between the Givhan, Timberlake, and Holmes Families of Dallas County and Perry County, Alabama, Some of Whom Appear in Martha R. G. H. Lester's Photo Album |
My double first cousin thrice removed, Martha Roseanne Guinn (Gwin) Holley Lester, owned a photo album with her own initials (MRH) engraved on its front. The initials indicate that it was given to her (or purchased by her) during the time she was married to Mr. Holley. It may even have been a wedding gift to her. Its original, hand-written index lists the names of over 70 people whose photos evidently appeared in the album at one time.By the time my double fourth cousin, Barbara Ward, who now owns the album, inherited it, some of the photos had been removed and/or misplaced, while others may have been added without identification. Identifying all the pictures has been her goal for several years, and recently I also developed an interest in helping reach it.
While great strides have been made, several unidentified photos still remain. Are we blood-related to these people? Or are some only friends of the family and not related otherwise? This page is a collection of information sources that seem to be close to identifying the people in the following four photographs, each of whom was formerly marked only as "unknown".
Table of Contents:A. Related photos selected from the old photo album
B. Select TIMBERLAKE items from the 1880 Census
C. E.mail from: Barbara L.Ward
D. The diary of Rev. J. Cotten of Cahawba
E. The book Vital Data from Cemeteries in Dallas County, Alabama
F. The 1850 Census of Dallas Co.
G. E.mails from: Carol Rackley
H. This chart illustrates Carole Rackley's e.mails, above, and ties in some of this page's other data
I. From Notable Men of Alabama by DuBose: EDGAR GILMORE GIVHAN, M.D.
J. LOOKING BACK: Remembering Aldrich 'street'
K. Old letter from John S. Timberlake to James C. S. Timberlake
L. This is a list of all GIVHANs in 1880 in the USA
M. These are copies of my correspondence with Ms. Carole Rackley and others
N. Excerpts from 1870 and 1900 censuses.
O. Photo of an 1869 Dallas Co., AL, tax receipt signed by Mr. Timberlake
P. This is a separate page entitled: TIMBERLAKE FAMILIES: An Attempt to Piece Together Data from Four Sources.
Mr. Timberlake Mattie Timberlake |
![]() ![]() |
This is James Charles S. Timberlake,
is in Gainesville, Hall Co., GA, for the 1880 census, and by 1890
Monticello, Jefferson Co., FL. (See notes below for Minnie
The fact that he is a tailor, as disclosed in this census, above,
that he could have been in business with the Bassets
of Cahaba, who married into the Gwin family. But Carole Rackley says
the 1870 census shows him to be the county tax collector in Selma, not
nevertheless, he could've been apprenticing under the Bassets as a
I found a letter written in 1890 from a
John S.
Timberlake to this same J. C. S. Timberlake, then living in
Florida. It can be read below
or at the good site from which it is quoted:
This is Mattie Holmes Timberlake, who is in Gainesville, Hall Co., GA, for the 1880 census, and who is the twin sister of Mary Holmes Givhan, wife of Joseph Phillip, and mother of Minnie. |
Minnie Givhan |
![]() |
She is the daughter of Philip Givhan (below), his
full name
being Dr. Joseph Philip Givhan. Neither Carole Rackley nor I
been able to find Philip Givhan anywhere in the US in the 1880 census
any spelling.
In 1880, Minnie Givhan, age 12, b. in AL, was living in Gainesville, Hall Co., GA, in the home of her uncle and aunt, James C. S. Timberlake, and Mattie H. Timberlake, 30, b. AL (parents both b. in SC). Carole Rackley found Minnie in 1870: "According to the 1870 census records for Athens, [Dallas County] Alabama, Minnie was the only child of Dr. Joseph Philip Givhan and Mary Holmes Givhan. Minnie was born in 1868." (This could mean that the album's owner, Martha Roseanne Gwin "Guinn" Holley Lester, likely knew these Givhans not only in Perry County but in the Town of Athens, Dallas Co., as well!) But as we see below, it turns out that Minnie was not an only child, her mother evidently having been pregnant with her brother at the time of the 1870 census. |
Phillip Givhan |
![]() |
This is Dr. Joseph Philip Givhan, father of Minnie
Givhan and
nephew of the Dr. Thomas Jacob Givhan mentioned in Rev.
Cotten's diary (see entries D, E, and F below). He
James Timberlake's wife's twin sister, Mary Holmes, being himself first
cousin to them both.
See also Barbara Ward's note, entry C, below.
Name: James C. S. TIMBERLAKE
Age: 36
Estimated birth year: <1844>
Birthplace: South Carolina
Occupation: Tailor
Relation: Self
Home in 1880: Gainesville, Hall, Georgia
Marital status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
Head of household: James C. S. TIMBERLAKE
Father's birthplace: SC
Mother's birthplace: SC
Name: Mattie H. TIMBERLAKE
Age: 30
Estimated birth year: <1850>
Birthplace: Alabama
Occupation: Keeping House
Relation: Wife
Home in 1880: Gainesville, Hall, Georgia
Marital status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Female
Head of household: James C. S. TIMBERLAKE
Father's birthplace: SC
Mother's birthplace: SC
Name: Martha J. TIMBERLAKE
Age: 61
Estimated birth year: <1819>
Birthplace: South Carolina
Occupation: At House
Relation: Mother
Home in 1880: Gainesville, Hall, Georgia
Marital status: Widowed
Race: White
Gender: Female
Head of household: James C. S. TIMBERLAKE
Father's birthplace: SC
Mother's birthplace: SC
Name: Minnie GIVHAN
Age: 12
Estimated birth year: <1868>
Birthplace: Alabama
Occupation: In School
Relation: Niece
Home in 1880: Gainesville, Hall, Georgia
Marital status: Single
Race: White
Gender: Female
Head of household: James C. S. TIMBERLAKE
Father's birthplace: AL
Mother's birthplace: AL
Date: Tue Oct 21, 2003 12:49:59 AM US/Mountain
To: <>
Subject: Photo album indexHi John,
I checked out early marriages of Dallas Co. and may have leads on the "Givhan" name.Jacob Givhan m. Mary M. Holmes 1839 (didn't we have a Mrs. Holmes? [YES--see photo no. 54 in the album and Carole Rackley's e.mails and chart below.]Maybe this will help. Catch you later,
William P. Givhan m. Louisiana Hunter 1843 Could this be "Phillip"?
"This morning 3 of the bodies killed by the explosion of the Russel were brought up. Mr. Watts was one. They were all taken off on hearses. Bro. Guinn came to see me this evening after supper and conversed to edification. Dr. Givhan died yesterday."
E. A. Givhan, 26, F, ALTherefore, Dr. Thomas J. Givhan must have died just months after this census was taken.
Wm. J. Givhan, 6, M, AL
J. A. Givhan, 5, M, AL
M. D. Givhan, 3, F, AL
P. A. Givhan, 2, M, AL
M. A. P. Aylette 63, F, VA
A. K. Givhan 66, F, VA.If Carole Rackley's theory is correct, the P. A. is not the Dr. Joseph Philip Givhan pictured in the above photo; rather, this P. A., though also named Philip, is the second cousin of Dr. J.P.G. and is the same age as Dr. J.P.G.'s daughter Minnie.
