 yrs.

From the 8 Jun 1900 census of Chicago, Hyde Park Twp., Cook Co., IL
John M. Gwin Comments
345 43rd St./130/234
Erik Pihlaja
May 1861

Finland/Finland/Finland shoemaker
Immigrated to the US in 1891; US resident for 8 yrs. We're not sure whether or not this family is related to us. But the last name fits, and so we add them to this list of discoveries in hopes that sooner or later, someone will surface who can make the connection.

Alexnandra (sic) Pihlaja wife
Mar 1868

Immigrated to the US in 1892; US resident for 8 yrs.

Erik Pihlaja, Jr.
May 1898


From the 10 May 1910 census of New York Mills Village, Newton Twp., Otter Tail Co., MN
John M. Gwin Comments

Peter Pihlaja

Finland/Finland/Finland bar tender, Temp saloon
Immigrated to the US in 1882

Anna K. Pihlaja wife
Finland/Finland/Finland house keeper own family
Immigrated to the US in 1882 OK, I have attempted here to list all 13 of their children based on their names and DOB.  This will be transferrable to the outline should we ever connect this family to our Pihlajas. Five names are unknown and their approximate DOB speculated. I wonder what caused this poor family to lose so many children early.

01--Ida M. Pihlaja, b. Oct 1884; d. bef. 1910
02--Anna A. Pihlaja, b. Jan 1887
03--John H. Pihlaja, b. Nov 1888
04--unk. Pihlaja, d. bef. 1900, b. ca. 1890
05--unk. Pihlaja, d. bef. 1900, b. ca. 1892
06--unk. Pihlaja, d. bef. 1900, b. ca. 1894
07--Lempi A. Pihlaja, b. Jun 1896
08--Carl P. Pihlaja, b. Apr 1899; d. bef. 1910
09--Aule William Pihlaja, b. ca. 1902
10--Peter Arthur Pihlaja, b. ca. 1903
11--Esther P. Pihlaja, b. ca. 1906
12--unk. Pihlaja d. bef. 1910, b. ca. 1908
13--unk. Pihlaja, d. bef. 1910, b. ca. 1909

Annie Pihlaja daughter

MN/Finland/Finland house work at home

John H. Pihlaja son

MN/Finland/Finland laborer, odd jobs

Lempi A. Pihlaja daughter


 Aule William Pihlaja son


Peter Arthur Pihlaja son


Esther Pihlaja daughter


Mary L. Haney


These older two grandchildren have different last names, so perhaps Ida was married twice and had one child by each husband before she died.

John P. Aarna


These older two grandchildren have different last names, so perhaps Ida was married twice and had one child by each husband before she died.

Hilma H. Pihlaja


From the last name, this grandchild must be (1) the legitimate daughter of a son, and the only possiblilty is John H., who would then be a widower or divorcee, neither of which is marked in the marital status column; or (2) the illegitimate daughter of a daughter, the most likely possiblity of whom would be Annie.

Hilda A. Pihlaja
Apr 1910


From the last name, this grandchild must be (1) the legitimate daughter of a son, and the only possiblilty is John H., who would then be a widower or divorcee, neither of which is marked in the marital status column; or (2) the illegitimate daughter of a daughter, the most likely possiblity of whom would be Annie.

Howard Pihlaja, at 86 years old, still the man to operate heavy equipment


25.01--Peter Niska, b. 1881 in Finland; d. 1961; immigrated 1903; made home in Itaska Co, MN, in 1906 (according to Western Itaska Review, "Looking Back", 31 Dec 2011); m. unk. date/place to Eva Maria Taskinen (b. 1879; d. 1947; bd. unk.); 12 ch.
Names in 1910 census of Township 148, Range 27, Itasca Co., MN Age
Peter Niska 29
Eva Niska 31
Ina Niska 8
Kattie Niska 6
Lizzie Niska 4
Ella Niska 2
Ellan Niska 2
Anna Niska 1 2/12
Erland O Ikonen 24
Jalmar Leino 23
Names in 11 Apr 1930 census of Max, Itasca Co., MN
Peter Niska 49
Eva M Niska 51
Elsa E Niska 19
Edith S Niska 16
Elvia Niska 15
Elna E Niska 13
Edla E Niska 11
Arnie P Niska 10
Jemmie A Niska 6

26.01--Ina Marie Niska, b. ca. 1902; d. 1985; m. ca. 1918 in MN to Jack Nestor Pihlaja (see above); unk. ch.
[age 18 in the 5 Jan 1920 census of Township 148, Range 27, Itasca Co., MN]

27.04--Howard N. Pihlaja, b. 17 Oct 1924 in Blackduck, MN; still living; m. unk. to Rosemary Albie (b. unk., parents unk., unk. sibs.; d. spring 2008); one child
[age 5 in the 1930 census of Good Hope, Itasca Co., MN]

28.01--Scott Stewart Pihlaja, [PRIVATE] m. Mary Josephine "Mary Jo" Ravnikar, [PRIVATE]; d/o Ernest "Ernie" Ravnikar and Mary Jamnick, [PRIVATE]; oldest of four siblings: Ernie Jr., Paul, Laura, Tony); three children;
29.01--Beau Scott Pihlaja, [PRIVATE] m. Charity Elizabeth Gwin, [PRIVATE]; d/o John Gwin, [PRIVATE]; and Sharon Lynn Hamrick, [PRIVATE];
30.01--Asher Samuel Neeraj Pihlaja, [PRIVATE];

30.02--Cressida Noel Pihlaja, [PRIVATE];
29.02--Stephen Scott Pihlaja, [PRIVATE]; m.  Yoko Kawada, [PRIVATE];
30.01--Naomi Kawada Pihlaja, [PRIVATE];

30.02--Mei Kawada Pihlaja

30.03--Mia Kawada Pihlaja
29.03--Miranda Christine "Mandy" Pihlaja, [PRIVATE]; m.  Allan Straub, [PRIVATE];
30.01--Amelie "Emmy" Straub, [PRIVATE];
30.02--Linus Straub, [PRIVATE];

30.03--Elijah "Eli" Straub, [PRIVATE]

30.04--Hadassah Straub,

30.05--Peter Straub,

30.06--Deborah Jean Straub,
26.02--Katri Esther "Katie" Niska, b. 1903 in Kuopio, Finland (according to SHammer5367 on Mundia.com); d. 1995 in St. Louis Co., MN (according to SHammer5367 on Mundia.com); m. unk.; unk. ch.
[age 16 in the 5 Jan 1920 census of Township 148, Range 27, Itasca Co., MN];
[not listed in the 11 Apr 1930 census of Max, Itasca Co., MN, and assumed married and not living at home]

26.03--Alice Niska, b. ca. 1905 in WI (according to SHammer5367 on Mundia.com); d. 1965 (according to SHammer5367 on Mundia.com); m. unk.; unk. ch.
[age 14 in the 5 Jan 1920 census of Township 148, Range 27, Itasca Co., MN];
[not listed in the 11 Apr
1930 census of Max, Itasca Co., MN, and assumed married and not living at home]

26.04--Ellen Niska, b. 8 Jun 1907 in MN (twin); d. 10 Nov 1992; bd. Squaw Lake Cem. (aka Niska Memorial Cem.), Squaw Lake, Itasca Co., MN--Find A Grave Memorial# 38811769; m. Mr. Baginski (b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.); unk. ch.
[age 12 in the 5 Jan 1920 census of Township 148, Range 27, Itasca Co., MN];
[not listed in the 11 Apr 1930 census of Max, Itasca Co., MN, and assumed married and not living at home]

26.05--Ella Niska, b. 8 Jun 1907 in MN (twin); d. 17 Jan 2001 in Itasca Co.,MN; bd. Squaw Lake Cem. (aka Niska Memorial Cem.), Squaw Lake, Itasca Co., MN--Find A Grave Memorial# 38813428; m. 30 Aug 1933 in Cook Co., IL, to Henry Dhennin (b. 20 Dec 1910; d. 20 Dec1982; bd. Squaw Lake Cem. (aka Niska Memorial Cem.), Squaw Lake, Itasca Co., MN--Find A Grave Memorial# 38812388); one ch. only
[age 12 in the 5 Jan 1920 census of Township 148, Range 27, Itasca Co., MN];
[not listed in the 11 Apr 1930 census of Max, Itasca Co., MN, as living with her parents]

From Ancestry.com SS Death Index
Name: Ella Dhennin
SSN: 472-32-0400
Last Residence: 56681  Squaw Lake, Itasca, MN
Born: 8 Jun 1907
Died: 17 Jan 2001
State (Year) SSN issued: Minnesota (Before 1951)
MN Death Index
Name: Ella Dhennin
Birth Date: 8 Jun 1907
Birth City: Squaw Lake
Birth State: Minnesota
Death Date: 17 Jan 2001
Death County: Itasca
Death City: Grand Rapids
Mother Nee: Taskinen
State File No.: 2001-MN-501953
From Ancestry.com SS Death Index
Name: Henry Dhennin
SSN: 335-09-0172
Last Residence: 56681  Squaw Lake, Itasca, MN
Born: 20 Dec 1910
Died: Dec 1982
State (Year) SSN issued: Illinois (Before 1951)

27.01--Jerry Bruce Dhennin, b. 1934 in Squaw Lake, MN; m. 21 Mar 1959 to Elizabeth "Beth" A. Welbaum, CONTRIBUTOR, [PRIVATE];

Hi, John...Interesting to hear from you! Perhaps I can add some information from the Niska line of my husband, Jerry Bruce Dhennin (b. 1934) - only child of Ella Niska (b. 1908) and Henry Dhennin in Squaw Lake, MN. However, I am certain that you have access to much of that as well. Please let me know if I can fill-in a bit of the "old stuff" for you - some going back to Farmer Per Niskanen in 1701. Jerry and I are parents of Mark Henry (b.1961)--now married to Colleen Stippel, and Rebecca Allen (b.1964)-- married to Daniel Luetje.  Each couple are parents of one boy and one girl.

28.01--Rebecca Allen Dhennin, b. 59; m. 90 to Daniel Craig Luetje, b. 62, [PRIVATE];

29.01--Elizabeth Allen Luetje, b. 94, [PRIVATE];

29.02--Henry Daniel Luetje, b. 98, [PRIVATE];

28.02--Mark Henry Dhennin, b. 61; m. 81 to Colleen P. Stiple, [PRIVATE];

29.01--Katherine Alyssa Dhennin, b. 87, [PRIVATE];

29.02--Matthew Henry Dhennin, 89, [PRIVATE];

26.06--Enna A. Niska, b. ca. 1910 in Itaska Co., MN (according to SHammer5367 on Mundia.com); d. 1992 in Itaska Co., MN (according to SHammer5367 on Mundia.com); m. unk.; unk. ch.;
[age 10 in the 5 Jan 1920 census of Township 148, Range 27, Itasca Co., MN];
[not listed in the 11 Apr 1930 census of Max, Itasca Co., MN, and assumed married and not living at home]

26.07--Elsa E. Niska, b. 1910 in Itaska Co., MN; d. 1985 in Itaska Co., MN (according to SHammer5367 on Mundia.com); m. unk.; unk. ch.;
[age 9 in the 5 Jan 1920 census of Township 148, Range 27, Itasca Co., MN];
[age 19 in the 11 Apr 1930 census of Max, Itasca Co., MN]

26.08--Elma Niska, b. ca. 1912; d. 1924 in Itaska Co., MN (according to SHammer5367 on Mundia.com); m. unk.; unk. ch.;
[age 8 in the 5 Jan 1920 census of Township 148, Range 27, Itasca Co., MN];
[not listed in the 11 Apr
1930 census of Max, Itasca Co., MN, and assumed deceased or married and not living at home]

26.09--Edith S. Niska, b. ca. 1914; d. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
[age 6 in the 5 Jan 1920 census of Township 148, Range 27, Itasca Co., MN];
[age 16 in the 11 Apr
1930 census of Max, Itasca Co., MN]

26.10--Elva/Elvi "Eppie" Niska, b. 27 Dec 1914; d. 31 Jan 2005; bd. Squaw Lake Cem. (aka Niska Memorial Cem.), Squaw Lake, Itasca Co., MN--Find A Grave Memorial# 38814709; m. Wayne W. Lom (b. 23 Jan 1908 in MN; d. 11 Jan 2000 in Koochiching Co., MN; bd. Squaw Lake Cem. (aka Niska Memorial Cem.), Squaw Lake, Itasca Co., MN--Find A Grave Memorial# 38814055); unk. ch.;
[age 5 in the 5 Jan 1920 census of Township 148, Range 27, Itasca Co., MN];
[age 15 in the 11 Apr
1930 census of Max, Itasca Co., MN]
Name: Waino W Lom
Birth Year: abt 1908
Home in
Good Hope, Itasca, Minnesota
Relation to Head of House: Son
Father's Name: John Lom
Mother's name: Amelia Lom
Household Members:
Name Age
John Lom 53
Amelia Lom 46
Edward E Lom 24
Waino W Lom 22
George G Lom 17
Arthur A Lom 15
Rudolph R Lom 13
Violet V Lom 9
26.11--Elna E. Niska, b. 1 Jan 1917; d. Jan 1996; bd. Squaw Lake Cem. (aka Niska Memorial Cem.), Squaw Lake, Itasca Co., MN--Find A Grave Memorial# 38813729; m. Edwin Arthur Downs (b. 23 Jun 1913; d. 21 May 1982 in Hennepin Co., MN; bd. Squaw Lake Cem. (aka Niska Memorial Cem.), Squaw Lake, Itasca Co., MN--Find A Grave Memorial# 38813571); unk. ch.;
[age 3 yrs, 0 mo. in the 5 Jan 1920 census of Township 148, Range 27, Itasca Co., MN];
[age 13 in the 11 Apr 1930 census of Max, Itasca Co., MN]

26.12--Emmie/Edla E. Niska, b. ca. Jul 1918; d. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
[age 1 yr., 6 mo. in the 5 Jan 1920 census of Township 148, Range 27, Itasca Co., MN];
[age 11 in the 11 Apr 1930 census of Max, Itasca Co., MN]

26.13--Arnie P. Niska, b. ca. 1920; d. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
[age 10 in the 11 Apr 1930 census of Max, Itasca Co., MN]

26.14--Jan "Jimmie" Alan Niska, b. 1923 in Itaska Co., MN (according to SHammer5367 on Mundia.com); d. 2001 in Hopkins, Hennepin Co., MN (according to SHammer5367 on Mundia.com); m. unk.; unk. ch.;
[age 6 in the 11 Apr 1930 census of Max, Itasca Co., MN]

Some Pertinent Niska Census Data

From the 19 Apr 1910 census of Twp. 148, Range 27, Itasca Co., MN
John M. Gwin Comments
Peter Niska

Finland/Finland/Finland logger, lumber work

Eva Niska wife

Ina Niska daughter wf


Kattie Niska daughter wf


Lizzie Niska daughter wf


Ella Niska daughter wf


Ellan Niska daughter wf


Anna Niska daughter wf
1yr 2mo


Erland O. Jkonen

Finland/Finland/Finland iron mines miner

Jalmar Leino

Finland/Finland/Finland laborer lumber camp

From the 5 Jan 1920 census of an unorganized town, Twp. 148, Rg. 27, Itasca Co., MN
John M. Gwin Comments
Peter Niska
Immigrated 1903;
naturalized 1912
Peter is Ina's father, Jack's father-in-law, Howard's maternal grandfather, one of Scott's four g-grandfathers, one of Beau's eight gg-grandfathers, and one of Asher's and Cressida's     16 ggg-grandfathers.


