James Edward Columbus Gwin

Martha Elizabeth (Forman?)

Page updated 29 Jan 2025

Page updated 3 Oct 2020
with updates on John Dove Gwin/Guinn
Page updated 26 Jul 2019
with further research on the descendants of the above

Page started 4 Jul 2019

Return to Gwin Genealogy Home Page

1. Ms. (Cousin?) Kim Wuckovich (fourwucks at aol dot com) sent me the initial information.
2.  Census data was taken from ancestry.com.
3.  Most burial data was taken from findagrave.com.

4.  Some first-hand data was taken from various web pages at facebook.com.

5.  Cousin by marriage Shawna Aucoin has posted connections and clues on her family tree at Ancestry.com as shown below.

An Outline of the Known (and Alleged) Family to Date

The initial information BETWEEN this bright yellow CAUTION box and the one above it was taken from Shawna Aucoin's Family Tree at
for which I had not seen any documentation.  I am now finding documentation for some of it;
nevertheless, as always, please do not accept or share it as verified yet without this disclaimer--do your homework.

Updated by John M. Gwin--3 Oct 2020
--John M. Gwin, 6 Jul 2019

18.00--unk., b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk. (); at least one ch.;
19.00--H. Gwynne/Gwynn, m. unk. ();  [THIS PERSON'S DATES (same as John Dove's) INDICATE HE IS PLACED IN THE WRONG GENERATION--or else the dates are wrong.]
20.00--John Gwynn/Gwin, m. Margaret Keeble (); at least one ch.; [THIS PERSON'S DATES (same as John Dove's) INDICATE HE IS PLACED IN THE WRONG GENERATION--or else the dates are wrong.]
21.00--Hugh S. Gwyn/Gwin, b. ca. 1702; d. 1768 (age 66); bd. unk.; m. Frances Peyton Humphrey (b. 1716; d. unk.; bd. unk.); at least one ch.;
22.00--John Gwin/Guinn, b. ca. 1737; d. 1810 (age 73); bd. unk.; m. Sarah Ransome (b. 1733; d. 1808; bd. unk.); at least one ch.;
23.00--John Dove Gwin/Guinn, b. ca. 1790; d. 1867; bd. unk.; m. Elizabeth Whitted (); at least one ch.;
[listed as John Gwin, b. 1790 in PA, m. in OH to to Elisabeth (nee unk., b. PA), md. unk. date/place, in the U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900]  
[John M. Gwin Note--2 Oct 2020:  Yesterday I was referred by a new friend, Ron Gwinn--he is the volunteer administrator for the "Guin,Gwin, Guyn, Gwyn Y-DNA project" on Family Tree DNA--to a DNA chart he constructed.  On that chart, the person on line seven, "Isham Gwin, c. 1770, VA - 1830, IN, m. Mary Canterbury", who, according to my research is my 4G-grandfather, has the exact same marker numbers across the board as the John Dove Guinn right below him in row eight!   They match on 36 out of 37 markers, and on the one exception, they are only one digit off from each other.  That person in the chart's row 8 right below Isham, "John Dove Guinn, 1794-1867", appears to me to be the same person as the one in the white box directly above this note.  What do you think?
            Now I am trying to backtrack Shawna Aucoin's ancestors to connect to this line.  It turns out that she married into this line.  The mother of her husband, Douglas Aucoin, was Mary Catherine Gwin, the cousin from whose obituary I learned Robert Van Gwin's name.  The next two ancestors were found on Ancestry searches of the various census documents.]

From my above observation, which is very possibly and most likely INCORRECT,
of Ron Gwinn's DNA chart,
it appears to my untrained eye that my gggg-grandpa,
Rev. Isham Gwin who m. Mary Ann Canterbury is
a VERY close relative of
John Dove Gwin/Guinn who m. Elizabeth Whitted.  Could they be brothers? cousins?
How am I misreading this?















24.00--James Edward [Columbus?] Gwin/Guinn, b. 14 Feb 1824 in SC; d. 6 Jan 1896 in Union, AR; bd. unk.; m. Martha E. Forman (); at least one ch.;
    Matching Person details
    Spouse: Martha Elizabeth Forman
    Father: John Dove Gwin dit Guinn
    Mother: Elizabeth Whitted dit Whitehead

    John Thomas Guinn
    David William Guinn
    Joshua Augustus Guinn
    Birth: 14 Feb 1824 South Carolina, USA
    Death: 6 Jan 1896 Union, Arkansas, USA

24.01--James Edward [Columbus?] Gwin, b. [14 Feb?] 1824 in SC; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. Martha E. Forman (); at least one ch.;
25.02--David William Gwin, b. [14 Feb?] 1850; d. 10 Sep 1928; bd. Yockanookany Bapt. Ch. Cem., McVille, Attala Co., MS--FAG Mem. ID# 48067597; m. Katie Van Allen; at least one ch.;
26.00--Robert Van Gwin, b. Aug 1890; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. Carrie Ballard; at least one ch.;
27.01--Mary Catherine Gwin, b. 1917; d. age 87 on 14 Mar 2004; m. Joseph Oscar Aucoin; at least one ch.;
28.01--Douglas Aucoin m. Shawna CONTRIBUTOR (nee unk.); at least one ch.;