E.mail #1 of 22 Oct 2004: According to the 1870 census records for Athens, [Athens Beat, Dallas Co.] Alabama, Minnie was the only child of Dr. Joseph Philip Givhan and Mary Holmes Givhan. Minnie was born in 1868. (She is obviously the Minnie Givhan, age 12, listed with James Timberlake and his wife in Georgia in 1880. I have been unable to find anything about her life after that.)It is probable that the Philip Givhan in your album is Dr. Joseph Philip Givhan, son of Jacob Givhan of Perry County, Ala., not Philip Givhan, son of Dr. Thomas J. Givhan, of Dallas County, since Mary Holmes (daughter of Jesse Holmes) is Joseph Philip's wife and she is also in the album. [John M. Gwin Note: I think she may not be in the album; rather, it is Mary Holmes' MOTHER who is in the album.It seems to me that were she Mary herself, she'd be called Mrs. Givhan or Miss Holmes, not Mrs. Holmes, don't you think? Regardless, your point (i.e., that her last name's presence in the book is significant) is well-made and well-taken. :-)]
Thomas J. Givhan's father was also named Jacob Givhan. He owned a plantation on the Alabama River at Sardis, Dallas County. Jacob Givhan, of Perry County, was Jacob of Sardis' nephew (son of his brother, Job Philip Givhan.) Whoever wrote the old song, "I'm My Own Grandpa" must have been a genealogist!
The story gets a liitle strange after that. I had assumed Minnie's parents were dead, but Dr. Joseph Philip Givhan was born January 25, 1844, and died November 8, 1899. Mary Holmes Givhan was born August 18, 1844 and died April 26, 1915. Both are buried at Pine Hills Cemetery, Jemison, Ala. I could find them in no census in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, or South Carolina after 1870. It is possible that Minnie was counted in the James Timberlake 1880 entry when she was there only as a visitor. Missing census records for 1890 also cause problems. I still plan to look for Minnie in old Alabama and Georgia marriage records and also try to find the Timberlake connection. Do you have any idea what Mattie Timberlake's maiden name was?
In going through my records for Jesse Holmes of the Athens community, Dallas County, Ala., I have found that he had six children, among whom were two daughters, Mary and Martha, both born in 1846. I do not have a record of whether they were twins. In my previous letter, I explained that Mary married Dr. Joseph Philip Givhan, and that Minnie was their daughter, born in 1868 (and as nearly as I can determine, their only child.) Without a marriage record, I have no proof, but the following seems the only reasonable solution. I believe Mattie H. Timberlake was Martha Holmes, sister of Mrs. Joseph Philip (Mary Holmes) Givhan, and therefore the aunt of Minnie Givhan. However, the fact that Minnie is listed as being in school would indicate that this was no casual visit. Mary and Martha were both born in 1846. Both were born in Alabama, and their parents were born in South Carolina.
E.mail #2 of 23 Oct 2004: In yesterday's letter I wrote that Dr. Givhan's 1870 census entry was Athens, Ala., but it was the Athens beat in Dallas County.
You may have this in your records: In the Dallas County 1770 census, James and Martha(her true name) Timberlake were living there, and he was a tax collector. According to the 1850 Richard Timberlake entry in York County, S.C., James was 6 years old. In the 1860 entry James is not listed. Could he have left home at 16, or was he living with relativies? How did he end up in Dallas County, Ala. ten years later?
In the Timberlake letter to James in Monticello, Fla., the relative states that Richard died in the Civil War, which would explain his widow, Martha, living with James and Mattie in 1880 and the fact that I could not find Richard in the census records after 1860.
I hope this helps. If I find real documentation of the fact that James Timberlake's wife was Martha Holmes, I'll let you know.
E.mail #3 of 24 Oct 2004: In some files I had not examined in over 20 years, I found the answer. It is a Holmes file that was given to me at a Givhan reunion in Montgomery in 1980. The reunion planners had a motel room set up with a copier and plenty of paper. Many people had brought information, and we were free to copy whatever we wanted. Sometimes the information came from two or three people, and there was no way to document all sources. However, this confirms what I sent earlier today. Mary and Martha Holmes were twins, daughters of Jesse and Frances Whitlock Holmes. This record says they were born in 1844. Mary married Joseph Philip Givhan (who was her cousin) and Martha married Charles Timberlake. That information came from a descendant, Rudolph Caine, who had done extensive, and very accurate, research.
I also have a notation from "Notable Men of Alabama" by DuBose that Dr. Edgar Gilmore Givhan, of Montevallo, was born in Uniontown, Perry County, September 24, 1870. He was the son of Dr. Joseph Philip and Mary Holmes Givhan. She was a twin daughter of Jesse Holmes, brother of Anderson Holmes. Joseph Philip served three years in the Civil War Dr. Edgar Givhan served three years as resident physician for the Alabama Girls Industrial School. He was unmarried in 1904.
This means that Minnie did have a brother who was two years younger. Mary was probably pregnant when the 1870 census was taken because he is not mentioned, but Minnie is, age 2.
From personal knowledge, I know he married later and had at least one son, Edgar Gilmore Givhan, Jr. He also became a physician and was chief-of-staff at a hospital in Birmingham. I met him at the 1980 reunion. He had made some trips to France, trying to trace Givhan Huguenot roots. He died before our 1982 reunion in South Carolina, but his unmarried adult daughters attended.
I found nothing to indicate why Minnie was living with her aunt, but spending months with relatives was not unusual in those days.
I don't know how much follow-up on James C. S. Timberlake you have done. He was in Alabama in 1870, Georgia in 1880, Monticello, Fla. in `1890, Yell, Ark. in 1900. He and Martha were still together and had a 17-year-old daughter, Martha. There is also a 19-year-old, Lee Timberlake, married. He may be James and Martha's son.
Carol Rackley
in red in
this chart are believed to be those of the people
in the photos above.
Dr. Thomas Jacob Givhan's
name appears in the same blue
as Rev. Cotten's entry D, above.