Eva is Ina's mother, Jack's mother-in-law, Howard's maternal grandmother, one of Scott's four g-grandmothers, one of Beau's eight gg-grandmothers, and one of Asher's and Cressida's 16 ggg-grandfmothers.

Katie E.
daughter wf

daughter wf

daughter (twin?) wf

daughter (twin?) wf


daughter wf

daughter wf

daughter wf

daughter wf

daughter wf
Jan 1917
3yr 0mo

Emmie daughter wf
1yr 6mo

Jack N. Pihlaja
Finland/Finland/Finland laborer

Ina M. Pihlaja

Hannes E. Pihlaja
daughter wf

Gust. W. Soumie
Finland/Finland/Finland farmer


From Beth Dhennin's good page located at

Ella Niska

Born: Minnesota
Died: Grand Rapids, Itasca, Minnesota, United States

Family Members


26.01--Louis J. Ravnikar, Sr., b. 18 Mar 1891 in Yugoslavia; d. 29 Jun 1968 in Ely, St. Louis Co., MN; bd. Ely Cem., Ely, St. Louis Co., MN--FAG Mem.ID#144547905; m. Josephine Melovosich (b. 25 Mar 1906 in MN; d. 20 Nov 1991 in Ely, St. Louis Co., MN; bd. Ely Cem., Ely, St. Louis Co., MN--FAG Mem.ID#167440326); at least six ch.;
[listed as Louis Ravnikar, Sr. [understandably mistranscribed by Ancestry.com as Revnikar], 48, b. in Yugoslavia, iron mine miner, in the 8 Apr 1940 census of Enum. Dist. 69-37A, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]

[listed as Josephine Ravnikar, 34, b. in MN, in the 8 Apr 1940 census of Enum. Dist. 69-37A, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]

Name Parent or spouse names Home in 1930
(City, Co., ST)
Est. YOB POB Relat View Image
Louis Ravnikar Josephine Ely, St Louis, MN 1892 Yugoslavia Head
Josephine Ravnikar Louis Ely, St Louis, MN  1906   Wife
Louis Ravnikar, Jr.
Ely, St Louis, MN  1925   Son
Josephine Ravnikar Louis,
Ely, St Louis, MN  1926   Dau
Helen Ravnikar Louis,
Ely, St Louis, MN  1928   Dau

27.01--Louis J. Ravnikar, Jr., b. 20 Apr 1924 in Ely, MN; d. 7 Feb 2008, Lake View Mem. Hosp., Two Harbors, MN; bd. Lakeview Cem.; m. 1949 to June Erickson (b. unk.; d. 2003; bd. unk.); at least three ch.;
[listed as Louis Ravnikar, Jr., 16, b. in MN, in the 8 Apr 1940 census of Enum. Dist. 69-37A, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]
Duluth News Tribune, Monday, February 16, 2009 (sic)
copied from this page at Ancestry.com
        Louis Ravnikar, 83, Two Harbors, died Thursday, February 7, 2008 at the Lake View Memorial Hospital in Two Harbors.  He was born April 20, 1924 to Louis and Josephine (Melovosich) Ravnikar in Ely, where he grew up and attended school.  He enlisted in the US Navy and served in the Pacific Theatre.  Louis returned to Ely and worked in the underground mine, and in 1948 moved to Two Harbors where he was employed by the DM&IR Railroad as a carman until retiring in 1984.
            Louis married
June Erickson in 1949.  He was a member of Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Two Harbors, and the DM&IR Veterans Employees, and enjoyed fishing on Lake Superior, woodworking, and spending time at the family cabin on Stone Lake.
            He is preceded in death by his parents, his wife, June, in 2003; and brothers,
Ernie and David.
Louis is survived by his daughters, Kathy Pattni of Bloomington, and Karen (Mark) LaMourea of Virginia; a son, Jim (Gloria Prebarich) Ravnikar of Virgina; five grandchildren, Sean (Missy) and Chris (Shelly) Anderson, James (Kristina) Ravnikar Jr., Steven (Amber) and Jennifer LaMourea; great-grandchildren, Dylan, Bailey, and Olivia; sisters, Jessie (Louis) Ryg of Minneapolis, Phyllis (John) Welch of Princeton, and Helen Champa of Ely; several nieces and nephews, and special friend Irene Smith.
            VISITATION:10 a.m. until the 11 a.m. Mass of Christian Burial Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2008 at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Two Harbors.  Burial will be in Lakeview Cemetery.  Arrangements by Cavallin Funeral Home.
Duluth News Tribune 424 W. First St., Duluth, Minnesota 55802
28.01--Kathy Ravnikar [PRIVATE], m. Mr. Pattni, [PRIVATE];

28.02--Karen Ravnikar facebook [PRIVATE], m. Mark LaMourea facebook, [PRIVATE];

Roland F. "Buster" LaMourea
Roland F. "Buster" LaMourea, 92, of Great Scott Township died peacefully on Sunday, Dec. 18, 2011, at his home.  He was born March 21, 1919, in Duluth to Henry and Angeline (Langlois) LaMourea and grew up there, and attended St. Jean's School in Duluth through graduation.
On July 26, 1947, he married Jeanne Myers and they lived in Duluth until moving to Mountain Iron in 1969. They had been Great Scott Township residents for many years. 
He is survived by his wife, Jeanne; five children, Lynn Stoyanoff of Duluth, Mark (Karen) LaMourea of Virginia, R. Patrick (Barb) LaMourea of Duluth, Timothy (Kathy) LaMourea of Cook and Dennis (Connie) LaMourea of Eveleth and special daughter Jodi (Gary) Ullman of Great Scott Township; grandchildren, Steven (Amber) LaMourea, Jennifer (John) Hausman, Patrick (Lori) LaMourea, Cami (Todd) McLaughlin, Chad LaMourea, Timothy LaMourea, Jr., Telly LaMourea, Jeremy (Tara) LaMourea, Jeff (Carrie) LaMourea and Beau LaMourea; and two special grandchildren, Jarrett and Austin Ullman; six great-grandsons and one great-granddaughter; one sister, Lorraine Giernett of Duluth; and numerous nieces and nephews.  Buster worked in the Purchasing Department and Engineering Department for U.S. Steel for many years, first in Duluth and then in Mountain Iron.  Roland was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, serving in the 4025th Signal Service Group in New Guinea, Southern Philippines and Luzon.  Buster was a member of Holy Spirit Catholic Church of Virginia; Pratt-Volden-Mickelson-Anderson American Legion Post 239 and Crellin-Tini VFW Post 1113, both of Virginia.  He was preceded in death by his parents; a brother, Al LaMourea; two sisters, Eleanor Heibler and Adeline LaMourea; and a son-in-law, Chris Stoyanoff.  Mass of Christian Burial 11 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 22, 2011, at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Virginia with the Rev. John O'Donnell as celebrant. Visitation will be one hour prior to service. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery in Virginia. Arrangements are with the Landmark Funeral Home of Virginia.
Mesabi Daily News---December 21, 2011

29.01--Steven LaMourea [PRIVATE], m. Amber (nee unk.), [PRIVATE];

29.02--Jennifer LaMourea facebook [PRIVATE], m. John Hausman, [PRIVATE];

28.03--James "Jim" Ravnikar, Sr. [PRIVATE], m1. unk.; m2. 24 Mar 2007 to Gloria Prebarich (b. 25 Dec 1955 in Virginia, St. Louis Co., MN; d. 4 Dec 2012 Duluth, St. Louis Co., MN; bd. Eveleth Cem., Eveleth, St. Louis Co., MN--FAG# 101960621--[contains obit.]); one known ch.;

29.01--James Ravnikar, Jr. [PRIVATE], m. Kristina (nee unk.), [PRIVATE];

27.02--Josephine "Jessie" Ravnikar [PRIVATE], b. ca. 1926 in MN; d. bef. 2008; bd. unk.; m. Louis G. Ryg [PRIVATE]; unk. ch;
[listed as Josephine Ravnikar, 14, b. in MN, in the 8 Apr 1940 census of Enum. Dist. 69-37A, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]
Age 95 of Minneapolis.  Beloved wife, mother, aunt, grandma and great-grandma answered the call from Jesus on Dec 16, 2020.  Lifelong member of the MN Deaf Society and Charles Thompson Hall where she was the cook.  Preceded in death by husband of 63 years, Louis G. Ryg, son Michael A. Ryg, parents Louis and Josephine Ravnikar, three brothers and two sisters.
28.01--Michael A. Ryg, facebook [PRIVATE]; b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
27.03--Helen Louise Ravnikar [PRIVATE], b. 9 Mar 1928 in Ely, MN; d. 2 Apr 2017; bd. unk.; m. 5 Oct 1946 to Robert Champa, Sr. [PRIVATE]; unk. ch.;
[listed as Helen Ravnikar, 12, b. in MN, in the 8 Apr 1940 census of Enum. Dist. 69-37A, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]
            Helen Louise Champa, 89, died Sunday, April 2, 2017 at the Boundary Waters Care Center in Ely surrounded by her family.  She was born March 9, 1928 in Ely to Louis and Josephine (Melovasich) Ravnikar. 
            Helen grew up and went to school in Ely.  She married Robert Champa, Sr. on October 5, 1946.   They met at Vertin's after Bob came home from the war, and after seeing her working there, he knew he was going to marry her.  They made Ely their home and raised a family there. 
            Helen was a wonderful mother and loved being a mom and grandma.  She was a great cook and loved to bake.  She made potica which was a favorite at the hunting shack, and she shared her talent with her children and taught a few of her grandchildren as well.  She loved polka music and dancing.  She worked at Vertin's, catering for Zups, and as a cook at Veteran's on the Lake, Vermillion Community College, and the Senior Citizen Center.
            Helen is survived by her four children: Louise (Herb) Kieke, Bob (Kathy) Champa, Louie Champa, and Linda (Bruce) Fritz; nine grandchildren: Greg Kieke, Amy Allen, Kim Watson, Kristi Mattila, Bob Champa, Mandy Mattila, Brian Fritz, Jordan Champa and Jacob Champa; 16 great-grandchildren; sisters: Jessie Ryg and Phyllis (John) Welch.
            She was preceded in death by: her parents; husband Bob; infant son; brothers: Louis, Ernie, and David; sisters-in-law: June, Mary, and Ann; brother-in-law: Louis Ryg; infant great-granddaughter.
Copied from her good memorial at FindAGrave.com.
28.01--Louise Champa facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Herb Kiekefacebook [PRIVATE]; at least one ch.;                         facebook [PRIVATE];
29.01--Greg Kieke; facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Margaret Salzerfacebook [PRIVATE];

29.02--Amy Kiekefacebook [PRIVATE]; m. Mr. Allenfacebook [PRIVATE];

29.03--Kim Kieke; facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Mr. Watson; facebook [PRIVATE];

29.04--Kristi Kieke; facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Mr. Mattila (say MAT-uh-luh); facebook [PRIVATE];

29.05--Mandy Kiekefacebook [PRIVATE]; m. Mr. Mattila (say MAT-uh-luh); facebook [PRIVATE];
28.02--Bob Champa facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Kathy facebook (nee unk.); [PRIVATE]; at least one ch.;
29.01--Bob Champafacebook [PRIVATE];
28.03--Louie Champa facebook [PRIVATE]m. unk.  facebook [PRIVATE];  at least two ch.;
29.01--Jordan Champa facebook [PRIVATE]; m. unk.  facebook [PRIVATE];
29.02--Jamie Champa facebook [PRIVATE]; m. unk.  facebook [PRIVATE];,
28.04--Linda Champa facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Bruce Fritz; facebook [PRIVATE]; at least one ch.;
29.01--Brian Fritz; facebook [PRIVATE];
27.04--Ernest Peter "Ernie" Ravnikar, b. ca. 1931 in MN; d. 1976 ca. age 35; bd. unk.; m. 15 May 1954 in Ely, MN, to Mary L. Jamnick (b. 4 Jul 1934 in Ely, St. Louis Co., MN, d/o Joseph J. Jamnick and Mary C. Omerza; d. 10 Jan 1999 in Gurnee, Lake Co., IL; bd. Ely Cem., Ely, St. Louis Co., MN--Find A Grave Memorial# 82723465); five ch.;
[listed as Ernest Ravnikar, 9, b. in MN, in the 8 Apr 1940 census of Enum. Dist. 69-37A, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]