Backtracking Shawna Aucoin's Genealogy
            Mary Catherine Gwin Aucoin, 87, of Athens, Tenn., and a former resident of Baton Rouge, LA, died Sunday afternoon March 14, 2004, at Wellington Place.  A native of Kosciusko, Miss., she was the daughter of the late Robert Van Gwin and Carrie Ballard Gwin. She was preceded in death by her husband, Joseph Oscar Aucoin; son, Joseph Michael Aucoin; and a brother, Robert Gwin. She was a member of Keith Memorial United Methodist Church and former member of Istrouma Methodist Church before merging with Evangeline Methodist Church in Baton Rouge. She was a renowned quilter and received many awards. Surviving is a daughter and son-in-law, Ann and Dr. William G. Morris of Athens; son and daughter-in-law, Douglas and Shawna Aucoin of Chattanooga, Tenn.; granddaughter, Gwynne Liner; two grandsons, Joseph Aucoin and Dr. Eric Van Morris; three sisters, Evelyn G. Martin and Lucille Gwin, both of Baton Rouge and Elise Friley of Athens, formerly of Baton Rouge; sister-in-law, Bonnie Gwin of Baton Rouge; a special niece, Catherine Gaur of Monsey, N.Y.; along with several other nieces and nephews. Visiting at Rabenhorst Funeral Home, 825 Government St., from 2 p.m. Thursday, March 18, 2004, until religious service at 3 p.m. Burial in Greenoaks Memorial Park.

[John M. Gwin Note--2 Oct 2020:  I have gleaned the following entries from Ancestry.com:]
1.            Robert Van Gwin, above, appears in the 1900 census of Kosciusko, Attala Co., MS living with his parents, David W. Gwin and Katie V. Gwin.  Robert is listed as being age 9 and born in August, 1890.
2.            Robert Van Gwin appears in the Louisiana Statewide Death Index as having been born about 1891 with a death date of 24 May 1961 in East Baton Rouge, LA.
3.            David William Gwin, Robert Van Gwin's father (see entry #1), is listed in the Louisiana Statewide Death Index as having been born about 1850 with a death date of 10 Sep 1928 in East Baton Rouge, LA.  He appears in the 1900 census of Kosciusko, Attala Co., MS as being age 50, born Feb 1850, and married 18 years.  His wife, Katie V(an Allen) Gwin, reports in that census of having given birth to seven children of whom five were still alive.
4.            David William Gwin is listed on FindAGrave.com as "Davie" W. Gwin, b. 14 Feb 1850; d. 10 Sep 1928; bd. Yockanookany Bapt. Ch. Cem., McVille, Attala Co., MS--FAG Mem. ID# 48067597.

The initial information BETWEEN this bright yellow CAUTION box and the one above it was taken from Shawna Aucoin's Family Tree at
for which I had not seen any documentation.  I am now finding documentation for some of it;
nevertheless, as always, please do not accept or share it as verified yet without this disclaimer--do your homework.

Updated by John M. Gwin--3 Oct 2020
--John M. Gwin, 6 Jul 2019

23.00--Mr. unk. and Mrs. unk. Gwin--but probably John Dove Gwin and Elizabeth Whitted--see Shawna Aucoin's research, above.
24.00—James Edward Columbus Gwin, Baptist minister, b. 5 Apr 1824 in SC; d. unk. (but unk. source says 6 Jan 1896 in AR);  bd. unk.: m1. 1 Nov 1846 in Noxubee Co., MS to Martha Elizabeth Forman (b. 12 Oct 1829 in SC; d. unk.; bd. unk.) div. in 1859; m2. on 22 Apr 1888 in Union Par., LA, to Mrs. Margaret Emma "Maggie" (nee McKee?) Ray (); three ch., all by Martha;
[listed as James Gwin, 25, Baptist minister, b. SC, in the 15 Aug 1850 census of Neshoba Co., MS]
[not yet found in the
1860 census and divorced from his wife, below]
[listed as James E. C. Guinn, first as principal and second as husband of Mrs. Maggie E. Ray, in marriage documents of 22 Apr
1888 in Union Par., LA--see below]

[listed as Martha Gwin, 20, b. SC, in the 15 Aug 1850 census of Neshoba Co., MS]
[listed as Martha Gwinn, 30, b. SC, (and allegedly div. fr. James E. C.) in the 25 July
1860 census of Dist. 1, Noxubee Co., MS, lvg. w/3 sons, all b. MS: John, 12; David, 10; and Joshua, 8; in the home of the Joiners, all b. in SC: Joshua, 56; Mary Ann, 55; R.E., 33; and Edmund, 63]
[listed as Martha Gwynn, 48 (sic), b. SC, in the 9 Jul
1870 census of Macon P.O., Twp. 14, Noxubee Co., MS, and lvg. w/her son, Joshua Gwynn, 17, b. MS, in the home of Joshua Joiner, 65, b. SC]
[listed as M. E. Gwin, 50, b. SC/SC/SC, wid. or div., in the 2 Jun 1880 census of Twp. 13, Rg. 7, Sct.2, Beat One, Attala Co., MS, and lvg w/fam. of her son, Joshua Gwin, 28]
[John M. Gwin Note, 26 July 2019:  The proof of the existence of this Mrs. Margaret Emma "Maggie" (nee McKee?) Ray, at least the second wife of J. E. C. Gwin, is shared here by new friend Kim Wuckovich, who sent the following documentation.  I've transcribed these records below from the photocopies Kim sent me.    Thanks for sending them, Kim!  :-) ]
Know all Men by these Presents that we, James E. C. Guinn as principal and Tilman Taunton as security, we are held and firmly bound unto THE STATE OF LOUISIANA, in the sum of One hundred Dollars; and for the true and final payment thereof, we bind ourselves, our heirs, administrators, and assigns.  Signed and dated on this 19th day of April A. D. 1888
THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE IS SUCH, That Whereas, A MARRIAGE is about to take place between the above bound James E. C. Guinn and Mrs. Maggie E Ray and if there shall not exist any legal impediments why the marriage should not take place, then the above obligation to be void; else to remain in full force and virtue, according to law.  Signed and acknowledged before me, this 19th day of April AD, 1888 IN THE PRESENCE OF Jas. M. Smith, CLERK DISTRICT COURT, &c:
J. E. C. Guinn     Tillmon Taunton