-ation |
Related |
Related |
Related |
of Sardis, Dallas Co., AL m. A. K. Givhan 66 in 1850, F, VA. |
(brother to the other grandmother) m. Mrs. Frances Whitlock Holmes |
parents |
(brother to the other grandmother) m. Mrs. Frances Whitlock Holmes |
grand- parents of Minnie |
of Perry Co., AL m. Maria Holmes (sister to the other grandfather) [Early Dallas County, Alabama, Marriages, Vol. I, says that Jacob Givhan m. 18 Dec 1839 to Mary M. Holmes] |
cousins |
of Dallas Co., AL (b. 13 Oct 1821, d. 29 Nov 1850) m. E. A. (Aylette) Givhan, 26 in 1850, F, AL |
(b. 18 Aug 1844, d. unk.) m. Mr. James C. S. Timberlake |
sisters |
(b. 18 Aug 1844, d. 1915) m. Dr. Joseph Philip Givhan, (b. ; d. 11 Nov 1900), first cousins to each other |
couple |
(b. ; d. 11 Nov 1900) m. Ms. Mary Holmes (b. 18 Aug 1844, d. 1915), first cousins to each other |
cousins |
J. A. Givhan, 5 in 1850, M, AL M. D. Givhan, 3 in 1850, F, AL P. A. Givhan, 2 in 1850, M, AL |
if any |
cousins |
(b. 1868) Dr. Edgar Gilmore Givhan, Sr., |
people |
(b. 1868) Dr. Edgar Gilmore Givhan, Sr., |
cousins |
grandchildren, if any |
person |
people |
I. From Notable Men of Alabama by DuBose:
One of the prominent young physicians of Shelby County, Ala, is Dr. E. G. Givhan of Montevallo. He was born at Uniontown, Perry Co., Sept. 24, 1870, the son of Dr. Jos. P. Givhan and Mary Holmes. Dr. Jos. P. was an excellent physician and spent a long life in the practice of his profession. He was veteran of the Civil war of three years' service, a Democrat, a Freemason, and a Baptist. He was the son of Jacob and Mary Holmes Givhan, both natives of South Carolna, who settled in Dallas County in 1834. Our subject's father died Nov. 11, 1900. His wife was a daughter of Anderson and Maria Holmes, natives of South Carolina, who came to Alabama about the same year as the Givhans. They also were Baptists in faith. Dr. Givhan obtained his literary training at Dallas Academy and Howard College from which he graduated in 1892. He then matriculated at the Alabama Medical College in Mobile, where he graduated with valedictorian honors in 1894. He began practice in Jemison, Ala., but in 1895 settled in Montevallo, where he has since resided. He was for three years resident physician to the Alabama Girls' Industrial...
BACK: Remembering Aldrich 'street' |
Published: 09/02/2000 Page: P4C Headline: LOOKING BACK: REMEMBERING ALDRICH 'STREET' Byline: ADRIAN GWIN |
[John M. Gwin NOTE: For the last year before Dad died, I had the privilege of serving as his courier. He had served the Charleston Daily Mail [Charleston, WV] for over fifty years, primarily as a feature writer. After his aorta repair in West Virginia in 1999, we decided it would be best to move them out here to New Mexico to be near us. We used up some of his backlog of "columns" during those first months of recuperation, but then he wanted to get back to writing again. He'd crank something out by hand at their apartment, then I'd pick it up that afternoon and type it up on my computer before taking a hardcopy back to him to proof. When he had it "just so," I'd pop it into an e.mail attachment and have it on his editor's desk at The Mail in 20 seconds flat.
for the Daily MailA three-mile, red-dog road tied Aldrich to Montevallo when I lived in there.
Maybe still does. Montevallo was as familiar as porkinbeans, but Aldrich was something new to us.
Almost exactly a hundred years ago, Mother got a degree in telegraphy at Montevallo from the Alabama Girls' Industrial School.
She talked about it, and used the telegraphy for the rest of her life.
But I never heard her mention Aldrich.
And, though she never mentioned it, I
know she was there on occasion. She sometimes told of hiking out to Davis Falls "with some of the girls" to pick wildflowers.
The pathway to Davis Falls ran right through Aldrich. In fact, when we lived there in 1928, it was the "street" before our house, and we often went out to the falls to pick Indian Pipes, a rather rare wildflower.
Sometime after mother learned telegraphy, the "Girls' School" changed its name to Montevallo College, and it was that for years, finally changing, fairly recently, I believe, to the University of Montevallo.
The college campus took up maybe a
third of the town. Aldrich, all the blurbs said, was a coal camp village, "The home of Montevallo, the world's best coal." You could light that coal with a match! It would sputter like a pine knot, and flash into flame as quickly.
We went to school in Montevallo. Aldrich was nothing but the mine and offices, the railroad depot, and lots of mine houses.
The public school in Montevallo was one of the college buildings, but a big new 12-grade "high school" was being built nearby.
The business district was all of a block long. Wilson's Drugstore was on the corner. I so well remember the
marble-topped tables and wire-backed, wire-legged chairs there. With ceiling fans purring quietly overhead.
And I well remember the red-dog three miles from Aldrich to Montevallo!
Once when mother got sick and delirious from bee stings, I RAN that three miles at night, barefooted, to get the doctor (we didn't remember the six phones in Aldrich, one of them at the mine superintendent's home next door).
But my best memory of Aldrich is out that woods path to lovely Davis Falls, to pick those enchanting Indian Pipes, as lovely and interesting as telegraphy is scarce today.
What was interesting to me about this particular story was what we left out. He was telling me about that three-mile moonlight run to Montevallo when he was 11 and a half years old. The older three kids had stayed back to care for their mom, and he was scared to death that she might die. He said he'd never run so hard in his life. When he got to the doc's house, he was so out of breath he couldn't speak for over a minute. The good doctor had put his bag in the back, started up his car, and put young Adrian in the front seat beside him for the three-mile ride back to Aldrich. I'd asked him any number of questions to help get his memory in gear while he was writing the story, and one of them had been if he'd recalled the doctor's name.
"Givhan," he'd replied without missing a beat. "G-I-V-H-A-N, Givhan."
My whole purpose in putting this page together is and has been to try to throw some light on just who these "mystery people" were whose pictures appear in the Old Photo Album with my ancestors'. So tonight when I saw and read for the first time Mr. DuBose's article about Edgar Gilmore Givhan, M. D., above, and realized he just had to have been the doctor who treated my grandmother for bee stings that summer's night in 1928, I got a little shiver to think that even though we're likely not really blood related to these Givhans, Holmes, or Timberlakes, this story might just have swung full circle.]
Milldale, Warren County, Virginia
April 2, 1890Mr. J. C. S. Timberlake
Monticello, FloridaMy Dear Sir and Relation,
For such I can learn you to be, in tracing the biography of our family and in writing up its history, I find we have all descended from the same English ancestors consisting of three brothers, Richard, John, and James, and their half sister, Sallie Crump, all of whom came to Virginia in the year 1738 and settled, my great grandfather Richard (the elder) on the Pamunkey River, John at Port Royal, and James emigrated to Illinois, from whose descendants the family has spread out over western Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, Kansas, etc.
John's posterity settled in Fluvanna and about Charlottesville, Louisa County, in lower Virginia, and emigrated to North Carolina, Tennessee, and the South-west, and a branch of them into Kentucky, about Lexington.
Richard, my great grandfather, and his posterity settled very largely in lower Virginia, and of whose children, three brothers, David my grandfather, Harfield and William came to the valley of Virginia, then a new country, raised large families and grew rich and prosperous.