Mary L. Jamnick Ravnikar

            Mary L. Jamnick Ravnikar , 64, of Ely, died Sunday, Jan. 10, 1999 in her daughter's home in Gurnee, Illinois.
            She was born July 4, 1934, in Ely, to Joseph J. and Mary C. (Omerza) Jamnick.  She married Ernest Ravnikar on May 15, 1954 in Ely.
            She most recently was an employee of Norwest Bank in Ely, where she worked for 20 years.  She was a past member of the board of directors of Ely-Bloomenson Hospital and was a member of St. Anthony's Catholic Church, the Ely Cemetery Committee, New Horizons, Ely Rotary Club, and numerous civic organizations.
            She was preceded in death by her husband, Ernest Ravnikar in 1976; her father, Joseph J. Jamnick in 1978; and her brother, Joseph A. Jamnick in 1994.
            Survivors include two daughters, Mary Jo Ravnikar (Scott) Pihlaja of Gurnee, IL and Laura Ravnikar (Ben) Johnson of Holmen, Wis.; three sons, Ernie (Lori) Ravnikar of Iron Mountain, Mich., Paul (Mary)
Ravnikar of Brooklyn Center, Minn., and Tony (Ronnalee) Ravnikar of Burnsville, Minn.; her mother, Mary C. Jamnick of Ely; 10 grandchildren, Beau, Stephen and Miranda Pihlaja, Nicole and Eric Ravnikar, Jacquelyn Ravnikar, Kristopher and Kali Johnson and Ryan and Danielle Ravnikar; two step-grandchildren, Cami and Craig Kirschner; and numerous nieces and nephews.
            Visitation: 6-8 p.m. Wednesday with 7 p.m. prayers in Kerntz Funeral Home.  Mass of Christian burial at 11 a.m. Thursday in St. Anthony's Catholic Church, Father Jim Scheuer officiating.  Spring burial will be in Ely Cemetery with arrangements by Kerntz Funeral Home, Ely.
Duluth News-Tribune (MN) - January 12, 1999  Final Edition; Page: 05B

28.01--Mary Josephine "Mary Jo" Ravnikar, facebook [PRIVATE]; m. to Scott Stewart Pihlaja, facebook [PRIVATE]; three ch.;
29.01--Beau Scott Pihlaja, facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Charity Elizabeth Gwin, facebook [PRIVATE];   d/o John Gwin facebook [PRIVATE]; and Sharon Lynn Hamrick, facebook [PRIVATE];
30.01--Asher Samuel Neeraj Pihlaja, [PRIVATE];

30.02--Cressida Noel Pihlaja, [PRIVATE];
29.02--Stephen Scott Pihlaja, [PRIVATE]; m.  Yoko Kawada, [PRIVATE];
30.01--Naomi Kawada Pihlaja, [PRIVATE];

30.02--Mei Kawada Pihlaja, [PRIVATE];

30.03--Mia Kawada Pihlaja, [PRIVATE];
29.03--Miranda Christine "Mandy" Pihlaja, [PRIVATE]; m.  Allan Straub, [PRIVATE];
30.01--Amelie "Emmy" Straub, [PRIVATE];
30.02--Linus Straub, [PRIVATE];

30.03--Elijah "Eli" Straub, [PRIVATE]

30.04--Hadassah Straub, [PRIVATE];

30.05--Peter Straub, [PRIVATE];

30.06--Deborah Jean Straub, [PRIVATE];
28.02--Ernest "Ernie" Ravnikar, Jr., [PRIVATE]; m1. unk.; m2. Lori facebook (nee unk.)  [PRIVATE];
29.01--Eric Ravnikar, [PRIVATE];

29.02--Nichole Ravnikar, m. unk. [PRIVATE];

30.01--daughter, [PRIVATE]

30.02--son, [PRIVATE];

28.03--Paul Ravnikar, m. Mary (nee unk.), [PRIVATE];

29.01--Jacqueline "Jackie" Ravnikar, facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Tom Smith facebook [PRIVATE];

30.01--Agnes Smith, [PRIVATE];

30.02--Anthony Smith, [PRIVATE];

30.03--Teresa Smith, [PRIVATE];

28.04--Laura Ravnikar, m. Ben Johnson, [PRIVATE];

29.01--Kristopher Johnson, [PRIVATE];

29.02--Kali Johnson, [PRIVATE];

29.03--Connor Robert Johnson, (twin) [PRIVATE];

29.04--Caitlyn Mary Johnson, (twin) [PRIVATE];

28.05--"Tony" Ravnikar, [PRIVATE]; m. Ronnalee "Ronna" Crossen facebook (nee unk.) [PRIVATE];                                                    facebook

29.01--Ryan Ravnikar; facebook [PRIVATE];

29.02--Danielle Josephine "Dani" Ravnikar; facebook [PRIVATE];
27.05--Phyllis Ravnikar facebook, b. ca. 1935; d. bef. 2008; bd. unk.; m. John Welch; unk. ch.;
[listed as Phyllis Ravnikar, 5, b. in MN, in the 8 Apr 1940 census of Enum. Dist. 69-37A, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]

27.06--David John Ravnikar, b. 28 Nov 1938 in Ely, St. Louis Co., MN; d. 20 Oct 1997; bd. Richland Cem., Linn Co., KS--FAG#141795936; m. 1959 to Emilie Ann Giffin (b. 26 Aug 1939 in Centerville, Linn Co., KS; d. 27 Dec 2016 in La Cygne, Linn Co., KS; bd. Richland Cem., Linn Co., KS--FAG#178834655); at least one ch.;
[listed as David Ravnikar, 1, b. in MN, in the 8 Apr 1940 census of Enum. Dist. 69-37A, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]
28.01--John Ravnikar, b. 25 May 1960 in KS; d. 29 May 1960 in Anderson Co., KS, aged four days; bd. St. Johns Cem., Greeley, Anderson Co., KS--FAG#128823640; m. never; no ch.;
St Johns cemetery book page 355 #424

Birth Nov 28, 1938
Death Dec 20, 1997 (age 59)


26.01--Joseph John Jamnick, b. 11 Jan 1910 in MN; d. 11 May 1978 in Ely, St. Louis Co., MN;  bd. Ely Cem., Ely, St. Louis Co., MN--Sect. 26, Lot 106 N1/2--FAG Mem ID# 142906855; m. 25 Apr 1933 in Ely, MN, to Mary C. Omerza (b. 19 Jul 1913 in Ely, St. Louis Co., MN, d/o John and Mary Poderzay Omerza; d. 24 Jul 2004 at Ely, MN; bd. Ely Cem., Ely, St. Louis Co., MN--Find A Grave Memorial# 82553956);  at least two ch.;

This table lists all the Poderzays on Findagrave.com in July 2012.
Does it surprise anyone that they're all in St. Louis County, MN?

Poderzay, Dolores Ann Schwaderer 65178578
b. Apr. 1, 1932 d. Jan. 23, 2010
Lake View Cemetery
St. Louis County, MN
Poderzay, Edward Joseph "Ed" 66675915
b. Dec. 16, 1927 d. Mar. 5, 2011
Gilbert Cemetery
St. Louis County, MN
Poderzay, Janelle Suomi 72076777
b. May 4, 1960 d. Sep. 24, 2006
Embarrass Cemetery
St. Louis County, MN
Poderzay, John J, Jr 52058989
b. Jul. 24, 1923 d. Nov. 12, 2000
Gilbert Cemetery
St. Louis County, MN
Poderzay, Phyllis Kutcher 90629961
b. Aug. 4, 1930 d. Aug. 6, 1999
Gilbert Cemetery
St. Louis County, MN
Poderzay, William John "Bill" "Pooper" 89769365
b. Oct. 18, 1951 d. May 5, 2012
Calvary Cemetery
St. Louis County, MN

From the 1930 census of Gilbert, Dist. 109, St. Louis Co., MN
Surname Given Name R2HoH Age
Poderzay John Head 34 Yugoslavia Yugoslavia Yugoslavia
Poderzay Mary Wife 25 Minnesota Yugoslavia Yugoslavia
Poderzay Mary M Daughter 9 Minnesota Yugoslavia Minnesota
Poderzay John Son 7 Minnesota Yugoslavia Minnesota
Poderzay Edw Son 2 Minnesota Yugoslavia Minnesota
Obituary for
Mary C. Omerza Jamnick

Mesabi Daily News (Virginia, MN) - July 26, 2004

Mary C. Jamnick

SERVICES: Mass of Christian Burial 11 a.m. Tuesday at St. Anthonys Catholic Church in Ely, with the Rev. James Scheuer as celebrant. Burial will follow in the Ely Cemetery. Arrangements provided by Kerntz Brothers, a Bauman Family Funeral Home in Ely. To share a remembrance online, go to www.baumanfuneralhome.com.

Mary C. Jamnick, 91, of Ely died Saturday morning, July 24, 2004, at the Ely Bloomenson Nursing Home.

She was born in Ely on July 19, 1913, to John and Mary Poderzay Omerza. On April 25, 1933, she married Joseph Jamnick in Ely.

Mary spent most of her life in the Ely area, where she was a Red Cross volunteer and Auxiliary member of the Ely Bloomenson Hospital for many years. She was a lifetime member of St. Anthonys Catholic Church, the Catholic Order of Foresters, Catholic Council and the Slovenian Women's Union.

She is survived by a daughter-in-law, Theresa Jamnick, of Ely; 11 grandchildren, Mary (Scott) Pihlaja, Ernie (Lori) Ravnikar, Paul (Mary) Ravnikar, Laura (Ben) Johnson, Tony (Ronna) Ravnikar, Joe (Denise) Jamnick, John (Diane) Jamnick, Mike (Deb) Jamnick, Theresa (Brant) Harris, Matt (Shelly) Jamnick and Ann (Warren) Johnson;
22 great-grandchildren; a sister, Rose Lassi, of Ely; sisters-in-law, Mary Debeltz, Dorothy Jamnick, Mary Omerza; and numerous nieces and nephews.

She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Joe; a daughter, Mary L. Ravnikar; son, Joseph A. Jamnick; granddaughter, Patricia Jean Jamnick; and six brothers and sisters.

Author: Staff Writer
Copyright © 2004 Mesabi Daily News, American Consolidated Media. All rights reserved.

27.01--Mary Louise "Tootsie" Jamnick, b. 4 Jul 1934 in Ely, St. Louis Co., MN; d. 10 Jan 1999 in Gurnee, Lake Co., IL; bd. Ely Cem., Ely, St. Louis Co., MN--Find A Grave Memorial# 82723465; m. 15 May 1954 in Ely, MN to Ernest "Ernie" Ravnikar (b. 14 Oct  1930 in St. Louis Co., MN; d. 13 Apr 1976 in St. Louis Co., MN; bd. Ely Cem., Ely, St. Louis Co., MN--Find A Grave Memorial# 144547904); at least five ch.;
Obituary for
Mary L. Jamnick Ravnikar
          Mary L. Ravnikar, 64, of Ely, Minnesota, died Sunday, Jan. 10, 1999 in her daughter's home in Gurnee, Illinois.  She was born July 4, 1934, in Ely, to Joseph J. and Mary C. (Omerza) Jamnick. She married Ernest Ravnikar on May 15, 1954 in Ely.
            She most recently was an employee of Norwest Bank in Ely, where she worked for 20 years.  She was a past member of the board of directors of Ely-Bloomenson Hospital and was a member of St. Anthony's Catholic Church, the Ely Cemetery Committee, New Horizons, Ely Rotary Club and numerous other civic organizations.
            She was preceded in death by her husband, Ernest Ravnikar, in 1976; her father, Joseph John Jamnick in 1978; and her brother, Joseph A. Jamnick in 1994.
            Survivors include two daughters, Mary Jo (Scott) Pihlaja of Gurnee and Laura (Ben) Johnson of Holmen, Wis.; three sons, Ernie
Ravnikar (Lori) of Iron Mountain, Mich., Paul Ravnikar (Mary) of Brooklyn Center, Minn., and Tony Ravnikar (Ronnalee) of Burnsville, Minn.; her mother, Mary C. Jamnick of Ely; 10 grandchildren, Beau, Stephen and Miranda Pihlaja, Nicole and Eric Ravnikar, Jacquelyn Ravnikar, Kristopher and Kali Johnson, and Ryan and Danielle Ravnikar; two step-grandchildren, Cami and Craig Kirschner; and numerous nieces and nephews.
            Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday with 7 p.m. prayers in Kerntz Funeral Home.  Mass of Christian Burial will be at 11 a.m. Thursday in St. Anthony's Catholic Church, Father Jim Scheuer officiating. Spring burial will be in Ely Cemetery with arrangements by Kerntz Funeral Home, Ely.
Duluth News-Tribune (MN) - January 12, 1999, Final Edition; Page: 05B
28.01--Mary Jo Ravnikar facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Scott Stewart Pihlaja; facebook [PRIVATE];

28.02--Laura Ravnikar facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Ben Johnson; facebook [PRIVATE];

28.03--Ernie Ravnikar facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Lori (nee unk.); facebook [PRIVATE];

28.04--Paul Ravnikar facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Mary (nee unk.); facebook [PRIVATE];

28.05--Tony Ravnikar facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Ronnalee "Ronna" Crossen; facebook [PRIVATE];

27.02--unk. Jamnick, dau, b. unk.; assumed to still be in Ely, MN

The following was excerpted from
the University of Minnesota at Duluth website:   
#50 Steve Jamnick

Height: 6-11
Weight: 275
Year: Fr
Hometown: Soudan, MN

AS A University of Minnesota at Duluth BULLDOG:
Spent the 2005-06 season as a redshirt.

BEFORE UMD: Arrived at UMD after a stellar five-year varsity career at Tower-Soudan H.S. ... a member of the prestigious 1,000 point and 1,000 rebound club, he was named the Mesabi Daily News Player of the Year his senior year for his efforts ... took home All-State honors as a senior, as well as All-Area honors his junior and senior years ... the 2004-2005 Golden Eagles captain was three times named to the Arrowhead All-Conference team his sophomore, junior, and senior seasons ... was the leading scorer his senior year, as well as the leading rebounder his sophomore, junior, and senior years ... in addition to basketball, Jamnick was a four-year letterman in football at the Tight End and Defensive End positions ... was named to the All-Iron Range football team his senior year.

PERSONAL: Born Stephen Joesph Jamnick on 7 Nov 1986, in Ely, MN, he is the son of Joe and Helen Jamnick, has one younger sister (Katie), and is undecided on a major.