STATE OF LOUISIANA, PARISH OF UNION: Clerk’s Office Third District Court.
To any ordained Minister of the Gospel, or to any Justice of the peace, legally authorized according to law, to celebrate MARRIAGES within the same place,—GREETING:—Your are hereby authorized and fully empowered to unite in the bonds of Matrimony, and Holy Wedlock, Mr. James E. C. Guinn and Mrs. Maggie E. Ray agreeable to Law and the usual forms and ceremonies of the State of Louisiana, in the presence of at least three male witnesses, residing within the said Parish; and that you certify the same, signed by the parties and the witnesses, with your official signature, and the due return hereof make to this office within thirty days from this date.
Given under my Hand and Seal of Office, on this the 19 day of April A. D., 1888. Jas. M. Smith  CLERK DISTRICT COURT, &c.
I do hereby certify, That I have, on this day, in pursuance of the foregoing License, celebrated and solemnized a MARRIAGE between
Mr. James E. C. Guinn and Mrs. Maggie E. Ray agreeable to the Laws and Customs of the State of Louisiana.  In faith whereof, I have, together with the parties, and in the presence of the undersigned witnesses, signed the present, on this the 22 day of April A.D., 1888.
J. O. Buckley                Elder J. U. H. Whorton
T. H. McFaddin            J. E. C. Guinn
J. J. Tucker                  Maggie E. Ray

A true record.  This 30th day of Apl 1888                Jas. M. Smith          CLERK DISTRICT COURT, &c.

25.01—John Thomas Gwin, b. ca. 1848 in MS; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
[listed as John Gwin, 2, b. MS, in the 15 Aug 1850 census of Neshoba Co., MS]
[listed as John Gwinn, 12, b. MS, in the 25 July
1860 census of Dist. 1, Noxubee Co., MS, and lvg. in the home of the Joiners, all b. in SC: Joshua, 56; Mary Ann, 55; R.E., 33; and Edmund, 63]
[not yet found in any other census documents      ]
25.02—David William "Davie" Gwin, b. 14 Feb 1850; d. 10 Sep 1928 in MS; bd. Yockanookany Baptist Ch. Cem., McVille, Attala Co., MS--FAG mem. # 48067597; m. 25 Oct 1882 in Leake Co., MS to Kate Von/Van "Katie" Allen (b. 2 Jul 1863 in MS/SC/AL; d. 24 Nov 1931 in Attala Co., MS; bd. Yockanookany Baptist Ch. Cem., McVille, Attala Co., MS--FAG mem. # 48067598); at least eight ch.;
[listed as William Gwin, 0 y 6 m, b. MS, in the 15 Aug 1850 census of Neshoba Co., MS]
[listed as David Gwinn, 10, b. MS, in the 25 July 1860 census of Dist. 1, Noxubee Co., MS, and lvg. in the home of the Joiners, all b. in SC: Joshua, 56; Mary Ann, 55; R.E., 33; and Edmund, 63]
[listed as D. W. Gwin, 27, teacher, single, b. MS/SC/SC, in the 2 Jun
1880 census of Twp. 13, Rg. 7, Sct.2, Beat One, Attala Co., MS, and lvg. w/Mary A. Burt, wid. or div., 33, b. SC/SC/SC; her father, Dr. John O. Forman, 77, physician, b. SC/NC/SC; Mary A.'s three kids, all b. MS/SC/SC: Fannie, 21, John O., 15, and Edward, 13; and four black servants, one of whom is an Isaac Joiner, 60, b. SC/SC/SC]
[listed as David W. Gwin, 50, b. Feb 1850 in MS/SC/SC, md. 18 yrs, in the 28 Jun
1900 census of Beat 1, Attala Co., MS]
[listed as David W. Gwin, 60, b. MS/SC/SC, m1. 27 yrs., in the 3 May
1910 census of Kosciusko, Beat 1, Attala Co., MS]
[listed as D. W. Gwin, 70, b. MS/NC/SC, in the 20 Jan
1920 census of Kosciusko, Beat 1, Attala Co., MS]

[listed as Katie V. Gwin, 36, b. Jul 1863 in MS/GA/AL, md. 18 yrs. w/5 of 7 ch. lvg., in the 28 Jun 1900 census of Beat 1, Attala Co., MS]
[listed as Katie V. Gwin, 45, b. MS/MS/MS, m1. 27 yrs. w/6 of 8 ch. lvg, in the 3 May 1910 census of Kosciusko, Beat 1, Attala Co., MS]
[listed as Katie. Gwin, 54, b. MS/SC/AL, in the 20 Jan
1920 census of Kosciusko, Beat 1, Attala Co., MS]
[Kim Wuckovich Note:  D. W. "Davie" Gwin--25.02, above--is my great-grandfather.]
26.01--Kelly Allen Gwin, son, b. 11 Nov 1883 in MS/MS/MS; d. 17 Oct 1948; bd. Yockanookany Bapt. Ch. Cem., McVille, Attala Co., MS--FAG Mem. ID# 48067599; m. Dena Ellington (b. 5 Jan 1891; d. 2 Aug 1982; bd. Yockanookany Bapt. Ch. Cem., McVille, Attala Co., MS--FAG Mem. ID# 94086694); at least four ch;
[listed as Kelly A. Gwin, 16, b. Nov 1883 in MS/MS/MS, in the 28 Jun 1900 census of Beat 1, Attala Co., MS]
27.01--Laura Allyne Gwin, b. 19 Oct 1920 in Kosciusko, Attala Co., MS; d. 12 Nov 2011 in Oberlin, Lorain Co., OH; bd. Westwood Cem.,  Oberlin, Lorain Co., OH--FAG Mem. ID# 143924057; m. Thomas Edgar Cramer (b. 11 Jul 1919; d. 20 Feb 2010; bd. Westwood Cem.,  Oberlin, Lorain Co., OH--FAG Mem. ID# 143923971); unk. ch.;
[John M. Gwin Note--4 Oct 2020:  The following "bio" was taken from Thomas' FindAGrave memorial.  It appears to have been created from three census documents.]
        In 1920 he and his parents lived in a house they owned, with a mortgage, at 729 Countyline Street in New Castle. His father worked as a traveling salesman for a manufacturing company.