I have just learned of you from a Mr. Carroll, of Charleston, West Virginia, Jefferson County, where I have, or I should say we have, numerous Timberlake relations. Mr. Carroll said he was visiting Florida during the winter and stopped at a splendid hotel in Monticello kept by Mr. J.C.S. Timberlake, whom he described as being a whole souled, affable and agreeable gentleman, which is characteristic of our name everywhere and like all the rest of the name, love good living. Mr. Carroll had with him a printed menu and was quite delighted with the proprietor, the hotel, and the bill of fare. He said you told him you were kin to all of the Timberlakes.
So now, with this introductory as to the biography of the family, I am most anxious to hear from you and want you to trace back for me as near as you can, your family on both your paternal and maternal sides as far as you can go. Name your grandfather's brothers and sisters, where they lived. Also name your father's brothers and sisters, and that will enable me to know what generations you or they belong to, and will be easy to trace the relationship to my grandfather, my father and yourselves.
My father, Richard Harfield Timberlake, had only three children, myself the eldest (John S. Timberlake), Richard Lewis, my second brother who was killed during the Confederate War, and my brother Thomas W. Timberlake, who lives near me, and is six feet, three inches tall.
I was born February 16, 1833, Richard was four years younger, and Thomas W. is seven years my junior. I was fifty seven last February 16, 1890.
Permit me to say as a family, we Timberlakes have a great analogy of family traits and resemblance's, and which has been largely perpetuated by numerous intermarriages. We have a family record that has never been surpassed, if equaled, by so large a posterity and so remarkably distinguished for their excellent traits of character wherever found and which is the same everywhere, This may be due largely to the fact that we descend from the old English Anglo Saxons, from whom I have traced our stock, and that the grandfather of our great grandfathers was an old English Nobleman of London, where our family came from and where the name is numerous.
My great grandmother was a Harfield, a lady of the Court of Queen Ann, and that illustrious Queen sent her (my great grandmother), together with my great grandfather and his two brothers, to America in a chartered vessel. The Timberlake urbanity of manner, love of style, good living, etc, is therefore easily traced to nobility itself.
I wish your photo, if possible give me your size, height, description of complexion, color of hair and eyes. Also your age. (If you are an old bachelor, I will keep that a secret)
Now, my father's family; My father's mother was Mary Davis a niece of President Jeff Davis and a daughter of the President's father's brother. My wife is my third cousin, whose mother's grandmother was the sister of our great grandfather, and she married her third cousin, John Casllen [aka CASTLIN], of Macon Georgia who was my father's first cousin. His (Casllen's) mother was a sister to my father's father. I married Carrie Virginia Casllen, my third cousin, at Macon, Georgia, May 1st, 1860.
My brother's wife's great great grandmother was a Miss Bell, and 1/2 sister to George Washington's mother, and on her father's side, related to General Robert E. Lee. Her mother (my brother's wife's mother) was a Timberlake; my father's first cousin, and she is therefore my brother's third cousin, and his wife is third cousin to my wife.
I graduated at the Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia. My brother Thomas W. Timberlake graduated at the University of Virginia. We are farmers, and live near each other.
Respectfully, your relation
John S. Timberlake
---Name----------(City,Co.,St.)--------Age--<Est.YOB>--POB--Sex--Relat2HoH--RaceAllie GIVHAN Summerfield, Dallas, AL 50 <1830> Alabama Female Wife Black
Daniel GIVHAN Summerfield, Dallas, AL 22 <1858> Alabama Male Son Black
Golddust GIVHAN Summerfield, Dallas, AL 14 <1866> Alabama Male Son Black
Harriet GIVHAN Summerfield, Dallas, AL 20 <1860> Alabama Female Dau Black
Madison GIVHAN Summerfield, Dallas, AL 10 <1870> Alabama Male Son Black
Mat GIVHAN Summerfield, Dallas, AL 50 <1830> Alabama Male Self Black
Stanford GIVHAN Summerfield, Dallas, AL 12 <1868> Alabama Male Son Black
Peter GIVHAN Valley Creek, Dallas, AL 33 <1847> Alabama Male Self Black
Rhody GIVHAN Valley Creek, Dallas, AL 24 <1856> Alabama Female Wife Black
Sallie GIVHAN Valley Creek, Dallas, AL 7M <1879> Alabama Female Dau Black20
Charley GIVHAN Braggs, Lowndes, AL 15 <1865> ALA Male SSon
Chlora GIVHAN Braggs, Lowndes, AL 15 <1865> ALA Female Dau
Columbus GIVHAN Braggs, Lowndes, AL 23 <1857> ALA Male Self
Dennis GIVHAN Braggs, Lowndes, AL 59 <1821> ALA Male Self
Dennis GIVHAN Braggs, Lowndes, AL 2 <1878> ALA Male Son
Elbert GIVHAN Braggs, Lowndes, AL 16 <1864> ALA Male SSon
Ellen GIVHAN Braggs, Lowndes, AL 41 <1839> ALA Female Self
Frank GIVHAN Braggs, Lowndes, AL 55 <1825> ALA Male Self
Frank GIVHAN Braggs, Lowndes, AL 6 <1874> ALA Male Son
Henry GIVHAN Braggs, Lowndes, AL 9 <1871> ALA Male SonJenny GIVHAN Braggs, Lowndes, AL 8 <1872> ALA Female Dau
Julian GIVHAN Braggs, Lowndes, AL 32 <1848> ALA Female Wife
Kate GIVHAN Braggs, Lowndes, AL 39 <1841> ALA Female Wife
Phibby GIVHAN Braggs, Lowndes, AL 15 <1865> ALA Female Dau
Rachael GIVHAN Braggs, Lowndes, AL 40 <1840> ALA Female Wife
Tom GIVHAN Braggs, Lowndes, AL 12 <1868> ALA Male Son
Tom GIVHAN Letohatchee, Lowndes, AL 20 <1860> Alabama Male Self
Winny GIVHAN Letohatchee, Lowndes, AL 40 <1840> Georgia Female Mother
Edie GIVHAN Prairie Hill & Gordonsville, Lowndes, AL 45 <1835> SC Female Wife
Frances GIVHAN Prairie Hill & Gordonsville, Lowndes, AL 2 <1878> AL F DauHenry GIVHAN Prairie Hill & Gordonsville, Lowndes, AL 13 <1867> AL Male Son
John GIVHAN Prairie Hill & Gordonsville, Lowndes, AL 5 <1875> AL Male Son
Moses GIVHAN Prairie Hill & Gordonsville, Lowndes, AL 47 <1833> AL Male Self
Adeline GIVHAN Steep Creek, Lowndes, AL 32 <1848> Alabama Female Wife
Gracie GIVHAN Steep Creek, Lowndes, AL 7 <1873> Alabama Female Dau
Mollie GIVHAN Steep Creek, Lowndes, AL 4 <1876> Alabama Female Dau
Somers GIVHAN Steep Creek, Lowndes, AL 60 <1820> South Carolina Male Self
Somers GIVHAN Steep Creek, Lowndes, AL 18 <1862> Alabama Male Son
Violet GIVHAN Steep Creek, Lowndes, AL 9 <1871> Alabama Female Dau
Thomas GIVHAN Marion, Perry, AL 31 <1849> AL M BroLName: Thomas GIVHAN50
Age: 31
Estimated birth year: <1849>
Birthplace: Alabama
Occupation: Clerk
Relation: BroL
Home in 1880: Marion, Perry, Alabama
Marital status: Single
Race: White
Gender: Male
Father's birthplace: SC
Mother's birthplace: VA
Head of household: William WILKERSONName: William WILKERSONI thought that these three individual entries would make it clear that Thomas Givhan is the younger brother of Sarah Wilkerson; however, Thomas' parents were b. in SC and VA, and Sarah's were both from NC!