Bemidji State University
Women's Basketball #31
Katherine "Katie" Jamnick
Excerpted from the following website:
Tower-Sudan High School Career: A three-sport athlete at Tower-Soudan High School, Jamnick earned a total of 10 varsity letters as a prep...a starter for the Golden Eagles’ basketball team since she was in eighth grade, she was five-time letter winner and was named All-St. Louis County Conference three times...en route to leading Tower-Soudan to a Region 7A Championship and a berth in the 2004-05 Minnesota State Tournament, Jamnick collected Region 7A All-Tournament Team honors...the conclusion of her junior campaign also brought recognition from The Duluth New Tribune, Hibbing Tribune and Mesabi Daily News as an all-area team selection...at the conclusion of her final season, Jamnick garnered All-State Honorable mention honors and was named to the Minnesota Elite Team...finished her prep career as a member of the 1,000-point club and grabbed in excess of 1,000 rebounds...she has also participated in back-to-back AAU National Tournaments as a member of the Northern Lights AAU squad...Jamnick was also a two-year starter and three-time letter winner for a Golden Eagles’ volleyball team that earned a sixth place finish in the 2004 Minnesota State Tournament...a member of the National Honor Society, the Tower-Soudan High School Honor Roll honoree has been selected to the National Honor Roll and Who’s Who Among American High School Students.

Personal: A native of Ely, Minn....She was born to Joe and Helen Jamnick April 16, 1988...plans to major in Clinical Lab Sciences while at BSU...brother Steve stands 6-11 and is a center for Gary Holquist at Minnesota Duluth.


26.00--Ralfael "Ralf" Albie, b. ca. 1892 in Italy/Italy/Italy; d. 2 Jun 1937 in Itasca Co., MN; bd. unk.; m1. Hulda Oli(v?)ia Elj (b. ca. 1901 in unk. place; d. unk.; bd. unk.); m2. Ruth A. Wentworth (b. ca. Jan 1895 in MN/PA/OH; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m1. to Mr. Hamalain; m2. to Ralf Albie; m3. to Mr. Stelter); at least three ch.
[listed as Ralph Alby, 28, fireman in ore mine, b. in Italy/Italy/Italy, imm. 1910, in the 1920 census of Twp. 58, Rg. 23, Itasca Co., MN]
[listed as Ralf Albie, 38, farmer b. in Italy/Italy/Italy, imm. 1909, in the 4 Apr 1930 census of Twp. 58, Rg. 22, Itasca Co., MN]

[listed as Hulda Alby, 19, b. in ND/Sweden/Sweden, in the 1920 census of Twp. 58, Rg. 23, Itasca Co., MN]

[listed as Ruth Albie, 35, b. in MN/PA/OH, in the 4 Apr 1930 census of Twp. 58, Rg. 22, Itasca Co., MN]
[listed as Ruth A. Albie, 45, widowed, b. in MN, in the 14 May 1940 census of Twp. 58, Rg. 22, Itasca Co., MN]

Name: Ralph Albie
Death Date: 2 Jun 1937
Death County: Itasca
State File Number: 006370
Certificate Number: 006370
Certificate Year: 1937
Record Number: 757653

            I found this info online to help in your search for more family on our side.
Harold Hamalain was my mother’s (Rosemarie's) step-brother.  In other words, Hamalain was her mother’s (Ruth's) first husband’s family name.
            Attached are two items I found on-line concerning Harold.
Ruth would have had these names:  Ruth A. Wentworth (Maiden name), Ruth Hamalain, Ruth Albie, and finally Ruth Stelter.
            I found her name in the “Teachers’ Training School List of Bemidji, MN, dated 7/20/1916” 

Some Census Summaries for the Families and Ancestors of Ruth Wentworth
Name: Ruth Wentworth
Age: 2
DOB: Jan 1898
POB: Minnesota
Home in
Black Duck, Beltrami, MN
R2HOH: Daughter
Father: John Wentworth
FPOB: Pennsylvania
Mother: Lydia Wentworth
MPOB: Ohio
Name Age
John Wentworth 49
Lydia Wentworth 29
Byron Wentworth 6
Ruth Wentworth 2
Olive Wentworth 3
John Wentworth 4/12

1905 Minnesota State Census
for Blackduck, Beltrami Co.

Wentworth, John A
Wentworth, Lydia A.
Wentworth, Byron N.
Wentworth, Ruth A.
Wentworth, Olive B.
Wentworth, John J.
Wentworth, Wilfred W.

Name: Ruth Wentworth
Age: 15
YOB: 1895
POB: Minnesota
Home in
Blackduck, Beltrami, MN
R2HOH: Daughter
Father: John Wentworth
FPOB: Pennsylvania
Mother: Lydia Wentworth
MPOB: Ohio
Name Age
John Wentworth 59
Lydia Wentworth 39
Dyron Wentworth 16
Ruth Wentworth 15
Olive Wentworth 13
John Wentworth 10
Welfred Wentworth 8
Mary Wentworth 4
Cicelia Wentworth 0

1 May 1875 Minn. St. Census
for Marine, Washington Co.

Wentworth, J. A.
Wentworth, Elisebeth, living several doors away from John, but could be his mother.

John A. Wentworth
Age: 29
Birth Year: abt 1851
Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Home in 1880: Prior, Big Stone, Minnesota
Marital Status: Single
Father's Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Mother's Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Occupation: Farmer
Household Members:
Name Age
John A. Wentworth 29

June 1895 Minn. State Census
for Crookston, Polk Co.

Wentworth, John A, Bricklayer
Wentworth, Lydia A.
Wentworth, Allen
Wentworth, Byron
Wentworth, Ruth
5 mos.

Not found in 1850

Not found in 1860
Name: S H Wentworth
Age in 1870: 46
Birth Year: abt 1824
Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Home in 1870: Nebraska City, Otoe, Nebraska
Occupation: Stonemason
Household Members:
Name Age
S H Wentworth 46
Ellen Wentworth 45
George Wentworth 23
John Wentworth 20
Ann Wentworth 18
Mary Wentworth 15
Wm Wentworth 12
Robt Wentworth 10
Ellen Wentworth 8

[27.01]--Harold Hamalain, b. ca. 1920 in MN/Italy/MN; d. in WW2, according to Scott Pihlaja; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch;
[listed as Harold Albie, 10, b. in MN/Italy/MN, in the 4 Apr 1930 census of Twp. 58, Rg. 22, Itasca Co., MN]
[listed as Harold Hamaline, 20, widowed, b. in MN, in the 14 May 1940 census of Twp. 58, Rg. 22, Itasca Co., MN]

27.02--Richard Albie, b. 29 Jan 1924 in Itasca Co., MN/Italy/MN; d. 30 Oct 1990 in Crow Wing Co., MN; bd.  Lakewood Cem., Crosby, Crow Wing Co., MN, Plot: 1 H 107 3--Find A Grave Memorial# 48614580; m1. Alice Elaine Harrison (b. 5 Aug 1924 in Crow Wing Co., MN; d. 1 Feb 1950 in in Crow Wing Co., MN, age 25; bd. Lakewood Cem., Crosby, Crow Wing Co., MN, Plot: 1 H 107 3--Find A Grave Memorial# 48627500); unk. ch; m2. Irma Sylvia Talvtie (b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.); unk. ch.; 100;
[listed as Richard Albie, 6, b. in MN/Italy/MN, in the 4 Apr 1930 census of Twp. 58, Rg. 22, Itasca Co., MN]
[listed as Richard Albie, 16, b. in MN, in the 14 May 1940 census of Twp. 58, Rg. 22, Itasca Co., MN]

Richard Michael Albie

Birth: Jan. 29, 1924, Itasca Co., MN
Death:  Oct. 30, 1990, Crow Wing Co., MN

Tec 5 US Army WWII

Minnesota Birth certificate Index
Albie, Richard Michael
Date of Birth: 29 Jan 1924;  Mother Maiden Name: Elj
certid# 1924-13195;  County of Birth: Itasca

Minnesota Death Index, 1908-2002 about Richard Michial Albie
Name: Richard Michial Albie
Birth Date: 29 Jan 1924;  Death Date: 30 Oct 1990; Death County: Crow Wing
Mother's Maiden Name: Elj
State File Number: 025630; Certificate Number: 025630; Certificate Year: 1990
Record Number: 2371531

Son of Ralph and Hulda Olilia Elj Albie
His 2nd wife was Irma Sylvia Talvitie

Burial: 11/03/1990
Family links: 
 Spouse: Alice Elaine Harrison Albie (1924-1950)
Burial:     Lakewood Cem., Crosby, Crow Wing Co., MN, Plot: 1 H 107 3--Find A Grave Memorial# 48614580
Created by: Jim Lee;  Record added: Feb 23, 2010

Alice Elaine Harrison Albie
Birth: Aug. 5, 1924
Crow Wing County, Minnesota, USA
Death: Feb. 1, 1950
Crow Wing County, Minnesota, USA

Minnesota Birth Certificate Index
Harrison, Alice Elaine
Date of Birth: 05 Aug 1924
Mother Maiden Name: Bellefeille
certid# 1924-07368
County of Birth: Crow Wing

Minnesota Death Index, 1908-2002 about Alice Elaine Albie
Name: Alice Elaine Albie
Death Date: 1 Feb 1950
Death County: Crow Wing
State File Number: 003279
Certificate Number: 003279
Certificate Year: 1950
Record Number: 1116618
Burial: 02/04/1950

Family links: 

  William Daniel Harrison (1896 - 1962)
  Mable Mary Bellefeuille Harrison (1904-1995)

 Spouse: Richard Michael Albie (1924 - 1990)
Burial: Lakewood Cem., Crosby, Crow Wing Co., MN--Plot: 1 H 107 2
Created by: Jim Lee, Record added: Feb 23, 2010

Find A Grave Memorial# 48627500

27.03--Lydia Albie, b. ca. 1931 in MN/Italy/MN; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch; 
[listed as Lydia Albie, 9, b. in MN, in the 14 May 1940 census of Twp. 58, Rg. 22, Itasca Co., MN]

27.04--Rosemarie "Rose" "Rosie" Albie, b. 10 Jan 1932 in MN/Italy/MN; d. 15 Jan 2008 in Tucson, Pima Co., AZ; bd. unk.; m. Howard Nestor Pihlaja CONTRIBUTOR (b. 17 Oct 1924 in [Beau says prob. in Blackduck] MN); graduated Bemidji State Univ. in 1975; one ch.;
[listed as Rose Albie, 8, b. in MN, in the 14 May 1940 census of Twp. 58, Rg. 22, Itasca Co., MN]
28.01--Scott Stewart Pihlaja, CONTRIBUTOR [PRIVATE] m. Mary Josephine "Mary Jo" Ravnikar [PRIVATE], (d/o Ernest "Ernie" Ravnikar and Mary Jamnick [PRIVATE] oldest of four siblings: Ernie Jr., Paul, Laura, Tony); three children;

29.01--Beau Scott Pihlaja, CONTRIBUTOR [PRIVATE]; m. Charity Elizabeth Gwin  [PRIVATE]; d/o John Gwin and Sharon Lynn Hamrick  [PRIVATE];

30.01--Asher Samuel Neeraj Pihlaja [PRIVATE];

30.02--Cressida Noel Pihlaja  [PRIVATE];
29.02--Stephen Scott Pihlaja [PRIVATE]; m.  Yoko Kawada [PRIVATE];

30.01--Naomi Kawada Pihlaja[PRIVATE];

30.02--Mei Kawada Pihlaja,  [PRIVATE];

30.03--Mia Kawada Pihlaja,  [PRIVATE];

29.03--Miranda "Mandy" Christine Pihlaja, [PRIVATE]; m.  Allan Straub,  [PRIVATE];

30.01--Amelie "Emmy" Straub, [PRIVATE];
30.02--Linus Straub, [PRIVATE];

30.03--Elijah "Eli" Straub, [PRIVATE]

30.04--Hadassah Straub, [PRIVATE];

30.05--Peter Straub, [PRIVATE];

30.06--Deborah Jean Straub, [PRIVATE];

A L B I E    N O T E S :

Albee Family Genealogy Forum --www.genforum.com

Re: albee spelling to allbee spelling
Posted by: Chuck DuBay--crd314@gte.net
Date: April 27, 2001 at 16:04:14
In Reply to: albee spelling to allbee spelling  by allen allbee
323 of 451

Bernard and his father spelled their name Albee. My relative who fought in the revolution is buried next to his wife his name is spelled Albee hers Allbee. 

The first Albee who came to Braintree in 1637 spelled name his Albee, Alby, Albie in various references.  Probably some spelled Allbee so they they wouldn't called Al-bee. 