        In 1930 he and his parents and two brothers lived there. Their home was valued at $6000, and they did have a radio. His father worked as a sales manager for a bronze works.
        In 1940 the five of them lived in the same house, which was valued at just $5000 after the Great Depression. His father worked as a bronze salesman, with an income in 1939 of $4900 for 52 weeks of work.
27.02--Dena Gwin, triplet, b. 6 Sep 1924 in Kosciusko, Attala Co., MS; d. 30 Nov 1997 in Purvis, Lamar Co., MS; bd. Rose Hill Cem., Brookhaven, Lincoln Co., MS--Sect 42, Lots 33/34--FAG Mem. ID# 51196048; m. Shelton H. Morgan (); at least one ch.;

27.03--Delma Inez Gwin, triplet, b. 6 Sep 1924 in Kosciusko, Attala Co., MS; d. 4 Dec 1992; bd. Yockanookany Bapt. Ch. Cem., McVille, Attala Co., MS--FAG Mem. ID# 94088457; m. unk.; unk. ch.

27.04--Dicie Love Gwin, triplet, b. 6 Sep 1924 in Kosciusko, Attala Co., MS; d. 16 Dec 1998; bd. Yockanookany Bapt. Ch. Cem., McVille, Attala Co., MS--FAG Mem. ID# 94088561; m. unk.; unk. ch.
26.02--unk. Gwin, b. ca. 1885 in MS/MS/MS; d. bef. 1900; bd. unk.; m. prob. never; prob. no ch;
[reported by Katie V. Gwin to have died bef. 1900 census, in the 28 Jun 1900 census of Beat 1, Attala Co., MS]
26.03--Catherine Alice "Kate" "Alice" Gwin, b. Sep 1888 in MS/MS/MS; d. aft. 1920; bd. Lawrence Walker (); m. unk.; unk. ch;
[listed as Katie A. Gwin, 11, b. Sep 1888 in MS/MS/MS, in the 28 Jun 1900 census of Beat 1, Attala Co., MS]
[listed as Allice Walker, 31, b. MS/MS/MS, in the 19 Jan
1920 census of Saint Francisville, West Feliciana Par., LA]

[listed as Lawrence Walker, 34, (Slate? on transfer boat?), b. MS/MS/MS, in the 19 Jan
1920 census of Saint Francisville, West Feliciana Par., LA]
27.01--Howard Walker, b. ca. 1909 in MS/MS/MS; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
[listed as Howard Walker, 11, b. MS/MS/MS, in the 19 Jan 1920 census of Saint Francisville, West Feliciana Par., LA]
27.02--John (R.? D.?) Walker, b. ca. 1915 in MS/MS/MS; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
[listed as John (R? D.) Walker, 5, b. MS/MS/MS, in the 19 Jan 1920 census of Saint Francisville, West Feliciana Par., LA]
27.03--Carl (W.? H.?) Walker, b. ca. 1917 in MS/MS/MS; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
[listed as Carl (W.? H.?)  Walker, 3, b. MS/MS/MS, in the 19 Jan 1920 census of Saint Francisville, West Feliciana Par., LA]
26.04--Robert Van "Bob" Gwin, b. Aug 1890 in MS/MS/MS; d. aft. 1900; bd. unk.; m. ca. 1915 to Carolyn L. "Carrie" Ballard (b. unk.; d. unk.; bd, unk.); at least 5 ch;
[listed as Robert V. Gwin, 9, b. Aug 1890 in MS/MS/MS, in the 28 Jun 1900 census of Beat 1, Attala Co., MS]
[listed as Robert V. Gwin, 19, b. MS/MS/MS, in the 3 May 1910 census of Kosciusko, Beat 1, Attala Co., MS]
[listed as Robert V. Gwin, restaurant waiter, 39,
md. age 24, b. MS/MS/MS, in the 2 Apr 1930 census of Istrouma, East Baton Rouge Par., LA]

[listed as Carrie L. Gwin, 39, md. age 24, b. MS/MS/MS, in the 2 Apr
1930 census of Istrouma, East Baton Rouge Par., LA]
[John M. Gwin Note--5 Oct 2020: The following obituary was posted to Carrie's FAG memorial by Ms. Mona Hura and copied here by me.]