Age: 46
Estimated birth year: <1834>
Birthplace: Alabama
Occupation: Physician
Relation: Self
Home in 1880: Marion, Perry, Alabama
Marital status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
Head of household: William WILKERSON
Father's birthplace: KY
Mother's birthplace: GAName: Sarah WILKERSON
Age: 45
Estimated birth year: <1835>
Birthplace: Alabama
Occupation: Keeping House
Relation: Wife
Home in 1880: Marion, Perry, Alabama
Marital status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Female
Head of household: William WILKERSON
Father's birthplace: NC
Mother's birthplace: NCThis, therefore, would almost have to indicate that the "brother-in-law" relationship between Thomas Givhan and Dr. William Wilkerson would connect Thomas' wife as a sister of William; however, Thomas is listed as "single", not "widowed" or "divorced"!
Can you figure it out for me?
A. GIVHAN Pope, Perry, AL 38 <1842> Alabama Male Self
A. D. GIVHAN Pope, Perry, AL 31 <1849> Alabama Male Self
Anna GIVHAN Pope, Perry, AL 15 <1865> Alabama Female Dau
Clark GIVHAN Pope, Perry, AL 9 <1871> Alabama Male Son
Hattie GIVHAN Pope, Perry, AL 4 <1876> Alabama Female Dau
Jacob GIVHAN Pope, Perry, AL 7 <1873> Alabama Male Son
Jennie GIVHAN Pope, Perry, AL 34 <1846> Alabama Female Wife
M. M. GIVHAN Pope, Perry, AL 25 <1855> Alabama Female WifeMary GIVHAN Pope, Perry, AL 55 <1825> SC SC SC F Widowed Self White
Sarah GIVHAN Pope, Perry, AL 26 <1854> Alabama Female Dau White
Sletla GIVHAN Pope, Perry, AL 11 <1869> Alabama Female Dau
Susan GIVHAN Pope, Perry, AL 39 <1841> Alabama Female Dau
V. N. GIVHAN Pope, Perry, AL 2 <1878> Alabama Female Dau
W. L. GIVHAN Pope, Perry, AL 3 <1877> Alabama Male Son
Walter GIVHAN Pope, Perry, AL 13 <1867> Alabama Male SonMinnie GIVHAN Gainesville, Hall, GA, 12 <1868> AL F Nieceunnamed GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 3M <1880> Mississippi Male Son
A. GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 70 <1810> Alabama Male Self
Aaron GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 5 <1875> Mississippi Male Son
Abbie GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 18 <1862> Mississippi Female DauAdaline GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 19 <1861> Mississippi Female DauL
Adeline GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 2 <1878> Mississippi Female Other
Allen GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 11 <1869> Mississippi Male Son
Amie GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 70 <1810> Tennessee Female Wife
Amie GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 16 <1864> Mississippi Female Dau
Andr. GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 50 <1830> Alabama Male Self
Annie GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 5 <1875> Mississippi Female Other
Archy GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 28 <1852> Mississippi Male Son
Archy GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 5 <1875> Mississippi Male Son
Ben GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 55 <1825> Alabama Male SelfBetsy GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 50 <1830> Alabama Female Wife
Betsy GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 12 <1868> Mississippi Female Dau
Bettey GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 17 <1863> Mississippi Female Dau
Bud GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 3 <1877> Mississippi Male Son
Bunatt GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 46 <1834> Mississippi Male Self
Bush GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 7 <1873> Mississippi Male Son
Caroline GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 3 <1877> Mississippi Male Son
Charles GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 2 <1878> Mississippi Male GSon
Charley GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 9 <1871> Mississippi Male Son
Cinda GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 24 <1856> Mississippi Female Dau90
Cotton GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 22 <1858> Mississippi Male Other
Daniel GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 18 <1862> Mississippi Male Son
Davd GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 25 <1855> Mississippi Male Self
Della GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 10M <1879> Mississippi Female Dau
Dolly GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 8 <1872> Mississippi Female Dau
Ed GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 3 <1877> Mississippi Male Son
Edith GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 49 <1831> Virginia Female Wife
Elizabeth GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 20 <1860> Mississippi Female Other
Emily GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 35 <1845> Mississippi Female Wife
Emily GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 5 <1875> Mississippi Female GDauEmily GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 4 <1876> Mississippi Female Dau
Erasmus GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 12 <1868> Mississippi Male Son
Fannie S. GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 21 <1859> Mississippi Female Dau
Frank GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 26 <1854> Mississippi Male Self
George GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 3 <1877> Mississippi Male Son
George GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 2 <1878> Mississippi Male Other
Henry D. GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 2 <1878> Mississippi Male Son
J. E. GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 24 <1856> Mississippi Male Son
Jacob GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 25 <1855> Mississippi Male Other
Jacob GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 6 <1874> Mississippi Male SonJames S. GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 17 <1863> Mississippi Male Son
Jas. M. GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 57 <1823> Alabama Male Self
Jennie GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 20 <1860> Mississippi Female Dau
Jennie GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 80 <1800> South Carolina Female Mother
Jenny GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 20 <1860> Mississippi Female Other
Jerry GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 61 <1819> Virginia Male Self
Jessee C. GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 22 <1858> Mississippi Female Dau
John GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 60 <1820> Alabama Male Self
John GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 4 <1876> Mississippi Male Other
John GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 6 <1874> Mississippi Male NephewJohn GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 14 <1866> Mississippi Male Son
John GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 14 <1866> Mississippi Male Other
Julia GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 30 <1850> Mississippi Female Dau
Julia GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 1 <1879> Mississippi Female Dau
Katie GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 3 <1877> Mississippi Female GDau
L. H. GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 29 <1851> Mississippi Female SDau
Lewis GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 23 <1857> Mississippi Male Son
Lilly GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 7 <1873> Mississippi Female Dau
Lou GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 19 <1861> Mississippi Female Wife
Lou GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 14 <1866> Mississippi Female Dau130
Lou GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 7 <1873> Mississippi Female Dau