Joesph Albee, teacher, War of 1812 veteran, born near Albany, N.Y. in 1787, died 12/1/1852--changed name in later life to Allbee; m. Electra Crippen about 1811.
13 children -Bernard C. was 4th.
Joesph's father was Eleazer Albee died 1808, a scout in Amer. Rev.; wife was Diana

No followups yet

Re: Albee's Machis, me. Stephen or roy
Posted by: Chuck DuBay
Date: June 14, 2001 at 12:41:46
In Reply to: Re: Albee's Machis, me. Stephen or roy    by Lynn Smith
348 of 451

Your line of Albees is 1-Benjamin, 2-James, 3-Benjamin, 4-Obediah, 5-Lt William.
My line is same except my relative was William's older brother another Benjamin.
1-Benjamin Albee came from Norwich, England in 1637 to Braintree, Ma.  We are still trying to find more on him in England, no soap so far--although his father may have been Edward Albee (Allbee, Alby Albie Albeye).   Chuck

No followups yet

From: jmcdgwin@zianet.com
Date: Tue Jun 08, 2004  08:52:00 PM US/Mountain
To: jmcdgwin@zianet.com
Subject: notes from Howard Pihlaja

Notes taken 8 Jun 2004 in Gurnee, IL, by John Gwin during phone conversation with Howard Pihlaja in Philip, SD, transcribed on Scott's computer and emailed by John to himself:

26.00--Jack (not a nickname) Pihlaja, b. in Finland ca. 1900 (derived from given info); just missed draft for WWI; too young; came to Canada at age 17; had two bro. in Canada and one left behind in Finland who was killed during the war; bd. unk.; m. at age 17 (sometime around 1917-18) to Ina Niska (b. Finland--seven years younger than Jack; to Pete Niska (b. unk., d. in early 1950s) and Eva (nee unk., b. unk.; d. ca. 1943); 12 ch. (six boys, six girls);

27.01--Hans Pihlaja, b. 1919; d. 1923 as toddler, age three; bd. Squaw Lake Cem., Squaw Lake, Itaska Co., MN--FAG# 216010292; m. never; no ch.;

27.02--Lyla Pihlaja, b. unk. (but  years younger than Hans; was age one when Hans died); d. of Altzheimers same week as their dad, Jack; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;

27.03--Miriam "Maija" (say /MY yah/) Pihlaja, b. unk.; d. of Altzheimer's four-to-five years ago; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;

27.04--Howard Pihlaja, (Beau's paternal grandfather) b. 17 Oct 1924 in Grand Rapids, Itaska Co., MN; d. 8 Feb 2016, age 91, in Philip, Haakon Co., SD; bd. Black Hills Nat'l. Cem., Sturgis, Meade Co., SD--FAG# 157974815--Inscription: "TEC 5 US ARMY WORLD WAR II"; m1. unk. date/place to Rosemary Albie (b. 10 Jan 1932 in MN, parents unk., unk. sibs.; d. 15 Jan 2008 in Tucson, Pima Co., AZ; bd. unk.); only one child; m2. to unk. (); several ch.;  Basic training in Oklahoma, then to Normandy, but on the "tail end of the invasions" (13th wave on Omaha Beach); "most of punch already taken out of the Germans when I got there, but the bodies were still there"; was in five major campaigns, wounded twice (but never claimed or received Purple Hearts ("they were just badges to us; guys were getting them for getting a cut," etc.);

27.05--Robert E. "Bobby" Pihlaja, b. 17 Nov 1925 (FAG says 1926); d. 9 Apr 1985 in Alaska; bd. Squaw Lake Cem., Squaw Lake, Itaska Co., MN--FAG# 216010332--Inscription: "PFC US ARMY WORLD WAR II"; m. unk.; unk. ch.;

            Memorial service for Robert E. Pihlaja, 58, Fairbanks, Alaska, formerly of Squaw Lake, MN, was April 19, 1985 at the Fairbanks Legion Club.   Born Nov. 17, 1926 at Squaw Lake, he was raised there and later served in the U.S. Army in 1945 and 1946 in Germany.  He was a member of the Masonic Lodge, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and American Legion, all of Fairbanks.  In 1952 he moved to Alaska and worked with heavy construction on the North Slope. 
            Survivors are four brothers, Howard
Pihlaja, Sturgis, S.D.;  Arnold Pihlaja, Fairbanks; Arlen Pihlaja, Bigfalls, MN; and Michael Pihlaja, Grand Rapids, MN; and five sisters, Mariam (Pihlaja) Over and Helen (Pihlaja) Carlson, both of Squaw Lake; Aune (Pihlaja) Anderson, Littlefork, MN; Delia (Pihlaja) Hovi, Grand Rapids, MN; and Shirley (Pihlaja) Jacobson, Minnetonka, MN.

27.06--Arnold J. "Arnie" Pihlaja, b. 18 Jan 1935; d. 10 Nov 2006 (age 71); bd. Squaw Lake Cem., Squaw Lake, Itaska Co., MN--FAG# 256773192; m. unk.; unk. ch.;

27.07--Aune "Onie" Pihlaja, b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. Leland Anderson (b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.); at least three ch.;

28.01--Tim Anderson (twin), facebook [PRIVATE];

28.02--Tom Lee "Tommy" Anderson (twin), b. 23 Aug 1953; d. 26 Aug 2013; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
            Tommy L. Anderson, 60, died Monday, August 26, 2013, at the Sanford Heart Hospital in Sioux Falls, SD. 
            Tommy Lee Anderson, the son of Leland and Aune (Pihlaja) Anderson was born August 23, 195, in Littlefork, MN.  He graduated from the Littlefork-Big Falls High School in 1971. Tommy then went on to Rainy River Community College in 1973 and then Moorhead State University in 1976.  Tommy worked his way through college in the restaurant business, and it became his passion.  He was employed at the Ground Round Restaurant in Fargo, ND, Sioux Falls, SD, and Bismarck, ND, and the John Barley Corn Restaurant in Grand Forks, ND. He  was currently the manager of the Old Chicago Restaurant in Sioux Falls, a position he held for over 10 years.
            Tom was a great golfer and spent many countless hours golfing with his twin brother Tim. He was always gone for entering a tournament or traveling near and far to be able to check out which golf course was the best.
            Tom also loved coming up north in the fall.  He looked forward to four-wheeling with "Mustard" (brother-in-law and friend), staying at the cabin, sitting around the campfire, and trying to get a few partridge now and then.
            Tom also loved fishing, and the times in Canada will be fondly remembered.  Many times he would make the long trip from Sioux Falls to go ice fishing with the guys--those times will stay in our hearts forever. 
            Tom would always be excited when he got to come home for the holidays.  He cherished the times with his nieces and nephews and loved getting to know his grandnieces and grandnephews.  He adored all of them. 
            A visitation was held on Thursday, August 29 as a request by many employees from the Old Chicago who were not able to attend the memorial on Friday.  After the visitation at the Miller Funeral Home, the family was treated to a meal put on by Old Chicago.  We, the family, were speechless and overwhelmed by the love shown to Tommy; he touched hundreds of lives in the 22 years he was in Sioux Falls. From teenagers to the elderly, it was truly amazing.
            A memorial service was held on Friday, August 30 at Peace Lutheran Church.  Special music was by Autumn Sather, and honorary pallbearers were all of Tommy's employees of Old Chicago. 
            Tommy, you were an inspiration to all of us.  You will live forever in our hearts.  Grateful for having shared his life are his sister, Vonna (David) Sather; his twin brother, Tim; several nieces and nephews; and a host of other relatives and friends. 
            He was preceded in death by his parents, Leland and Aune (Onie) Pihlaja Anderson; and two sisters, Janet (Martin) Reller and Debbie (Al) Pochelon.
            A local memorial service is planned for 11:00 a.m. on Friday, September 13, 2013 at the Littlefork Lutheran Church.  The family has requested that memorials be directed to the Sioux Falls Old Chicago Employee Helping Hand.

28.03--Vonna Anderson, facebook [PRIVATE]; m. David "Mustard" "Papa" Sather, facebook [PRIVATE];

28.04--Janet Anderson, facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Martin Reller, facebook [PRIVATE];

28.05--Debbie Anderson, facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Al Pochelon, facebook [PRIVATE];

27.08--Delia Pihlaja, b. 11 Apr 1931 in Squaw Lake, MN; d. 7 Aug 2007; bd. Squaw Lake Cem., Squaw Lake, MN; m. 28 Jul 1956 in Squaw Lake, MN to Allan Hovi; unk. ch.;

            Delia M. Hovi, 76, of Grand Rapids, Minnesota died Tuesday, August 7, 2007.                                                                                                                                         
            She was born April 11, 1931 to Jack and Ina Pihlaja in Squaw Lake, Minn. and attended school in Squaw Lake graduating from Blackduck High School in 1949.  She received her Teaching Certificate in Duluth, Minnesota and then taught in Aurora and Coleraine, Minn.
            She was united in marriage to Allan Hovi on July 28, 1956 in Squaw Lake.  After their marriage, Delia was a homemaker and was later employed at J.C. Penney in Grand Rapids.  She was a member of the First Evangelical Lutheran Church where she taught Sunday school and was involved in several church activities.
            Delia enjoyed the outdoors, spending time at their cabin in Squaw Lake and most of all spending time with her family.  She was preceded in death by her parents; one son, Gary; two sisters, Lyla Carlson and Mia Over; and three brothers; Hans, Bobby and Arnold Pihlaja.
            She is survived by her husband, Allan; one daughter, Karla (Jeff) Trappe of Bemidji, Minn.; one daughter-in-law, Jody Hovi of Grand Rapids, Minn.; three sisters, Aune Anderson of Little Fork, Minn., Helen Carlson of Squaw Lake, Minn., Shirley (Cliff) Jacobson of Minnetonka, Minn.; three brothers, Howard (Jean) Pihlaja of Philip, S.D., Arlen (Jane) Pihlaja of Big Falls, Minn., Mike (Lynda) Pihlaja of Grand Rapids, Minn.; three grandchildren, Jared (Jada) Hovi, Kevin and Amy Trappe all of Bemidji, Minn. VISITATION:5 to 7 p.m. on Friday, August 10, 2007 in the Rowe Funeral Home in Grand Rapids, Minn. and will continue one hour prior to the service at the church.  Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. on Saturday, August 11, 2007 in First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Grand Rapids, Minn.  Rev. Michael L. Eckert will officiate.  Burial will be Saturday, August 11, 2007 at 2 p.m. at Squaw Lake Cemetery in Squaw Lake, Minn. 
Published in the Duluth News Tribune on 10 Aug 2007.

28.01--Gary Hovi, b. unk.; d. bef. 2007; bd. unk.; m. Jody (nee unk.); unk. ch.;

28.02--Karla Hovi, b. unk.; d. aft. 2007; bd. unk.; m. Jeff Trappe (); unk. ch.;

27.09--Helen Pihlaja, b. unk.; d. ? LIVING still where they were all born and raised in Squaw Lake, MN;  bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;

27.10--Shirley Pihlaja, b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;

27.11--Arlen "Iggy" Pihlaja, b. unk.; d. unk.; m. bd. unk.; unk.; unk. ch.;

27.12--Mike ("not Michael", said Howard) Pihlaja, b. 2 Sep 1943 (two days before Howard went into service on 4 Sep 1943); d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch;


Name: [John Omerza] 
Age: 32
YOB: abt 1888
POB: Slovenia
Home in
Morse, St Louis, Minnesota
Imm. Yr.: [1906] 
R2HOH: Head
MarStat: Married
Spouse: Mary Omeza
FPOB: Slovenia
MPOB: Slovenia
Name Age
John Omeza 32
Mary Omeza 26
Mary Omeza 6
Frances Omeza 5
Anna Omeza 4
John Omeza [2 11/12] 
Anton Omeza [11/12] 

Name: [John Omerza] 
[John Omurza
YOB: abt 1887
POB: Yugoslavia [Austria] 
Home in
Ely, St Louis, Minnesota
MarStat: Married
Imm. Yr: 1906
R2HOH: Head
Spouse: Mary O Murza
FPOB: Yugoslavia
MPOB: Yugoslavia
Name Age
John O Murza 43
Mary O Murza 37
Mary O Murza 16
Frances O Murza 15
Annie O Murza 14
Tony O Murza 11
Rose O Murza 8
Joe O Murza 5
Helen O Murza [1 10/12] 

25.00-- John Anton Omerza, b. in Yugoslavia/Yugoslavia/Yugoslavia ca. 1887; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. btwn. 1910 and 1914 in MN to Mary Poderzay (b. in Yugoslavia ca. 1887; d. unk.; bd. unk.); at least four ch.;
[listed as John Omrza, 32, iron ore miner, imm. to US in 1904, in the 8 Apr 1920 census of Morse Twp., Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]
[listed as John Omurza, 43, iron ore miner, imm. to US in 1906, in the 8 Apr 1930 census of Pct. 4, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]
[listed as John Omerza, 53, contract mining in iron ore mines, lvg in same house in 1935, in the 15 Apr 1940 census of Enum. Dist. 69-38C, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]

[listed as Mary Omurza, 37, imm. to US in 1910, in the 8 Apr 1930 census of Pct. 4, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]
[listed as Mary Omerza, 46, lvg in same house in 1935, in the 15 Apr 1940 census of Enum. Dist. 69-38C, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]
Name:  Mary Omerza--Is this our Mary Poderzay Omerza?
Birth:  31 Jan 1890
Death:  Dec 1980 - Aurora, Saint Louis, Minnesota, United States of America
Civil:  Minnesota

26.01-- Mary Caroline Omerza, b. 19 Jul 1913 in Ely, St. Louis Co., MN; d. 24 Jul 2004; bd. Ely Cem., Ely, St. Louis Co., MN--Find A Grave Memorial# 82553956; m. 25 Apr 1933 in Ely, MN to Joseph John Jamnick (b. unk.; d. 1978;  bd. unk.); at least seven ch.;
[listed as Mary Omurza, 16, b. in MN, in the 8 Apr 1930 census of Pct. 4, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]

Obituary for
Mary C. Omerza Jamnick

Mesabi Daily News
(Virginia, MN) - July 26, 2004
Deceased Name: Mary C. Jamnick
SERVICES: Mass of Christian Burial 11 a.m. Tuesday at St. Anthonys Catholic Church in Ely, with the Rev. James Scheuer as celebrant. Burial will follow in the Ely Cemetery. Arrangements provided by Kerntz Brothers, a Bauman Family Funeral Home in Ely. To share a remembrance online, go to www.baumanfuneralhome.com.

Mary C. Jamnick, 91, of Ely died Saturday morning, July 24, 2004, at the Ely Bloomenson Nursing Home.

She was born in Ely on July 19, 1913, to John and Mary Poderzay Omerza. On April 25, 1933, she married Joseph Jamnick in Ely.

Mary spent most of her life in the Ely area, where she was a Red Cross volunteer and Auxiliary member of the Ely Bloomenson Hospital for many years. She was a lifetime member of St. Anthonys Catholic Church, the Catholic Order of Foresters, Catholic Council, and the Slovenian Women's Union.

She is survived by a daughter-in-law, Theresa Jamnick, of Ely; grandchildren, Mary (Scott) Pihlaja, Ernie (Lori) Ravnikar, Paul (Mary) Ravnikar, Laura (Ben) Johnson, Tony (Ronna) Ravnikar, Joe (Denise) Jamnick, John (Diane) Jamnick, Mike (Deb) Jamnick, Theresa (Brant) Harris, Matt (Shelly) Jamnick and Ann (Warren) Johnson; 22 great-grandchildren; a sister, Rose Lassi, of Ely; sisters-in-law, Mary Debeltz, Dorothy Jamnick, Mary Omerza; and numerous nieces and nephews.

She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Joe; a daughter, Mary L. Ravnikar; a son, Joseph A. Jamnick; a granddaughter, Patricia Jean Jamnick; and six brothers and sisters.

Author: Staff Writer
Copyright © 2004 Mesabi Daily News, American Consolidated Media. All rights reserved.