OBITUARY:  Mrs. Gwin Dies In Louisiana
       Mrs. Carrie Ballard Gwin, Attala native, died at her home in Baton Rouge, Louisisana January 2 after an extended illness.   Mrs. Gwin, 77, was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charlie A. Ballard, Route 3, Kosciusko and was the widow of the late Robert "Bob" Gwin.  She had made her home in Baton Rouge for many years.
        Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Mary Katherine Aucoin, Miss Evelyn Gwin, Mrs. Elise Vurso, and Mrs. Lucille Chapman, all of Baton Rouge; one son, Robert Junior Gwin, Baton Rouge; nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; two brothers, Walton Ballard and Hugh Lee Ballard of Kosciusko; and two sisters, Mrs. Grace Walbert, Kosciusko and Mrs. Blanche Rasberry of Los Angeles, California.
      Funeral services were held in Baton Rouge, Louisisana with burial on January 4.   Those attending the services from Kosciusko were Mrs. Grace Walbert, Hugh Lee Ballard, Walton Ballard, Mrs. Polly Roses, Wiley Moore, and Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Gwin.

27.01--Mary Catherine Gwin, b. 1917; d. age 87 on 14 Mar 2004; m. Joseph Oscar Aucoin; at least one ch.;
[listed as Mary C. Gwin, 13, b. MS/MS/MS, in the 2 Apr 1930 census of Istrouma, East Baton Rouge Par., LA]
28.01--Douglas Aucoin m. Shawna CONTRIBUTOR (nee unk.); at least one ch.;
27.02--Evelyn Gwin, b. ca. 1919; d. unk.; bd, unk.; m. Mr. Vurso (); unk. ch.;
[listed as Evelyn Gwin, 11, b. MS/MS/MS, in the 2 Apr 1930 census of Istrouma, East Baton Rouge Par., LA]
27.03--Lina Elise Gwin, b. 15 Jan 1921; d. 10 Nov 2007 in Athens, McMinn Co., TN; bd, Greenoaks Mem. Pk., Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Par., LA--Sect. 8 south end--FAG Mem. ID# 22910001; m. Charles Douglas Friley (b. 1911; d. 1975); unk. ch.;
[listed as Elise L. Gwin, 9, b. MS/MS/MS, in the 2 Apr 1930 census of Istrouma, East Baton Rouge Par., LA]
        Elise Gwin Friley died Saturday, Nov. 10, 2007, at Wellington Place in Athens, Tenn., at age 86. She was a native of Kosciusko, Miss., but lived most of her life in Baton Rouge.
        She was a devoted employee of Ourso & Co. of Baton Rouge for 45 years and was a member of Broadmoor Presbyterian Church. Elise was a gentle, lovely lady and her kindness and care of her friends and family will always be remembered.
        Visitation will be at Rabenhorst Funeral Home East, 11000 Florida Blvd., followed by a graveside service at Greenoaks Memorial Park, conducted by the Rev. Harriett Cale of Broadmoor Presbyterian Church.
        She is survived by her sisters, Lucille Gwin, of Monsey, N.Y., and Evelyn Gwin Martin, of Baton Rouge; sister-in-law, Bonnie Gwin, of Baton Rouge; nieces, Ann Morris, of Athens, Cathy Gaur, of Monsey, Linda Gaugh, Becky Fontenot and Robin Hatcher, all of Baton Rouge, and Susan Legion of Hattiesburg, Miss.; nephews, Douglas Aucoin, of Chattanooga, Tenn., and David Chapman, of Baton Rouge; and numerous great-nieces and great-nephews.
        She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles D. Friley; parents, Robert Van and Carrie Ballard Gwin; sister, Mary Catherine Aucoin; and brother, Robert Gwin.
Obituary published in The Advocate, Baton Rouge, La., from 11/13/2007 - 11/14/2007.
Parental links and full name suggested by Mona Hura.
27.04--Lola Lucille Gwin, b. ca. 1925; d. unk.; bd, unk.; m. Mr. Chapman (); unk. ch.;
[listed as Lola L. Gwin, 5, b. MS/MS/MS, in the 2 Apr 1930 census of Istrouma, East Baton Rouge Par., LA]
27.05--Robert Van Gwin, Jr., b. ca. May 1927; d. unk.; bd, unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
[listed as Robert V. Gwin, 2 y 11 m, b. LA/MS/MS, in the 2 Apr 1930 census of Istrouma, East Baton Rouge Par., LA]
26.05--Horace F. Gwin, b. Oct 1892 in MS/MS/MS; d. aft. 1900; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch;
[listed as Horace F. Gwin, 7, b. Oct 1892 in MS/MS/MS, in the 28 Jun 1900 census of Beat 1, Attala Co., MS]
[listed as Horrace F. Gwin, 17, b. MS/MS/MS, in the 3 May 1910 census of Kosciusko, Beat 1, Attala Co., MS]
26.06--unk. Gwin, b. ca. 1894 in MS/MS/MS; d. bef. 1900; bd. unk.; m. never; no ch. possible;
[reported by Katie V. Gwin to have died bef. 1900 census, in the 28 Jun 1900 census of Beat 1, Attala Co., MS]
26.07--Clarence David Gwin, b. 4 Sep 1896 in MS/MS/MS; d. 10 Oct 1954; bd. Garden of Memories, Sect. M, Metarie, Jefferson Parish, LA--FAG mem. # 113954343; m. Leslie Ward (nee unk.; b. 1902; d. 1986; bd. Garden of Memories, Sect. M, Metarie, Jefferson Parish, LA--FAG mem. # 113954344; at least one ch;
[listed as Clarence Gwin, 3, b. Sep 1896 in MS/MS/MS, in the 28 Jun 1900 census of Beat 1, Attala Co., MS]
[listed as David C. Gwin, 13, b. MS/MS/MS, in the 3 May 1910 census of Kosciusko, Beat 1, Attala Co., MS]