M. B. GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 46 <1834> Alabama Female Self
M. J. GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 23 <1857> Mississippi Female Self
Margaret GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 39 <1841> Alabama Female Wife
Mariah GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 6 <1874> Mississippi Female Other
Mariah GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 10 <1870> Mississippi Female Dau
Martha GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 5 <1875> Mississippi Female Dau
Mary GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 14 <1866> Mississippi Female Dau
Mary GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 5 <1875> Mississippi Female Dau
Mary E. GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 20 <1860> Mississippi Female DauMary J. GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 12 <1868> Mississippi Female Other
Mollie GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 13 <1867> Mississippi Female Dau
Moses GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 63 <1817> South Carolina Male Self
Moses GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 52 <1828> Alabama Male Self
Moses GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 9 <1871> Mississippi Male Son
Nancy GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 4 <1876> Mississippi Female Other
Nellie GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 15 <1865> Mississippi Female SDau
Norcis GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 8 <1872> Mississippi Female GDau
Pard GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 55 <1825> Alabama Male Self Race: Black
Paul GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 5 <1875> Mississippi Male SonPeter GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 7 <1873> Mississippi Male GSon
Phil GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 55 <1825> AL Male Self Race: Black
Philis GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 40 <1840> Alabama Female Wife
Rachel GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 18 <1862> Mississippi Female Other
Rose GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 20 <1860> Mississippi Female Dau
Rosie GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 16 <1864> Mississippi Female Dau
Sallie GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 18 <1862> Mississippi Female GDau
Sallie GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 1 <1879> Mississippi Female GDau
Sarah GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 10 <1870> Mississippi Female Dau
Sarah GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 12 <1868> Mississippi Female DauSawny GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 25 <1855> Mississippi Male Son
Soliman GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 13 <1867> Mississippi Male Son
Solm GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 14 <1866> Mississippi Male Other
Sophia GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 40 <1840> Mississippi Female Wife
Susan GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 49 <1831> Alabama Female W Mar Wife
Susan E. GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 50 <1830> North Carolina Female Wife
Susan M. GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 18 <1862> Mississippi Female Dau
Thomas GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 10 <1870> Mississippi Male Son
Toad GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 9 <1871> Mississippi Male Son
W. W. GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 26 <1854> Mississippi Male Son170
Wash GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 12 <1868> Mississippi Male B Sing GSon
Will GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 2 <1878> Mississippi Male Other
Willie P. GIVHAN Pontotoc, MS 18 <1862> Mississippi Female Dau
Isaac GIVHAN Precinct 1, Fort Bend, TX 42 <1838> Georgia Male Self Race: Black
Leonard GIVHAN Precinct 1, Fort Bend, TX 16 <1864> Texas Male Son
Sealy GIVHAN Precinct 1, Fort Bend, TX 50 <1830> Alabama Female Wife
M. These are copies of some of my correspondence with Ms. Carol Rackley and others
Joseph P Givhan (retired) Martin's Station Dallas County, Alabama
as per "Directory of Alabama Physicians 1886" compiled by Patsy Page cr 1995, copy in Bluebonnet Library, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana
I xeroxed a page of the 1860 Alabama Census Index...some of them transcribed Girhan, Givan, Given, Givens, Givon etc....that sure which one, if any, is Joseph P. Givhan. I can't remember if you found him in 1860 census or not.
Best regards,
Katherine HillRackley <c n r a c k 8 0 @ o n e c a l l i n c . c o m> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: E d G i v h a n @ a o l . c o m
To: c n r a c k 8 0 @ o n e c a l l i n c . c o m
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: Joseph Philip GivhanHe received his medical degree from the Alabama Medical School in Birmingham in the 1870s. This was the predecessor of the Medical School in Mobile. I have documentation of this. Let me know if you want copies.
I am a Dallas County, AL, Givhan; and I correspond with Carol Rackley.
I will be 65 on 9/19/2005; I was born 9/19/1940.My g-g grandfather Jacob Givhan married Mary Holmes, daughter of Anderson Holmes.
I own a farm in south Perry County, AL - site of the Holmes Cemetery where Anderson Holmes, Jacob Givhan and wife Mary Holmes are buried.
My ancestry:Philip Givhan -Sincerely,
Job Philip Givhan -
Jacob Givhan -
Anderson Holmes Givhan -
Walter Pope Givhan -
John Anderson Givhan -
(me) John Brandon Givhan; my wife: Martha Elizabeth James Givhan -
(my children): John Anderson Givhan II and Endsley Elizabeth Givhan Bolen -
(my grandson: John Bruce Bolen, born 11/6/2003
John Brandon Givhan
1009 Stratford Ct
Andalusia, AL 36420
334 222 2929
ol_copter_pilot120 at yahoo dot com
From: "Rackley" <cnrack82 at onecallinc dot com>
Date: Sat Oct 08, 2005 10:20:32 AM US/Mountain
To: "John Gwin" <>
Subject: Minnie GivhanThis info would have been sent much sooner, but I...could not get on the internet till yesterday.
In going through some papers sent to me before his death last year by Dr. Edgar G. Givhan III, Montgomery, Ala., great-grandson of Dr. Joseph Philip and Mary Holmes Givhan (twin sister of Martha "Mattie" Holmes Timberlake), I found that he had listed a wedding invitation from Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Givhan to the marriage of Joseph R. Hill and their daughter, Minerva (Minnie) Givhan February 17, 1889.
In the 1920 census, they are living in Gulfport, MS. with one daughter, Jane, age 24. I could not find Joseph's occupation on the entry, but he was 60 years old and was born in Georgia. I have been unable to locate them in the 1930 census. In a previous letter to you, I had related that I had found a record of her married name and that they later lived in Gulfport and either New Mexico or Mexico. At about that time (early 1900s), some of her cousins moved to Mexico. If she and Joseph did move there, tracing them would be difficult if not impossible.
In my last communication with Edgar, he thought the "Mrs. Holmes" in your album was probably Mrs. Jesse Holmes, mother of Minnie and Mattie. Jesse and Frances Whitlock Holmes owned a large farm in Perry County, AL. In the years between 1830-1860, several descendants of Anderson Holmes, a prominent lawyer and judge from SC, married descendants of Philip Givhan, a plantation owner from Givhan's Ferry, Colleton Co., SC, whose children were early settlers of Dallas and Lowndes Counties in AL. There were some instances where cousins married each other.
That is all the information I have that concerns your search. Hope this helps.