27.01--Mary L. Jamnick, b. 4 Jul 1934 in Ely, St. Louis Co., MN; d. 10 Jan 1999 in Gurnee, Lake Co., IL; bd. Ely Cem., Ely, St. Louis Co., MN--Find A Grave Memorial# 82723465; m. 15 May 1954 in Ely, MN, to Ernest "Ernie" Ravnikar (b. unk.; d. 1976; bd. unk.); five ch.;

Obituary for
Mary L. Jamnick Ravnikar
          Mary L. Ravnikar, 64, of Ely, died Sunday, Jan. 10, 1999 in her daughter's home in Gurnee, Ill.
            She was born July 4, 1934, in Ely, to Joseph J. and Mary C. (Omerza) Jamnick. She married Ernest Ravnikar on May 15, 1954 in Ely.
            She most recently was an employee of Norwest Bank in Ely, where she worked for 20 years.
            She was a past member of the board of directors of Ely-Bloomenson Hospital and was a member of St. Anthony's Catholic Church, the Ely Cemetery Committee, New Horizons, Ely Rotary Club, and numerous civic organizations.
            She was preceded in death by her husband, Ernest in 1976; her father, Joseph J. Jamnick in 1978; and her brother, Joseph A. Jamnick in

            Survivors include two daughters, Mary Jo (Scott) Pihlaja of Gurnee and Laura (Ben) Johnson of Holmen, Wis.; three sons, Ernie (Lori) of Iron Mountain, Mich., Paul (Mary) of Brooklyn Center, Minn., and Tony (Ronnalee) of Burnsville, Minn.; her mother, Mary C. Jamnick of Ely; 10 grandchildren, Beau, Stephen, and Miranda Pihlaja, Nicole and Eric Ravnikar, Jacquelyn Ravnikar, Kristopher and Kali Johnson and Ryan and Danielle Ravnikar; two step-grandchildren, Cami and Craig Kirschner; and numerous nieces and nephews.
            Visitation: 6-8 p.m. Wednesday with 7 p.m. prayers in Kerntz Funeral Home. Mass of Christian burial will be at 11 a.m. Thursday in St. Anthony's Catholic Church, Father Jim Scheuer officiating, Spring burial in Ely Cemetery. Arrangements are by Kerntz Funeral Home, Ely.
Duluth News-Tribune (MN)--January 12, 1999;
FINAL Edition, page: 05B

28.01--Mary Josephine "Mary Jo" Ravnikar; CONTRIBUTOR; m. Scott Stewart Pihlaja;

28.02--Ernest "Ernie" Ravnikar, Jr.; m. Lori (nee unk.);

28.03--Paul Ravnikar; m. Mary (nee unk.);

28.04--Laura Ravnikar; m. Ben Johnson;

28.05--Tony Ravnikar; m. Ronna (nee unk.);

27.02--Joseph Anton Jamnick, b. 5 Feb 1938 in St. Louis Co., MN; d. 28 Aug 1994 in Ely, St. Louis Co., MN; bd. Ely Cem., St. Louis Co., MN--FAG# 142556498--Inscription: "DAD, GRANDPA"; m. Theresa Zupancich (); at least six ch.;

Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002

about Joseph Jamnick on Ancestry.com

Name: Joseph Jamnick
Birth Date: 5 Feb 1938
Birth County: Saint Louis
Father: Joseph J. Jamnick
Mother: Mary Caroline Omerza
File Number: 1938-MN-030658

28.01--Joe Jamnick facebook; [PRIVATE]; m. Denise (nee unk.; b. unk.; d. bef. 2015; bd. unk.); unk. ch.;

28.02--John Jamnick, b. ca. 1961; facebook; [PRIVATE];  m. 1988 to Diane Gotchnik (b. ca. 1961); facebook; [PRIVATE];
29.01--Aaron Jamnick; facebook; [PRIVATE]; m. Robin Cicmil; facebook; [PRIVATE];

29.02--Kevin Jamnick, b. 10 Jun 1993; d. 27 Jul 2024; bd. FAG; m. unk.; unk. ch.;

Kevin Jamnick--June 10, 1993 - July 27, 2024--Hibbing

            Kevin J. Jamnick, 31, lifelong resident of Hibbing died Saturday, July 27, 2024 in Chisholm, MN due to injuries sustained in a UTV accident. He was born June 10, 1993 to John and Diane (Gotchnik) Jamnick in Hibbing.  He was a graduate of Hibbing High School class of 2012.  Kevin was employed with L & M Supply as their IT Technician.  Known as a very generous and kindhearted person, he loved PlayStation, sci-fi movies, and disc golf as his favorite pastimes.  Kevin’s personality was contagious; he was the most selfless son, brother, cousin, and friend you could ever meet.  His care for others was so special and unmatched.  He would always put the needs of others far before his own.  He was the light and life of every event; he never left without saying I love you or giving a goodbye hug.  He made everyone around him feel so loved; he truly had the biggest heart.

            Kevin is survived by his parents, John and Diane (Gotchnik) Jamnick; brother, Aaron (Robin Cicmil) Jamnick, all of Hibbing, MN; paternal grandmother, Theresa Jamnick, and maternal grandmother, Mary Ellen Gotchnik, both of Ely, MN; his dear friend, Bri Enemark; many aunts, uncles, and his 14 beloved cousins, Michael and Nick, Donny and April, Ashley and Brittany, Andrew and Kati, Maren and Krista, Austin and Joe, and Melissa and Caitie.

            He was preceded in death by his paternal grandfather, Joseph Jamnick; maternal grandfather, Joseph Gotchnik; aunt, Christy Skraba; and two uncles, Joe and Michael Jamnick.

            Funeral services for Kevin will be 12:00 noon, Saturday, August 3, 2024, at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church in Hibbing.  The Rev. Fr. Daniel Weiske will celebrate the Mass of Christian Burial.  Visitation will be from 10:00 a. m. until the noon Mass at the church on Saturday. Arrangements are with the Dougherty Funeral Home of Hibbing.

28.03--Michael John "Mike" "Bait" Jamnick, b. 21 Jan 1963 in Ely, St. Louis Co., MN; d. 6 Feb 2015 in Duluth, St. Louis Co., MN; bd. in Ely Cem., Ely, St. Louis Co., MN--FAG# 142556435--Inscription: "BAIT, HUSBAND, SON, BROTHER, DAD, UNCLE, PAPA, BEST FRIEND"; m. "Deb" "Debbie" (nee unk.) facebook; [PRIVATE];
            Michael "Bait" Jamnick, 52, died Friday, February 6, 2015, at the Essentia-St Mary's Medical Center (Hospice) in Duluth.
            He was born January 21, 1963 in Ely to Joe and Theresa (Zupancich) Jamnick.
            He graduated from Ely Memorial High School in 1981.  Mike married the love of his life, Debbie, on August 18, 1995.  Mike worked for Zupancich Brothers, proudly served on the Ely Fire Department for 28 years, and was president of the Relief Association for 20 years.  Mike had a lifelong passion for sports from his high school years to watching his grandchildren participate.  He enjoyed watching hours of sports center, playing cribbage with his wife, and playing Smear with his family and friends, always taking a chance on the deuce.  A very special time of the year was deer hunting with the guys at Farm Lake.
            Mike is survived by his loving wife, Debbie; sons, Michael (Lauren) and Nicholas; daughters, Dawn (Tom) Anderson and Tracy (Mat) Anderson; grandchildren, Kael, Louie, Vanessa, Ty, Matthew, Madelyne, and Sophia; mom, Theresa; brothers, Joe, John (Diane), and Mathew (Shelly); numerous aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, and cousins; and his beloved dog, Lucy.
            Mike was preceded in death by his dad, Joe; his sister, Patti Jean; and his sister-in-law, Denise.
[John M. Gwin Note--15 Feb 2025:  I copied the names of these seven grandchildren of Mike Jamnick (generation 30) from the above obituary; however, no last names were listed there, and so it is impossible to know solely from it who the parents of each are.  As I learn that info, I'll move each gen. 30 name to its proper place in the outline.]

30.00--Kael, Louis, Vanessa, Tyl, Matthew, Madelyne, Sophia;
29.01--Michael Jamnick; facebook; [PRIVATE]; m. Lauren Glatstein; facebook; [PRIVATE];

29.02--Nicholas Jamnick; facebook; [PRIVATE];

29.03--Dawn Jamnick; facebook; [PRIVATE]; m. Tom Anderson; facebook; [PRIVATE];

29.04--Tracy Jamnick; facebook; [PRIVATE]; m. Mat Anderson; facebook; [PRIVATE];
28.04--Theresa Jamnick, b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. Brant Harris;

28.05--Matt Jamnick, b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. Shelly (nee unk.); unk. ch.;

28.06--Ann Jamnick, facebook; [PRIVATE]; m. Warren Johnson; unk. ch.;

26.02--Frances Omerza, b. ca. 1915 in MN; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
[listed as Frances Omurza, 15, b. in MN, in the 8 Apr 1930 census of Pct. 4, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]

26.03--Annie Omerza, b. ca. 1916 in MN; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
[listed as Annie Omurza, 14, b. in MN, in the 8 Apr 1930 census of Pct. 4, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]
26.04--Anthony John "Tony" Omerza, b. 15 Feb 1919 in MN; d. 3 Oct 1989 in Babbit, St. Louis Co., MN; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
[listed as Tony Omurza, 11, b. in MN, in the 8 Apr 1930 census of Pct. 4, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]
[listed as Tony Omerza, 21, lvg in same house in 1935, in the 15 Apr 1940 census of Enum. Dist. 69-38C, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]
Name:  Tony J. Omerza
Birth:  15 Feb 1919
Death:  3 Oct 1989 - Babbitt, St. Louis, MN, USA
Civil:  Minnesota
Name: Anthony John Omerza
Birth Date: 15 Feb 1919
Death Date: 3 Oct 1989
Death County: Saint Louis
Mother's Maiden Name: Poderzay
State File Number: 027175
Certificate Number: 027175
Certificate Year: 1989
Record Number: 2333842

26.05-- Rose Caroline "Rosie" Omerza, b. ca. 1922 in MN; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. Eino Lassi; at least one ch.;
[listed as Rose Omurza, 8, b. in MN, in the 8 Apr 1930 census of Pct. 4, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]
[listed as Rosie Omerza, 18, lvg in same house in 1935, in the 15 Apr 1940 census of Enum. Dist. 69-38C, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]

27.01-- Richard Lassi, b. 10 Feb 1941 in St. Louis Co., MN; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
Name: Richard Lassi
Birth Date: 10 Feb 1941
Birth County: Saint Louis
Father: Eino Lassi
Mother: Rose Caroline Omerza
File Number: 1941-MN-027639

Minnesota Divorce Index, 1970-1995 -- Marriage & Divorce
Name:  Richard W Lassi
Spouse:  Deanna L Lassi
Birth:  abt 1941
Divorce:  2 Jul 1971 - St Louis
Divorce:  1971

27.02-- Thomas Charles Lassi, b. 30 Jun 1943 in St. Louis Co., MN; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m1. 25 May 1964 in St. Louis Co., MN, to Virginia Ann Wedll; div. 15 Mar 1979; at least 2 ch.; m2. 27 Jun 1980 in St. Louis Co., MN, to Lucille N. Howell;
Name: Thomas Charles Lassi
Birth Date: 30 Jun 1943
Birth County: Saint Louis
Father: Eino Lassi
Mother: Rose Caroline Omerza
File Number: 1943-MN-033898

Name: Thomas C Lassi
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1944
Age: 35
Spouse Name: Virginia A Lassi
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1947
Age: 32
Divorce Date/County: 15 Mar 1979/St Louis

28.01-- Jeanette Marie Lassi, b. 26 Sep 1966 in St. Louis Co., MN; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.

Name: Jeanette Marie Lassi
Birth Date: 26 Sep 1966
Birth County: Saint Louis
Father: Thomas Charles Lassi
Mother: Virginia Ann Wedll
File Number: 1966-MN-041493

28.02-- Nancy Jo Lassi, b. 19 May 1970 in St. Louis Co., MN; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.
Name: Nancy Jo Lassi
Birth Date: 17 May 1970
Birth County: Saint Louis
Father: Thomas Charles Lassi
Mother: Virginia Ann Wedll
File Number: 1970-MN-010639
27.03-- Rose Ann Lassi, b. 7 Jul 1946 in St. Louis Co., MN; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.
Name: Rose Ann Lassi
Birth Date: 7 Jul 1946
Birth County: Saint Louis
Father: Eino Lassi
Mother: Rose Caroline Omerza
File Number: 1946-MN-064924

27.04-- Harold James Lassi, b. 20 Jul 1950 in St. Louis Co., MN; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.
Name: Harold James Lassi
Birth Date: 20 Jul 1950
Birth County: Saint Louis
Father: Eino Lassi
Mother: Rose Caroline Omerza
File Number: 1950-MN-016852

26.06-- Joseph John "Joe" Omerza, b. 18 Mar 1925 in MN; d. Dec. 1981; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.
[listed as Joe Omurza, 5, b. in MN, in the 8 Apr 1930 census of Pct. 4, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]
[listed as Joe Omerza, 15, lvg in same house in 1935, in the 15 Apr 1940 census of Enum. Dist. 69-38C, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]
Name:  Joseph Omerza
Birth:  18 Mar 1925
Death:  20 Dec 1981
Civil:  Minnesota
Other:  Virginia, Saint Louis, Minnesota, United States of America

26.07-- Helen Ann Omerza, b. 16 Jul 1928 in St. Louis Co., MN; d. 17 Dec 2000; bd. Ely Cem., Ely, St. Louis Co., MN--Find A Grave Memorial# 82487942; m. William Richard Maki; at least four ch.;
[listed as Helen Omurza, 1 yr, 10 mos., b. in MN, in the 8 Apr 1930 census of Pct. 4, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]
[listed as Helen Omerza, 12, lvg in same house in 1935, in the 15 Apr 1940 census of Enum. Dist. 69-38C, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]

Helen A. Maki
Mesabi Daily News (Virginia, MN) - Dec. 19, 2000

            SERVICES: Memorial mass will be at 1 p.m. on Thursday in St. Anthonys Catholic Church in Ely, with the Rev. James Scheuer as celebrant. Spring inurnment will be in Ely Cemetery. Arrangements are by Kerntz Funeral Home in Ely.
            Helen A. Maki, 72, of Ely, died Sunday, Dec. 17, 2000, in her home.
            She was born on July 16, 1928, in Ely to John and Mary (Poderzay) Omerza. For over 30 years, she owned and operated Maki Upholstery in Ely.  She was a member of St. Anthonys Catholic Church and the VFW Ladies' Auxiliary.
            Survivors include three daughters, Sharon (Milt) Young of Iowa, La., and Monica Sheets and Sandi (Jim) Hoberg, both of Ely; two sons, William R. (Kathy) Maki of International Falls, and Richard W. (Kelly) Maki of Cape Coral, Fla.; two sisters, Rose Lassi and Mary Jamnick, both of Ely; eight grandchildren; and one great-granddaughter.
            She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, William Sailor on Aug. 5, 1994; two sisters, Frances Blank and Anne Omerza; and three brothers, Tony, John, and Joseph Omerza.
Author: Staff Writer
Copyright © 2000 Mesabi Daily News, American Consolidated Media. All rights reserved.

