The following transcription is mine of a letter written in 1826 by Mr. Henry Etting concerning two quarter sections of land in the Cahaba District, Alabama. A copy of the original may be seen below the transcription; I copied it from an eBay offering in Nov 2007.

It appears that Mr. Etting is writing from Washington, D.C., to a Mr. Simon Natro (or some similar name) and his brother, presumably in the Cahaba area. Three other names are mentioned: a Mr. Pope, the "Register"; a Mr. EWd. Graham (evidently of the "Gen'l. Land Office" in Washington); and a Col. Wayne, from whom the new assignments were to be procured.

I searched for (and did not conclusively find) Mr. Henry Etting in the 1830 census and 1840 censuses, but I did find one who looks very promising in 1850 living in Philadelphia, PA: Henry Etting, age 50, Occ. U.S. Navy, with real estate holdings of $12,000, b. in MD.
I found him again in 1860
still living in Philadelphia, PA: Henry Etting, (still age 50!), Occ. U.S. Navy, living with Mary Etting, age 40, both b. in PA, no estate value listed.

Washington, Oct. 22, 1826
Messrs. Simon [Natro?] & Bro:
                                In compliance with the request you made, that I would enquire whether patent had issued for 2 qr sections of land in the Cahaba District Alabama, I called at the Gen'l. Land Office yesterday, and was informed that the Register had not yet been heard from in relation to this matter, [paper torn, word illegible] you complied with the request contained in a letter from them of 17th July [ulto?], which was equally necessary before the patents could issue.  -----  The Register (Mr. Pope) they informed me, had been absent from home, but had now returned, and they expected daily to receive from him the final certificates, [and?] which they required, -- but they must also have from you new assignments of the relinquished tracts as mentioned in their late letter (a copy of which they read me and think it probable you did not receive. ---it was my impression, as it was EWd Graham's, that these assignments had been sent by you to the office, more especially as your note to me says -- you had written to Mr. Graham the 5th August  -- the Clerks however can find no such letter, nor have they any recollection of it, -- if ever rcvd. it has been lost or mislaid and it will be necessary for you to procure said new assignments from Col. Wayne and forward them to the Genl. Land Office before your wishes in regard to this matter can be accomplished ---
          If I can be of any further service in this or any other business, I will, with much cheerfulness -----------
it will be several days before I leave the City.

I am very sincerely and afffectionately,
Henry Etting.

It may be proper to observe, that no communication from Col. Wayne on this subject has been recd. at the Office.