Carol Rackley
Res/Fam |
Name |
Age |
Sex |
Race |
Occupation |
Comments |
317/451 |
James |
26 |
m |
w |
County Tax Collector |
SC |
the county tax collector, and as I was learning this, Paul
Whaley sent me a copy of an 1869 tax receipt written and signed by this
same James! (see item O. immediately below) |
Martha |
25 |
f |
w |
AL |
Res/Fam |
Name |
Relat to HoH |
Race |
Sex |
Age |
Marr. Stat. |
Yrs. Mrrd. |
Ch. b. |
Ch. Lvg. |
Occupation |
Comments |
311/325 |
L. |
head |
w |
m |
Aug 1844 |
55 |
m |
30 |
SC |
SC |
SC |
Hotel keeper |
family! From South Carolina, to Athens, Alabama, to Selma,
Alabama, to Georgia, to Florida, to Arkansas, then in 1910, to Biloxi,
Mississippi! |
Martha |
wife |
w |
f |
Aug 1849 |
50 |
m |
30 |
1 |
1 |
AL |
SC |
SC |
A. |
daughter |
w |
f |
Sep 1882 |
17 |
s |
AL |
SC |
AL |
At school |
be a "miracle baby" (i.e., after 13 evidently barren years,
this one--and no more!--shows up). Since she is not living with her
parents in Biloxi, MS, in 1910, I assume she has married and is living
elsewhere, perhaps here in Arkansas. Her suvival to adulthood makes DESCENDANTS POSSIBLE. |
Address Res/Fam |
Name |
Relat to HoH |
Race |
Sex |
Age |
Marr. Stat. |
this Mrrg. |
Ch. b. |
Ch. Lvg. |
Occupation |
Comments |
102 East Beach 152/157 |
C. |
head |
w |
m |
66 |
m1 |
43 |
SC |
SC |
SC |
Hotel Proprietor |
Martha |
wife |
w |
f |
63 |
m1 |
43 |
1 |
1 |
AL |
SC |
SC |
Ida |
boarder |
w |
f |
37 |
m1 |
21 |
2 |
2 |
NY |
NY |
NY |
Orita |
servant |
w |
f |
19 |
s |
MS |
MS |
MS |
Hotel Waitress |
An Attempt to Piece Together Data from Four Sources |
Table of Contents
April 2,
My Dear Sir and Relation,
For such I can learn you to be, in tracing the biography of our family and in writing up its history, I find we have all descended from the same English ancestors consisting of three brothers, Richard, John, and James, and their half sister, Sallie Crump, all of whom came to Virginia in the year 1738 and settled, my great grandfather Richard (the elder) on the Pamunkey River, John at Port Royal, and James emigrated to Illinois, from whose descendants the family has spread out over western Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, Kansas, etc.
John's posterity settled in Fluvanna and about Charlottesville, Louisa County, in lower Virginia, and emigrated to North Carolina, Tennessee, and the South-west, and a branch of them into Kentucky, about Lexington.
Richard, my great grandfather, and his posterity settled very largely in lower Virginia, and of whose children, three brothers, David my grandfather, Harfield and William came to the valley of Virginia, then a new country, raised large families and grew rich and prosperous.
I have just learned of you from a Mr. Carroll, of Charleston, West Virginia, Jefferson County, where I have, or I should say we have, numerous Timberlake relations. Mr. Carroll said he was visiting Florida during the winter and stopped at a splendid hotel in Monticello kept by Mr. J.C.S. Timberlake, whom he described as being a whole souled, affable and agreeable gentleman, which is characteristic of our name everywhere and like all the rest of the name, love good living. Mr. Carroll had with him a printed menu and was quite delighted with the proprietor, the hotel, and the bill of fare. He said you told him you were kin to all of the Timberlakes.
So now, with this introductory as to the biography of the family, I am most anxious to hear from you and want you to trace back for me as near as you can, your family on both your paternal and maternal sides as far as you can go. Name your grandfather's brothers and sisters, where they lived. Also name your father's brothers and sisters, and that will enable me to know what generations you or they belong to, and will be easy to trace the relationship to my grandfather, my father and yourselves.
My father, Richard Harfield Timberlake, had only three children, myself the eldest (John S. Timberlake), Richard Lewis, my second brother who was killed during the Confederate War, and my brother Thomas W. Timberlake, who lives near me, and is six feet, three inches tall.
I was born February 16, 1833, Richard was four years younger, and Thomas W. is seven years my junior. I was fifty seven last February 16, 1890.
Permit me to say as a family, we Timberlakes have a great analogy of family traits and resemblances, and which has been largely perpetuated by numerous intermarriages. We have a family record that has never been surpassed, if equaled, by so large a posterity and so remarkably distinguished for their excellent traits of character wherever found and which is the same everywhere, This may be due largely to the fact that we descend from the old English Anglo Saxons, from whom I have traced our stock, and that the grandfather of our great-grandfather's was an old English Nobleman of London, where our family came from and where the name is numerous.
My great-grandmother was a Harfield, a lady of the Court of Queen Ann, and that illustrious Queen sent her (my great grandmother), together with my great-grandfather and his two brothers, to America in a chartered vessel. The Timberlake urbanity of manner, love of style, good living, etc, is therefore easily traced to nobility itself.
I wish your photo, if possible give me your size, height, description of complexion, color of hair and eyes. Also your age. (If you are an old bachelor, I will keep that a secret.)
Now, my father's family; My father's mother was Mary Davis a niece of President Jeff Davis and a daughter of the President's father's brother. My wife is my third cousin, whose mother's grandmother was the sister of our great-grandfather, and she married her third cousin, John Casllen [aka CASTLIN], of Macon Georgia who was my father's first cousin. His (Casllen's) mother was a sister to my father's father. I married Carrie Virginia Casllen, my third cousin, at Macon, Georgia, May 1st, 1860.
My brother's wife's great great grandmother was a Miss Bell, and 1/2 sister to George Washington's mother, and on her father's side, related to General Robert E. Lee. Her mother (my brother's wife's mother) was a Timberlake; my father's first cousin, and she is therefore my brother's third cousin, and his wife is third cousin to my wife.
I graduated at the Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia. My brother Thomas W. Timberlake graduated at the University of Virginia. We are farmers, and live near each other.
Respectfully, your relation
John S. Timberlake
22.01--Richard Timberlake;
1708 arrived VA in 1738 from England and settled on the
Pamunkey River; m. Ms.
Harfield (sent by Queen Anne to America with the
Timberlake brothers)
23.00--Harfield Timberlake
23.00--William Timberlake
23.00--David Timberlake; b. est. 1749; m. Mary A. Davis, his niece [first cousin?]
of CSA Pres Jefferson Davis, d/o Jeff Davis' uncle;
24.00--Richard Harfield Timberlake;
1802; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. Harriet
C. (nee unk.; b. ca. 1808; d. unk.; bd. unk.); at least 3
Timberlake, CONTRIBUTOR (i. e., writer, at
age 57, of the letter of 2 Apr 1890; b. 16 Feb 1833 "at Sherwood"; d.
21 Jun 1901; bd. Prospect
Cem., Front Royal, Warren Co., VA--Find A Grave Memorial# 25304952--Inscription:
Born at Sherwood"; m. 1 May 1860 to Carrie Virginia Castlen
(his 3rd cousin, whose maternal great-grandmother, Ms. Bell, was
half-sister of George Washington's mother...confusing here; b. 1 Apr
1840 in GA; d. 29 Dec 1918; bd. Prospect
Cem., Front Royal, Warren Co., VA--Find A Grave Memorial# 25304997--Inscription:
at least 2 ch.