27.01-- Monica Jean Maki, b. 21 Sep 1951 in St. Louis Co., MN; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;

Name: Monica Jean Maki
Birth Date: 21 Sep 1951
Birth County: Saint Louis
Father: William R Maki
Mother: Helen Ann Omerza
File Number: 1951-MN-012018

27.02--William Richard Maki, b. 2 Nov 1955 in St. Louis Co., MN; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
Name: William Richard Maki
Birth Date: 2 Nov 1955
Birth County: Saint Louis
Father: William Richard Maki
Mother: Helen Ann Omerza
File Number: 1955-MN-023049

27.03--Richard William Maki, b. 25 Jun 1958 in St. Louis Co., MN; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
Name: Richard William Maki
Birth Date: 25 Jun 1958
Birth County: Saint Louis
Father: William Richard Maki
Mother: Helen Ann Omerza
File Number: 1958-MN-071799

27.04--Sandra Marie Maki, b. 3 May 1961 in St. Louis Co., MN; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
Name: Sandra Marie Maki
Birth Date: 3 May 1961
Birth County: Saint Louis
Father: William Richard Maki
Mother: Helen Ann Omerza
File Number: 1961-MN-053986

I'm not sure how these Omerzas relate to ours, but here in the 1940 census of Ely (Enum. Dist. 69-38C) is this family:

Joe F. Omerza, 48, b. Yugoslavia, in same house as 1930, laborer in the iron ore mines.
Name:  Joe Omerza
Birth:  5 Apr 1892
Death:  18 Nov 1971 - Ely, Saint Louis, Minnesota, United States of America
Civil:  Minnesota
Mary Frances Omerza, 29, b. MN, in same house as 1930;
Name:  Mary Frances Omerza
Birth:  28 Oct 1910
Death:  29 Mar 1991 - Ely, Saint Louis, Minnesota, United States of America
Civil:  Minnesota
Mary A. Omerza, 6, b. MN;
Name of Deceased: Mary Ann Omerza
Death Date: 28 Apr 2011
Death Place: Mountain Iron, MN, USA
Obituary Date: 1 May 2011
Newspaper Title: Duluth News Tribune
Newspaper Location: Duluth, MN, USA
Residence (at time of death): Mountain Iron, MN
Molly A. Omerza, 4, b. MN;
Name:  Molley Ann Omerza
Father:  Joseph Omerza
Birth:  29 Feb 1936 - Saint Louis, Minnesota
Rose M. Omerza, 11 mos., b. MN;
Name:  Rose Marie Omerza
Father:  Joseph F. Omerza
Birth:  25 Apr 1939 - Saint Louis, Minnesota

Minnesota Marriage Collection, 1958-2001 about Rose M Omerza--Ancestry.com

Name: Rose M Omerza
Gender: Female
Birth Date: abt 1939
Age: 24
Spouse: Donald W Pennala
Gender: Male
Spouse Birth Date: abt 1929
Spouse Age: 34
Marriage Date: 27 Jun 1963
Filing Location (County): St Louis
State: Minnesota

And here they are again, this time on Findagrave.com:

Mary Ann Omerza
Birth:  Mar. 22, 1934, Ely, St. Louis County, Minnesota, USA
Death:  Apr. 28, 2011, Mountain Iron, St. Louis County, Minnesota, USA

Published: Saturday, April 30, 2011 10:00 PM CDT, Mesabi Daily News
             Mary Ann Omerza, 77, a former Ely resident, died Thursday, April 28, 2011, at her home in Mountain Iron, surrounded by her loving caregivers and friends.
             Mary Ann was born March 22, 1934, in Ely to Joseph and Mary (Lah) Omerza. She worked at the Eveleth DAC until her retirement. She enjoyed visiting with family, going out to eat and shopping. She looked forward to going to parties, dances and animal shelters with her South Grove family.
             She is survived by her sister, Rose (late Donald) Pennala of Babbitt; a brother, Robert (Amy) Omerza of Ely; nieces Terri (Chad) Loewen and their children Krista, Cody, Thomas and Travis of Babbitt, and Lisa (Glen) Salo of Embarrass, as well as other nieces, nephews, her loving staff and roommates. She was preceded in death by her parents; and a sister Molly (Martin) Pulis.
             Private family funeral will be held at St. Pius X Catholic Church in Babbitt. The Rev. Bill Skarich will officiate. Burial will be in the Ely Cemetery. Arrangements entrusted to Kerntz Funeral Home of Ely. 
Burial: Ely Cemetery, Ely, St. Louis County, Minnesota, USA
Created by: JudyH; Record added: May 01, 2011; Find A Grave Memorial# 69177745


Section Updated 11 Apr 2024

Section Started 2-3 Feb 2019

22.00--Wentworth, b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk. (nee unk.; b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.);  at least one ch.;
23.00--Wentworth, b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk. (nee unk.; b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.);  at least one ch.;
24.00--Wentworth, b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk. (nee unk.; b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.);  at least one ch.;
25.00--John A. Wentworth, b. Sep 1850 in PA/PA/PA; d. 11 Jan 1933 in Beltrami Co., MN; bd. unk.; m1. unk.; m2. ca. 1893 to Lydia Cox (b. Aug 1870 in OH/OH/OH; d. unk.; bd. unk.);  reports 4 of 5 ch. lvg. in 1900, 7 of 9 ch. lvg. in 1910;

[John M. Gwin Note--18 Apr 2024:  I copied the following indented paragraph from a page on Ancestry.com labeled "John Alexander Wentworth  Cheryl's and Dan's Roots, Trees, Branches, Twigs, and Buds 2008".  Cheryl is listed as Cheryl G1972, age 60+, of Max, Itasca Co., MN.  I don't doubt that this new information about John's parents being Thomas and Ann is true, correct, and accurate.  I just wish she had included more of the "proven" sources of her information]
John Alexander WentworthCheryl and Dan's Roots, Trees, Branches, Twigs, and Buds 2008
Spouse unk.; father: Thomas Gibson Wentworth;  mother: Ann Eliza Baitty; children: Cicelia;  birth: 22 Sep 1850 in Meadville, Crawford Co., PA; death: 11 Jan 1933 in Turtle Lake, Beltrami Co., MN; residence: 1895 Crookston, Polk Co., MN.

[listed as John A. Wentworth, 29, single farmer, b. PA/PA/PA, in the 18 Jun
1880 census of Prior, Big Stone Co., MN]
[listed as John Wentworth, 49, farmer, b. Sep 1850 in PA/PA/PA, in the 4 Jun
1900 census of Black Duck, Beltrami Co., MN]
[listed as John Wentworth, 59, bricklayer, b. in PA/PA/PA, m2. 17 yrs., in the 21 Apr 1910 census of Black Duck, Beltrami Co., MN]
[listed as John A. Wentworth, 54, in the 24 Jun 1905 Minnestoa state census of Blackduck, Beltrami Co.,  MN]
[listed as John Wentworth, 80, wid., father, b. in PA/NY/ND, in the 21 Apr 1930 census of Turtle Lake, Beltrami Co., MN, and lvg. w/the fam. of his son, Byron N. Wentworth]

[listed as Lydia Wentworth, 29, b. Aug 1870 in OH/OH/OH, in the 4 Jun 1900 census of Black Duck, Beltrami Co., MN]
[listed as Lydia A. Wentworth, 34, in the 24 Jun 1905 Minnestoa state census of Blackduck, Beltrami Co.,  MN]
[listed as Lydia Wentworth, 39, b. in OH/OH/OH, m1. 17 yrs. w/7 of 9 ch. lvg., in the 21 Apr 1910 census of Black Duck, Beltrami Co., MN]
26.01--Byron Nathaniel "Barney" Wentworth, b. 11 Dec 1893 in MN/PA/OH (from gravestone); d. 9 Dec 1980 in Beltrami Co, MN; bd. Evergreen Cem., Bemidji, Beltrami Co., MN--FAG mem. #110787121; m. ca. 1916 to Olive Lydia Hines (b. 6 Dec 1892 in Hannah, Cavalier co., ND; d. 10 Sep 1950 in Bemidji, Beltrami Co., MN; bd. Evergreen Cem., Bemidji, Beltrami Co., MN--FAG mem. #105376211); at least six ch.;
[listed as Byron Wentworth, 6, b. Dec 1893 in MN/PA/OH, in the 4 Jun 1900 census of Black Duck, Beltrami Co., MN]
[listed as Byron N. Wentworth, 11, in the 24 Jun
1905 Minnestoa state census of Blackduck, Beltrami Co.,  MN]
[listed as Byron Wentworth, 16, b. in MN/PA/OH, in the 21 Apr 1910 census of Black Duck, Beltrami Co., MN]
[listed as Byron N. Wentworth, 36, b. in MN/PA/OH, in the 21 Apr 1930 census of Turtle Lake, Beltrami Co., MN]

[listed as Olive L. Wentworth, 37, b. in ND/Canada/Canada, in the 21 Apr
1930 census of Turtle Lake, Beltrami Co., MN]
27.01--Byron Phillip "Ben" Wentworth, b. 13 Jan 1919 in Beltrami, Polk Co., MN; d. 23 Jun 1986 in Kalispell, Flathead Co., MT; bd. Glacier Mem. Gardens, Kalispell, Flathead Co., MT--FAG# 118980993--"US NAVY, WORLD WAR II"; m. Ruth Vera Mackaman (b. 10 Feb 1924 in Bemidji, Beltrami Co., MN; d. 2017 in Kalispell, Flathead Co., MT; bd. unk.); unk. ch.;
[listed as Byron P. Wentworth, 11, b. in MN/MN/ND, in the 21 Apr 1930 census of Turtle Lake, Beltrami Co., MN]
Ruth Vera Wentworth
April 26, 2017 at 7:26 pm
            Ruth Vera Wentworth, 93, passed away April 24, 2017, with family, at her home. She was born Feb. 10, 1924, in Bemidji, Minnesota, to Flora and Lody Mackaman. She was the fourth of six children.
            Ruth was just 16 when she married her soul mate, Ben Wentworth.  They shared 46 years of marriage, three children, six grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren.  She led a loved life.
            She was preceded in death by her sweet Ben, daughter Pam Dryer, great-grandson Conrad Tousey, parents, siblings and their spouses.
            Ruth is survived by her daughter, Sharon Tousey and son, Keith Wentworth and wife Joanie; her six grandchildren, Jay Tousey, Lea Tousey, Shelly Williams and husband Wes, Mark Dryer and wife Sonja, Tomas Kline and wife Toni, and Miriam Bland and husband George Bland III; eight great-grandchildren, Seth and Grace Murray, Logan and Olivia Williams, Marily Dangelo and husband Andrew, Ashley Foster, Bradley Kline and Jacyln; and two great-grandchildren, Faith Williams and Hayes Dangelo.
            Services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday, May 1, at St. Peter Lutheran Church in Whitefish.  Burial will follow at Glacier Memorial Gardens.  A reception will be held afterward at 364 Antelope Trail, Whitefish.
28.01--Pam Wentworth, b. unk.; d. bef. 2017; bd. unk.; m. Mr. Dryer, facebook [PRIVATE]; unk. ch.;
29.01--Mark Dryer, facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Sonja (nee unk.), facebook [PRIVATE]; unk. ch.;
28.02--Sharon Wentworth, facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Mr. Tousey, facebook [PRIVATE]; unk. ch.;
29.01--Jay Tousey, facebook [PRIVATE];

29.02--Lea Tousey, facebook [PRIVATE];
28.03--Keith Wentworth, facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Joanie (nee unk.), facebook [PRIVATE]; unk. ch.;
27.02--Ernest Nathaniel Wentworth, b. 29 Jul 1920 in Turtle River Twp., Beltrami Co., MN; d. 25 Aug 2001 in Blackduck, Beltrami Co., MN; bd. details unk.--FAG# 182212785; m. 29 Jun 1946 in Bemidji, Beltrami Co., MN to  Ina Janell Collison (); at least six ch., at least six grch., and at least two g-grch.;
[listed as Earnest N. Wentworth, 9, b. in MN/MN/ND, in the 21 Apr 1930 census of Turtle Lake, Beltrami Co., MN]
Taken from Ernest's good FindAGrave memorial by Maureen S.