            OBITUARY:  Bobbye Gwin Wallace, Shreveport, LA

27.01--Bobbye Gwin, b. 28 Jun 1927 in New Orleans, Orleans Par., LA; d. 17 Oct 2018; bd. Oak Grove Cem., Converse, Sabine Par., LA--FAG mem. # 194079287; m. Ray Wallace (Baptist pastor; b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.); four known ch.;[John M. Gwin Note:  The following obituary was taken from Bobbye's FindAGrave memorial:
            Bobbye Gwin Wallace, 91, went home to be with our Lord on October 17, 2018.  She was a beloved wife, mother, and friend whose life reflected her love for our Savior and her desire to serve Him.  She was deeply devoted to her husband and family and faithfully ministered alongside her husband, Ray, as a pastor's wife for over 50 years in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Oregon. She also taught grade school (K, 1st, and 3rd grades) for over 26 years along with piano lessons.                  
             Bobbye was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, to Clarence David Gwin and Leslie Ward Gwin. She graduated from McMains High School in New Orleans, Louisiana College, Oregon College of Education, LSUS, and also attended New Orleans Baptist Seminary.

            She is survived by sons and their spouses, Dan and Janet Wallace; Stephen and Kay Wallace; daughter and spouse Jan and Keith Strickland; daughter, Faye Breiten; one brother, Clarence Gwin; and numerous nieces and nephews.
            Her grandchildren and their spouses include: Brian and Laurie Wallace, Patrick Craig, Lee and Whitney Wallace, Kyra and Gabriel Hebert, Josh and Sarah Strickland, Richard and Mary Drew Breiten, Candace Breiten, Britney and Jordan Smith, Blake and Allison Wallace, and Benjamin and Stephanie Wallace.
            Her great-grandchildren include, Katie and Emily Wallace; Kenna and Kallie Wallace; Cole, Caitlyn, and Caleb Hebert; Thomas, Savannah, and Piper Strickland; Henry Breiten; Levi, Nora, and Grace Smith; and Stephen and Andrew Wallace.
            She was preceded in death by her husband and parents.
            The family will have a time of visitation on Friday, October 19, 2018 from five to seven p.m. at Osborn Funeral Home (3631 Southern Avenue). Funeral services celebrating her life will be at Woodridge Baptist Church, 10:30 a.m. Saturday, October 20, 2018 with a graveside service at Fellowship Baptist Church in Converse/Oak Grove at 2:30 p.m., 124 Fellowship Circle, Converse, LA.

            In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Woodridge Baptist Church World Mission Offering at 850 E. Bert Kouns, Shreveport, LA 71106.
[Published in Shreveport Times from 19 to 21 October 2018]
[John M. Gwin Note:  The above obituary lists Ray's and Bobbye's ten grandchildren and sixteen great-grandchildren; however, it is not clear as to who the parents of each are.  Therefore, I have listed them below in groups of these four known children (generation 28), known grandchildren (generation 29) and known great-grandchildren (generation 30), grouping families as closely as possible by last names.  As we can do further research to determine parentage of each in 29 and 30, we'll move each to its correct position in the outline.]

28.01--Dan Wallace [PRIVATE]; m. Janet (nee unk.) [PRIVATE];

28.02--Stephen Wallace, MD facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Kay (nee unk.) [PRIVATE];
29.00--Blake Wallace, MD facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Allison Chester facebook  [PRIVATE];
30.01--Stephen Wallace [PRIVATE];

30.02--unk. Wallace [PRIVATE];
29.00--Brian Wallace [PRIVATE]; m. Laurie (nee unk.) [PRIVATE];

29.00--Lee Wallace [PRIVATE]; m. Whitney (nee unk.) [PRIVATE];

29.00--Benjamin Wallace [PRIVATE]; m. Stephanie (nee unk.) [PRIVATE];
30.00--Katie Wallace [PRIVATE];

30.00--Emily Wallace [PRIVATE];

30.00--Kenna Wallace [PRIVATE];

30.00--Kallie Wallace [PRIVATE];

30.00--Andrew Wallace [PRIVATE];
29.00--Britney (nee unk.) [PRIVATE]; m. Jordan Smith [PRIVATE];
30.01--Levi Smith [PRIVATE];

30.02--Nora Smith [PRIVATE];

30.03--Grace Smith [PRIVATE];
29.00--Patrick Craig [PRIVATE];

29.00--Kyra (nee unk.) facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Gabriel Hebert [PRIVATE];
30.01--Caitlyn Hebert [PRIVATE];

30.02--Caleb Hebert [PRIVATE];

30.03--Cole Hebert [PRIVATE];
28.03--Jan Wallace facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Keith Strickland facebook [PRIVATE];
29.01--Josh Strickland facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Sarah Jayne LaMontagne facebook  [PRIVATE];
30.01--Thomas Strickland [PRIVATE];

30.02--Savannah Strickland [PRIVATE];