26.01--Georgia Virginia Timberlake,
Feb 1861; d. 8 Jun 1909; bd. Prospect
Cem., Front Royal, Warren Co., VA--Find A Grave Memorial# 25582387--Inscription:
J. S. & C. V. Timberlake; Rest in Peace ; m. Thomas J. Strange (b. 1
Oct 1864; d. 1 Sep 1941; bd. Prospect
Cem., Front Royal, Warren Co., VA--Find A Grave Memorial# 25582381);
26.02--Evine B. Timberlake, b. ca. 1865
26.03--Leila Castlen Timberlake, b. 9 Aug 1868; d. 1 Jan 1942; bd. Mount Hebron Cem., Winchester, Winchester City, VA--Find A Grave Memorial# 40575240; m. John Augustus Thomson (b.4 Jan 1876;d. 19 Aug 1960; bd. Mount Hebron Cem., Winchester, Winchester City, VA--Find A Grave Memorial# 40575212);
26.04--Thomas Andreus Timberlake,
1871; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. Lillian
M. (nee unk.; b.
ca. 1883;
bd. unk.); at least two ch.
27.01--Alfred L. Timberlake, b.
ca. 1900; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.
27.01--Ronald G. Timberlake, b. ca. 1903; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.
26.05--Richard Davis "Harfield" Timberlake,
d. 1952; bd. Prospect
Cem., Front Royal, Warren Co., VA--Find A Grave Memorial# 14960978;
Florence Moody Bush
(b. 9 May 1890 in Crittenden VA; d. 24 Oct 1964; bd. Prospect
Cem., Front Royal, Warren Co., VA--Find A Grave Memorial# 14960987);
26.06--Eliza Castlen Timberlake,
26.07--Cassius Castlen Timberlake,
Mar 1880; d. 11 May 1909; bd. Prospect
Cem., Front Royal, Warren Co., VA--Find A Grave Memorial# 25304972;
unk. ch.
25.02--Richard Lewis Timberlake, b. ca.
killed in Civil War, age ca. 23-28; bd. unk.; m. unk.; unk. ch.
25.03--Thomas W. Timberlake, b.
ca. 1840; d. unk.; bd. unk.; 6' 3" tall; m. Fannie J. G. (nee unk. [but probably Greggs, as a
female is listed in this household in the 1870 census as Fannie Greggs,
72, and "in this family"], b. ca. 1841-2; d. unk.; bd.
unk.); unk. ch.
[John S. Timberlake
Note: Fannie and Thomas are 3rd cousins; she is
also 3rd cousin to Thomas' brother's wife, 25.01--Carrie
V. Castlen, above]
22.03--James Timberlake,
in 1738 from England and emigrated to Illinois
m2. the stepparent of Richard,
John, and James
22.04--Sally Crump, half-sister to Richard, John, and James, and arrived with them in VA in 1738 from England
24.00--Richard J. Timberlake,
d. bef. 1880; bd. unk.; m. Martha
Jane (nee unk.;
b. 30 Sep 1818 in SC; d. 15 Jun 1885; bd. Alta
Cem., Gainesville, Hall Co., GA--Plot: Block 6, Lot 41, Grave
N1--Find A Grave Memorial# 68538982);
one ch.
25.00--James Charles S. Timberlake, b. ca. 1844 in SC; d. unk.; bd. unk.; m. Martha "Mattie" Holmes (b. ca. 1850 in AL; d. unk.; bd. unk.); at least one ch.
Gwin Note: Google
Books has made available online the book, Reports of
Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Alabama During
December Term, 1877, Vol. LIX
by John W. A. Sanford, Special Reporter, published in Montgomery, Ala.,
by Joel White in 1879. In one report, "Timberlake V. Brewer" (pp.
110-123), James C. S. Timberlake, 1870 tax collector for Dallas Co.,
AL, is charged by Dallas County Auditor Brewer with not turning over to
the Dallas County Treasury the taxes Timberlake collected for 1870 (in
the amount of some $25,000+) and is instructed by the court to repay
this amount plus interest and expenses, the total being $40,000.
Timberlake and the five individuals designated as his securities appeal
the decision on numerous technicalities and appear to have won the
appeal. So the question is raised: did they get to
keep the money?]
26.01--Martha A. Timberlake (b.
ca. 1882 in AL; d. unk.; bd. unk.); unk. ch.
Janet's attachment:
[with John M. Gwin's Notes/Comments in this brown] Alexander A.
Timberlake [Janet's
27] was
born in York County, SC.
This is documented on 1850 Census. [Following is her
analysis of
data 1820-1900ff:] 1820
There are no Timberlakes found in York Co., SC, in 1820. 1830
York County census lists only RICHARD TIMBERLAKE: 1 male
50-59 thus born 1771-1880
1 male 10-14 born 1816-1820 poss. Richard J. 1819, York Co. 2 males 5-9 born 1821-1825 poss. Alex, 1823, York Co. and John, 1825 1 male under 5 born 1825-1829 or this could be John 1840
no York census; Records possibly lost or missing. 1850
South Carolina----three [five]
Timberlakes listed: Richard J. Timberlake 31, born [ca.
in York Co., SC, and Martha, 31, b. in York [appear
parents of James Charles S. Timberlake]
James [appears to be James Charles S. Timberlake], 6, born in York, SC Alexander Timberlake 27, born [ca. 1823] in York John Timberlake, 25, born [ca. 1825] in York; [The proximity of
these three men's ages and
locations suggests that they may be brothers.]
SC----Three Timberlakes listed:
Richard Timberlake 40 (Alex now
in FL)
Martha Timberlake 41 Easter [Ester?] Timberlake, age [20 overwritten by] 70, [lvg. w/ Nancy Wright and Nancy's 3 ch.: Margaret
Fewel 12
John Fewel 9 Jackson Wright 2 (Is Nancy "Esther" 's daughter, widow of Mr. Fewel AND Mr. Wright??)] 1880
Martha J. Timberlake (61)
living with son
James C. Timberlake (36), his wife Mattie H. Timberlake (30) and niece [i.e. daughter of Mattie's sibling] Mattie Given [Givhan] (12) in Gainesville, Hall, GA [last three are same as those listed in the old photo album from Dallas Co., AL, about 1870] [1900 census of Mt.
Nebo, Yell Co., Arkansas James C. S. Timberlake
(hotel keeper, 55, b. Aug 1844 in SC/SC/SC), his wife
Martha Timberlake (50, b. Aug 1849 in AL/SC/SC, md. 30 y w/1 of 1 ch.lvg.), and their dau, Martha A. Timberlake (17, b. Sep 1882 in AL/SC/AL)] [first two are same as those listed in the old photo album from Dallas Co., AL, about 1870] Conclusion: Richard J., Alexander A. and
James C.
are children of Richard Timberlake as he is the only Timberlake
where they were born, and their ages fit the ages of his sons as shown
on the 1830 York Co. SC, the county of their births.
However, I did
not find records of a fourth son. I did not attempt to trace the
females of the family.