            Ernest N. Wentworth, 81, Hines, died August 25, 2001, at Northern Pines Good Samaritan Center in Blackduck.  Burial was at the Wentworth farm in rural Hines.
            He was born July 28, 1920 in Turtle River Township to Olive and Byron "Barney" Wentworth.  He worked in a logging camp at the age of 15.  Then he joined the CCC Camp 705 in Cass Lake. He volunteered for military service in 1941 enlisting in the U.S. Army and served in the 1880th Aviation Engineers.
            He attended Hemphil Diesel in Memphis, Tennessee and was then sent to Alamogordo, New Mexico where the army was building an airstrip.  This was where the first test for the atomic bomb was done.  He then was shipped into the India, Burma theater. There he took a convoy of men over the Himalayan Mountains and helped build the Ledo road.
            He earned the rank of master sergeant.  He was in charge of all transportation equipment from Jeeps to six-ton prime movers.  He was in charge of 250 vehicles; he trained drivers, and kept monthly reports that he turned in to headquarters.
            In 1946, he married Ina Collison in Bemidji, and they resided in Hines.  He worked on road construction, cleared land for farmers, and worked as a farmer himself.
            He was president of the Minnesota Association, Bemidji Unit for one year.  He organized Taylor Township, which had been unorganized for 40 years, was chairman of Taylor Township for seven years, served on the Blackduck School Board for three years, and served on the Beltrami County Board for eight years.  He was past commander and member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Northome Post 3869, and a member of the Blackduck American Legion.  He was also a firefighter for the U.S. Forestry Service for six years.
            He is survived by his wife of Hines; two sons, Kevin Wentworth and Warren Wentworth; two daughters, Diana Killian and Janell Owen; six grandchildren; two great-grandchildren and four sisters, Lovita Reed, Kathern Erion, Vivian Wentworth, and Laura Chevalier.
            He was preceded in death by a son, Gordon Bert Wentworth; a daughter, Monica Jane Wentworth; his parents; and two brothers, Bryon "Ben" Wentworth and Burt Wentworth.
            1930 Census: Byron N Wentworth (36) born about 1894 in Minnesota, was living at Turtle Lake, Beltrami, Minnesota. Occupation - farming. He was married to Olive L Wentworth (37) born about 1893 in North Dakota. Children: Byron P (11), Ernest N (9), Laura M (8), Burt G (6), Irene O (4), and Kathryn J (3). Byron's father lived with them - John A Wentworth (80) born about 1850 in Pennsylvania.
            1940 World War II Draft Card: Ernest Nathaniel Wentworth (20) born July 28 1920 in Turtle River, Minnesota, was living in Hines, Beltrami, Minnesota. Occupation - logging. Physical description: 5'11" tall, 178 pounds, gray eyes, and brown hair.
            1942 World War II Army Enlistment Record: Ernest N Wentworth born 1920, enlisted July 2 1942 at Fort Snelling, Hennepin, Minnesota.
            1946: Marriage of Ernest N. Wentworth and Ina J. Collison, June 29, 1946 in Beltrami County, Minnesota.
            Ina Janell Wentworth, 90, of Hines, Minnesota died on Sunday, January 8, 2017 at the Good Samaritan Society, Blackduck.
            Funeral Services will be held on Friday, January 13, 2017 at 2:00 pm at the Cease Family Funeral Home of Blackduck with Pastor Dwight Warden.  Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 pm on Thursday, January 12, 2017 at the Cease Family Funeral Home in Blackduck, MN and one hour prior to the service.
            Active Pallbearers will be Tyler Wentworth, Owen Wentworth, Carter Cornell, Kendra Cornell, Kurt Owen, Kylie Owen, and Kooper Owen. Honorary Pallbearers will be Ken Owen, Scott Lake, Todd Peters, and Tim Lake.
            Ina was born on August 31, 1926 in Beltrami County, Minnesota, the daughter of Clarence and Ruth (Sherwood) Collison. She was raised in Hines, attended the Hines School through the 8th grade and graduated from Blackduck High School in 1944. She married Ernest Wentworth and lived in Hines all her life. She enjoyed gardening, sewing, knitting, crafts and painting.
            Ina is survived by two daughters, Diana Killian of Brainerd, MN and Janell (Ken) Owen of Hines, MN; two sons, Kevin Wentworth of Arizona and Warren (Jennifer) Wentworth of Blackduck, MN; five grandchildren: Clifford (Amy) Killian of Brainerd, Kendall (Amy) Owen of Hines, Jolene (Terrell) Cornell of Hines, Tyler (Caitlyn) Wentworth of Waskish, MN, and Owen Wentworth of Blackduck; nine great-grandchildren: Carter Cornell,  Kendra Cornell, Kylie Owen, Kurt Owen, Kooper Owen
, Lehrenne Killian, Talia Killian, Hank Wentworth, and Ellie Wentworth; and numerous nieces and nephews.
            She was preceded in death by her husband, Ernest Wentworth; a daughter, Monica Jane Wentworth; her parents Clarence and Ruth Collison; two sisters, Vera Jensen and Ruby Peters; and two brothers, Glenn and Bruce Collison.
-- Cease Funeral Home.

28.01--Kevin Wentworth, facebook [PRIVATE]; b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; facebook [PRIVATE]; unk. ch.;

28.02--Warren Wentworth, facebook [PRIVATE]; b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. Jennifer (nee unk.) facebook [PRIVATE]; unk. ch.;
29.01--Tyler Wentworth facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Caitlyn "Cait" (nee unk.) facebook [PRIVATE]; at least two ch.;
30.01--Hank Wentworth facebook [PRIVATE];

30.02--Ellie Wentworth facebook [PRIVATE];
29.02--Owen Wentworth facebook [PRIVATE];
28.03--Monica Jane Wentworth, b. 1953; d. 1953; bd. unk.; m. never; no ch.;

28.04--Diana L. Wentworth, facebook [PRIVATE]; b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. Mr. Killian; facebook [PRIVATE]; unk. ch.;
29.01--Clifford Wentworth Killian facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Amy (nee unk.) facebook [PRIVATE]; at least two ch.;
30.01--Lehrenne Killian facebook [PRIVATE];

30.02--Tyler Killian facebook [PRIVATE];
29.02--Jolene Killian facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Terrell Cornell (nee unk.) facebook [PRIVATE]; unk. ch.;
30.01--Carter Cornell facebook [PRIVATE];

30.02--Kendra Cornell facebook [PRIVATE];
28.05--Janell Wentworth, facebook [PRIVATE]; b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. Ken Owen; facebook [PRIVATE]; unk. ch.;
29.01--Kendall Owen facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Amy (nee unk.) facebook [PRIVATE]; at least three ch.;
30.01--Kylie Owen facebook [PRIVATE];

30.02--Kurt Owen facebook [PRIVATE];

30.03--Kooper Owen facebook [PRIVATE];
28.06--Curtis Gordon Wentworth, b. 1962; d. 1962; bd. unk.; m. never; no ch.;
27.03--Laura May Wentworth, b. 6 Mar 1922; d. 2 Mar 2005; bd. Evergreen Cem., Bemidji, Beltrami Co., MN--FAG# 119107591; m. Ernest Leroy Chevalier (b. 27 May 1917; d. 2 Jan 2002;  bd. Evergreen Cem., Bemidji, Beltrami Co., MN--FAG# 119107664); unk. ch.;
[listed as Laura M. Wentworth, 8, b. in MN/MN/ND, in the 21 Apr 1930 census of Turtle Lake, Beltrami Co., MN]
27.04--Burt Gordon Wentworth, b. 21 Feb 1924 in Beltrami Co., MN; d. 21 Apr 1945 on Okinawa, Japan--killed in action; bd. Nat'l Mem. Cem. of the Pacific, Honolulu, HI--FAG mem. #64336974; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
[listed as Burt G. Wentworth, 6, b. in MN/MN/ND, in the 21 Apr 1930 census of Turtle Lake, Beltrami Co., MN]
WW2 Distinguished Service Cross Recipient
Copied from Burt's FindAGrave memorial

            The President of the United States takes pride in presenting the Distinguished Service Cross (Posthumously) to Burt G. Wentworth (37562350), Private First Class, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy while serving with the 307th Infantry Regiment, 77th Infantry Division, in action against enemy forces on 20 and 21 April 1945.
            Private First Class Wentworth's intrepid actions, personal bravery and zealous devotion to duty at the cost of his life, exemplify the highest traditions of the military forces of the United States and reflect great credit upon himself, the 77th Infantry Division, and the United States Army.

            Headquarters, Tenth U.S. Army, General Orders No. 142 (1945)
            Home Town: Beltrami County, Minnesota
            Personal Awards: Distinguished Service Cross (WWII), Bronze Star, 3 Purple Heart Medals

27.05--Irene O. Wentworth, b. ca. Jul 1925 in Beltrami Co., MN; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
[listed as Irene O. Wentworth, 4 y 9 m, b. in MN/MN/ND, in the 21 Apr 1930 census of Turtle Lake, Beltrami Co., MN]
27.06--Kathryn J. Wentworth, b. ca. Jun 1926 in Beltrami Co., MN; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
[listed as Kathryn J. Wentworth, 3 y 10 m, b. in MN/MN/ND, in the 21 Apr 1930 census of Turtle Lake, Beltrami Co., MN]
26.02--unk. Wentworth, b. aft. 1893 in MN/PA/OH.; d. bef. 1900 in MN; bd. unk.; m. unk. (nee unk.; b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.);  unk. ch.;

26.03--Ruth Wentworth, b. Jan 1898 in MN/PA/OH; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. Ralf Albie  (see Albie section, above);
[listed as Ruth Wentworth, 2, (sic) b. Jan 1898 (sic) in MN/PA/OH, in the 4 Jun 1900 census of Black Duck, Beltrami Co., MN]
[listed as Ruth A. Wentworth, 9, in the 24 Jun
1905 Minnestoa state census of Blackduck, Beltrami Co.,  MN]
[listed as Ruth Wentworth, 15, b. in MN/PA/OH, in the 21 Apr 1910 census of Black Duck, Beltrami Co., MN]
27.01--Rosie Albie (see Albie section, above); m. Howard Pihlaja CONTRIBUTOR (see Pihlaja section, above, for Howard's and Rosie's descendants)
26.04--Olive Wentworth, b.  in MN/PA/OH.; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk. (nee unk.; b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.);  unk. ch.;
[listed as Olive Wentworth, 3,  b. Jun 1896 in MN/PA/OH, in the 4 Jun 1900 census of Black Duck, Beltrami Co., MN]
[listed as Olive (B.?)  Wentworth, 9, in the 24 Jun 1905 Minnestoa state census of Blackduck, Beltrami Co.,  MN] [listed as Olive Wentworth, 13, b. in MN/PA/OH, in the 21 Apr 1910 census of Black Duck, Beltrami Co., MN]
26.05--John J. Wentworth, b. 1 Jan 1900 in MN/PA/OH--age 4 mo. in 1900 census; d. 15 Feb 1987 in Koochiching Co., MN; bd. unk.; m. unk. (nee unk.; b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.);  unk. ch.;
[listed as John Wentworth, 0 y 4 m, b. Jan 1900 in MN/PA/OH, in the 4 Jun 1900 census of Black Duck, Beltrami Co., MN]
[listed as John J.. Wentworth, 5, in the 24 Jun 1905 Minnestoa state census of Blackduck, Beltrami Co.,  MN]
[listed as John Wentworth, 10, b. in MN/PA/OH, in the 21 Apr 1910 census of Black Duck, Beltrami Co., MN]
26.06--Wilfred W. Wentworth, b. ca. 1902 in MN/PA/OH; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk. (nee unk.; b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.);  unk. ch.;
[listed as Wlfred W. Wentworth, 3, in the 24 Jun 1905 Minnestoa state census of Blackduck, Beltrami Co.,  MN]
[listed as Wilfred Wentworth, 8, b. in MN/PA
/OH, in the 21 Apr
1910 census of Black Duck, Beltrami Co., MN]
26.07--Mary Wentworth, b. ca. 1906 in MN/PA/OH; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk. (nee unk.; b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.);  unk. ch.;
[listed as Mary Wentworth, 4, b. in MN/PA/OH, in the 21 Apr 1910 census of Black Duck, Beltrami Co., MN]
26.08--unk. Wentworth, b. aft. 1900 in MN/PA/OH.; d. bef. 1910. in MN; bd. unk.; m. unk. (nee unk.; b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.);  unk. ch.;

26.09--Ellen Cecilia "Cecilia" Wentworth, b. 13 Apr 1910 in Beltrami, MN/PA/OH; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk. (nee unk.; b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.);  unk. ch.;
[listed as Ellen Cecilia Wentworth, b. 13 Apr 1910 to surnames Wentworth and Cox on the Minnesota Birth Index]
[listed as Cecilia Wentworth, 0 y 0m, b. in MN/PA
/OH, in the 21 Apr
1910 census of Black Duck, Beltrami Co., MN]


Section started 17 May 2024

21.00--Poderzay, b.
22.00--Poderzay, b.
23.00--Poderzay, b.
24.00--Poderzay, b.
25.01--Mary Poderzay, b. in Yugoslavia ca. 1887; d. 2 May 1979 in Ely, St. Louis Co., MN; bd. Ely Cem., Ely, St. Louis Co., MN; m. btwn. 1910 and 1914 in MN to John Anton Omerza (b. in Yugoslavia/Yugoslavia/Yugoslavia ca. 1887; d. unk.; bd. unk.); at least seven ch.;
Brief Life History of Mary Poderzay Omerza, copied from Ancestry.com
Mary Poderzay was born on 22 Sep 1893 in Slovenia. She married John Anton Omerza on 21 Nov 1910 in St. Louis Co., MN. They were the parents of at least three sons and five daughters. She died on 2 May 1979, in Ely, St. Louis Co., Minnesota, United States, at the age of 85, and was buried in Ely Cemetery, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN.
[listed as Mary Omurza, 37, imm. to US in 1910, in the 8 Apr 1930 census of Pct. 4, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]
[listed as Mary Omerza, 47, lvg in same house in 1935, in the 15 Apr 1940 census of Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]
[listed as John Omrza, 32, iron ore miner, imm. to US in 1904, in the 8 Apr 1920 census of Morse Twp., Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]
[listed as John Omurza, 43, iron ore miner, imm. to US in 1906, in the 8 Apr 1930 census of Pct. 4, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]
[listed as John Omerza, 53, contract mining in iron ore mines, lvg in same house in 1935, in the 15 Apr 1940 census of Enum. Dist. 69-38C, Ely, St. Louis Co., MN]
See the Omerza section for details on generations 26 through 32 of Mary's and John's families:

26.01--Mary Caroline Omerza m. Joseph J. Jamnick;
26.02--Frances Omerza, m. unk.;
26.03--Annie Omerza, m. unk.;
26.04--Anthony John "Tony" Omerza, m. unk.;
26.05--Rose Caroline "Rosie" Omerza, m. Eino Lassi;
26.06--Joseph John "Joe" Omerza m. unk.;
26.07--Helen Ann Omerza, m. William Richard Maki;
26.08--unknown son Omerza m. unk.; added here due to