30.03--Piper Strickland [PRIVATE];
28.04--Faye Wallace facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Mr. Breiten [PRIVATE];
29.01--Richard Breiten facebook [PRIVATE]; m. Mary Drew facebook [PRIVATE];
30.01--Henry Breiten [PRIVATE];
29.02--Candace Breiten facebook [PRIVATE];
27.02--Clarence Gwin  [PRIVATE];
26.08--Nelie Mc. Gwin, b. ca. 1905 in MS/MS/MS; d. aft. 1920; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch;
[listed as Nelie Mc. Gwin, son, 5, b. MS/MS/MS, in the 3 May 1910 census of Kosciusko, Beat 1, Attala Co., MS]
[listed as Mc. Gwin, 15, b. MS/MS/MS, in the 20 Jan
1920 census of Kosciusko, Beat 1, Attala Co., MS]
25.03—Joshua Augustus Gwin, b. 10 Apr 1852 in Philadelphia, Neshoba Co., MS; d. 30 Apr 1915; bd. Kosciusko City Cem., Kosciusko, Attala Co., MS--FAG mem. # 22889748; m. Mary Melinda "Mamie" Drennan (b. 1854; d. 1940; bd. unk.); at least three ch.;
[listed as Joshua Gwinn, 8, b. SC, in the 25 July 1860 census of Dist. 1, Noxubee Co., MS, and lvg. in the home of the Joiners, all b. in SC: Joshua, 56; Mary Ann, 55; R.E., 33; and Edmund, 63]
[listed as Joshua Gwynn, 17, b. MS, in the 9 Jul 1870 census of Macon P.O., Twp. 14, Noxubee Co., MS, and lvg. in the home of Joshua Joiner, 65, b. SC]
[listed as Joshua Gwin, 28, b. MS/SC/SC, in the 2 Jun
1880 census of Twp. 13, Rg. 7, Sct.2, Beat One, Attala Co., MS, and hosting his mother, M.E. Gwin, 50, wid. or div.]

[listed as Mamie Gwin, 25, b. MS/SC/SC, in the 2 Jun
1880 census of Twp. 13, Rg. 7, Sct.2, Beat One, Attala Co., MS, and hosting her m-i-l, M.E. Gwin, 50, wid. or div.]
[John M. Gwin Note:  Much if not most of the data for Joshua A. and Mamie Drennan Gwin and their descendants comes from their various Findagrave.com memorials, some from their Facebook pages.]
26.01—Minnie Gwin, b. 4 Jan 1878 in Leake Co., MS; d.11 Jan 1962 in Durant, Holmes Co., MS; bd. Sect. 4, Mizpah Cem., Durant, Holmes Co., MS—FAG mem. #53501437; m. John Randolph Campbell, Jr. (b. 7 Nov 1871 in Chickasaw Co., MS; d. 20 Nov 1939 in Jackson, Hinds Co., MS; bd. Sect. 4, Mizpah Cem., Durant, Holmes Co., MS—FAG mem. #53501434); at least one ch.;
[listed as Minnie Gwin, 2, b. MS/MS/MS, in the 2 Jun 1880 census of Twp. 13, Rg. 7, Sct.2, Beat One, Attala Co., MS, and hosting her paternal grandmother, M.E. Gwin, 50, wid. or div.]
27.01—Sidney C. Campbell, b. 24 Oct 1911 in MS; d. 23 Aug 1963 in Sabine Par., LA; bd. Leesville Cem., Leesville, Vernon Par., LA—FAG mem. #29315866); m. 1937 to Ann E. Cook (b. 24 Mar 1911 in LA; d. 4 Jul 1996 in Vernon Par., LA; bd. Leesville Cem., Leesville, Vernon Par., LA—FAG mem. #29315863); at least two ch.;
28.01—Loring Van Campbell, b. 25 Dec 1939 in New Orleans, LA; d. 28 May 2008, in Conroe, Montgomery Co., TX; bd. Chita Cem., Groveton, Trinity Co., TX--FAG# 32108247; m. Billy Wayne Rollo, Sr. (b. 19 Mar 1937 in Lovelady, Houston Co., TX; d. 4 Sep 2009 in Lovelady, Houston Co., TX; bd. Antioch Cem., Lovelady, Houston Co., TX--Sect. 7, Row #, Plot 30--FAG# 42199797); unk. ch.;
[John M. Gwin Note: the following obituaries were posted to Loring's and Billy Wayne's respective FindAGrave memorials, linked above:

HUNTSVILLE -- Loring Van Campbell Rollo was born in New Orleans, LA, on 25 Dec 1939 and died on 28 May 2008 after a four-year battle with cancer.  Mrs. Rollo is survived by her children, Karen Primeaux and husband Hubert of Trinity, Wayne Rollo of Lovelady, Ann Rollo of Trinity, Sam Rollo of Lovelady and Max Rollo of Lafayette, LA, and by her grandson, Hubert Primeaux Jr. of Trinity. She was preceded in death by her parents, Sidney Culver and Elizabeth Ann Cook Campbell. She graduated from Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, LA, in 1960 with a BA in social sciences.  In 1971 she became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  She devoted her life to her children and the Gospel.  Funeral services were held at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Huntsville on Saturday, 31 May followed by a private graveside service at Chita Cem. in Chita.  Sam Houston Memorial Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.]

        Mr. Billy Wayne Rollo Sr., age 72 of Lovelady, passed away Friday, September 4, 2009 at his residence in Lovelady. Mr. Rollo was born March 19, 1937 in Lovelady, Texas. He was a graduate of Lovelady High School. Mr. Rollo proudly served his country in the U.S. Army, as a machinist during the Vietnam War. He retired from TDCJ where he worked as a prison guard for many years. After retirement he worked for Lovelady ISD as a School Bus Driver. He was a faithful member of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints of Crockett.
        Survivors include his loving wife of 17 years, Amanda Kelton Rollo; children Karen Rollo Primeaux and husband Hubert, Billy Wayne Rollo, Jr., Loring Ann Rollo, Samuel David Rollo and Gerald Max Rollo; grandson Hubert Owen Primeaux, Jr.; siblings Jackie Rollo and Laverne Gardner and husband Morris; step-children Jan Felcoff, Dan and Cindy Blair, Rana and Michael Jones, Jennifer Day and Dudley Steed; step-grandchildren Asher Felcoff, Donovan Rhone, Benjamin Cooley, Gaston Jones, Daniel Cook, Ashley Day, and Barrett Steed; numerous other relatives also survive.

29.01—Karen Rollo, facebook[PRIVATE]; m. Hubert Owen Primeaux, Sr.facebook [PRIVATE]; at least one ch.;
30.01—Hubert Owen Primeaux, Jr., facebook [PRIVATE];
29.02—Billy Wayne "Wayne" Rollo, Jr., facebook[PRIVATE];

29.03—Loring Ann "Ann" Rollo, facebook[PRIVATE];

29.04—Samuel David "Sam" Rollo, facebook[PRIVATE];

29.05—Gerald Max "Max" Rollo, b. ; d. ; bd. ; m. ; ch.; facebook[PRIVATE];
28.02—Sidney Ann Campbell, b. 11 Dec 1939 in LA; d. 19 Feb 2011 in AR; cremated; FAG mem# 65968071; m. James Henry Hollenbeck, Sr. (); at least one ch.;
29.01—James Henry “Jay” Hollenbeck, Jr., b. 8 Nov 1964; d. 6 Aug 1990; bd. Leesville Cem., Leesville, Vernon Par., LA—FAG# 29391083; m. unk.; unk. ch.;
26.02—Laura Gwin, b. 23 Jan 1884; d. 21 May 1915 of appendicitis; bd. Maple Grove Cem., Sect. C, Lot 951, Mason, Ingham Co., MI--FAG mem. # 38527543; m. 2 Mar 1908 to Sidney Hollister Culver, M.D. (b. unk.; d. unk.; bd. unk.); no ch., but helped raise stepdaughter Anna J. Culver (d/o Dr. Culver and his first wife);
[listed as Laura G. Culver, 26, b. MS/MS/MS, m1 for 2 yrs. w/0 of 0 ch. lvg., in the 21 Apr 1910 census of Mason, Vevay Twp., Ingham Co., MI]
[listed as Laura Gwin Culver on her death certificate, the informant for which was her husband, Dr. S. H. Culver]

[listed as Sydney H. Culver, 53, general practice physician, b. MI/NY/NY, m2 for 2 yrs., in the 21 Apr 1910 census of Mason, Vevay Twp., Ingham Co., MI]
26.03—John Franklin Gwin, b. 6 Sep 1886; d. 19 Dec 1963; bd. Kosciusko City Cem., Kosciusko, Attala Co., MS—FAG# 73004766; m. unk., perhaps never; unk. ch., perhaps none;

Some Good Correspondence


I’m searching my Gwin genealogy as well.  I am having trouble getting information on a
James Edward Columbus Gwin 
born:  April 5, 1824 South Carolina
died: Jan 6, 1896 Arkansas (?)
married to Martha Elizabeth Forman born October 12, 1829 in South Carolina
Married Nov 1, 1846 in Noxube, MS 
Divorced in 1859

I believe they had 3 children:  John Thomas, Joshua Augustus, David William.  

James was possibly a Baptist Minister.

Any information you may have would be greatly appreciated

Kim Wuckovich
27 Jun 2019

Hi Kim!

Sorry to take so long to get back to you.

No I didn’t have anything when you first wrote last week, but your search intrigued me.  So I started looking and ended up building a page for him!

I’m still looking. 

Best to you,
In Jesus,



	Thank you for starting a page for James Edward Columbus Gwin.  
I hope that others can help uncover where he went after his divorce.  
I do know that he did remarry a Margaret "Maggie" Emma Ray McKee
(seen it listed as McRee, many others).  
I do my work in Familysearch, and a James Edward Gwin born 1866
was attached to my tree by someone.  I have not found any link to James
Edward Columbus Gwin and Martha Forman.  So I'm not sure if he truly is a
child of theirs.  
Also, many people have treated James Edward Columbus Gwin and
James Edward Gwin as the same person and linked Martha to both of them
as well as the divorce.  Some have even linked their spouses together
showing James as one person married three times!  
I contacted the manager of the cemetery information for both James E.
C. and Maggie Ray McKee, and she has only the FindAGrave info on her
page. She is currently recovering from a surgery and cannot delve into
more info at this time.  Perhaps when she is feeling better. I have a couple questions about the James E. C. Gwin page.  There is
a Minnie Gwin on the page.  Where does she come from? Also, the Aucoin Ancestry page has James E. C. Gwin as a descendent
of Hugh Gwynn of VA.  He was credited for saving Pocahontas from drowning and was given the current Gwynn's Island in VA from Powhatan.  I have not been able to prove that as records have been destroyed in church fires.
Like you said on the page: "do not accept or share"--do your homework.   Thanks again.  If I find something useful, I will let you know. Kim Wuckovich
From:  Kim & Nick Wuckovich
To:  jmcdgwin@zianet.com
Date:  17 Jul 2019
Subject:  Re: Gwin Genealogy

	David William "Davie" Gwin is my great-grandfather.  Thanks for putting 
him on the page.  I have the info on generations down from JEC Gwin, but I 
can't verify going up the tree.  
	What I have not been able to clarify is if James Edward Guinn is actually 
the child of James Edward Columbus Gwin.  JE Gwin was born in Arkansas 
about 7 years after JEC Gwin and Martha Forman were divorced.  JEC and 
Martha lived in Mississippi during their marriage.  JE Gwin was also born 
some 20 years prior to JEC Gwin marrying Mrs. Maggie Ray Gwin.  So either 
JEC Gwin had a another wife in-between the two or JE Gwin is no relation 
to JEC Gwin.  I have not been able to find him on any census with any 
combination of these parents.  
	Someone in my family did a genealogy search years ago and went back 
through my 3X great-grandparents on my maternal grandparents' side.  They did 
not know where JEC Gwin went after his divorce. 
Thanks for all your research!